Petković, Miloš

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Petković, Miloš (76)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200161 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Pharmacy) Computational design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new heterocyclic compounds as selective tumorogenesis inhibitors
Synthesis, Quantitative Structure and Activity Relationship, Physico-Chemical Characterisation and Analysis of Pharmacologically Active Substances COST Action Epigenetic Chemical Biology CM1406
NanoCellEmoCog - Neuroimmune aspects of mood, anxiety and cognitive effects of leads/drug candidates acting at GABAA and/or sigma-2 receptors: In vitro/in vivo delineation by nano- and hiPSC-based platform Investigation on the medicinal plants: morphological, chemical and pharmacological characterisation
Microbial diversity study and characterization of beneficial environmental microorganisms Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200042 (University of Belgrade, Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200135 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200178 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology)
Novel encapsulation and enzyme technologies for designing of new biocatalysts and biologically active compounds targeting enhancement of food quality, safety and competitiveness Sinteza, kvantitativni odnosi između strukture/osobina i aktivnosti, fizičko-hemijska karakterizacija i analiza farmakološki aktivnih supstanci
COST Action CA18133 COST-Action CM1406 “Epigenetic Chemical Biol- ogy” (EpiChemBio)
EU (project no. BI-RS/16-17-022). European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID)
FP7 RegPot project FCUB ERA GA No. 256716 Reinforcement of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, towards becoming a Center of Excellence in the region of WB for Molecular Biotechnology and Food research
Modeling and Numerical Simulations of Complex Many-Body Systems The synthesis of aminoquinoline-based antimalarials and botulinum neurotoxin A inhibitors
Sustainable and green chemistry approach for environmental friendly analytical methods and energy storage Study of the Synthesis, Structure and Activity of Natural and Synthetic Organic Compounds
Synthesis, modeling, physicochemical and biological properties of organic compounds and related metal complexes Interactive role of dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and inflammation in atherosclerosis and other diseases: genetic and biochemical markers
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200026 (University of Belgrade, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy - IChTM) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200043 (Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Belgrade)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200116 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200287 (Innovation Center of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy)
Razvoj i primena proizvoda na bazi mineralnih sirovina u proizvodnji bezbedne hrane NIH financial support (DA-043204, R01NS076517)

Author's Bibliography

Lunić, Tanja; Petković, Miloš; Rakić, Marija; Lađarević, Jelena; Repac, Jelena; Nedeljković, B.B.; Božić-Nedeljković, Biljana

(Elsevier, 2025)

AU  - Lunić, Tanja
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Rakić, Marija
AU  - Lađarević, Jelena
AU  - Repac, Jelena
AU  - Nedeljković, B.B.
AU  - Božić-Nedeljković, Biljana
PY  - 2025
UR  -
AB  - This study explores the anti-neuroinflammatory and antioxidant potential of 42 hydroxybenzoic acid esters and three parent acids. Molecular docking simulations targeted key proteins involved in the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) signaling pathway to identify lead compounds for synthesis and in vitro evaluation. Among the screened esters, the most promising candidates demonstrated antioxidant activity comparable to vitamin C in ABTS and DPPH assays. Additionally, these esters significantly reduced the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) in H2O2- and LPS-stimulated BV2 microglial cells, indicating their ability to attenuate neuroinflammation. Further testing in SH-SY5Y neuronal cells exposed to microglia-derived supernatants confirmed the neuroprotective effects of these esters, reducing microglia-mediated neurotoxicity. These results suggest that hydroxybenzoic acid ester derivatives are promising candidates for mitigating microglia-driven neuroinflammation and protecting neurons, offering potential therapeutic applications for neurodegenerative diseases.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Journal of Molecular Structure
VL  - 1321
DO  - 10.1016/j.molstruc.2024.139804
ER  - 
author = "Lunić, Tanja and Petković, Miloš and Rakić, Marija and Lađarević, Jelena and Repac, Jelena and Nedeljković, B.B. and Božić-Nedeljković, Biljana",
year = "2025",
abstract = "This study explores the anti-neuroinflammatory and antioxidant potential of 42 hydroxybenzoic acid esters and three parent acids. Molecular docking simulations targeted key proteins involved in the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) signaling pathway to identify lead compounds for synthesis and in vitro evaluation. Among the screened esters, the most promising candidates demonstrated antioxidant activity comparable to vitamin C in ABTS and DPPH assays. Additionally, these esters significantly reduced the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) in H2O2- and LPS-stimulated BV2 microglial cells, indicating their ability to attenuate neuroinflammation. Further testing in SH-SY5Y neuronal cells exposed to microglia-derived supernatants confirmed the neuroprotective effects of these esters, reducing microglia-mediated neurotoxicity. These results suggest that hydroxybenzoic acid ester derivatives are promising candidates for mitigating microglia-driven neuroinflammation and protecting neurons, offering potential therapeutic applications for neurodegenerative diseases.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Journal of Molecular Structure",
volume = "1321",
doi = "10.1016/j.molstruc.2024.139804"
Lunić, T., Petković, M., Rakić, M., Lađarević, J., Repac, J., Nedeljković, B.B.,& Božić-Nedeljković, B.. (2025). in Journal of Molecular Structure
Elsevier., 1321.
Lunić T, Petković M, Rakić M, Lađarević J, Repac J, Nedeljković B, Božić-Nedeljković B. in Journal of Molecular Structure. 2025;1321.
doi:10.1016/j.molstruc.2024.139804 .
Lunić, Tanja, Petković, Miloš, Rakić, Marija, Lađarević, Jelena, Repac, Jelena, Nedeljković, B.B., Božić-Nedeljković, Biljana, in Journal of Molecular Structure, 1321 (2025), . .

Synthesis and in vitro study of redox properties of pyrrole and halogenated pyrrole derivatives

Petković, Miloš; Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena; Jovanović, Predrag; Jovanović, Miloš; Mitrović, Nikola; Simić, Milena; Tasić, Gordana; Savić, Vladimir

(Serbian Chemical Society., 2024)

AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena
AU  - Jovanović, Predrag
AU  - Jovanović, Miloš
AU  - Mitrović, Nikola
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Tasić, Gordana
AU  - Savić, Vladimir
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - The  redox  balance  plays  a  crucial  role  in  maintaining  biological processes  under  normal  conditions.  Antioxidants  inhibit  and  reduce  harmful oxidation  processes,  while  pro-oxidants  can  act  as  anti-cancer  agents  by promoting  ROS-mediated  cell  death.  The  aim  of  this  study  is  to  compare  the redox  properties  of  seven  newly  synthesised  tribromopyrrole  derivatives  with three novel and four previously synthesized non-halogenated analogues in an in vitro  model  (in  human  serum)  and  with  exogenously  induced oxidative  stress. The  obtained  values  of  their  oxy  scores  (OS)  were  compared  and  the  result showed  that  four  non-halogenated  pyrrole  derivatives  with  secondary  amide group M2, M10,  M11  and M12  have  lower  OS  values  than  Trolox,  a  water-soluble  analogue  of  vitamin  E  with  proven  antioxidant  properties.  All  four compounds show strong resistance to oxidative stress, which is reflected in the maintenance of negative OS values when exposed to exogenous oxidative stress using TBH in the reaction mixture. This capability to resist invading ROS should be  expected  also  in  an  endogenous  environment,  where  constant  prooxidant production  takes  place  at  a  low,  homeostatic  level,  but  even  more  so  in pathological  conditions.  The  tribrominated  derivative M15 showed prooxidant activity  with  a  significantly  higher  OS  value  than  all  other  compounds  tested. The comparison of the dose-response of Trolox and the five compounds with the lowest OS also shows that compounds M2,  M7 and M10 have better antioxidant activity than Trolox.
AB  - Редоксравнотежа игра кључну улогу у одржавању биолошких процеса у нормалним условима.  Антиоксиданси  инхибирају  и  смањују  штетне  процесе  оксидације,  док прооксиданси  могу  деловати  као  антиканцерски  агенси  промовишући  ћелијску  смрт посредовану реактивним кисеоничним врстама. Циљ овог рада је да се упореде редокс својства седам  новосинтетисаних деривата трибромопирола и нехалогенованих аналога(три  новосинтетисанаи  четири  претходно  синтетисана) у in  vitroмоделу  (у  хуманом серуму)  и  са  егзогеноиндукованим  оксидативним  стресом.  Упоређене  су  добијене вредности њихових окси скорова (ОС) и резултат је показао да четири нехалогенована деривата  пирола  са  секундарном  амидном  групом М2,  М10,  М11и М12имају  ниже вредности  ОС  од  Тролокса,  аналога  витамина  Е  растворљивог  у  води  са  доказаним антиоксидативним  својствима.  Сва  четири  једињења  показују  јаку  отпорност  на оксидативни стрес, што се огледа у одржавању негативних вредности ОС када су изложене егзогеном оксидативном стресу коришћењем ТБХ у реакционој смеши. Ову способност да се одупируРОС треба очекивати и у ендогеном окружењу, где се константна производња прооксиданата  одвија  на  ниском,  хомеостатском  нивоу,  али  још  више  у  патолошким стањима.Трибромовани дериват М15је показао прооксидативну активност са значајно вишом ОС вредношћу од свих осталих тестираних једињења. Такође, упоредне анализе доза-одговор тестираних пет једињења са најнижим ОС и Тролокса показују да Тролокс има слабијуантиоксидативну активност од једињења М2,  М7и М10.
PB  - Serbian Chemical Society.
T2  - Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
T1  - Synthesis and in vitro study of redox properties of pyrrole and halogenated pyrrole derivatives
T1  - Синтеза и in vitro студија редокс особина халогенованих и нехалогенованих деривата пирола
DO  - 10.2298/JSC240515082P
ER  - 
author = "Petković, Miloš and Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena and Jovanović, Predrag and Jovanović, Miloš and Mitrović, Nikola and Simić, Milena and Tasić, Gordana and Savić, Vladimir",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The  redox  balance  plays  a  crucial  role  in  maintaining  biological processes  under  normal  conditions.  Antioxidants  inhibit  and  reduce  harmful oxidation  processes,  while  pro-oxidants  can  act  as  anti-cancer  agents  by promoting  ROS-mediated  cell  death.  The  aim  of  this  study  is  to  compare  the redox  properties  of  seven  newly  synthesised  tribromopyrrole  derivatives  with three novel and four previously synthesized non-halogenated analogues in an in vitro  model  (in  human  serum)  and  with  exogenously  induced oxidative  stress. The  obtained  values  of  their  oxy  scores  (OS)  were  compared  and  the  result showed  that  four  non-halogenated  pyrrole  derivatives  with  secondary  amide group M2, M10,  M11  and M12  have  lower  OS  values  than  Trolox,  a  water-soluble  analogue  of  vitamin  E  with  proven  antioxidant  properties.  All  four compounds show strong resistance to oxidative stress, which is reflected in the maintenance of negative OS values when exposed to exogenous oxidative stress using TBH in the reaction mixture. This capability to resist invading ROS should be  expected  also  in  an  endogenous  environment,  where  constant  prooxidant production  takes  place  at  a  low,  homeostatic  level,  but  even  more  so  in pathological  conditions.  The  tribrominated  derivative M15 showed prooxidant activity  with  a  significantly  higher  OS  value  than  all  other  compounds  tested. The comparison of the dose-response of Trolox and the five compounds with the lowest OS also shows that compounds M2,  M7 and M10 have better antioxidant activity than Trolox., Редоксравнотежа игра кључну улогу у одржавању биолошких процеса у нормалним условима.  Антиоксиданси  инхибирају  и  смањују  штетне  процесе  оксидације,  док прооксиданси  могу  деловати  као  антиканцерски  агенси  промовишући  ћелијску  смрт посредовану реактивним кисеоничним врстама. Циљ овог рада је да се упореде редокс својства седам  новосинтетисаних деривата трибромопирола и нехалогенованих аналога(три  новосинтетисанаи  четири  претходно  синтетисана) у in  vitroмоделу  (у  хуманом серуму)  и  са  егзогеноиндукованим  оксидативним  стресом.  Упоређене  су  добијене вредности њихових окси скорова (ОС) и резултат је показао да четири нехалогенована деривата  пирола  са  секундарном  амидном  групом М2,  М10,  М11и М12имају  ниже вредности  ОС  од  Тролокса,  аналога  витамина  Е  растворљивог  у  води  са  доказаним антиоксидативним  својствима.  Сва  четири  једињења  показују  јаку  отпорност  на оксидативни стрес, што се огледа у одржавању негативних вредности ОС када су изложене егзогеном оксидативном стресу коришћењем ТБХ у реакционој смеши. Ову способност да се одупируРОС треба очекивати и у ендогеном окружењу, где се константна производња прооксиданата  одвија  на  ниском,  хомеостатском  нивоу,  али  још  више  у  патолошким стањима.Трибромовани дериват М15је показао прооксидативну активност са значајно вишом ОС вредношћу од свих осталих тестираних једињења. Такође, упоредне анализе доза-одговор тестираних пет једињења са најнижим ОС и Тролокса показују да Тролокс има слабијуантиоксидативну активност од једињења М2,  М7и М10.",
publisher = "Serbian Chemical Society.",
journal = "Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society",
title = "Synthesis and in vitro study of redox properties of pyrrole and halogenated pyrrole derivatives, Синтеза и in vitro студија редокс особина халогенованих и нехалогенованих деривата пирола",
doi = "10.2298/JSC240515082P"
Petković, M., Kotur-Stevuljević, J., Jovanović, P., Jovanović, M., Mitrović, N., Simić, M., Tasić, G.,& Savić, V.. (2024). Synthesis and in vitro study of redox properties of pyrrole and halogenated pyrrole derivatives. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Serbian Chemical Society...
Petković M, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Jovanović P, Jovanović M, Mitrović N, Simić M, Tasić G, Savić V. Synthesis and in vitro study of redox properties of pyrrole and halogenated pyrrole derivatives. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. 2024;.
doi:10.2298/JSC240515082P .
Petković, Miloš, Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena, Jovanović, Predrag, Jovanović, Miloš, Mitrović, Nikola, Simić, Milena, Tasić, Gordana, Savić, Vladimir, "Synthesis and in vitro study of redox properties of pyrrole and halogenated pyrrole derivatives" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2024), . .

