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dc.creatorStillhart, Cordula
dc.creatorVučićević, Katarina
dc.creatorAugustijns, Patrick
dc.creatorBasit, Abdul W.
dc.creatorBatchelor, Hannah
dc.creatorFlanagan, Talia R.
dc.creatorGesquiere, Ina
dc.creatorGreupink, Rick
dc.creatorKeszthelyi, Daniel
dc.creatorKoskinen, Mikko
dc.creatorMadla, Christine M.
dc.creatorMatthys, Christophe
dc.creatorMiljuš, Goran
dc.creatorMooij, Miriam G.
dc.creatorParrott, Neil
dc.creatorUngell, Anna-Lena
dc.creatorde Wildt, Saskia N.
dc.creatorOrlu, Mine
dc.creatorKlein, Sandra
dc.creatorMüllertz, Anette
dc.description.abstractThe release and absorption profile of an oral medication is influenced by the physicochemical properties of the drug and its formulation, as well as by the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. During drug development the bioavailability of a new drug is typically assessed in early clinical studies in a healthy adult population. However, many disease conditions are associated with an alteration of the anatomy and/or physiology of the GI tract. The same holds true for some subpopulations, such as paediatric or elderly patients, or populations with different ethnicity. The variation in GI tract conditions compared to healthy adults can directly affect the kinetics of drug absorption, and thus, safety and efficacy of an oral medication. This review provides an overview of GI tract properties in special populations compared to healthy adults and discusses how drug absorption is affected by these conditions. Particular focus is directed towards non-disease dependent conditions (age, sex, ethnicity, genetic factors, obesity, pregnancy), GI diseases (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, celiac disease, cancer in the GI tract, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, lactose intolerance, Helicobacter pylori infection, and infectious diseases of the GI tract), as well as systemic diseases that change the GI tract conditions (cystic fibrosis, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, HIV enteropathy, and critical illness). The current knowledge about GI conditions in special populations and their impact on drug absorption is still limited. Further research is required to improve confidence in pharmacokinetic predictions and dosing recommendations in the targeted patient population, and thus to ensure safe and effective drug therapies.en
dc.sourceEuropean Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
dc.subjectGastrointestinal tract physiology
dc.subjectOral bioavailability
dc.subjectOral drug absorption
dc.subjectSpecial populations
dc.titleImpact of gastrointestinal physiology on drug absorption in special populations––An UNGAP reviewen
dcterms.abstractМüллертз, Aнетте; Унгелл, Aнна-Лена; Парротт, Неил; Мооиј, Мириам Г.; Миљуш, Горан; Вучићевић, Катарина; Мадла, Цхристине М.; Коскинен, Микко; Кесзтхелyи, Даниел; Греупинк, Рицк; Гесqуиере, Ина; Фланаган, Талиа Р.; Батцхелор, Ханнах; Маттхyс, Цхристопхе; Цвијић, Сандра; Стиллхарт, Цордула; Aугустијнс, Патрицк; Басит, Aбдул W.; де Wилдт, Саскиа Н.; Орлу, Мине;
dcterms.relationCOST Action UNGAP (CA16205), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

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