Mihajlović, Marija

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  • Mihajlović, Marija (31)

Author's Bibliography

Pediatric nephrotic syndrome: the interplay of oxidative stress and inflammation

Mulat Simachew, Yonas; Mihajlović, Marija; Antonić, Tamara; Miloševski Lomić, Gordana; Peco Antić, Amira; Jovanović, Dragana; Paripović, Dušan; Stefanović, Aleksandra

(Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije, Beograd, 2024)

AU  - Mulat Simachew, Yonas
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Antonić, Tamara
AU  - Miloševski Lomić, Gordana
AU  - Peco Antić, Amira
AU  - Jovanović, Dragana
AU  - Paripović, Dušan
AU  - Stefanović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5679
AB  - Background: The pathophysiological mechanisms crucial in
the development of nephrotic syndrome (NS) in the pediatric population are still not fully understood. This study
aimed to investigate the relationship between hypertension, oxidative stress, and inflammation in pediatric
patients during the acute phase of the disease.
Methods: The study included 33 children, aged 2 to 9
years, with nephrotic syndrome. Blood samples were collected during the acute phase and remission. Parameters of
oxidative status were determined, including total oxidative
status (TOS), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP),
prooxidant-antioxidant balance (PAB), sulfhydryl groups (-
SH), paraoxonase 1 (PON1), and total antioxidant status
(TAS) in serum, measured spectrophotometrically. Inflam-
matory parameters such as pentraxin 3 (PTX3), leptin,
programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1), and E-cadherin
were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA).
Results: Patients with nephrotic syndrome and hypertension had significantly higher levels of advanced oxidation
protein products and total antioxidant status (p=0.029 and
p=0.003, respectively). During the acute phase of the dis-
ease, lower activity of sulfhydryl groups and paraoxonase 1
was observed compared to remission (p<0.001, for both). Pentraxin 3 levels were higher, while leptin levels were
lower during the acute phase (p<0.001, for both).
Pentraxin 3 correlated with advanced oxidation protein
products and total antioxidant status during the acute
phase but not in remission (r s =0.42, p=0.027 and
r s =0.43, p=0.025, respectively). A negative correlation
between Advanced oxidation protein products and leptin
was observed during the acute phase, which disappeared
in remission (rs=-0.42, p=0.028).
Conclusions: Results of this study show that hypertension
influences oxidative stress markers, and decreased antioxi-
dant capacity may contribute to nephrotic syndrome devel-
opment. Pentraxin 3 appears as a potential disease activity
marker, indicating a dynamic connection between inflam-
mation and oxidative stress. Leptin may also play a role in
oxidative stress in nephrotic syndrome.
AB  - Uvod: Patofiziološki mehanizmi ključni u razvoju nefrotskog sindroma (NS) u pedijatrijskoj populaciji još uvek nisu u potpunosti razjašnjeni. Ova studija ima za cilj proučavanje sinergističkog delovanja oksidativnog stresa i inflamacije u patogenezi NS. Takođe, jedan od ciljeva ove studije je i ispitivanje veze hipertenzije sa stepenom oksidativnog stresa i inflama - cije kod pacijenata u akutnoj fazi bolesti. Metode: U studiju je uključeno 33 dece sa NS uzrasta od 2 do 9 godina. Uzorci krvi su prikupljeni tokom akutne faze i remisije. Od parametara oksidativnog statusa određivani su: totalni oksidativni status (TOS), uznapredovali proizvodi oksidacije proteina (AOPP), balans prooksidans-antioksidans (PAB), sulfhidrilne grupe (-SH), paraoksonaza 1 (PON1) i ukupan antioksidativni status (TAS) u serumu su mereni spektrofometrijski, a od parametara inflamacije su pentraksin 3 (PTX3), leptin, ligand programirane smrti ćelije 1 (PD-L1) i E-kadherin određivani metodom enzimskog imunosorbentnog testa (ELISA). Rezultati: Pacijenti sa NS i hipertenzijom imali su značajno više nivoe AOPP i TOS (p=0.029 i p=0.003, respektivno). U akutnoj fazi bolesti su uočene nižu aktivnost -SH i PON1 u poređenju sa remisijom (p<0.001, za oba). Nivoi PTX 3 su bili viši, dok su nivoi leptina bili niži tokom akutne faze (p<0.001, za oba). PTX 3 je korelirao sa AOPP i TAS u akutnoj fazi, ali ne i u remisiji (rs=0.42, p=0.027 i rs=0.43, p=0.025,respektivno). U akutnooj fazi utvrđena je negativna korelacija između AOPP i leptina, koja je nestala u remisiji (rs=-0.42, p=0.028). Zaključak: Rezultati ove studije ukazuju da hipertenzija utiče na markere oksidativnog stresa, a smanjeni antioksidativni kapacitet može doprineti razvoju NS. PTX3 se pojavljuje kao potencijalni marker aktivnosti bolesti, što ukazuje na dinamičku vezu između inflamacije i oksidativnog stresa. Leptin može igrati ulogu u oksidativnom stresu u NS.
PB  - Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Journal of Medical Biochemistry
T1  - Pediatric nephrotic syndrome: the interplay of oxidative stress and inflammation
T1  - Pedijatrijski nefrotski sindrom: međusobna interakcija oksidativnog stresa i inflamacije
VL  - 43
IS  - 3
SP  - 424
EP  - 435
DO  - 10.5937/jomb0-46526
ER  - 
author = "Mulat Simachew, Yonas and Mihajlović, Marija and Antonić, Tamara and Miloševski Lomić, Gordana and Peco Antić, Amira and Jovanović, Dragana and Paripović, Dušan and Stefanović, Aleksandra",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Background: The pathophysiological mechanisms crucial in
the development of nephrotic syndrome (NS) in the pediatric population are still not fully understood. This study
aimed to investigate the relationship between hypertension, oxidative stress, and inflammation in pediatric
patients during the acute phase of the disease.
Methods: The study included 33 children, aged 2 to 9
years, with nephrotic syndrome. Blood samples were collected during the acute phase and remission. Parameters of
oxidative status were determined, including total oxidative
status (TOS), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP),
prooxidant-antioxidant balance (PAB), sulfhydryl groups (-
SH), paraoxonase 1 (PON1), and total antioxidant status
(TAS) in serum, measured spectrophotometrically. Inflam-
matory parameters such as pentraxin 3 (PTX3), leptin,
programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1), and E-cadherin
were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA).
Results: Patients with nephrotic syndrome and hypertension had significantly higher levels of advanced oxidation
protein products and total antioxidant status (p=0.029 and
p=0.003, respectively). During the acute phase of the dis-
ease, lower activity of sulfhydryl groups and paraoxonase 1
was observed compared to remission (p<0.001, for both). Pentraxin 3 levels were higher, while leptin levels were
lower during the acute phase (p<0.001, for both).
Pentraxin 3 correlated with advanced oxidation protein
products and total antioxidant status during the acute
phase but not in remission (r s =0.42, p=0.027 and
r s =0.43, p=0.025, respectively). A negative correlation
between Advanced oxidation protein products and leptin
was observed during the acute phase, which disappeared
in remission (rs=-0.42, p=0.028).