Three Component Cascade Processes Involving Palladium Catalyzed Transformations/Dipolar Cycloadditions for the Synthesis of Angular Heterotriquinane Derivatives

Jovanović, Predrag; Jovanović, Miloš; Petković, Miloš; Simić, Milena; Tasić, Gordana; Rodić, Marko; Rakić, Srđan; Vlahović, Filip; Savić, Vladimir

(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2024)

AU  - Jovanović, Predrag
AU  - Jovanović, Miloš
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Tasić, Gordana
AU  - Rodić, Marko
AU  - Rakić, Srđan
AU  - Vlahović, Filip
AU  - Savić, Vladimir
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Combining chemical reactivities of allenes and oximes created a methodology for the preparation of heterocyclic triquinane-type skeletons via a cascade process constructing four bonds in a single step. The initial reaction of allene moiety promoted by Pd-catalysis, affording π-allyl Pd-species, was followed by two additional transformations - nucleophilic displacement and dipolar cycloaddition - to furnish the product highly stereoselectively in moderate to good yields. For the process to be efficient, it was necessary to use a dipolarophilic component as a solvent. Intriguingly, while the reaction with cyclopentanone derived oxime progressed through the whole cascade, with cyclohexanone analogue it stopped at the nitrone stage, requiring an additional step to yield similar type of products. Some aspects of the studied cascade were examined by DFT.
PB  - John Wiley and Sons Inc
T2  - Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis
T1  - Three Component Cascade Processes Involving Palladium Catalyzed Transformations/Dipolar Cycloadditions for the Synthesis of Angular Heterotriquinane Derivatives
DO  - 10.1002/adsc.202400253
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Predrag and Jovanović, Miloš and Petković, Miloš and Simić, Milena and Tasić, Gordana and Rodić, Marko and Rakić, Srđan and Vlahović, Filip and Savić, Vladimir",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Combining chemical reactivities of allenes and oximes created a methodology for the preparation of heterocyclic triquinane-type skeletons via a cascade process constructing four bonds in a single step. The initial reaction of allene moiety promoted by Pd-catalysis, affording π-allyl Pd-species, was followed by two additional transformations - nucleophilic displacement and dipolar cycloaddition - to furnish the product highly stereoselectively in moderate to good yields. For the process to be efficient, it was necessary to use a dipolarophilic component as a solvent. Intriguingly, while the reaction with cyclopentanone derived oxime progressed through the whole cascade, with cyclohexanone analogue it stopped at the nitrone stage, requiring an additional step to yield similar type of products. Some aspects of the studied cascade were examined by DFT.",
publisher = "John Wiley and Sons Inc",
journal = "Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis",
title = "Three Component Cascade Processes Involving Palladium Catalyzed Transformations/Dipolar Cycloadditions for the Synthesis of Angular Heterotriquinane Derivatives",
doi = "10.1002/adsc.202400253"
Jovanović, P., Jovanović, M., Petković, M., Simić, M., Tasić, G., Rodić, M., Rakić, S., Vlahović, F.,& Savić, V.. (2024). Three Component Cascade Processes Involving Palladium Catalyzed Transformations/Dipolar Cycloadditions for the Synthesis of Angular Heterotriquinane Derivatives. in Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis
John Wiley and Sons Inc..
Jovanović P, Jovanović M, Petković M, Simić M, Tasić G, Rodić M, Rakić S, Vlahović F, Savić V. Three Component Cascade Processes Involving Palladium Catalyzed Transformations/Dipolar Cycloadditions for the Synthesis of Angular Heterotriquinane Derivatives. in Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis. 2024;.
doi:10.1002/adsc.202400253 .
Jovanović, Predrag, Jovanović, Miloš, Petković, Miloš, Simić, Milena, Tasić, Gordana, Rodić, Marko, Rakić, Srđan, Vlahović, Filip, Savić, Vladimir, "Three Component Cascade Processes Involving Palladium Catalyzed Transformations/Dipolar Cycloadditions for the Synthesis of Angular Heterotriquinane Derivatives" in Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis (2024), . .

Cytotoxic prenylated phenols of false indigo-bush (Amorpha fruticosa L.)

Samardžić, Stevan; Đorđić Crnogorac, Marija; Petković, Miloš; Arsenijević, Jelena; Stanojković, Tatjana; Maksimović, Zoran

(Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2024)

AU  - Samardžić, Stevan
AU  - Đorđić Crnogorac, Marija
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Arsenijević, Jelena
AU  - Stanojković, Tatjana
AU  - Maksimović, Zoran
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - This study employed the MTT assay to assess the cytotoxicity of one flavan and two stilbene derivatives isolated from the false indigo-bush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) fruits: 5,7-dihydroxy-8-geranylflavanone (1), 2-carboxy-3,5-dihydroxy-4-geranylbibenzyl (2), and 2-carboxy-3-hydroxy-
4-prenyl-5-methoxybibenzyl (3). The examined compounds reduced the survival of human cervical and colon tumour cells (HeLa, HT-29, HCT-116, and LS174) with IC50 values ranging from 10.55 to 147.09 μg/mL, except for 1, which did not affect LS174 cells within the tested concentrations. The highest activity was observed for 1 against HeLa cells, and 1 also exhibited the weakest effect against normal foetal lung fibroblasts (IC50 = 166.11 μg/mL), demonstrating good potency and selectivity. Stilbenes 2 and 3 proved efficacious, but lacked selectivity compared to 1. Our findings revealed the cytotoxicity of false indigo-bush constituents, justifying further mechanistic and in vivo investigations, particularly on 5,7-dihydroxy-8-geranylflavanone, which displayed considerable in vitro anticancer capacity and a potentially favourable safety profile.
PB  - Taylor & Francis Ltd.
T2  - Natural Product Research
T1  - Cytotoxic prenylated phenols of false indigo-bush (Amorpha fruticosa L.)
DO  - 10.1080/14786419.2024.2353912
ER  - 
author = "Samardžić, Stevan and Đorđić Crnogorac, Marija and Petković, Miloš and Arsenijević, Jelena and Stanojković, Tatjana and Maksimović, Zoran",
year = "2024",
abstract = "This study employed the MTT assay to assess the cytotoxicity of one flavan and two stilbene derivatives isolated from the false indigo-bush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) fruits: 5,7-dihydroxy-8-geranylflavanone (1), 2-carboxy-3,5-dihydroxy-4-geranylbibenzyl (2), and 2-carboxy-3-hydroxy-
4-prenyl-5-methoxybibenzyl (3). The examined compounds reduced the survival of human cervical and colon tumour cells (HeLa, HT-29, HCT-116, and LS174) with IC50 values ranging from 10.55 to 147.09 μg/mL, except for 1, which did not affect LS174 cells within the tested concentrations. The highest activity was observed for 1 against HeLa cells, and 1 also exhibited the weakest effect against normal foetal lung fibroblasts (IC50 = 166.11 μg/mL), demonstrating good potency and selectivity. Stilbenes 2 and 3 proved efficacious, but lacked selectivity compared to 1. Our findings revealed the cytotoxicity of false indigo-bush constituents, justifying further mechanistic and in vivo investigations, particularly on 5,7-dihydroxy-8-geranylflavanone, which displayed considerable in vitro anticancer capacity and a potentially favourable safety profile.",
publisher = "Taylor & Francis Ltd.",
journal = "Natural Product Research",
title = "Cytotoxic prenylated phenols of false indigo-bush (Amorpha fruticosa L.)",
doi = "10.1080/14786419.2024.2353912"
Samardžić, S., Đorđić Crnogorac, M., Petković, M., Arsenijević, J., Stanojković, T.,& Maksimović, Z.. (2024). Cytotoxic prenylated phenols of false indigo-bush (Amorpha fruticosa L.). in Natural Product Research
Taylor & Francis Ltd...
Samardžić S, Đorđić Crnogorac M, Petković M, Arsenijević J, Stanojković T, Maksimović Z. Cytotoxic prenylated phenols of false indigo-bush (Amorpha fruticosa L.). in Natural Product Research. 2024;.
doi:10.1080/14786419.2024.2353912 .
Samardžić, Stevan, Đorđić Crnogorac, Marija, Petković, Miloš, Arsenijević, Jelena, Stanojković, Tatjana, Maksimović, Zoran, "Cytotoxic prenylated phenols of false indigo-bush (Amorpha fruticosa L.)" in Natural Product Research (2024), . .

Overcoming the low solubility of novel pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) by combination of drug-phospholipid complex and nanoemulsion technology: design and physicochemical evaluation

Stanković, Tijana; Ilić, Tanja; Petković, Miloš; Pantelić, Ivana; Dobričić, Vladimir; Cook, James M.; Savić, Miroslav; Savić, Snežana


AU  - Stanković, Tijana
AU  - Ilić, Tanja
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Pantelić, Ivana
AU  - Dobričić, Vladimir
AU  - Cook, James M.
AU  - Savić, Miroslav
AU  - Savić, Snežana
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - The low aqueous and oil solubility of the novelpyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) with significantbinding affinity for sigma-2 receptors in the brain hindersthe development of conventional parenteral formulationsand thus a comprehensive evaluation of its efficacy andsafety. ...
T1  - Overcoming the low solubility of novel pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) by combination of drug-phospholipid complex and nanoemulsion technology: design and physicochemical evaluation
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stanković, Tijana and Ilić, Tanja and Petković, Miloš and Pantelić, Ivana and Dobričić, Vladimir and Cook, James M. and Savić, Miroslav and Savić, Snežana",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The low aqueous and oil solubility of the novelpyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) with significantbinding affinity for sigma-2 receptors in the brain hindersthe development of conventional parenteral formulationsand thus a comprehensive evaluation of its efficacy andsafety. ...",
title = "Overcoming the low solubility of novel pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) by combination of drug-phospholipid complex and nanoemulsion technology: design and physicochemical evaluation",
url = ""
Stanković, T., Ilić, T., Petković, M., Pantelić, I., Dobričić, V., Cook, J. M., Savić, M.,& Savić, S.. (2024). Overcoming the low solubility of novel pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) by combination of drug-phospholipid complex and nanoemulsion technology: design and physicochemical evaluation. .
Stanković T, Ilić T, Petković M, Pantelić I, Dobričić V, Cook JM, Savić M, Savić S. Overcoming the low solubility of novel pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) by combination of drug-phospholipid complex and nanoemulsion technology: design and physicochemical evaluation. 2024;. .
Stanković, Tijana, Ilić, Tanja, Petković, Miloš, Pantelić, Ivana, Dobričić, Vladimir, Cook, James M., Savić, Miroslav, Savić, Snežana, "Overcoming the low solubility of novel pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) by combination of drug-phospholipid complex and nanoemulsion technology: design and physicochemical evaluation" (2024), .

