Milović, Sanja

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  • Milović, Sanja (6)

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Endocan and a novel score for dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and inflammation (DOI score) are independently correlated with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes

Klisić, Aleksandra; Kavarić, Nebojša; Stanišić, Verica; Milović, Sanja; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna; Ninić, Ana; Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena

(Termedia Publishing House Ltd., 2020)

AU  - Klisić, Aleksandra
AU  - Kavarić, Nebojša
AU  - Stanišić, Verica
AU  - Milović, Sanja
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
AU  - Ninić, Ana
AU  - Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Introduction: We aimed to examine serum endocan level and the summary involvement of dyslipidemia, oxidative stress (OS) and inflammation by calculation of its comprehensive score (i.e. Dyslipidemia-Oxy-Inflammation (DOI) score) in relation to glucoregulation in subjects with prediabetes and overt type 2 diabetes (T2D). Material and methods: A total of 59 patients with prediabetes and 102 patients with T2D were compared with 117 diabetes-free controls. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), inflammation, OS and lipid parameters were measured. Associations of clinical data with HbA1c level were tested with univariate and multivariate logistic ordinal regression analysis. HbA1c as a dependent variable is given at the ordinal level (i.e. < 5.7%; 5.7-6.4%, > 6.4%, respectively). Results: Endocan was significantly higher in the T2D group than in the controls. As endocan concentration rose by 1 unit, the probability for higher HbA1c concentration increased by more than 3 times (OR = 3.69, 95% CI: 1.84-7.01, p < 0.001). Also, a rise in the dyslipidemia score, oxy score, inflammation score and DOI score by 1 unit increased the probability of higher HbA1c concentration by 19%, 13%, 51% and 11%, respectively. In the models, after adjustment for confounding variables, endocan and DOI score remained independent predictors of HbA1c level. Conclusions: Endocan and DOI score are independently correlated with HbA1c in patients with prediabetes and overt T2D.
PB  - Termedia Publishing House Ltd.
T2  - Archives of Medical Science
T1  - Endocan and a novel score for dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and inflammation (DOI score) are independently correlated with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes
VL  - 16
IS  - 1
SP  - 42
EP  - 50
DO  - 10.5114/aoms.2019.87541
ER  - 
author = "Klisić, Aleksandra and Kavarić, Nebojša and Stanišić, Verica and Milović, Sanja and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna and Ninić, Ana and Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Introduction: We aimed to examine serum endocan level and the summary involvement of dyslipidemia, oxidative stress (OS) and inflammation by calculation of its comprehensive score (i.e. Dyslipidemia-Oxy-Inflammation (DOI) score) in relation to glucoregulation in subjects with prediabetes and overt type 2 diabetes (T2D). Material and methods: A total of 59 patients with prediabetes and 102 patients with T2D were compared with 117 diabetes-free controls. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), inflammation, OS and lipid parameters were measured. Associations of clinical data with HbA1c level were tested with univariate and multivariate logistic ordinal regression analysis. HbA1c as a dependent variable is given at the ordinal level (i.e. < 5.7%; 5.7-6.4%, > 6.4%, respectively). Results: Endocan was significantly higher in the T2D group than in the controls. As endocan concentration rose by 1 unit, the probability for higher HbA1c concentration increased by more than 3 times (OR = 3.69, 95% CI: 1.84-7.01, p < 0.001). Also, a rise in the dyslipidemia score, oxy score, inflammation score and DOI score by 1 unit increased the probability of higher HbA1c concentration by 19%, 13%, 51% and 11%, respectively. In the models, after adjustment for confounding variables, endocan and DOI score remained independent predictors of HbA1c level. Conclusions: Endocan and DOI score are independently correlated with HbA1c in patients with prediabetes and overt T2D.",
publisher = "Termedia Publishing House Ltd.",
journal = "Archives of Medical Science",
title = "Endocan and a novel score for dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and inflammation (DOI score) are independently correlated with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes",
volume = "16",
number = "1",
pages = "42-50",
doi = "10.5114/aoms.2019.87541"
Klisić, A., Kavarić, N., Stanišić, V., Milović, S., Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V., Ninić, A.,& Kotur-Stevuljević, J.. (2020). Endocan and a novel score for dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and inflammation (DOI score) are independently correlated with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. in Archives of Medical Science
Termedia Publishing House Ltd.., 16(1), 42-50.
Klisić A, Kavarić N, Stanišić V, Milović S, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V, Ninić A, Kotur-Stevuljević J. Endocan and a novel score for dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and inflammation (DOI score) are independently correlated with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. in Archives of Medical Science. 2020;16(1):42-50.
doi:10.5114/aoms.2019.87541 .
Klisić, Aleksandra, Kavarić, Nebojša, Stanišić, Verica, Milović, Sanja, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, Ninić, Ana, Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena, "Endocan and a novel score for dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and inflammation (DOI score) are independently correlated with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes" in Archives of Medical Science, 16, no. 1 (2020):42-50, . .