Conclusions: Results of this study show that hypertension
influences oxidative stress markers, and decreased antioxi-
dant capacity may contribute to nephrotic syndrome devel-
opment. Pentraxin 3 appears as a potential disease activity
marker, indicating a dynamic connection between inflam-
mation and oxidative stress. Leptin may also play a role in
oxidative stress in nephrotic syndrome., Uvod: Patofiziološki mehanizmi ključni u razvoju nefrotskog sindroma (NS) u pedijatrijskoj populaciji još uvek nisu u potpunosti razjašnjeni. Ova studija ima za cilj proučavanje sinergističkog delovanja oksidativnog stresa i inflamacije u patogenezi NS. Takođe, jedan od ciljeva ove studije je i ispitivanje veze hipertenzije sa stepenom oksidativnog stresa i inflama - cije kod pacijenata u akutnoj fazi bolesti. Metode: U studiju je uključeno 33 dece sa NS uzrasta od 2 do 9 godina. Uzorci krvi su prikupljeni tokom akutne faze i remisije. Od parametara oksidativnog statusa određivani su: totalni oksidativni status (TOS), uznapredovali proizvodi oksidacije proteina (AOPP), balans prooksidans-antioksidans (PAB), sulfhidrilne grupe (-SH), paraoksonaza 1 (PON1) i ukupan antioksidativni status (TAS) u serumu su mereni spektrofometrijski, a od parametara inflamacije su pentraksin 3 (PTX3), leptin, ligand programirane smrti ćelije 1 (PD-L1) i E-kadherin određivani metodom enzimskog imunosorbentnog testa (ELISA). Rezultati: Pacijenti sa NS i hipertenzijom imali su značajno više nivoe AOPP i TOS (p=0.029 i p=0.003, respektivno). U akutnoj fazi bolesti su uočene nižu aktivnost -SH i PON1 u poređenju sa remisijom (p<0.001, za oba). Nivoi PTX 3 su bili viši, dok su nivoi leptina bili niži tokom akutne faze (p<0.001, za oba). PTX 3 je korelirao sa AOPP i TAS u akutnoj fazi, ali ne i u remisiji (rs=0.42, p=0.027 i rs=0.43, p=0.025,respektivno). U akutnooj fazi utvrđena je negativna korelacija između AOPP i leptina, koja je nestala u remisiji (rs=-0.42, p=0.028). Zaključak: Rezultati ove studije ukazuju da hipertenzija utiče na markere oksidativnog stresa, a smanjeni antioksidativni kapacitet može doprineti razvoju NS. PTX3 se pojavljuje kao potencijalni marker aktivnosti bolesti, što ukazuje na dinamičku vezu između inflamacije i oksidativnog stresa. Leptin može igrati ulogu u oksidativnom stresu u NS.",
publisher = "Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Journal of Medical Biochemistry",
title = "Pediatric nephrotic syndrome: the interplay of oxidative stress and inflammation, Pedijatrijski nefrotski sindrom: međusobna interakcija oksidativnog stresa i inflamacije",
volume = "43",
number = "3",
pages = "424-435",
doi = "10.5937/jomb0-46526"
Mulat Simachew, Y., Mihajlović, M., Antonić, T., Miloševski Lomić, G., Peco Antić, A., Jovanović, D., Paripović, D.,& Stefanović, A.. (2024). Pediatric nephrotic syndrome: the interplay of oxidative stress and inflammation. in Journal of Medical Biochemistry
Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije, Beograd., 43(3), 424-435.
Mulat Simachew Y, Mihajlović M, Antonić T, Miloševski Lomić G, Peco Antić A, Jovanović D, Paripović D, Stefanović A. Pediatric nephrotic syndrome: the interplay of oxidative stress and inflammation. in Journal of Medical Biochemistry. 2024;43(3):424-435.
doi:10.5937/jomb0-46526 .
Mulat Simachew, Yonas, Mihajlović, Marija, Antonić, Tamara, Miloševski Lomić, Gordana, Peco Antić, Amira, Jovanović, Dragana, Paripović, Dušan, Stefanović, Aleksandra, "Pediatric nephrotic syndrome: the interplay of oxidative stress and inflammation" in Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 43, no. 3 (2024):424-435,
https://doi.org/10.5937/jomb0-46526 . .