Overcoming the low solubility of novel pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) by combination of drug-phospholipid complex and nanoemulsion technology: design and physicochemical evaluation

Stanković, Tijana; Ilić, Tanja; Petković, Miloš; Pantelić, Ivana; Dobričić, Vladimir; Cook, James M.; Savić, Miroslav; Savić, Snežana

(International Society of Drug Delivery Sciences and Technology (APGI), 2024)

AU  - Stanković, Tijana
AU  - Ilić, Tanja
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Pantelić, Ivana
AU  - Dobričić, Vladimir
AU  - Cook, James M.
AU  - Savić, Miroslav
AU  - Savić, Snežana
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - The low aqueous and oil solubility of the novel
pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) with significant
binding affinity for sigma-2 receptors in the brain hinders
the development of conventional parenteral formulations
and thus a comprehensive evaluation of its efficacy and
safety. ...
PB  - International Society of Drug Delivery Sciences and Technology (APGI)
PB  - International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology (APV)
PB  - Italian Society of Technology and Legislation (S.T.E.L.F)
C3  - 14th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 18 - 21 March 2024, Vienna, Austria
T1  - Overcoming the low solubility of novel pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) by combination of drug-phospholipid complex and nanoemulsion technology: design and physicochemical evaluation
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stanković, Tijana and Ilić, Tanja and Petković, Miloš and Pantelić, Ivana and Dobričić, Vladimir and Cook, James M. and Savić, Miroslav and Savić, Snežana",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The low aqueous and oil solubility of the novel
pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) with significant
binding affinity for sigma-2 receptors in the brain hinders
the development of conventional parenteral formulations
and thus a comprehensive evaluation of its efficacy and
safety. ...",
publisher = "International Society of Drug Delivery Sciences and Technology (APGI), International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology (APV), Italian Society of Technology and Legislation (S.T.E.L.F)",
journal = "14th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 18 - 21 March 2024, Vienna, Austria",
title = "Overcoming the low solubility of novel pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) by combination of drug-phospholipid complex and nanoemulsion technology: design and physicochemical evaluation",
url = ""
Stanković, T., Ilić, T., Petković, M., Pantelić, I., Dobričić, V., Cook, J. M., Savić, M.,& Savić, S.. (2024). Overcoming the low solubility of novel pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) by combination of drug-phospholipid complex and nanoemulsion technology: design and physicochemical evaluation. in 14th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 18 - 21 March 2024, Vienna, Austria
International Society of Drug Delivery Sciences and Technology (APGI)..
Stanković T, Ilić T, Petković M, Pantelić I, Dobričić V, Cook JM, Savić M, Savić S. Overcoming the low solubility of novel pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) by combination of drug-phospholipid complex and nanoemulsion technology: design and physicochemical evaluation. in 14th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 18 - 21 March 2024, Vienna, Austria. 2024;. .
Stanković, Tijana, Ilić, Tanja, Petković, Miloš, Pantelić, Ivana, Dobričić, Vladimir, Cook, James M., Savić, Miroslav, Savić, Snežana, "Overcoming the low solubility of novel pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (CW-02-79) by combination of drug-phospholipid complex and nanoemulsion technology: design and physicochemical evaluation" in 14th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 18 - 21 March 2024, Vienna, Austria (2024), .

Synthesis of hydantoins from N-Boc protected aminoacid derived amides using polymer-supported PPh3/CBr4as a reagent

Tasić, Gordana; Mitrović, Nikola; Simić, Milena; Koravović, Mladen; Jovanović, Predrag; Petković, Miloš; Jovanović, Miloš; Ivković, Branka; Savić, Vladimir

(Wiley Periodicals LLC., 2024)

AU  - Tasić, Gordana
AU  - Mitrović, Nikola
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Koravović, Mladen
AU  - Jovanović, Predrag
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Jovanović, Miloš
AU  - Ivković, Branka
AU  - Savić, Vladimir
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Hydantoin derivatives are versatile structural motifs found in natural products
and various compounds with different biological or other properties. Due to
their importance in both organic and medicinal chemistry, a number of synthetic procedures have been developed. In this article, a novel methodology
utilizing N-Boc protected amino acid amides for their preparation has been
described. The cyclisation process was accomplished using solid supported
PPh3 and CBr 4 as reagents affording substituted hydantoins in moderate to
good yields (40%–77%).
PB  - Wiley Periodicals LLC.
T2  - Journal Heterocyclic Chemistry
T1  - Synthesis of hydantoins from N-Boc protected aminoacid derived amides using polymer-supported PPh3/CBr4as a reagent
DO  - 10.1002/jhet.4802
ER  - 
author = "Tasić, Gordana and Mitrović, Nikola and Simić, Milena and Koravović, Mladen and Jovanović, Predrag and Petković, Miloš and Jovanović, Miloš and Ivković, Branka and Savić, Vladimir",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Hydantoin derivatives are versatile structural motifs found in natural products
and various compounds with different biological or other properties. Due to
their importance in both organic and medicinal chemistry, a number of synthetic procedures have been developed. In this article, a novel methodology
utilizing N-Boc protected amino acid amides for their preparation has been
described. The cyclisation process was accomplished using solid supported
PPh3 and CBr 4 as reagents affording substituted hydantoins in moderate to
good yields (40%–77%).",
publisher = "Wiley Periodicals LLC.",
journal = "Journal Heterocyclic Chemistry",
title = "Synthesis of hydantoins from N-Boc protected aminoacid derived amides using polymer-supported PPh3/CBr4as a reagent",
doi = "10.1002/jhet.4802"
Tasić, G., Mitrović, N., Simić, M., Koravović, M., Jovanović, P., Petković, M., Jovanović, M., Ivković, B.,& Savić, V.. (2024). Synthesis of hydantoins from N-Boc protected aminoacid derived amides using polymer-supported PPh3/CBr4as a reagent. in Journal Heterocyclic Chemistry
Wiley Periodicals LLC...
Tasić G, Mitrović N, Simić M, Koravović M, Jovanović P, Petković M, Jovanović M, Ivković B, Savić V. Synthesis of hydantoins from N-Boc protected aminoacid derived amides using polymer-supported PPh3/CBr4as a reagent. in Journal Heterocyclic Chemistry. 2024;.
doi:10.1002/jhet.4802 .
Tasić, Gordana, Mitrović, Nikola, Simić, Milena, Koravović, Mladen, Jovanović, Predrag, Petković, Miloš, Jovanović, Miloš, Ivković, Branka, Savić, Vladimir, "Synthesis of hydantoins from N-Boc protected aminoacid derived amides using polymer-supported PPh3/CBr4as a reagent" in Journal Heterocyclic Chemistry (2024), . .

Synthesis of Piperazin-2-one Derivatives via Cascade Double Nucleophilic Substitution

Petković, Miloš; Kušljević, Dušica; Jovanović, Miloš; Jovanović, Predrag; Tasić, Gordana; Simić, Milena; Savić, Vladimir

(Georg Thieme Verlag, 2023)

AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Kušljević, Dušica
AU  - Jovanović, Miloš
AU  - Jovanović, Predrag
AU  - Tasić, Gordana
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Savić, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - A cascade, metal promoted transformations utilizing chloro allenylamide, primary amine and aryl iodide afforded piperizinones in good yields. Under the optimized conditions the cascade is performed as one-pot process allowing formation of three bonds. The synthetic route, controlled by the reaction rates of several processes involved, introduces two points of diversity and is well suited for combinatorial synthesis or related technologies.
PB  - Georg Thieme Verlag
T2  - Synthesis
T1  - Synthesis of Piperazin-2-one Derivatives via Cascade Double Nucleophilic Substitution
DO  - 10.1055/a-2201-9951
ER  - 
author = "Petković, Miloš and Kušljević, Dušica and Jovanović, Miloš and Jovanović, Predrag and Tasić, Gordana and Simić, Milena and Savić, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "A cascade, metal promoted transformations utilizing chloro allenylamide, primary amine and aryl iodide afforded piperizinones in good yields. Under the optimized conditions the cascade is performed as one-pot process allowing formation of three bonds. The synthetic route, controlled by the reaction rates of several processes involved, introduces two points of diversity and is well suited for combinatorial synthesis or related technologies.",
publisher = "Georg Thieme Verlag",
journal = "Synthesis",
title = "Synthesis of Piperazin-2-one Derivatives via Cascade Double Nucleophilic Substitution",
doi = "10.1055/a-2201-9951"
Petković, M., Kušljević, D., Jovanović, M., Jovanović, P., Tasić, G., Simić, M.,& Savić, V.. (2023). Synthesis of Piperazin-2-one Derivatives via Cascade Double Nucleophilic Substitution. in Synthesis
Georg Thieme Verlag..
Petković M, Kušljević D, Jovanović M, Jovanović P, Tasić G, Simić M, Savić V. Synthesis of Piperazin-2-one Derivatives via Cascade Double Nucleophilic Substitution. in Synthesis. 2023;.
doi:10.1055/a-2201-9951 .
Petković, Miloš, Kušljević, Dušica, Jovanović, Miloš, Jovanović, Predrag, Tasić, Gordana, Simić, Milena, Savić, Vladimir, "Synthesis of Piperazin-2-one Derivatives via Cascade Double Nucleophilic Substitution" in Synthesis (2023), . .

Investigation of Anticholinesterase Activity of Chemically Characterised Hieracium s. str. Methanol Extracts and Their Selected Metabolites

Milutinović, Violeta; Petrović, Predrag; Petković, Miloš; Klaus, Anita; Ušjak, Ljuboš; Niketić, Marjan; Petrović, Silvana

(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2023)

AU  - Milutinović, Violeta
AU  - Petrović, Predrag
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Klaus, Anita
AU  - Ušjak, Ljuboš
AU  - Niketić, Marjan
AU  - Petrović, Silvana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The composition and anticholinesterase activity of the dried MeOH extracts of Hieracium scheppigianum and H. naegelianum underground parts (rhizomes and roots), as well as the anticholinesterase activity of the dried, previously chemically characterised MeOH extracts of the flowering aerial parts of these two and 26 other Hieracium species in the strict sense (s. str.), were investigated. Furthermore, the anticholinesterase activity of 12 selected secondary metabolites of these extracts was evaluated. Using semi-preparative LC-MS, five caffeoylquinic acids and the sesquiterpene lactone crepiside E were isolated from H. scheppigianum underground parts extract. All these compounds were also identified in the underground parts extract of H. naegelianum. Quantitative LC-MS analysis showed that the analysed underground parts extracts were rich in both caffeoylquinic acids (139.77 and 156.62 mg/g of extract, respectively) and crepiside E (126.88 and 116.58 mg/g). In the Ellman method, the tested extracts showed an interesting anti-AChE and/or anti-BChE activity (IC50=0.56–1.58 mg/mL), which can be explained, at least partially, by the presence of some of their constituents. Among the metabolites tested, the best activity was revealed for the flavonoids apigenin, luteolin and diosmetin, and the sesquiterpene lactone 8-epiixerisamine A (IC50=68.09–299.37 μM).
PB  - John Wiley and Sons Inc
T2  - Chemistry and Biodiversity
T1  - Investigation of Anticholinesterase Activity of Chemically Characterised Hieracium s. str. Methanol Extracts and Their Selected Metabolites
VL  - 20
IS  - 11
SP  - e202301044
DO  - 10.1002/cbdv.202301044
ER  - 
author = "Milutinović, Violeta and Petrović, Predrag and Petković, Miloš and Klaus, Anita and Ušjak, Ljuboš and Niketić, Marjan and Petrović, Silvana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The composition and anticholinesterase activity of the dried MeOH extracts of Hieracium scheppigianum and H. naegelianum underground parts (rhizomes and roots), as well as the anticholinesterase activity of the dried, previously chemically characterised MeOH extracts of the flowering aerial parts of these two and 26 other Hieracium species in the strict sense (s. str.), were investigated. Furthermore, the anticholinesterase activity of 12 selected secondary metabolites of these extracts was evaluated. Using semi-preparative LC-MS, five caffeoylquinic acids and the sesquiterpene lactone crepiside E were isolated from H. scheppigianum underground parts extract. All these compounds were also identified in the underground parts extract of H. naegelianum. Quantitative LC-MS analysis showed that the analysed underground parts extracts were rich in both caffeoylquinic acids (139.77 and 156.62 mg/g of extract, respectively) and crepiside E (126.88 and 116.58 mg/g). In the Ellman method, the tested extracts showed an interesting anti-AChE and/or anti-BChE activity (IC50=0.56–1.58 mg/mL), which can be explained, at least partially, by the presence of some of their constituents. Among the metabolites tested, the best activity was revealed for the flavonoids apigenin, luteolin and diosmetin, and the sesquiterpene lactone 8-epiixerisamine A (IC50=68.09–299.37 μM).",
publisher = "John Wiley and Sons Inc",
journal = "Chemistry and Biodiversity",
title = "Investigation of Anticholinesterase Activity of Chemically Characterised Hieracium s. str. Methanol Extracts and Their Selected Metabolites",
volume = "20",
number = "11",
pages = "e202301044",
doi = "10.1002/cbdv.202301044"
Milutinović, V., Petrović, P., Petković, M., Klaus, A., Ušjak, L., Niketić, M.,& Petrović, S.. (2023). Investigation of Anticholinesterase Activity of Chemically Characterised Hieracium s. str. Methanol Extracts and Their Selected Metabolites. in Chemistry and Biodiversity
John Wiley and Sons Inc., 20(11), e202301044.
Milutinović V, Petrović P, Petković M, Klaus A, Ušjak L, Niketić M, Petrović S. Investigation of Anticholinesterase Activity of Chemically Characterised Hieracium s. str. Methanol Extracts and Their Selected Metabolites. in Chemistry and Biodiversity. 2023;20(11):e202301044.
doi:10.1002/cbdv.202301044 .
Milutinović, Violeta, Petrović, Predrag, Petković, Miloš, Klaus, Anita, Ušjak, Ljuboš, Niketić, Marjan, Petrović, Silvana, "Investigation of Anticholinesterase Activity of Chemically Characterised Hieracium s. str. Methanol Extracts and Their Selected Metabolites" in Chemistry and Biodiversity, 20, no. 11 (2023):e202301044, . .