Nutritivna, hemijska i biološka karakterizacija morskih algi Halimeda tuna, Codium bursa, Cystoseira barbata i morske trave Cymodocea nodosa iz Jadranskog mora

Milović, Sanja

(Универзитет у Београду, Фармацеутски факултет, 2020)

AU  - Milović, Sanja
PY  - 2020
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su tri morske alge: Halimeda tuna (J.Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux (Halimedaceae), Codium bursa (Olivi) C. Agardh(Codiaceae), Cystoseira barbata (Stackhouse) C. Agardh (Sargassaceae) i morskatrava Cymodocea nodosa (Urcia) Ascherson (Cymodoceaceae) iz Jadranskog mora.Nutritivna vrednost odabranih uzoraka je ispitivana korišćenjem zvaničnih AOAC(Association of Official Analytical Chemists) metoda. Najveću energetsku vrednost, unavedenim ispitivanjima, imala je zelena alga C. bursa (490,4 kcal).Metodom hladne maceracije u trajanju od 48 sati, dobijena su tri polarna ekstrakta:dihlormetan : metanolni (1:1) (DME), 70% metanolni i vodeni ekstrakt. Suvi ekstrakti su daljekorišćeni za biološka in vitro ispitivanja kao što su: antioksidativna, antimikrobna, anti α-glukozidazna i citotoksična aktivnost. DME ekstrakt H. tuna je pokazao najbolju citotoksičnuaktivnost prema ćelijama humanog karcinoma kolona, LS174 (IC50=17,92 ± 1,54 μg/ml).DME ekstrakt C. nodosa je pokazao snažnu citotoksičnu aktivnost prema ćelijama humanogadenokarcinoma, HeLa (IC50=13,28 ± 0,39 μg/ml) i prema ćelijama humane hroničnemijelogene leukemije, K562 (IC50=19,64 ± 1,55 μg/ml). Najbolju anti α-glukozidaznuaktivnost (IC50=9,98 ± 3,34 μg/ml) i najbolju antibakterijsku aktivnost (MIC 100 μg/ml)prema Staphylococcus aureus i Bacillus subtilis je ispoljio DME ekstrakt C. barbata.Razvojom odgovarajuće HPLC metode, kao i primenom odgovarajućih metodadetekcije identifikovana su tri jedinjenja (diosmetin-7-sulfat, kaftarinska i kutarinska kiselina)u DME ekstraktu morske trave C. nodosa.Sadržaj β-glukana, masnih kiselina, sterola i mikro- i makroelemenata je ispitivan usvim navedenim uzorcima. Najveći sadržaj β-glukana bio je u morskoj travi C. nodosa (13,04± 0,42 g/100 g). C. nodosa, morska trava, pokazala je najviši sadržaj polinezasićenih masnihkiselina (PUFA, 7,157 mg/g). Značajan sadržaj sterola (fukosterol, 21,76 ± 0,1 μg/g) i najboljiodnos polinezasićenih i zasićenih (SFA) masnih kiselina, PUFA/SFA (0,08) pokazan je kodmrke alge C. barbata. Zelene alge, C. bursa i H. tuna, imale su najveći saržaj sterola (β-sitosterol, 95,21 ± 0,16 μg/g i 73,90 ± 0,08 μg/g, respektivno). Najviši sadržaj kalcijuma (Ca),u količini od 55125 μg/g, detektovan je kod alge H. tuna.
AB  - The research subject of doctoral dissertation were three seaweeds: Halimeda tuna (J.Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux (Halimedaceae), Codium bursa (Olivi) C. Agardh(Codiaceae), Cystoseira barbata (Stackhouse) C. Agardh (Sargassaceae) and the oneseagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Urcia) Acherson (Cymodoceaceae) from the Adriatic Sea.Nutritional value of selected samples were investigated by official AOAC(Association of Official Analytical Chemists) methods. The highest energy value had thegreen seaweed C. bursa (490,4 kcal).Using the cold maceration extraction, lasting 48 h, the three polar extracts wereobtained: dichlormetan: methanol (1:1) (DME), 70 % methanol and aquous extracts. The dryextracts were further used for biological in vitro investigations, such as: antioxidative,antimicrobial, anti α-glucosidase and cytotoxic activity.DME extract of H. tuna has shown the best cytotoxic activity against human coloncarcinoma cell line, LS174 (IC50=17,92 ± 1,54 μg/ml). DME extract of C. nodosa had