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The Contribution of the First Female Pharmacists to the Development of Pharmaceutical Services in Zrenjanin

dc.creatorRadoš, Ljubica
dc.creatorKrajnović, Dušanka
dc.description.abstractDanas u farmaciji dominiraju žene. Istorijski podaci pokazuju da je to donedavno bila muška profesija. Medjutim, sredinom devetnaestog veka ženama se u svetu dozvoljava bavljenje apotekarstvom, a mogućnost da žene studiraju i vode apoteku dobijaju na prelazu iz devetnaestog u dvadeseti vek. Cilj rada je bio da se prikaže položaj i životni put prvih žena farmaceuta na teritoriji današnjeg Zrenjanina. Primenjena je dokumentaciona i istorijska analiza. Univerziteti na prostoru današnje Vojvodine primaju prve žene na studije farmacije u Ugarskoj (1895) i Austriji (1900). Prva žena, vlasnik apoteke na teritoriji Vojvodine je Ilona Halmoš Sege (1884-1944), koja je diplomirala farmaciju 1908. godine u Budimpešti. Prvu apoteku „Kod Svetog Stevana” otvorila je u Šupljaji, 1913. godine, a 1918. je prešla u Petrovgrad (današnji Zrenjanin) gde je kupila apoteku „Kod krune”. Iz međuratnog perioda zabeleženi su podaci o borbi apoteka za promete, kao i žalbe i nesuglasice vlasnika apoteka. Još jedna farmaceutkinja Vera Nikolić (1910-1989), kao kći farmaceuta i vlasnika apoteke „Kod anđela”, Emila Nikolića, preuzima od njega apoteku u međuratnom periodu, koju je vodila do nacionalizacije pedesetih godina prošlog veka, kada njena apoteka postaje „Šesta narodna apoteka”, a ona nastavlja da radi kao farmaceut do penzionisanja. Prve žene u farmaciji u Zrenjaninu su radile, borile se sa konkurecijom i opstale kao vlasnici apoteka više decenija, a njihov rad su prekinule istorijske ratne okolnosti. Iako u manjini, razvijale su i održavale apotekarstvo, i time dale doprinos razvoju zdravstva u ovom delu Banatskog regiona.sr
dc.description.abstractNowadays, women dominate pharmacy. They received the permission to study and run a pharmacy around the end of the 19 th and beginning of the 20th century. We aimed to present the position and life path of the first female pharmacists on the territory of today's municipality of Zrenjanin. Documentary and historical analysis were applied. Universities in the area of today's Vojvodina admitted women to study pharmacy in Budapest in 1895, and in Austria in 1900. The first female owner of a pharmacy in Vojvodina was Ilona Halmoš Sege, who graduated in 1908 in Budapest. She opened her first pharmacy "Kod Svetog Stevana" in Šupljaja in 1913, and she moved to Petrovgrad (Zrenjanin) in 1918, where she bought the pharmacy "Kod krune". In the interwar period mutual struggles of pharmacy owners for customers, complaints and disagreements. Another female pharmacist, Vera Nikolić, who was the daughter of Emil Nikolić, a pharmacist and owner of the pharmacy "Kod anđela", took over the pharmacy from her father in the interwar period. She led it until its nationalization in the 1950s, when her pharmacy became a state pharmacy , and she worked as a pharmacist until her retirement. The first women in pharmacy in Zrenjanin worked, fought with the competition, and survived as the owners of pharmacies for more decades, but their work was interrupted by historical war circumstances. Although in the minority, they developed and maintained apothecary profession and thus contributed to the development of healthcare in this part of the Banat.sr
dc.publisherSavez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)sr
dc.sourceArhiv za farmacijusr
dc.titleDoprinos prvih žena farmaceuta razvoju apotekarske službe u Zrenjaninusr
dc.titleThe Contribution of the First Female Pharmacists to the Development of Pharmaceutical Services in Zrenjaninsr
dc.citation.issue4 suplement
dc.description.otherVIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogradsr



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