Discovery of novel HDAC inhibitors for therapy of triple-negative breast cancer – preclinical study

Ružić, Dušan; Petković, Miloš; Đoković, Nemanja; Santibanez, Juan; Pavić, Aleksandar; Ganesan, A.; Srdić Rajić, Tatjana; Nikolić, Katarina

(Serbian Association on for Cancer Research Belgrade, Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Ružić, Dušan
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Đoković, Nemanja
AU  - Santibanez, Juan
AU  - Pavić, Aleksandar
AU  - Ganesan, A.
AU  - Srdić Rajić, Tatjana
AU  - Nikolić, Katarina
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive form of breast cancer that has poor survival rates due to the absence of specific molecular markers such as estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). In the era of precision oncology, it is recognized that an imbalance in post-translational modifications of histones, such as histone lysine acetylation and deacetylation, is closely linked to tumor initiation and progression. Two groups of enzymes control the reversible nature of histone post-translational acetylation: histone acetyltransferases (HATs) and histone deacetylases (HDACs). Isoform-specific targeting of HDACs is considered a rational strategy to develop safe anticancer therapeutics compared to non-selective HDAC inhibitors. However, non-selective HDAC inhibitors have been more extensively studied in clinical trials. This work presents the design and discovery of potent HDAC inhibitors that selectively target HDAC6 isozyme, using 1-benzhydryl piperazine as a surface recognition group with different hydrocarbon linkers. Through in vitro screening, two HDAC6-selective inhibitors with nanomolar IC50 values and two non-selective HDAC inhibitors were identified. Structure-based molecular modelling was utilized to investigate the impact of linker chemistry on the potency of synthesized inhibitors against HDAC6. The anti-cancer, anti-migratory, and anti-invasive activities of these compounds were evaluated using breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7). Experiments on a zebrafish MDA-MB-231 xenograft model demonstrated that a novel non-selective HDAC inhibitor (8b) with a seven-carbon-atom linker exhibited potent effects against tumor growth, metastasis, and angiogenesis at low micromolar concentrations.
PB  - Serbian Association on for Cancer Research Belgrade, Serbia
C3  - Oncology
T1  - Discovery of novel HDAC inhibitors for therapy of triple-negative breast cancer – preclinical study
VL  - 1
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ružić, Dušan and Petković, Miloš and Đoković, Nemanja and Santibanez, Juan and Pavić, Aleksandar and Ganesan, A. and Srdić Rajić, Tatjana and Nikolić, Katarina",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive form of breast cancer that has poor survival rates due to the absence of specific molecular markers such as estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). In the era of precision oncology, it is recognized that an imbalance in post-translational modifications of histones, such as histone lysine acetylation and deacetylation, is closely linked to tumor initiation and progression. Two groups of enzymes control the reversible nature of histone post-translational acetylation: histone acetyltransferases (HATs) and histone deacetylases (HDACs). Isoform-specific targeting of HDACs is considered a rational strategy to develop safe anticancer therapeutics compared to non-selective HDAC inhibitors. However, non-selective HDAC inhibitors have been more extensively studied in clinical trials. This work presents the design and discovery of potent HDAC inhibitors that selectively target HDAC6 isozyme, using 1-benzhydryl piperazine as a surface recognition group with different hydrocarbon linkers. Through in vitro screening, two HDAC6-selective inhibitors with nanomolar IC50 values and two non-selective HDAC inhibitors were identified. Structure-based molecular modelling was utilized to investigate the impact of linker chemistry on the potency of synthesized inhibitors against HDAC6. The anti-cancer, anti-migratory, and anti-invasive activities of these compounds were evaluated using breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7). Experiments on a zebrafish MDA-MB-231 xenograft model demonstrated that a novel non-selective HDAC inhibitor (8b) with a seven-carbon-atom linker exhibited potent effects against tumor growth, metastasis, and angiogenesis at low micromolar concentrations.",
publisher = "Serbian Association on for Cancer Research Belgrade, Serbia",
journal = "Oncology
title = "Discovery of novel HDAC inhibitors for therapy of triple-negative breast cancer – preclinical study",
volume = "1",
url = ""
Ružić, D., Petković, M., Đoković, N., Santibanez, J., Pavić, A., Ganesan, A., Srdić Rajić, T.,& Nikolić, K.. (2023). Discovery of novel HDAC inhibitors for therapy of triple-negative breast cancer – preclinical study. in Oncology
Serbian Association on for Cancer Research Belgrade, Serbia., 1.
Ružić D, Petković M, Đoković N, Santibanez J, Pavić A, Ganesan A, Srdić Rajić T, Nikolić K. Discovery of novel HDAC inhibitors for therapy of triple-negative breast cancer – preclinical study. in Oncology
Insights. 2023;1. .
Ružić, Dušan, Petković, Miloš, Đoković, Nemanja, Santibanez, Juan, Pavić, Aleksandar, Ganesan, A., Srdić Rajić, Tatjana, Nikolić, Katarina, "Discovery of novel HDAC inhibitors for therapy of triple-negative breast cancer – preclinical study" in Oncology
Insights, 1 (2023), .

Virtual docking and design of novel Histone deacetylase and Rho- associated protein kinases dual inhibitors (HDAC/ROCKs)

Beljkaš, Milan; Petković, Miloš; Nikolić, Katarina; Oljačić, Slavica

(International Association of Physical Chemists, 2023)

AU  - Beljkaš, Milan
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Nikolić, Katarina
AU  - Oljačić, Slavica
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Histone deacetylases (HDACs) belong to a family of epigenetic enzymes that has 18 different
isoforms and play an important role in the development and progression of various tumors.
To date, five histone deacetylase inhibitors have been approved by the FDA, and are used
to treat multiple myeloma, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, peripheral T-cell lymphoma, and
breast cancer (estrogen and/or progesterone positive) [1]. All of them are non-selective.
Therefore, their safety profile is poor and their efficacy is low in single therapy. One of our
previous research projects demonstrated the synergistic effect of HDAC inhibitors and
inhibitors of Rho-associated protein kinases (ROCK) in the treatment of pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma (PDAC) [2]. This finding led us to design of the dual HDAC/ROCK inhibitors
with potential effects on PDAC by using structure-based molecular docking method.
Molecular docking study was performed using GOLD software. The crystal structures of
ROCK1 (PDB: 6E9W), ROCK2 (PDB: 7JNT), HDAC1 (PDB: 5ICN), and HDAC6 (PDB: 5EDU)
enzymes were downloaded from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The enzymes were prepared
for docking study using the online software Play Molecule-ProteinPrepare. The structures
of the ROCK1, ROCK2, HDAC1 and HDAC6 inhibitors with their pIC50 values were obtained
from the ChEMBL database. The dominant microspecies of all compounds at physiological
pH were selected by Marvin Sketch Sketch 6.1.0 program and their further geometrical
optimization were performed using the PM3 semi-empirical method and the Hartree-Fock
method with 3-21G basis set.
The virtual docking procedures for all four enzymes were validated and the calculated RMSD
values were below 2Å. The critical parts of the structures that establish the interactions
crucial for the inhibition of HDAC1, HDAC6, ROCK1, and ROCK2 were identified. Based on
the obtained resultsdual HDAC/ROCK inhibitors were designed and evaluated by validated
docking procedures and in silico ADMET profiling.
Taking into account all these findings, the most active compounds are selected and will be
further synthesized and evaluated using in vitro enzyme and cell tests.
PB  - International Association of Physical Chemists
C3  - 10th IAPC Meeting Tenth World Conference on Physico-Chemical Methods in Drug Discovery & Sixth World Conference on ADMET and DMPK Belgrade, Serbia, September 4-6
T1  - Virtual docking and design of novel Histone deacetylase and Rho- associated protein kinases dual inhibitors (HDAC/ROCKs)
SP  - 46
EP  - 46
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Beljkaš, Milan and Petković, Miloš and Nikolić, Katarina and Oljačić, Slavica",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Histone deacetylases (HDACs) belong to a family of epigenetic enzymes that has 18 different
isoforms and play an important role in the development and progression of various tumors.
To date, five histone deacetylase inhibitors have been approved by the FDA, and are used
to treat multiple myeloma, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, peripheral T-cell lymphoma, and
breast cancer (estrogen and/or progesterone positive) [1]. All of them are non-selective.
Therefore, their safety profile is poor and their efficacy is low in single therapy. One of our
previous research projects demonstrated the synergistic effect of HDAC inhibitors and
inhibitors of Rho-associated protein kinases (ROCK) in the treatment of pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma (PDAC) [2]. This finding led us to design of the dual HDAC/ROCK inhibitors
with potential effects on PDAC by using structure-based molecular docking method.
Molecular docking study was performed using GOLD software. The crystal structures of
ROCK1 (PDB: 6E9W), ROCK2 (PDB: 7JNT), HDAC1 (PDB: 5ICN), and HDAC6 (PDB: 5EDU)
enzymes were downloaded from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The enzymes were prepared
for docking study using the online software Play Molecule-ProteinPrepare. The structures
of the ROCK1, ROCK2, HDAC1 and HDAC6 inhibitors with their pIC50 values were obtained
from the ChEMBL database. The dominant microspecies of all compounds at physiological
pH were selected by Marvin Sketch Sketch 6.1.0 program and their further geometrical
optimization were performed using the PM3 semi-empirical method and the Hartree-Fock
method with 3-21G basis set.
The virtual docking procedures for all four enzymes were validated and the calculated RMSD
values were below 2Å. The critical parts of the structures that establish the interactions
crucial for the inhibition of HDAC1, HDAC6, ROCK1, and ROCK2 were identified. Based on
the obtained resultsdual HDAC/ROCK inhibitors were designed and evaluated by validated
docking procedures and in silico ADMET profiling.
Taking into account all these findings, the most active compounds are selected and will be
further synthesized and evaluated using in vitro enzyme and cell tests.",
publisher = "International Association of Physical Chemists",
journal = "10th IAPC Meeting Tenth World Conference on Physico-Chemical Methods in Drug Discovery & Sixth World Conference on ADMET and DMPK Belgrade, Serbia, September 4-6",
title = "Virtual docking and design of novel Histone deacetylase and Rho- associated protein kinases dual inhibitors (HDAC/ROCKs)",
pages = "46-46",
url = ""
Beljkaš, M., Petković, M., Nikolić, K.,& Oljačić, S.. (2023). Virtual docking and design of novel Histone deacetylase and Rho- associated protein kinases dual inhibitors (HDAC/ROCKs). in 10th IAPC Meeting Tenth World Conference on Physico-Chemical Methods in Drug Discovery & Sixth World Conference on ADMET and DMPK Belgrade, Serbia, September 4-6
International Association of Physical Chemists., 46-46.
Beljkaš M, Petković M, Nikolić K, Oljačić S. Virtual docking and design of novel Histone deacetylase and Rho- associated protein kinases dual inhibitors (HDAC/ROCKs). in 10th IAPC Meeting Tenth World Conference on Physico-Chemical Methods in Drug Discovery & Sixth World Conference on ADMET and DMPK Belgrade, Serbia, September 4-6. 2023;:46-46. .
Beljkaš, Milan, Petković, Miloš, Nikolić, Katarina, Oljačić, Slavica, "Virtual docking and design of novel Histone deacetylase and Rho- associated protein kinases dual inhibitors (HDAC/ROCKs)" in 10th IAPC Meeting Tenth World Conference on Physico-Chemical Methods in Drug Discovery & Sixth World Conference on ADMET and DMPK Belgrade, Serbia, September 4-6 (2023):46-46, .