strongcytotoxicity against human adenocarcinoma cell line, HeLa (IC50=13,28 ± 0,39 μg/ml) andhuman chronic myelogenous leukaemia cell line, K562 (IC50=19,64 ± 1,55 μg/ml). The bestanti α-glucosidase (IC50=9,98 ± 3,34 μg/ml) and best antibacterial activity (minimal inhibitoryconcentration of 100 μg/ml) for Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis wasdemonstrated in DME extract of seagrass C. nodosa.Developing the appropriate HPLC method, accompained with the appropriatedetection methods, the three compounds were identified (diosmetin-7-sulfate, caftaric andcoutaric acid) in the DME extract of seagrass C. nodosa.The content of β-glucan, fatty acids, sterols and micro- and macroelements wereinvestigated in all samples. The highest content of β-glucan was detected in C. nodosaseagrass (13,04 ± 0,42 g/100 g). C. nodosa had also the highest level of polyunsaturated fattyacids (PUFAs) (7,157 mg/g). Significant sterol content (fucosterol, 21,76 ± 0,1 μg/g) and thebest ratio of polyunsaturated and saturated (SFA) fatty acids, PUFA/SFA (0,08) was shown inC. barbata, brown seaweed. Green algae, C. bursa and H. tuna, showed the highest level ofsterols (β-sitosterol, 95,21 ± 0,16 μg/g and 73,90 ± 0,08 μg/g, respectively). H. tuna had thehighest content of calcium (Ca) in amount of 55125 μg/g.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Фармацеутски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Nutritivna, hemijska i biološka karakterizacija morskih algi Halimeda tuna, Codium bursa, Cystoseira barbata i morske trave Cymodocea nodosa iz Jadranskog mora
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milović, Sanja",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su tri morske alge: Halimeda tuna (J.Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux (Halimedaceae), Codium bursa (Olivi) C. Agardh(Codiaceae), Cystoseira barbata (Stackhouse) C. Agardh (Sargassaceae) i morskatrava Cymodocea nodosa (Urcia) Ascherson (Cymodoceaceae) iz Jadranskog mora.Nutritivna vrednost odabranih uzoraka je ispitivana korišćenjem zvaničnih AOAC(Association of Official Analytical Chemists) metoda. Najveću energetsku vrednost, unavedenim ispitivanjima, imala je zelena alga C. bursa (490,4 kcal).Metodom hladne maceracije u trajanju od 48 sati, dobijena su tri polarna ekstrakta:dihlormetan : metanolni (1:1) (DME), 70% metanolni i vodeni ekstrakt. Suvi ekstrakti su daljekorišćeni za biološka in vitro ispitivanja kao što su: antioksidativna, antimikrobna, anti α-glukozidazna i citotoksična aktivnost. DME ekstrakt H. tuna je pokazao najbolju citotoksičnuaktivnost prema ćelijama humanog karcinoma kolona, LS174 (IC50=17,92 ± 1,54 μg/ml).DME ekstrakt C. nodosa je pokazao snažnu citotoksičnu aktivnost prema ćelijama humanogadenokarcinoma, HeLa (IC50=13,28 ± 0,39 μg/ml) i prema ćelijama humane hroničnemijelogene leukemije, K562 (IC50=19,64 ± 1,55 μg/ml). Najbolju anti α-glukozidaznuaktivnost (IC50=9,98 ± 3,34 μg/ml) i najbolju antibakterijsku aktivnost (MIC 100 μg/ml)prema Staphylococcus aureus i Bacillus subtilis je ispoljio DME ekstrakt C. barbata.Razvojom odgovarajuće HPLC metode, kao i primenom odgovarajućih metodadetekcije identifikovana su tri jedinjenja (diosmetin-7-sulfat, kaftarinska i kutarinska kiselina)u DME ekstraktu morske trave C. nodosa.Sadržaj β-glukana, masnih kiselina, sterola i mikro- i makroelemenata je ispitivan usvim navedenim uzorcima. Najveći sadržaj β-glukana bio je u morskoj travi C. nodosa (13,04± 0,42 g/100 g). C. nodosa, morska trava, pokazala je najviši sadržaj polinezasićenih masnihkiselina (PUFA, 7,157 mg/g). Značajan sadržaj sterola (fukosterol, 21,76 ± 0,1 μg/g) i najboljiodnos polinezasićenih i zasićenih (SFA) masnih kiselina, PUFA/SFA (0,08) pokazan je kodmrke alge C. barbata. Zelene alge, C. bursa i H. tuna, imale su najveći saržaj sterola (β-sitosterol, 95,21 ± 0,16 μg/g i 73,90 ± 0,08 μg/g, respektivno). Najviši sadržaj kalcijuma (Ca),u količini od 55125 μg/g, detektovan je kod alge H. tuna., The research subject of doctoral dissertation were three seaweeds: Halimeda tuna (J.Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux (Halimedaceae), Codium bursa (Olivi) C. Agardh(Codiaceae), Cystoseira barbata (Stackhouse) C. Agardh (Sargassaceae) and the oneseagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Urcia) Acherson (Cymodoceaceae) from the Adriatic Sea.Nutritional value of selected samples were investigated by official AOAC(Association of Official Analytical Chemists) methods. The highest energy value had thegreen seaweed C. bursa (490,4 kcal).Using the cold maceration extraction, lasting 48 h, the three polar extracts wereobtained: dichlormetan: methanol (1:1) (DME), 70 % methanol and aquous extracts. The dryextracts were further used for biological in vitro investigations, such as: antioxidative,antimicrobial, anti α-glucosidase and cytotoxic activity.DME extract of H. tuna has shown the best cytotoxic activity against human coloncarcinoma cell line, LS174 (IC50=17,92 ± 1,54 μg/ml). DME extract of C. nodosa had strongcytotoxicity against human adenocarcinoma cell line, HeLa (IC50=13,28 ± 0,39 μg/ml) andhuman chronic myelogenous leukaemia cell line, K562 (IC50=19,64 ± 1,55 μg/ml). The bestanti α-glucosidase (IC50=9,98 ± 3,34 μg/ml) and best antibacterial activity (minimal inhibitoryconcentration of 100 μg/ml) for Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis wasdemonstrated in DME extract of seagrass C. nodosa.Developing the appropriate HPLC method, accompained with the appropriatedetection methods, the three compounds were identified (diosmetin-7-sulfate, caftaric andcoutaric acid) in the DME extract of seagrass C. nodosa.The content of β-glucan, fatty acids, sterols and micro- and macroelements wereinvestigated in all samples. The highest content of β-glucan was detected in C. nodosaseagrass (13,04 ± 0,42 g/100 g). C. nodosa had also the highest level of polyunsaturated fattyacids (PUFAs) (7,157 mg/g). Significant sterol content (fucosterol, 21,76 ± 0,1 μg/g) and thebest ratio of polyunsaturated and saturated (SFA) fatty acids, PUFA/SFA (0,08) was shown inC. barbata, brown seaweed. Green algae, C. bursa and H. tuna, showed the highest level ofsterols (β-sitosterol, 95,21 ± 0,16 μg/g and 73,90 ± 0,08 μg/g, respectively). H. tuna had thehighest content of calcium (Ca) in amount of 55125 μg/g.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Фармацеутски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Nutritivna, hemijska i biološka karakterizacija morskih algi Halimeda tuna, Codium bursa, Cystoseira barbata i morske trave Cymodocea nodosa iz Jadranskog mora",
url = ""
Milović, S.. (2020). Nutritivna, hemijska i biološka karakterizacija morskih algi Halimeda tuna, Codium bursa, Cystoseira barbata i morske trave Cymodocea nodosa iz Jadranskog mora. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Фармацеутски факултет..
Milović S. Nutritivna, hemijska i biološka karakterizacija morskih algi Halimeda tuna, Codium bursa, Cystoseira barbata i morske trave Cymodocea nodosa iz Jadranskog mora. in Универзитет у Београду. 2020;. .
Milović, Sanja, "Nutritivna, hemijska i biološka karakterizacija morskih algi Halimeda tuna, Codium bursa, Cystoseira barbata i morske trave Cymodocea nodosa iz Jadranskog mora" in Универзитет у Београду (2020), .

