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Doprinos farmaceuta razvoju zdravstvene kulture u Vranju krajem 19. i u prvoj polovini 20. veka

dc.creatorArsić, Jasmina
dc.creatorKrajnović, Dušanka
dc.creatorArsić, Srboljub
dc.creatorMilošević-Georgiev, Andrijana
dc.creatorMarinković, Valentina
dc.description.abstractIntroduction Healthcare enlightenment and healthcare culture in Vranje and its region were under Turkish influence until the liberation in 1878, when the organisation of education, schooling and healthcare were initiated in the Vranje region Objective The aims of this study were to shed light on the beginning of the development of pharmaceutical personnel, and their contribution to healthcare culture development in Vranje and its region, with a focus on healthcare legislation and its impact on pharmaceutical service availability, and the analysis of pharmaceutical personnel development within the healthcare services. Methods We used the methods of documentation analysis and the desk analysis of the secondary information. Results At the beginning of the 19th century healthcare services in Vranje were still inexistent. After the liberation from the Turks, Naum's medical office with pharmacy was opened in Vranje. Although it did not comply with regulations, it presented the only formal source of supply of medications and sanitary material, and as such it gave its contribution to healthcare service at that time in Vranje. Mr ph. Stevan Varjacic, 1st class pharmacy assistant, worked at a temporary hospital from 1880 until January 1881, supplying with medications soldiers and residents of Vranje. The development of pharmaceutical schooling began in 1883, when a pharmacy was opened by the pharmacist Velimir Karic according to the Law on Healthcare Organization and People's Healthcare Maintenance. By the end of the 1930s there were ten civilian healthcare institutions in Vranje, even three of which were pharmacies. By the end of 1948, they were nationalized, and were renamed the City National Pharmacy of Vranje. Conclusion By the end of the 10th century, passing of the legislation on the regulations of pharmaceutical industry within healthcare services had an impact on Vranje that resulted in opening pharmacies with educated pharmaceutical personnel. Pharmacy owners changed, and the quality and continuity of medical supplies was always secured.en
dc.description.abstractUvod Zdravstvena prosvećenost i zdravstvena kultura u Vranju i vranjskom kraju bili su pod turskim uticajem do 1878. godine, kada je nakon oslobođenja od Turaka počela organizacija prosvete, školstva i zdravstva u ovom kraju. Cilj rada Ciljevi rada su bili osvetljavanje početaka razvoja apotekarskog kadra i doprinos farmaceuta razvoju zdravstvene kulture u Vranju i vranjskom kraju s osvrtom na zdravstvenu regulativu i njen uticaj na dostupnost usluga apotekarske službe i analizu razvoja farmaceutskog kadra u okviru zdravstvene službe. Metode rada Korišćene su metode dokumentacione analize i desk-analiza sekundarnih podataka. Rezultati Početkom 19. veka zdravstvena služba u Vranju još nije postojala. Nakon oslobođenja od Turaka u Vranju je radila ordinacija s apotekom felčera Nauma, koja je, iako nije bila usklađena s propisima, bila jedini formalni izvor snabdevanja lekovima i sanitetskim materijalom i kao takva dala doprinos tadašnjoj zdravstvenoj službi u Vranju. U privremenoj vranjskoj bolnici od 1880. godine do januara 1881. godine radio je apotekarski pomoćnik prve klase magistar farmacije Stevan Varjačić, a lekovima su se snabdevali vojnici i stanovnici Vranja. Razvoj školske farmacije počinje 1883. godine otvaranjem apoteke farmaceuta Velimira Karića u skladu s tada važećim Zakonom o uređenju sanitetske struke i o čuvanju narodnog zdravlja. Krajem tridesetih godina 20. veka u vranjskom kraju je radilo deset civilnih zdravstvenih ustanova, od kojih su čak tri bile apoteke. One su krajem 1948. godine podruštvljene i promenile naziv u 'Gradska narodna apoteka u Vranju'. Zaključak Postojanje zakonske regulative o uređenju farmaceutske delatnosti u okviru zdravstvene službe uticalo je na to da Vranje krajem 19. veka dobije apoteke sa školovanim farmaceutskim kadrom. Vlasnici apoteka su se menjali, ali kvalitet i kontinuitet u medicinskom snabdevanju uvek je bio obezbeđ
dc.publisherSrpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/41004/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/175036/RS//
dc.sourceSrpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
dc.subjecthealthcare cultureen
dc.subjectzdravstvena kulturasr
dc.titleContribution of pharmacists to the development of healthcare culture in Vranje by the end of the 19th century and in the first half of the 20th centuryen
dc.titleDoprinos farmaceuta razvoju zdravstvene kulture u Vranju krajem 19. i u prvoj polovini 20. vekasr
dcterms.abstractAрсић, Србољуб; Маринковић, Валентина; Крајновић, Душанка; Милошевић-Георгиев, Aндријана; Aрсић, Јасмина; Допринос фармацеута развоју здравствене културе у Врању крајем 19. и у првој половини 20. века; Допринос фармацеута развоју здравствене културе у Врању крајем 19. и у првој половини 20. века;
dc.citation.other142(11-12): 768-776

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