Structural elucidation of flavonoids isolated from aerial parts of Stachys annua (L.) L. (Lamiaceae)

Kukić-Marković, Jelena; Petković, Miloš; Niketić, Marjan; Petrović, Silvana


AU  - Kukić-Marković, Jelena
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Niketić, Marjan
AU  - Petrović, Silvana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Stachys annua (L.) L. (annual yellow-woundwort) is an arrable weed and melliferous archaeophyte, with the native range in Europe to Siberia and Iran [1]. The aim of this work is to implement simple chromatographic technique for isolation of flavonoids from crude methanol extract of S. annua aerial flowering parts (herb).  
Plant material collected in NW Serbia (Mt Sokolske planine) was air-dried, powdered, and then extracted by bimaceration with chloroform and methanol. Dry methanol extract of S. annua herb was applied on preparative TLC plates of silica gel. After developing of chromatogram in methylene chloride:methanol:water (40:10:1, V/V/V), and spraying with NP/PEG reagent, in ultraviolet light at 365 nm three clearly separated fluorescence-quenching zones were observed. Zones were eluted with mixture of methylene chloride and methanol (1:1, V/V), and using LC-MS analysis one dominant compound was detected in each of these fractions. According to their UV, MS and 1H-NMR spectral data, as well as using flavonoids previously isolated from S. alpina subsp. dinarica [2], these compounds (1-3) were identified as 8-hydroxyflavone glycosides, namely: isoscutellarein-7-O-[6'''-acetyl-β-D-allopyranosyl-(1→2)]-β-D-glucopyranoside (compound 1), 3'-hydroxy-4'-O-methylisoscutellareine-7-O-[6'''-acetyl-β-D-allopyranosyl-(1→2)]-β-D-glucopyranoside (compound 2) and 4'-O-methylisoscutellareine-7-O-[6'''-acetyl-β-D-allopyranosyl-(1→2)]-β-D-glucopyranoside (compound 3).
It could be concluded that the developed preparative TLC method is suitable for rapid isolation of the mentioned flavonoid biosides from the crude methanol extract of S. annua without prior fractionation by other chromatographic techniques.
C3  - 5th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plants to Pharmacy Shelf - ICNPU-2023 Book of Abstracts
T1  - Structural elucidation of flavonoids isolated from aerial parts of Stachys annua (L.) L. (Lamiaceae)
SP  - 194
EP  - 195
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kukić-Marković, Jelena and Petković, Miloš and Niketić, Marjan and Petrović, Silvana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Stachys annua (L.) L. (annual yellow-woundwort) is an arrable weed and melliferous archaeophyte, with the native range in Europe to Siberia and Iran [1]. The aim of this work is to implement simple chromatographic technique for isolation of flavonoids from crude methanol extract of S. annua aerial flowering parts (herb).  
Plant material collected in NW Serbia (Mt Sokolske planine) was air-dried, powdered, and then extracted by bimaceration with chloroform and methanol. Dry methanol extract of S. annua herb was applied on preparative TLC plates of silica gel. After developing of chromatogram in methylene chloride:methanol:water (40:10:1, V/V/V), and spraying with NP/PEG reagent, in ultraviolet light at 365 nm three clearly separated fluorescence-quenching zones were observed. Zones were eluted with mixture of methylene chloride and methanol (1:1, V/V), and using LC-MS analysis one dominant compound was detected in each of these fractions. According to their UV, MS and 1H-NMR spectral data, as well as using flavonoids previously isolated from S. alpina subsp. dinarica [2], these compounds (1-3) were identified as 8-hydroxyflavone glycosides, namely: isoscutellarein-7-O-[6'''-acetyl-β-D-allopyranosyl-(1→2)]-β-D-glucopyranoside (compound 1), 3'-hydroxy-4'-O-methylisoscutellareine-7-O-[6'''-acetyl-β-D-allopyranosyl-(1→2)]-β-D-glucopyranoside (compound 2) and 4'-O-methylisoscutellareine-7-O-[6'''-acetyl-β-D-allopyranosyl-(1→2)]-β-D-glucopyranoside (compound 3).
It could be concluded that the developed preparative TLC method is suitable for rapid isolation of the mentioned flavonoid biosides from the crude methanol extract of S. annua without prior fractionation by other chromatographic techniques.",
journal = "5th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plants to Pharmacy Shelf - ICNPU-2023 Book of Abstracts",
title = "Structural elucidation of flavonoids isolated from aerial parts of Stachys annua (L.) L. (Lamiaceae)",
pages = "194-195",
url = ""
Kukić-Marković, J., Petković, M., Niketić, M.,& Petrović, S.. (2023). Structural elucidation of flavonoids isolated from aerial parts of Stachys annua (L.) L. (Lamiaceae). in 5th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plants to Pharmacy Shelf - ICNPU-2023 Book of Abstracts, 194-195.
Kukić-Marković J, Petković M, Niketić M, Petrović S. Structural elucidation of flavonoids isolated from aerial parts of Stachys annua (L.) L. (Lamiaceae). in 5th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plants to Pharmacy Shelf - ICNPU-2023 Book of Abstracts. 2023;:194-195. .
Kukić-Marković, Jelena, Petković, Miloš, Niketić, Marjan, Petrović, Silvana, "Structural elucidation of flavonoids isolated from aerial parts of Stachys annua (L.) L. (Lamiaceae)" in 5th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plants to Pharmacy Shelf - ICNPU-2023 Book of Abstracts (2023):194-195, .

Regio- and Stereoselective, Intramolecular [2+2] Cycloaddition of Allenes, Promoted by Visible Light Photocatalysis

Jovanović, Miloš; Jovanović, Predrag; Tasić, Gordana; Simić, Milena; Maslak, Veselin; Rakić, Srđan; Rodić, Marko; Vlahović, Filip; Petković, Miloš; Savić, Vladimir

(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2023)

AU  - Jovanović, Miloš
AU  - Jovanović, Predrag
AU  - Tasić, Gordana
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Maslak, Veselin
AU  - Rakić, Srđan
AU  - Rodić, Marko
AU  - Vlahović, Filip
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Savić, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Enallenylamides have been utilized for the synthesis of heterobicycle[4.2.0]octane derivatives via Ir/hν promoted [2+2] cycloaddition reaction. The reaction specifically targets the distal double bond of the allene moiety, and results in the exclusive formation of the trans product. The process is conducted at room temperature and under an inert atmosphere. An extensive study on the substituent propensities during the cycloaddition step revealed variable effects. Electron-withdrawing groups conjugated with the double bond participating in the cycloaddition either hindered the process or reduced its yield. Conversely, electron-donating substituents enhanced the efficiency, resulting in product yields ranging from 60% to 88%. Our study also demonstrated the influence of protecting groups on the reaction pathway.
PB  - John Wiley and Sons Inc
T2  - Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis
T1  - Regio- and Stereoselective, Intramolecular [2+2] Cycloaddition of Allenes, Promoted by Visible Light Photocatalysis
DO  - 10.1002/adsc.202300301
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Miloš and Jovanović, Predrag and Tasić, Gordana and Simić, Milena and Maslak, Veselin and Rakić, Srđan and Rodić, Marko and Vlahović, Filip and Petković, Miloš and Savić, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Enallenylamides have been utilized for the synthesis of heterobicycle[4.2.0]octane derivatives via Ir/hν promoted [2+2] cycloaddition reaction. The reaction specifically targets the distal double bond of the allene moiety, and results in the exclusive formation of the trans product. The process is conducted at room temperature and under an inert atmosphere. An extensive study on the substituent propensities during the cycloaddition step revealed variable effects. Electron-withdrawing groups conjugated with the double bond participating in the cycloaddition either hindered the process or reduced its yield. Conversely, electron-donating substituents enhanced the efficiency, resulting in product yields ranging from 60% to 88%. Our study also demonstrated the influence of protecting groups on the reaction pathway.",
publisher = "John Wiley and Sons Inc",
journal = "Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis",
title = "Regio- and Stereoselective, Intramolecular [2+2] Cycloaddition of Allenes, Promoted by Visible Light Photocatalysis",
doi = "10.1002/adsc.202300301"
Jovanović, M., Jovanović, P., Tasić, G., Simić, M., Maslak, V., Rakić, S., Rodić, M., Vlahović, F., Petković, M.,& Savić, V.. (2023). Regio- and Stereoselective, Intramolecular [2+2] Cycloaddition of Allenes, Promoted by Visible Light Photocatalysis. in Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis
John Wiley and Sons Inc..
Jovanović M, Jovanović P, Tasić G, Simić M, Maslak V, Rakić S, Rodić M, Vlahović F, Petković M, Savić V. Regio- and Stereoselective, Intramolecular [2+2] Cycloaddition of Allenes, Promoted by Visible Light Photocatalysis. in Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis. 2023;.
doi:10.1002/adsc.202300301 .
Jovanović, Miloš, Jovanović, Predrag, Tasić, Gordana, Simić, Milena, Maslak, Veselin, Rakić, Srđan, Rodić, Marko, Vlahović, Filip, Petković, Miloš, Savić, Vladimir, "Regio- and Stereoselective, Intramolecular [2+2] Cycloaddition of Allenes, Promoted by Visible Light Photocatalysis" in Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis (2023), . .

In vitro study of redox properties of azolyl-lactones in human serum

Simić, Milena; Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena; Jovanović, Predrag; Petković, Miloš; Jovanović, Miloš; Tasić, Gordana; Savić, Vladimir

(Serbian Chemical Society, 2023)

AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena
AU  - Jovanović, Predrag
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Jovanović, Miloš
AU  - Tasić, Gordana
AU  - Savić, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Disruption of the redox balance in the body causes oxidative stress that can initiate many diseases. While antioxidants reduce the level of oxidiz- ing compounds in the medium, prooxidants promote the opposite process and have been used in therapies in particular those of cancer diseases. In this study, a series of azolyl lactones, were tested in human serum as a biological matrix and the obtained values of their oxy scores (OS) were compared. The antioxid- ative properties of these compounds were also tested under conditions of ind- uced oxidative stress using an external prooxidant, t-butylhydroperoxide. The results showed that the sulphur analogue 4-azolyl coumarin 5 has the best anti- oxidant properties (OS –2.2), while the halogenated derivatives of pyrazolyl- coumarin 7 and 8 act as prooxidants, but successfully resist oxidative stress (OS 2.7 and 2.0, respectively). Related phthalides and isocoumarins showed prooxidative properties, but azolyl isocoumarins 10 and 11 show the strongest resistance to oxidative stress, reflected in their negative oxy score value (OS –2.1 and –1.1, respectively). The results demonstrated that combining two pharmacophores with known redox properties can produce potent compounds in both directions, with the antioxidative and the prooxidative characteristics.
AB  - Поремећај редокс баланса у организму може узроковати оксидативни стрес, који је окидач за настанак многих болести. Антиоксиданси снижавају ниво оксидујућих једи- њења у медијуму у коме се налазе, док прооксиданси делују супротно и као такви могу наћи примену у терапији канцера. У овом истраживању, испитиване су антиоксидативне и прооксидативне особине серије азолил-лактона у хуманом серуму као биолошком матриксу. Антиоксидативне особине су представљене помоћу окси скорова (ОS), а испи- тивано је и понашање ових једињења у условима индукованог оксидативног стреса нас- талог додатком терц-бутил-хидропероксида као спољног прооксиданса. Резултати су показали да сумпорни дериват, 4-бензимидазолил кумарин 5 има најизраженије анти- оксидативне особине (ОS –2,2), док халогеновани деривати пиразолил-кумарина 7 и 8 реагују као прооксиданси (ОS 2,7 и 2,0). Утицају додатог прооксиданса се најбоље опиру једињења 7 и 8. Испитивани деривати изокумарина и фталида такође показују проокси- дативне особине, док се оксидативном стресу најбоље опиру азолил-изокумарини (ОS < 0).
PB  - Serbian Chemical Society
T2  - Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
T1  - In vitro study of redox properties of azolyl-lactones in human serum
T1  - In vitro студија редокс особина азолил-лактона у хуманом серуму
VL  - 88
IS  - 6
SP  - 589
EP  - 601
DO  - 10.2298/JSC221221017S
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Milena and Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena and Jovanović, Predrag and Petković, Miloš and Jovanović, Miloš and Tasić, Gordana and Savić, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Disruption of the redox balance in the body causes oxidative stress that can initiate many diseases. While antioxidants reduce the level of oxidiz- ing compounds in the medium, prooxidants promote the opposite process and have been used in therapies in particular those of cancer diseases. In this study, a series of azolyl lactones, were tested in human serum as a biological matrix and the obtained values of their oxy scores (OS) were compared. The antioxid- ative properties of these compounds were also tested under conditions of ind- uced oxidative stress using an external prooxidant, t-butylhydroperoxide. The results showed that the sulphur analogue 4-azolyl coumarin 5 has the best anti- oxidant properties (OS –2.2), while the halogenated derivatives of pyrazolyl- coumarin 7 and 8 act as prooxidants, but successfully resist oxidative stress (OS 2.7 and 2.0, respectively). Related phthalides and isocoumarins showed prooxidative properties, but azolyl isocoumarins 10 and 11 show the strongest resistance to oxidative stress, reflected in their negative oxy score value (OS –2.1 and –1.1, respectively). The results demonstrated that combining two pharmacophores with known redox properties can produce potent compounds in both directions, with the antioxidative and the prooxidative characteristics., Поремећај редокс баланса у организму може узроковати оксидативни стрес, који је окидач за настанак многих болести. Антиоксиданси снижавају ниво оксидујућих једи- њења у медијуму у коме се налазе, док прооксиданси делују супротно и као такви могу наћи примену у терапији канцера. У овом истраживању, испитиване су антиоксидативне и прооксидативне особине серије азолил-лактона у хуманом серуму као биолошком матриксу. Антиоксидативне особине су представљене помоћу окси скорова (ОS), а испи- тивано је и понашање ових једињења у условима индукованог оксидативног стреса нас- талог додатком терц-бутил-хидропероксида као спољног прооксиданса. Резултати су показали да сумпорни дериват, 4-бензимидазолил кумарин 5 има најизраженије анти- оксидативне особине (ОS –2,2), док халогеновани деривати пиразолил-кумарина 7 и 8 реагују као прооксиданси (ОS 2,7 и 2,0). Утицају додатог прооксиданса се најбоље опиру једињења 7 и 8. Испитивани деривати изокумарина и фталида такође показују проокси- дативне особине, док се оксидативном стресу најбоље опиру азолил-изокумарини (ОS < 0).",
publisher = "Serbian Chemical Society",
journal = "Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society",
title = "In vitro study of redox properties of azolyl-lactones in human serum, In vitro студија редокс особина азолил-лактона у хуманом серуму",
volume = "88",
number = "6",
pages = "589-601",
doi = "10.2298/JSC221221017S"
Simić, M., Kotur-Stevuljević, J., Jovanović, P., Petković, M., Jovanović, M., Tasić, G.,& Savić, V.. (2023). In vitro study of redox properties of azolyl-lactones in human serum. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Serbian Chemical Society., 88(6), 589-601.
Simić M, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Jovanović P, Petković M, Jovanović M, Tasić G, Savić V. In vitro study of redox properties of azolyl-lactones in human serum. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. 2023;88(6):589-601.
doi:10.2298/JSC221221017S .
Simić, Milena, Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena, Jovanović, Predrag, Petković, Miloš, Jovanović, Miloš, Tasić, Gordana, Savić, Vladimir, "In vitro study of redox properties of azolyl-lactones in human serum" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 88, no. 6 (2023):589-601, . .