Chemical Analysis of Selected Seaweeds and Seagrass from the Adriatic Coast of Montenegro

Milović, Sanja; Stanković, Ivan; Nikolić, Dejan; Radović, Jelena; Kolundžić, Marina; Nikolić, Vesna; Stanojković, Tatjana; Petović, Slavica; Kundaković-Vasović, Tatjana

(Wiley, 2019)

AU  - Milović, Sanja
AU  - Stanković, Ivan
AU  - Nikolić, Dejan
AU  - Radović, Jelena
AU  - Kolundžić, Marina
AU  - Nikolić, Vesna
AU  - Stanojković, Tatjana
AU  - Petović, Slavica
AU  - Kundaković-Vasović, Tatjana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Three seaweeds (Halimeda tuna, Codium bursa and Cystoseira barbata) and one seagrass (Cymodocea nodosa) were collected from the Coast of Montenegro, Gulf of Boka Kotorska and their chemical analysis was performed. In seagrass C. nodosa, three phenolic compounds were identified (diosmetin 7-sulfate, caftaric and coutaric acid). The content of β-glucan, fatty acids, sterols and micro- and macro-elements were investigated among all samples. The highest content of β-glucan was detected in C. nodosa seagrass (13.04±0.42 g/100 g). The highest polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) level was reported in C. barbata, the brown alga (7.157 mg/g), which also had the significant sterol content (fucosterol, 21.76±0.1 μg/g). Green algae, C. bursa and H. tuna, showed the highest level of sterols (β-sitosterol, 95.21±0.16 μg/g and 73.90±0.08 μg/g, respectively). H. tuna had the highest content of calcium (Ca) in amount of 55125 μg/g. In C. bursa, C. barbata and C. nodosa, the Na/K ratio was low (0.43, 0.46 and 0.69, respectively).
PB  - Wiley
T2  - Chemistry and Biodiversity
T1  - Chemical Analysis of Selected Seaweeds and Seagrass from the Adriatic Coast of Montenegro
VL  - 16
IS  - 10
SP  - 1
EP  - 11
DO  - 10.1002/cbdv.201900327
ER  - 
author = "Milović, Sanja and Stanković, Ivan and Nikolić, Dejan and Radović, Jelena and Kolundžić, Marina and Nikolić, Vesna and Stanojković, Tatjana and Petović, Slavica and Kundaković-Vasović, Tatjana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Three seaweeds (Halimeda tuna, Codium bursa and Cystoseira barbata) and one seagrass (Cymodocea nodosa) were collected from the Coast of Montenegro, Gulf of Boka Kotorska and their chemical analysis was performed. In seagrass C. nodosa, three phenolic compounds were identified (diosmetin 7-sulfate, caftaric and coutaric acid). The content of β-glucan, fatty acids, sterols and micro- and macro-elements were investigated among all samples. The highest content of β-glucan was detected in C. nodosa seagrass (13.04±0.42 g/100 g). The highest polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) level was reported in C. barbata, the brown alga (7.157 mg/g), which also had the significant sterol content (fucosterol, 21.76±0.1 μg/g). Green algae, C. bursa and H. tuna, showed the highest level of sterols (β-sitosterol, 95.21±0.16 μg/g and 73.90±0.08 μg/g, respectively). H. tuna had the highest content of calcium (Ca) in amount of 55125 μg/g. In C. bursa, C. barbata and C. nodosa, the Na/K ratio was low (0.43, 0.46 and 0.69, respectively).",
publisher = "Wiley",
journal = "Chemistry and Biodiversity",
title = "Chemical Analysis of Selected Seaweeds and Seagrass from the Adriatic Coast of Montenegro",
volume = "16",
number = "10",
pages = "1-11",
doi = "10.1002/cbdv.201900327"
Milović, S., Stanković, I., Nikolić, D., Radović, J., Kolundžić, M., Nikolić, V., Stanojković, T., Petović, S.,& Kundaković-Vasović, T.. (2019). Chemical Analysis of Selected Seaweeds and Seagrass from the Adriatic Coast of Montenegro. in Chemistry and Biodiversity
Wiley., 16(10), 1-11.
Milović S, Stanković I, Nikolić D, Radović J, Kolundžić M, Nikolić V, Stanojković T, Petović S, Kundaković-Vasović T. Chemical Analysis of Selected Seaweeds and Seagrass from the Adriatic Coast of Montenegro. in Chemistry and Biodiversity. 2019;16(10):1-11.
doi:10.1002/cbdv.201900327 .
Milović, Sanja, Stanković, Ivan, Nikolić, Dejan, Radović, Jelena, Kolundžić, Marina, Nikolić, Vesna, Stanojković, Tatjana, Petović, Slavica, Kundaković-Vasović, Tatjana, "Chemical Analysis of Selected Seaweeds and Seagrass from the Adriatic Coast of Montenegro" in Chemistry and Biodiversity, 16, no. 10 (2019):1-11, . .