High amount of lecithin facilitates oral delivery of a poorly soluble pyrazoloquinolinone ligand formulated in lipid nanoparticles: Physicochemical, structural and pharmacokinetic performances

Mitrović, Jelena; Divović-Matović, Branka; Knutson, Daniel E.; Petković, Miloš; Đorović, Đorđe; Ranđelović, Danijela V.; Dobričić, Vladimir; Đoković, Jelena; Lunter, Dominique ; Cook, James M.; Savić, Miroslav; Savić, Snežana

(Elsevier B.V., 2023)

AU  - Mitrović, Jelena
AU  - Divović-Matović, Branka
AU  - Knutson, Daniel E.
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Đorović, Đorđe
AU  - Ranđelović, Danijela V.
AU  - Dobričić, Vladimir
AU  - Đoković, Jelena
AU  - Lunter, Dominique 
AU  - Cook, James M.
AU  - Savić, Miroslav
AU  - Savić, Snežana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Preclinical development of deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone ligands, promising drug candidates for various neuropsychiatric disorders, was hindered by unusually low solubility in water and oils. DK-I-60-3 (7-methoxy-d3- 2-(4-methoxy-d3-phenyl)-2,5-dihydro-3Hpyrazolo[4,3-c]quinolin-3-one) is one of such pyrazoloquinolinones, and we recently reported about increased oral bioavailability of its nanocrystal formulation (NC). Lipid nano- particles (LNP) with a high concentration of lecithin, which enhances loading capacity of the lipid matrix, may give rise to further improvement. After preformulation studies by differential scanning calorimetry and polarized light microscopy, LNP were prepared by the hot high pressure homogenization, and characterized in terms of particle size, morphology, and encapsulation efficacy. The layered structure visible on atomic force micrographs was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance. Obtained formulations were desirably stable, with small particle size (<100 nm), and high encapsulation efficacy (>99 %). Lecithin was partially fluid and most probably located in the outer shell of the particle, together with DK-I-60-3. While the hydrophobic part of polysorbate 80 was completely immobilized, its hydrophilic part was free in the aqueous phase. In oral neuropharmacokinetic study in rats, an around 1.5-fold increase of area under the curve with LNP compared to NC was noticed both in brain and plasma. In bioavailability study, F value of LNP (34.7 ± 12.4 %) was 1.4-fold higher than of NC (24.5 ± 7.8 %); however, this difference did not reach statistical significance. Therefore, employment of LNP platform in preclinical formulation of DK-I-60-3 imparted an incremental improvement of its physicochemical as well as pharmacokinetic behavior.
PB  - Elsevier B.V.
T2  - International Journal of Pharmaceutics
T1  - High amount of lecithin facilitates oral delivery of a poorly soluble pyrazoloquinolinone ligand formulated in lipid nanoparticles: Physicochemical, structural and pharmacokinetic performances
VL  - 633
DO  - 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2023.122613
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Jelena and Divović-Matović, Branka and Knutson, Daniel E. and Petković, Miloš and Đorović, Đorđe and Ranđelović, Danijela V. and Dobričić, Vladimir and Đoković, Jelena and Lunter, Dominique  and Cook, James M. and Savić, Miroslav and Savić, Snežana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Preclinical development of deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone ligands, promising drug candidates for various neuropsychiatric disorders, was hindered by unusually low solubility in water and oils. DK-I-60-3 (7-methoxy-d3- 2-(4-methoxy-d3-phenyl)-2,5-dihydro-3Hpyrazolo[4,3-c]quinolin-3-one) is one of such pyrazoloquinolinones, and we recently reported about increased oral bioavailability of its nanocrystal formulation (NC). Lipid nano- particles (LNP) with a high concentration of lecithin, which enhances loading capacity of the lipid matrix, may give rise to further improvement. After preformulation studies by differential scanning calorimetry and polarized light microscopy, LNP were prepared by the hot high pressure homogenization, and characterized in terms of particle size, morphology, and encapsulation efficacy. The layered structure visible on atomic force micrographs was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance. Obtained formulations were desirably stable, with small particle size (<100 nm), and high encapsulation efficacy (>99 %). Lecithin was partially fluid and most probably located in the outer shell of the particle, together with DK-I-60-3. While the hydrophobic part of polysorbate 80 was completely immobilized, its hydrophilic part was free in the aqueous phase. In oral neuropharmacokinetic study in rats, an around 1.5-fold increase of area under the curve with LNP compared to NC was noticed both in brain and plasma. In bioavailability study, F value of LNP (34.7 ± 12.4 %) was 1.4-fold higher than of NC (24.5 ± 7.8 %); however, this difference did not reach statistical significance. Therefore, employment of LNP platform in preclinical formulation of DK-I-60-3 imparted an incremental improvement of its physicochemical as well as pharmacokinetic behavior.",
publisher = "Elsevier B.V.",
journal = "International Journal of Pharmaceutics",
title = "High amount of lecithin facilitates oral delivery of a poorly soluble pyrazoloquinolinone ligand formulated in lipid nanoparticles: Physicochemical, structural and pharmacokinetic performances",
volume = "633",
doi = "10.1016/j.ijpharm.2023.122613"
Mitrović, J., Divović-Matović, B., Knutson, D. E., Petković, M., Đorović, Đ., Ranđelović, D. V., Dobričić, V., Đoković, J., Lunter, D., Cook, J. M., Savić, M.,& Savić, S.. (2023). High amount of lecithin facilitates oral delivery of a poorly soluble pyrazoloquinolinone ligand formulated in lipid nanoparticles: Physicochemical, structural and pharmacokinetic performances. in International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Elsevier B.V.., 633.
Mitrović J, Divović-Matović B, Knutson DE, Petković M, Đorović Đ, Ranđelović DV, Dobričić V, Đoković J, Lunter D, Cook JM, Savić M, Savić S. High amount of lecithin facilitates oral delivery of a poorly soluble pyrazoloquinolinone ligand formulated in lipid nanoparticles: Physicochemical, structural and pharmacokinetic performances. in International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2023;633.
doi:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2023.122613 .
Mitrović, Jelena, Divović-Matović, Branka, Knutson, Daniel E., Petković, Miloš, Đorović, Đorđe, Ranđelović, Danijela V., Dobričić, Vladimir, Đoković, Jelena, Lunter, Dominique , Cook, James M., Savić, Miroslav, Savić, Snežana, "High amount of lecithin facilitates oral delivery of a poorly soluble pyrazoloquinolinone ligand formulated in lipid nanoparticles: Physicochemical, structural and pharmacokinetic performances" in International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 633 (2023), . .

Флуоровани природни производи

Simić, Milena; Petković, Miloš; Jovanović, Predrag

(Srpsko hemijsko društvo, Beograd, 2022)

AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Jovanović, Predrag
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Једињења која у структури садрже халогене су
доста распрострањена у природи и најчешће се могу
изоловати из морских организама. За разлику од бромованих и хлорованих деривата, природни производи који садрже органски везан флуор веома су ретки.
Флуорована органска једињења често имају изражену биолошку активност и примењују се у фармацији.
AB  - Halogenated compounds are very widespread in
nature. The most common sources of these natural
products are marine organisms. Unlike brominated and
chlorinated derivatives, natural compounds containing
carbon-fluorine bound are very rare. Extensive study of
this relatively small class of natural products provides
important information about their physiological activity
and application in drug synthesis. This paper presents
a brief overview of naturally occurring fluorinated
PB  - Srpsko hemijsko društvo, Beograd
T2  - Hemijski pregled
T1  - Флуоровани природни производи
T1  - Fluorinated natural products
VL  - 64
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 73
EP  - 79
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Milena and Petković, Miloš and Jovanović, Predrag",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Једињења која у структури садрже халогене су
доста распрострањена у природи и најчешће се могу
изоловати из морских организама. За разлику од бромованих и хлорованих деривата, природни производи који садрже органски везан флуор веома су ретки.
Флуорована органска једињења често имају изражену биолошку активност и примењују се у фармацији., Halogenated compounds are very widespread in
nature. The most common sources of these natural
products are marine organisms. Unlike brominated and
chlorinated derivatives, natural compounds containing
carbon-fluorine bound are very rare. Extensive study of
this relatively small class of natural products provides
important information about their physiological activity
and application in drug synthesis. This paper presents
a brief overview of naturally occurring fluorinated
publisher = "Srpsko hemijsko društvo, Beograd",
journal = "Hemijski pregled",
title = "Флуоровани природни производи, Fluorinated natural products",
volume = "64",
number = "3-4",
pages = "73-79",
url = ""
Simić, M., Petković, M.,& Jovanović, P.. (2022). Флуоровани природни производи. in Hemijski pregled
Srpsko hemijsko društvo, Beograd., 64(3-4), 73-79.
Simić M, Petković M, Jovanović P. Флуоровани природни производи. in Hemijski pregled. 2022;64(3-4):73-79. .
Simić, Milena, Petković, Miloš, Jovanović, Predrag, "Флуоровани природни производи" in Hemijski pregled, 64, no. 3-4 (2022):73-79, .

Пролински катализатори у органокатализи

Jovanović, Predrag; Petković, Miloš; Simić, Milena

(Srpsko hemijsko društvo, Beograd, 2022)

AU  - Jovanović, Predrag
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Simić, Milena
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Под органокатализом подразумева се употреба
малих органских молекула који катализују
органске трансформације. Термин органокатализа
први је употребио Дејвид Мекмилан (David
MacMillan) на почетку двадесет првог века, који
је био и зачетник интензивнијег истраживања
у овој области. ...
AB  - This paper discusses the basic structural
characteristics of proline catalysts, which have
found application in many synthetically useful
transformations with high degree of chemical and
stereochemical efficiency. Organocatalysts obtained by
modification of proline can be divided into six major
categories. This text lists some catalyst examples and
the reactions they catalyze.
PB  - Srpsko hemijsko društvo, Beograd
T2  - Hemijski pregled
T1  - Пролински катализатори у органокатализи
T1  - Proline catalysts in organocatalysis
VL  - 63
IS  - 1
SP  - 17
EP  - 25
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Predrag and Petković, Miloš and Simić, Milena",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Под органокатализом подразумева се употреба
малих органских молекула који катализују
органске трансформације. Термин органокатализа
први је употребио Дејвид Мекмилан (David
MacMillan) на почетку двадесет првог века, који
је био и зачетник интензивнијег истраживања
у овој области. ..., This paper discusses the basic structural
characteristics of proline catalysts, which have
found application in many synthetically useful
transformations with high degree of chemical and
stereochemical efficiency. Organocatalysts obtained by
modification of proline can be divided into six major
categories. This text lists some catalyst examples and
the reactions they catalyze.",
publisher = "Srpsko hemijsko društvo, Beograd",
journal = "Hemijski pregled",
title = "Пролински катализатори у органокатализи, Proline catalysts in organocatalysis",
volume = "63",
number = "1",
pages = "17-25",
url = ""
Jovanović, P., Petković, M.,& Simić, M.. (2022). Пролински катализатори у органокатализи. in Hemijski pregled
Srpsko hemijsko društvo, Beograd., 63(1), 17-25.
Jovanović P, Petković M, Simić M. Пролински катализатори у органокатализи. in Hemijski pregled. 2022;63(1):17-25. .
Jovanović, Predrag, Petković, Miloš, Simić, Milena, "Пролински катализатори у органокатализи" in Hemijski pregled, 63, no. 1 (2022):17-25, .

Identification of novel 1-benzhydryl-piperazine derivatives as Histone Deacetylase inhibitors using Fragment-based drug design strategy

Ružić, Dušan; Ellinger, Bernhard; Đoković, Nemanja; Santibanez, Juan; Ganesan, A.; Pavić, Aleksandar; Srdić Rajić, Tatjana; Petković, Miloš; Nikolić, Katarina

(Institute Pasteur, France, 2022)

AU  - Ružić, Dušan
AU  - Ellinger, Bernhard
AU  - Đoković, Nemanja
AU  - Santibanez, Juan
AU  - Ganesan, A.
AU  - Pavić, Aleksandar
AU  - Srdić Rajić, Tatjana
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Nikolić, Katarina
PY  - 2022
UR  -
PB  - Institute Pasteur, France
T2  - Journal Club on Drug Design, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France November 25 2022
T1  - Identification of novel 1-benzhydryl-piperazine derivatives as Histone Deacetylase inhibitors using Fragment-based drug design strategy
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ružić, Dušan and Ellinger, Bernhard and Đoković, Nemanja and Santibanez, Juan and Ganesan, A. and Pavić, Aleksandar and Srdić Rajić, Tatjana and Petković, Miloš and Nikolić, Katarina",
year = "2022",
publisher = "Institute Pasteur, France",
journal = "Journal Club on Drug Design, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France November 25 2022",
title = "Identification of novel 1-benzhydryl-piperazine derivatives as Histone Deacetylase inhibitors using Fragment-based drug design strategy",
url = ""
Ružić, D., Ellinger, B., Đoković, N., Santibanez, J., Ganesan, A., Pavić, A., Srdić Rajić, T., Petković, M.,& Nikolić, K.. (2022). Identification of novel 1-benzhydryl-piperazine derivatives as Histone Deacetylase inhibitors using Fragment-based drug design strategy. in Journal Club on Drug Design, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France November 25 2022
Institute Pasteur, France..
Ružić D, Ellinger B, Đoković N, Santibanez J, Ganesan A, Pavić A, Srdić Rajić T, Petković M, Nikolić K. Identification of novel 1-benzhydryl-piperazine derivatives as Histone Deacetylase inhibitors using Fragment-based drug design strategy. in Journal Club on Drug Design, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France November 25 2022. 2022;. .
Ružić, Dušan, Ellinger, Bernhard, Đoković, Nemanja, Santibanez, Juan, Ganesan, A., Pavić, Aleksandar, Srdić Rajić, Tatjana, Petković, Miloš, Nikolić, Katarina, "Identification of novel 1-benzhydryl-piperazine derivatives as Histone Deacetylase inhibitors using Fragment-based drug design strategy" in Journal Club on Drug Design, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France November 25 2022 (2022), .

Discovery of 1-Benzhydryl-Piperazine-Based HDAC Inhibitors with Anti-Breast Cancer Activity: Synthesis, Molecular Modeling, In Vitro and In Vivo Biological Evaluation

Ružić, Dušan; Ellinger, Bernhard; Đoković, Nemanja; Santibanez, Juan; Gul, Sheraz; Beljkaš, Milan; Đurić, Ana; Ganesan, Arasu; Pavić, Aleksandar; Srdić-Rajić, Tatjana; Petković, Miloš; Nikolić, Katarina

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Ružić, Dušan
AU  - Ellinger, Bernhard
AU  - Đoković, Nemanja
AU  - Santibanez, Juan
AU  - Gul, Sheraz
AU  - Beljkaš, Milan
AU  - Đurić, Ana
AU  - Ganesan, Arasu
AU  - Pavić, Aleksandar
AU  - Srdić-Rajić, Tatjana
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Nikolić, Katarina
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Isoform-selective histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibition is promoted as a rational strategy to develop safer anti-cancer drugs compared to non-selective HDAC inhibitors. Despite this presumed benefit, considerably more non-selective HDAC inhibitors have undergone clinical trials. In this report, we detail the design and discovery of potent HDAC inhibitors, with 1-benzhydryl piperazine as a surface recognition group, that differ in hydrocarbon linker. In vitro HDAC screening identified two selective HDAC6 inhibitors with nanomolar IC50 values, as well as two non-selective nanomolar HDAC inhibitors. Structure-based molecular modeling was employed to study the influence of linker chemistry of synthesized inhibitors on HDAC6 potency. The breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7) were used to evaluate compound-mediated in vitro anti-cancer, anti-migratory, and anti-invasive activities. Experiments on the zebrafish MDA-MB-231 xenograft model revealed that a novel non-selective HDAC inhibitor with a seven-carbon-atom linker exhibits potent anti-tumor, anti-metastatic, and anti-angiogenic effects when tested at low micromolar concentrations.
T2  - Pharmaceutics
T1  - Discovery of 1-Benzhydryl-Piperazine-Based HDAC Inhibitors with Anti-Breast Cancer Activity: Synthesis, Molecular Modeling, In Vitro and In Vivo Biological Evaluation
VL  - 14
IS  - 12
DO  - 10.3390/pharmaceutics14122600
ER  - 
author = "Ružić, Dušan and Ellinger, Bernhard and Đoković, Nemanja and Santibanez, Juan and Gul, Sheraz and Beljkaš, Milan and Đurić, Ana and Ganesan, Arasu and Pavić, Aleksandar and Srdić-Rajić, Tatjana and Petković, Miloš and Nikolić, Katarina",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Isoform-selective histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibition is promoted as a rational strategy to develop safer anti-cancer drugs compared to non-selective HDAC inhibitors. Despite this presumed benefit, considerably more non-selective HDAC inhibitors have undergone clinical trials. In this report, we detail the design and discovery of potent HDAC inhibitors, with 1-benzhydryl piperazine as a surface recognition group, that differ in hydrocarbon linker. In vitro HDAC screening identified two selective HDAC6 inhibitors with nanomolar IC50 values, as well as two non-selective nanomolar HDAC inhibitors. Structure-based molecular modeling was employed to study the influence of linker chemistry of synthesized inhibitors on HDAC6 potency. The breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7) were used to evaluate compound-mediated in vitro anti-cancer, anti-migratory, and anti-invasive activities. Experiments on the zebrafish MDA-MB-231 xenograft model revealed that a novel non-selective HDAC inhibitor with a seven-carbon-atom linker exhibits potent anti-tumor, anti-metastatic, and anti-angiogenic effects when tested at low micromolar concentrations.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Pharmaceutics",
title = "Discovery of 1-Benzhydryl-Piperazine-Based HDAC Inhibitors with Anti-Breast Cancer Activity: Synthesis, Molecular Modeling, In Vitro and In Vivo Biological Evaluation",
volume = "14",
number = "12",
doi = "10.3390/pharmaceutics14122600"
Ružić, D., Ellinger, B., Đoković, N., Santibanez, J., Gul, S., Beljkaš, M., Đurić, A., Ganesan, A., Pavić, A., Srdić-Rajić, T., Petković, M.,& Nikolić, K.. (2022). Discovery of 1-Benzhydryl-Piperazine-Based HDAC Inhibitors with Anti-Breast Cancer Activity: Synthesis, Molecular Modeling, In Vitro and In Vivo Biological Evaluation. in Pharmaceutics
MDPI., 14(12).
Ružić D, Ellinger B, Đoković N, Santibanez J, Gul S, Beljkaš M, Đurić A, Ganesan A, Pavić A, Srdić-Rajić T, Petković M, Nikolić K. Discovery of 1-Benzhydryl-Piperazine-Based HDAC Inhibitors with Anti-Breast Cancer Activity: Synthesis, Molecular Modeling, In Vitro and In Vivo Biological Evaluation. in Pharmaceutics. 2022;14(12).
doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics14122600 .
Ružić, Dušan, Ellinger, Bernhard, Đoković, Nemanja, Santibanez, Juan, Gul, Sheraz, Beljkaš, Milan, Đurić, Ana, Ganesan, Arasu, Pavić, Aleksandar, Srdić-Rajić, Tatjana, Petković, Miloš, Nikolić, Katarina, "Discovery of 1-Benzhydryl-Piperazine-Based HDAC Inhibitors with Anti-Breast Cancer Activity: Synthesis, Molecular Modeling, In Vitro and In Vivo Biological Evaluation" in Pharmaceutics, 14, no. 12 (2022), . .

Characterization of unknown degradant of ziprasidone with NMR spetroscopy

Čarapić, Marija; Petković, Miloš; Marković, Bojan; Popović-Nikolić, Marija; Agbaba, Danica; Nikolić, Katarina

(Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia, 2022)

AU  - Čarapić, Marija
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Marković, Bojan
AU  - Popović-Nikolić, Marija
AU  - Agbaba, Danica
AU  - Nikolić, Katarina
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Ziprasidone (ZIP) is the second generation antipsychotic drug with unique G-protein-coupled
(GPCR) receptor binding profile. It is a highly lipophilic and unstable compound. Our group
developed and validated the single liquid chromatographic (LC) system for simultaneous
determination of ZIP and its five main impurities (IMPs) and we modelled the Quantitative
Structure Retention Relationship (QSRR) of the additional ten compounds including unknown
detected degradant. One of two proposed structures were confirmed by UPLC-MS/MS study. The
further characterisation of unknown degradant was performed with NMR studies as un versatile
tool for characterisation of each compound and it is presented. Through several experiments which consists of investigation of chemical shitfs in NMR spectra of ZIP degradation products the
structure of unknown degradant was proposed and confirmed as in previous experiments.
PB  - Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia
C3  - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2022, 16th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry (Proceedings)
T1  - Characterization of unknown degradant of ziprasidone with NMR spetroscopy
VL  - II
SP  - 601
EP  - 604
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Čarapić, Marija and Petković, Miloš and Marković, Bojan and Popović-Nikolić, Marija and Agbaba, Danica and Nikolić, Katarina",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Ziprasidone (ZIP) is the second generation antipsychotic drug with unique G-protein-coupled
(GPCR) receptor binding profile. It is a highly lipophilic and unstable compound. Our group
developed and validated the single liquid chromatographic (LC) system for simultaneous
determination of ZIP and its five main impurities (IMPs) and we modelled the Quantitative
Structure Retention Relationship (QSRR) of the additional ten compounds including unknown
detected degradant. One of two proposed structures were confirmed by UPLC-MS/MS study. The
further characterisation of unknown degradant was performed with NMR studies as un versatile
tool for characterisation of each compound and it is presented. Through several experiments which consists of investigation of chemical shitfs in NMR spectra of ZIP degradation products the
structure of unknown degradant was proposed and confirmed as in previous experiments.",
publisher = "Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia",
journal = "PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2022, 16th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry (Proceedings)",
title = "Characterization of unknown degradant of ziprasidone with NMR spetroscopy",
volume = "II",
pages = "601-604",
url = ""
Čarapić, M., Petković, M., Marković, B., Popović-Nikolić, M., Agbaba, D.,& Nikolić, K.. (2022). Characterization of unknown degradant of ziprasidone with NMR spetroscopy. in PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2022, 16th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry (Proceedings)
Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia., II, 601-604.
Čarapić M, Petković M, Marković B, Popović-Nikolić M, Agbaba D, Nikolić K. Characterization of unknown degradant of ziprasidone with NMR spetroscopy. in PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2022, 16th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry (Proceedings). 2022;II:601-604. .
Čarapić, Marija, Petković, Miloš, Marković, Bojan, Popović-Nikolić, Marija, Agbaba, Danica, Nikolić, Katarina, "Characterization of unknown degradant of ziprasidone with NMR spetroscopy" in PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2022, 16th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry (Proceedings), II (2022):601-604, .

Physicochemical/structural investigation of lipid nanoparticles with high lecithin amounts loaded with patent protected pyrazoloquinolinone ligand DK-I-60-3

Mitrović, Jelena; Petković, Miloš; Ranđelović, Danijela; Đoković, Jelena; Knutson, Daniel; Cook, James; Savić, Vladimir; Savić, Miroslav; Savić, Snežana


AU  - Mitrović, Jelena
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Ranđelović, Danijela
AU  - Đoković, Jelena
AU  - Knutson, Daniel
AU  - Cook, James
AU  - Savić, Vladimir
AU  - Savić, Miroslav
AU  - Savić, Snežana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Lipid nanoparticles are being intensively investigated for
the formulation of the drugs with poor solubility substances
(1). They represent colloid dispersions of the particles with
lipid matrix that is solid at room and body temperature.
Because of the low capacity of triglycerides for the drug
substances incorporation, alternatively, high amounts of
lecithin could be added to increase the solubilization (2).
This was used for the incorporation of DK-I-60-3 (7-
3Hpyrazolo[4,3-c]quinolin-3-one), novel deuterated
pyrazoloquinolinone ligand, with very low solubility in
water as well as in oils (3,4). However, because of
amphiphilic nature of lecithin, its localization within
nanoparticles should be analyzed, especially with respect
to stability, drug loading capacity and drug localization,
because it may additionally influence the drug release
mechanism (2).
C3  - 13th World meeting on pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology, 28-31 March 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands
T1  - Physicochemical/structural investigation of lipid nanoparticles with high lecithin amounts loaded with patent protected pyrazoloquinolinone ligand DK-I-60-3
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Jelena and Petković, Miloš and Ranđelović, Danijela and Đoković, Jelena and Knutson, Daniel and Cook, James and Savić, Vladimir and Savić, Miroslav and Savić, Snežana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Lipid nanoparticles are being intensively investigated for
the formulation of the drugs with poor solubility substances
(1). They represent colloid dispersions of the particles with
lipid matrix that is solid at room and body temperature.
Because of the low capacity of triglycerides for the drug
substances incorporation, alternatively, high amounts of
lecithin could be added to increase the solubilization (2).
This was used for the incorporation of DK-I-60-3 (7-
3Hpyrazolo[4,3-c]quinolin-3-one), novel deuterated
pyrazoloquinolinone ligand, with very low solubility in
water as well as in oils (3,4). However, because of
amphiphilic nature of lecithin, its localization within
nanoparticles should be analyzed, especially with respect
to stability, drug loading capacity and drug localization,
because it may additionally influence the drug release
mechanism (2).",
journal = "13th World meeting on pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology, 28-31 March 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands",
title = "Physicochemical/structural investigation of lipid nanoparticles with high lecithin amounts loaded with patent protected pyrazoloquinolinone ligand DK-I-60-3",
url = ""
Mitrović, J., Petković, M., Ranđelović, D., Đoković, J., Knutson, D., Cook, J., Savić, V., Savić, M.,& Savić, S.. (2022). Physicochemical/structural investigation of lipid nanoparticles with high lecithin amounts loaded with patent protected pyrazoloquinolinone ligand DK-I-60-3. in 13th World meeting on pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology, 28-31 March 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Mitrović J, Petković M, Ranđelović D, Đoković J, Knutson D, Cook J, Savić V, Savić M, Savić S. Physicochemical/structural investigation of lipid nanoparticles with high lecithin amounts loaded with patent protected pyrazoloquinolinone ligand DK-I-60-3. in 13th World meeting on pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology, 28-31 March 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2022;. .
Mitrović, Jelena, Petković, Miloš, Ranđelović, Danijela, Đoković, Jelena, Knutson, Daniel, Cook, James, Savić, Vladimir, Savić, Miroslav, Savić, Snežana, "Physicochemical/structural investigation of lipid nanoparticles with high lecithin amounts loaded with patent protected pyrazoloquinolinone ligand DK-I-60-3" in 13th World meeting on pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology, 28-31 March 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands (2022), .