Chemical Analysis of Selected Seaweeds and Seagrass from the Adriatic Coast of Montenegro

Milović, Sanja; Stanković, Ivan; Nikolić, Dejan; Radović, Jelena; Kolundžić, Marina; Nikolić, Vesna; Stanojković, Tatjana; Petović, Slavica; Kundaković-Vasović, Tatjana

(Wiley, 2019)

AU  - Milović, Sanja
AU  - Stanković, Ivan
AU  - Nikolić, Dejan
AU  - Radović, Jelena
AU  - Kolundžić, Marina
AU  - Nikolić, Vesna
AU  - Stanojković, Tatjana
AU  - Petović, Slavica
AU  - Kundaković-Vasović, Tatjana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Three seaweeds (Halimeda tuna, Codium bursa and Cystoseira barbata) and one seagrass (Cymodocea nodosa) were collected from the Coast of Montenegro, Gulf of Boka Kotorska and their chemical analysis was performed. In seagrass C. nodosa, three phenolic compounds were identified (diosmetin 7-sulfate, caftaric and coutaric acid). The content of β-glucan, fatty acids, sterols and micro- and macro-elements were investigated among all samples. The highest content of β-glucan was detected in C. nodosa seagrass (13.04±0.42 g/100 g). The highest polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) level was reported in C. barbata, the brown alga (7.157 mg/g), which also had the significant sterol content (fucosterol, 21.76±0.1 μg/g). Green algae, C. bursa and H. tuna, showed the highest level of sterols (β-sitosterol, 95.21±0.16 μg/g and 73.90±0.08 μg/g, respectively). H. tuna had the highest content of calcium (Ca) in amount of 55125 μg/g. In C. bursa, C. barbata and C. nodosa, the Na/K ratio was low (0.43, 0.46 and 0.69, respectively).
PB  - Wiley
T2  - Chemistry and Biodiversity
T1  - Chemical Analysis of Selected Seaweeds and Seagrass from the Adriatic Coast of Montenegro
VL  - 16
IS  - 10
SP  - 1
EP  - 11
DO  - 10.1002/cbdv.201900327
ER  - 
author = "Milović, Sanja and Stanković, Ivan and Nikolić, Dejan and Radović, Jelena and Kolundžić, Marina and Nikolić, Vesna and Stanojković, Tatjana and Petović, Slavica and Kundaković-Vasović, Tatjana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Three seaweeds (Halimeda tuna, Codium bursa and Cystoseira barbata) and one seagrass (Cymodocea nodosa) were collected from the Coast of Montenegro, Gulf of Boka Kotorska and their chemical analysis was performed. In seagrass C. nodosa, three phenolic compounds were identified (diosmetin 7-sulfate, caftaric and coutaric acid). The content of β-glucan, fatty acids, sterols and micro- and macro-elements were investigated among all samples. The highest content of β-glucan was detected in C. nodosa seagrass (13.04±0.42 g/100 g). The highest polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) level was reported in C. barbata, the brown alga (7.157 mg/g), which also had the significant sterol content (fucosterol, 21.76±0.1 μg/g). Green algae, C. bursa and H. tuna, showed the highest level of sterols (β-sitosterol, 95.21±0.16 μg/g and 73.90±0.08 μg/g, respectively). H. tuna had the highest content of calcium (Ca) in amount of 55125 μg/g. In C. bursa, C. barbata and C. nodosa, the Na/K ratio was low (0.43, 0.46 and 0.69, respectively).",
publisher = "Wiley",
journal = "Chemistry and Biodiversity",
title = "Chemical Analysis of Selected Seaweeds and Seagrass from the Adriatic Coast of Montenegro",
volume = "16",
number = "10",
pages = "1-11",
doi = "10.1002/cbdv.201900327"
Milović, S., Stanković, I., Nikolić, D., Radović, J., Kolundžić, M., Nikolić, V., Stanojković, T., Petović, S.,& Kundaković-Vasović, T.. (2019). Chemical Analysis of Selected Seaweeds and Seagrass from the Adriatic Coast of Montenegro. in Chemistry and Biodiversity
Wiley., 16(10), 1-11.
Milović S, Stanković I, Nikolić D, Radović J, Kolundžić M, Nikolić V, Stanojković T, Petović S, Kundaković-Vasović T. Chemical Analysis of Selected Seaweeds and Seagrass from the Adriatic Coast of Montenegro. in Chemistry and Biodiversity. 2019;16(10):1-11.
doi:10.1002/cbdv.201900327 .
Milović, Sanja, Stanković, Ivan, Nikolić, Dejan, Radović, Jelena, Kolundžić, Marina, Nikolić, Vesna, Stanojković, Tatjana, Petović, Slavica, Kundaković-Vasović, Tatjana, "Chemical Analysis of Selected Seaweeds and Seagrass from the Adriatic Coast of Montenegro" in Chemistry and Biodiversity, 16, no. 10 (2019):1-11, . .