Highly exo selective, photochemically promoted cyclization of iodoallene derivatives

Jovanović, Miloš; Simić, Milena; Petković, Miloš; Tasić, Gordana; Maslak, Veselin; Jovanović, Predrag; Savić, Vladimir

(Wiley Periodicals LLC, 2022)

AU  - Jovanović, Miloš
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Tasić, Gordana
AU  - Maslak, Veselin
AU  - Jovanović, Predrag
AU  - Savić, Vladimir
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - A photochemically promoted intramolecular cyclization of aryl-, vinyl-, and alkyliodo allenes has been developed. The optimal conditions employed [Ir(ppy)2(dtbbpy)]PF6 (1 mol%) as catalyst affording products with high exo selectivity in moderate to good yields. Chiral substrates showed diastereoselectivity of up to 95/5 favoring trans product.
PB  - Wiley Periodicals LLC
T2  - Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry
T1  - Highly exo selective, photochemically promoted cyclization of iodoallene derivatives
VL  - 59
IS  - 8
SP  - 1435
EP  - 1440
DO  - 10.1002/jhet.4472
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Miloš and Simić, Milena and Petković, Miloš and Tasić, Gordana and Maslak, Veselin and Jovanović, Predrag and Savić, Vladimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "A photochemically promoted intramolecular cyclization of aryl-, vinyl-, and alkyliodo allenes has been developed. The optimal conditions employed [Ir(ppy)2(dtbbpy)]PF6 (1 mol%) as catalyst affording products with high exo selectivity in moderate to good yields. Chiral substrates showed diastereoselectivity of up to 95/5 favoring trans product.",
publisher = "Wiley Periodicals LLC",
journal = "Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry",
title = "Highly exo selective, photochemically promoted cyclization of iodoallene derivatives",
volume = "59",
number = "8",
pages = "1435-1440",
doi = "10.1002/jhet.4472"
Jovanović, M., Simić, M., Petković, M., Tasić, G., Maslak, V., Jovanović, P.,& Savić, V.. (2022). Highly exo selective, photochemically promoted cyclization of iodoallene derivatives. in Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry
Wiley Periodicals LLC., 59(8), 1435-1440.
Jovanović M, Simić M, Petković M, Tasić G, Maslak V, Jovanović P, Savić V. Highly exo selective, photochemically promoted cyclization of iodoallene derivatives. in Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry. 2022;59(8):1435-1440.
doi:10.1002/jhet.4472 .
Jovanović, Miloš, Simić, Milena, Petković, Miloš, Tasić, Gordana, Maslak, Veselin, Jovanović, Predrag, Savić, Vladimir, "Highly exo selective, photochemically promoted cyclization of iodoallene derivatives" in Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 59, no. 8 (2022):1435-1440, . .

Dual Role of the Arylating Agent in a Highly C(2)-Selective Pd-Catalysed Functionalisation of Pyrrole Derivatives

Petković, Miloš; Jovanović, Miloš; Jovanović, Predrag; Simić, Milena; Tasić, Gordana; Savić, Vladimir

(Georg Thieme Verlag, 2022)

AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Jovanović, Miloš
AU  - Jovanović, Predrag
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Tasić, Gordana
AU  - Savić, Vladimir
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Pyrrole derivatives with C(2)-aryl substituents are an important and widespread class of heterocyclic compounds. Their synthesis can be accomplished using several strategic variants which usually entail either protection of the N–H functionality followed by the arylation, or a direct arylation. Although direct arylation is a preferable process due to a reduced number of synthetic steps, it often requires vigorous conditions or challenging reagents. To this synthetic repertoire, we add a novel method that is based on the dual role of the arylating agent. It serves as the nitrogen protecting group while also being involved in the arylation step. Deprotection as a final stage is carried out simultaneously utilising amines as reacting components. This approach ensures relatively mild conditions and exclusive C(2) selectivity yielding 2-arylpyrroles with the amide functionality. While aromatic amines are not suitable partners under studied conditions, most likely due to lower nucleophilicity, aliphatic amines, either primary or secondary, afford products in good yields.
PB  - Georg Thieme Verlag
T2  - Synthesis
T1  - Dual Role of the Arylating Agent in a Highly C(2)-Selective Pd-Catalysed Functionalisation of Pyrrole Derivatives
VL  - 54
IS  - 12
SP  - 2839
EP  - 2848
DO  - 10.1055/a-1758-6312
ER  - 
author = "Petković, Miloš and Jovanović, Miloš and Jovanović, Predrag and Simić, Milena and Tasić, Gordana and Savić, Vladimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Pyrrole derivatives with C(2)-aryl substituents are an important and widespread class of heterocyclic compounds. Their synthesis can be accomplished using several strategic variants which usually entail either protection of the N–H functionality followed by the arylation, or a direct arylation. Although direct arylation is a preferable process due to a reduced number of synthetic steps, it often requires vigorous conditions or challenging reagents. To this synthetic repertoire, we add a novel method that is based on the dual role of the arylating agent. It serves as the nitrogen protecting group while also being involved in the arylation step. Deprotection as a final stage is carried out simultaneously utilising amines as reacting components. This approach ensures relatively mild conditions and exclusive C(2) selectivity yielding 2-arylpyrroles with the amide functionality. While aromatic amines are not suitable partners under studied conditions, most likely due to lower nucleophilicity, aliphatic amines, either primary or secondary, afford products in good yields.",
publisher = "Georg Thieme Verlag",
journal = "Synthesis",
title = "Dual Role of the Arylating Agent in a Highly C(2)-Selective Pd-Catalysed Functionalisation of Pyrrole Derivatives",
volume = "54",
number = "12",
pages = "2839-2848",
doi = "10.1055/a-1758-6312"
Petković, M., Jovanović, M., Jovanović, P., Simić, M., Tasić, G.,& Savić, V.. (2022). Dual Role of the Arylating Agent in a Highly C(2)-Selective Pd-Catalysed Functionalisation of Pyrrole Derivatives. in Synthesis
Georg Thieme Verlag., 54(12), 2839-2848.
Petković M, Jovanović M, Jovanović P, Simić M, Tasić G, Savić V. Dual Role of the Arylating Agent in a Highly C(2)-Selective Pd-Catalysed Functionalisation of Pyrrole Derivatives. in Synthesis. 2022;54(12):2839-2848.
doi:10.1055/a-1758-6312 .
Petković, Miloš, Jovanović, Miloš, Jovanović, Predrag, Simić, Milena, Tasić, Gordana, Savić, Vladimir, "Dual Role of the Arylating Agent in a Highly C(2)-Selective Pd-Catalysed Functionalisation of Pyrrole Derivatives" in Synthesis, 54, no. 12 (2022):2839-2848, . .

Characterisation of novel impurity of ziprasidone with NMR spectroscopy and UPLC-MS/MS

Čarapić, Marija; Marković, Bojan; Petković, Miloš; Nikolić, Katarina; Agbaba, Danica

(European Research Network on Signal Transduction CA18133, 2022)

AU  - Čarapić, Marija
AU  - Marković, Bojan
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Nikolić, Katarina
AU  - Agbaba, Danica
PY  - 2022
UR  -
PB  - European Research Network on Signal Transduction CA18133
C3  - 2nd Transatlantic ECI GPCR Symposium - Early Career Investigators – July 6-7, 2022, Online event
T1  - Characterisation of novel impurity of ziprasidone with NMR spectroscopy and UPLC-MS/MS
SP  - 74
EP  - 74
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Čarapić, Marija and Marković, Bojan and Petković, Miloš and Nikolić, Katarina and Agbaba, Danica",
year = "2022",
publisher = "European Research Network on Signal Transduction CA18133",
journal = "2nd Transatlantic ECI GPCR Symposium - Early Career Investigators – July 6-7, 2022, Online event",
title = "Characterisation of novel impurity of ziprasidone with NMR spectroscopy and UPLC-MS/MS",
pages = "74-74",
url = ""
Čarapić, M., Marković, B., Petković, M., Nikolić, K.,& Agbaba, D.. (2022). Characterisation of novel impurity of ziprasidone with NMR spectroscopy and UPLC-MS/MS. in 2nd Transatlantic ECI GPCR Symposium - Early Career Investigators – July 6-7, 2022, Online event
European Research Network on Signal Transduction CA18133., 74-74.
Čarapić M, Marković B, Petković M, Nikolić K, Agbaba D. Characterisation of novel impurity of ziprasidone with NMR spectroscopy and UPLC-MS/MS. in 2nd Transatlantic ECI GPCR Symposium - Early Career Investigators – July 6-7, 2022, Online event. 2022;:74-74. .
Čarapić, Marija, Marković, Bojan, Petković, Miloš, Nikolić, Katarina, Agbaba, Danica, "Characterisation of novel impurity of ziprasidone with NMR spectroscopy and UPLC-MS/MS" in 2nd Transatlantic ECI GPCR Symposium - Early Career Investigators – July 6-7, 2022, Online event (2022):74-74, .

Computer-aided drug design and evaluation of selective inhibitors against cytoplasmic histone deacetylases

Ružić, Dušan; Đoković, Nemanja; Petković, Miloš; Gul, Sheraz; Lahtela‐Kakkonen, Maija; Ganesan, A.; Nikolić, Katarina

(American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry, 2022)

AU  - Ružić, Dušan
AU  - Đoković, Nemanja
AU  - Petković, Miloš
AU  - Gul, Sheraz
AU  - Lahtela‐Kakkonen, Maija
AU  - Ganesan, A.
AU  - Nikolić, Katarina
PY  - 2022
UR  -
PB  - American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry
C3  - 37th ACS National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium - American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry, Book of Abstracts
T1  - Computer-aided drug design and evaluation of selective inhibitors against cytoplasmic histone deacetylases
SP  - 125
EP  - 125
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ružić, Dušan and Đoković, Nemanja and Petković, Miloš and Gul, Sheraz and Lahtela‐Kakkonen, Maija and Ganesan, A. and Nikolić, Katarina",
year = "2022",
publisher = "American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry",
journal = "37th ACS National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium - American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry, Book of Abstracts",
title = "Computer-aided drug design and evaluation of selective inhibitors against cytoplasmic histone deacetylases",
pages = "125-125",
url = ""
Ružić, D., Đoković, N., Petković, M., Gul, S., Lahtela‐Kakkonen, M., Ganesan, A.,& Nikolić, K.. (2022). Computer-aided drug design and evaluation of selective inhibitors against cytoplasmic histone deacetylases. in 37th ACS National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium - American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry, Book of Abstracts
American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry., 125-125.
Ružić D, Đoković N, Petković M, Gul S, Lahtela‐Kakkonen M, Ganesan A, Nikolić K. Computer-aided drug design and evaluation of selective inhibitors against cytoplasmic histone deacetylases. in 37th ACS National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium - American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry, Book of Abstracts. 2022;:125-125. .
Ružić, Dušan, Đoković, Nemanja, Petković, Miloš, Gul, Sheraz, Lahtela‐Kakkonen, Maija, Ganesan, A., Nikolić, Katarina, "Computer-aided drug design and evaluation of selective inhibitors against cytoplasmic histone deacetylases" in 37th ACS National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium - American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry, Book of Abstracts (2022):125-125, .