Anti α-glucosidase, antitumour, antioxidative, antimicrobial activity, nutritive and health protective potential of some seaweeds from the Adriatic coast of Montenegro

Milović, Sanja; Kundaković, Tatjana; Macić, Vesna; Antić-Stanković, Jelena; Grozdanić, Nada; Đuričić, Ivana; Stanković, Ivan; Stanojković, Tatjana

(Soc Stinte Farmaceutice Romania, Bucuresti, 2017)

AU  - Milović, Sanja
AU  - Kundaković, Tatjana
AU  - Macić, Vesna
AU  - Antić-Stanković, Jelena
AU  - Grozdanić, Nada
AU  - Đuričić, Ivana
AU  - Stanković, Ivan
AU  - Stanojković, Tatjana
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The aim of the present study was to reveal the potential biological activities of the dichlorometane: methanol (1:1) dry extract (DME) and the nutritional value of selected seaweeds: Cymodocea nodosa, Halimeda tuna, Cystoseira barbata and Codium bursa, collected from the Adriatic coast, Montenegro. We assessed the chemical composition and several biological activities such as: anti-a-glucosidase, antitumour, antimicrobial and antioxidative activity. H. tuna had the best cytotoxic activity against human colon carcinoma cell line, LS174 (IC50 = 17.92 +/- 1.54 mu g/mL). C. nodosa demonstrated strong cytotoxicity against human adenocarcinoma cell line, HeLa (IC50 = 13.28 +/- 0.39 mu g/mL) and human chronic myelogenous leukaemia cell line, K562 (IC50 = 19.64 +/- 1.55 mu g/mL). C. barbata had the best anti a-glucosidase (IC50 = 9.98 +/- 3.34 mu g/mL) and antimicrobial activity (minimal inhibitory concentration of 100 mu g/mL) for Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis. C. bursa showed the highest nutritional value (490.4 kcal).
PB  - Soc Stinte Farmaceutice Romania, Bucuresti
T2  - Farmacia
T1  - Anti α-glucosidase, antitumour, antioxidative, antimicrobial activity, nutritive and health protective potential of some seaweeds from the Adriatic coast of Montenegro
VL  - 65
IS  - 5
SP  - 731
EP  - 740
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milović, Sanja and Kundaković, Tatjana and Macić, Vesna and Antić-Stanković, Jelena and Grozdanić, Nada and Đuričić, Ivana and Stanković, Ivan and Stanojković, Tatjana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The aim of the present study was to reveal the potential biological activities of the dichlorometane: methanol (1:1) dry extract (DME) and the nutritional value of selected seaweeds: Cymodocea nodosa, Halimeda tuna, Cystoseira barbata and Codium bursa, collected from the Adriatic coast, Montenegro. We assessed the chemical composition and several biological activities such as: anti-a-glucosidase, antitumour, antimicrobial and antioxidative activity. H. tuna had the best cytotoxic activity against human colon carcinoma cell line, LS174 (IC50 = 17.92 +/- 1.54 mu g/mL). C. nodosa demonstrated strong cytotoxicity against human adenocarcinoma cell line, HeLa (IC50 = 13.28 +/- 0.39 mu g/mL) and human chronic myelogenous leukaemia cell line, K562 (IC50 = 19.64 +/- 1.55 mu g/mL). C. barbata had the best anti a-glucosidase (IC50 = 9.98 +/- 3.34 mu g/mL) and antimicrobial activity (minimal inhibitory concentration of 100 mu g/mL) for Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis. C. bursa showed the highest nutritional value (490.4 kcal).",
publisher = "Soc Stinte Farmaceutice Romania, Bucuresti",
journal = "Farmacia",
title = "Anti α-glucosidase, antitumour, antioxidative, antimicrobial activity, nutritive and health protective potential of some seaweeds from the Adriatic coast of Montenegro",
volume = "65",
number = "5",
pages = "731-740",
url = ""
Milović, S., Kundaković, T., Macić, V., Antić-Stanković, J., Grozdanić, N., Đuričić, I., Stanković, I.,& Stanojković, T.. (2017). Anti α-glucosidase, antitumour, antioxidative, antimicrobial activity, nutritive and health protective potential of some seaweeds from the Adriatic coast of Montenegro. in Farmacia
Soc Stinte Farmaceutice Romania, Bucuresti., 65(5), 731-740.
Milović S, Kundaković T, Macić V, Antić-Stanković J, Grozdanić N, Đuričić I, Stanković I, Stanojković T. Anti α-glucosidase, antitumour, antioxidative, antimicrobial activity, nutritive and health protective potential of some seaweeds from the Adriatic coast of Montenegro. in Farmacia. 2017;65(5):731-740. .
Milović, Sanja, Kundaković, Tatjana, Macić, Vesna, Antić-Stanković, Jelena, Grozdanić, Nada, Đuričić, Ivana, Stanković, Ivan, Stanojković, Tatjana, "Anti α-glucosidase, antitumour, antioxidative, antimicrobial activity, nutritive and health protective potential of some seaweeds from the Adriatic coast of Montenegro" in Farmacia, 65, no. 5 (2017):731-740, .

Nutritional status and dietary habits among pharmacy students in Serbia

Šobajić, Slađana; Vidović, Bojana; Timić, Jasmina; Milović, Sanja; Đuričić, Ivana; Ivanović, Nevena; Todorović, Vanja; Čakar, Uroš

(Karger, Basel, 2013)

AU  - Šobajić, Slađana
AU  - Vidović, Bojana
AU  - Timić, Jasmina
AU  - Milović, Sanja
AU  - Đuričić, Ivana
AU  - Ivanović, Nevena
AU  - Todorović, Vanja
AU  - Čakar, Uroš
PY  - 2013
UR  -
PB  - Karger, Basel
C3  - Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
T1  - Nutritional status and dietary habits among pharmacy students in Serbia
VL  - 63
IS  - Supplement 1
SP  - 1102
EP  - 1102
DO  - 10.1159/000354245
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Šobajić, Slađana and Vidović, Bojana and Timić, Jasmina and Milović, Sanja and Đuričić, Ivana and Ivanović, Nevena and Todorović, Vanja and Čakar, Uroš",
year = "2013",
publisher = "Karger, Basel",
journal = "Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism",
title = "Nutritional status and dietary habits among pharmacy students in Serbia",
volume = "63",
number = "Supplement 1",
pages = "1102-1102",
doi = "10.1159/000354245",
url = ""
Šobajić, S., Vidović, B., Timić, J., Milović, S., Đuričić, I., Ivanović, N., Todorović, V.,& Čakar, U.. (2013). Nutritional status and dietary habits among pharmacy students in Serbia. in Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
Karger, Basel., 63(Supplement 1), 1102-1102.
Šobajić S, Vidović B, Timić J, Milović S, Đuričić I, Ivanović N, Todorović V, Čakar U. Nutritional status and dietary habits among pharmacy students in Serbia. in Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2013;63(Supplement 1):1102-1102.
doi:10.1159/000354245 .
Šobajić, Slađana, Vidović, Bojana, Timić, Jasmina, Milović, Sanja, Đuričić, Ivana, Ivanović, Nevena, Todorović, Vanja, Čakar, Uroš, "Nutritional status and dietary habits among pharmacy students in Serbia" in Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 63, no. Supplement 1 (2013):1102-1102, ., .