Synthesis, Evaluation of Enzyme Inhibition and Redox Properties of Potential Dual COX-2 and 5-LOX Inhibitors

Bošković, Jelena; Dobričić, Vladimir; Mihajlović, Marija; Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena; Čudina, Olivera

(MDPI, 2023)

AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Dobričić, Vladimir
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena
AU  - Čudina, Olivera
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4755
AB  - Various dual inhibitors of COX-2 and 5-LOX enzymes have been developed so far in order to obtain more effective and safer anti-inflammatory drugs. The aim of this study was to design and synthesize new dual COX-2 and 5-LOX inhibitors, and to evaluate their enzyme inhibition potential and redox properties. Thirteen compounds (1–13) were designed taking into account structural requirements for dual COX-2 and 5-LOX inhibition and antioxidant activity, synthesized, and structurally characterized. These compounds can be classified as N-hydroxyurea derivatives (1, 2 and 3), 3,5-di-tert-butylphenol derivatives (4, 5, 6, 7 and 13), urea derivatives (8, 9 and 10) and “type B hydroxamic acids” (11 and 12). COX-1, COX-2 and 5-LOX inhibitory activities were evaluated using fluorometric inhibitor screening kits. The evaluation of the redox activity of newly synthesized compounds was performed in vitro in the human serum pool using redox status tests.
The prooxidative score, the antioxidative score and the oxy-score were calculated. Seven out of thirteen synthesized compounds (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11 and 12) proved to be dual COX-2 and 5-LOX inhibitors. These compounds expressed good COX-2/COX-1 selectivity. Moreover, dual inhibitors 1, 3, 5, 11 and 12 showed good antioxidant properties.
T2  - Pharmaceuticals
T1  - Synthesis, Evaluation of Enzyme Inhibition and Redox Properties of Potential Dual COX-2 and 5-LOX Inhibitors
VL  - 16
IS  - 4
DO  - 10.3390/ph16040549
ER  - 
author = "Bošković, Jelena and Dobričić, Vladimir and Mihajlović, Marija and Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena and Čudina, Olivera",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Various dual inhibitors of COX-2 and 5-LOX enzymes have been developed so far in order to obtain more effective and safer anti-inflammatory drugs. The aim of this study was to design and synthesize new dual COX-2 and 5-LOX inhibitors, and to evaluate their enzyme inhibition potential and redox properties. Thirteen compounds (1–13) were designed taking into account structural requirements for dual COX-2 and 5-LOX inhibition and antioxidant activity, synthesized, and structurally characterized. These compounds can be classified as N-hydroxyurea derivatives (1, 2 and 3), 3,5-di-tert-butylphenol derivatives (4, 5, 6, 7 and 13), urea derivatives (8, 9 and 10) and “type B hydroxamic acids” (11 and 12). COX-1, COX-2 and 5-LOX inhibitory activities were evaluated using fluorometric inhibitor screening kits. The evaluation of the redox activity of newly synthesized compounds was performed in vitro in the human serum pool using redox status tests.
The prooxidative score, the antioxidative score and the oxy-score were calculated. Seven out of thirteen synthesized compounds (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11 and 12) proved to be dual COX-2 and 5-LOX inhibitors. These compounds expressed good COX-2/COX-1 selectivity. Moreover, dual inhibitors 1, 3, 5, 11 and 12 showed good antioxidant properties.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Pharmaceuticals",
title = "Synthesis, Evaluation of Enzyme Inhibition and Redox Properties of Potential Dual COX-2 and 5-LOX Inhibitors",
volume = "16",
number = "4",
doi = "10.3390/ph16040549"
Bošković, J., Dobričić, V., Mihajlović, M., Kotur-Stevuljević, J.,& Čudina, O.. (2023). Synthesis, Evaluation of Enzyme Inhibition and Redox Properties of Potential Dual COX-2 and 5-LOX Inhibitors. in Pharmaceuticals
MDPI., 16(4).
Bošković J, Dobričić V, Mihajlović M, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Čudina O. Synthesis, Evaluation of Enzyme Inhibition and Redox Properties of Potential Dual COX-2 and 5-LOX Inhibitors. in Pharmaceuticals. 2023;16(4).
doi:10.3390/ph16040549 .
Bošković, Jelena, Dobričić, Vladimir, Mihajlović, Marija, Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena, Čudina, Olivera, "Synthesis, Evaluation of Enzyme Inhibition and Redox Properties of Potential Dual COX-2 and 5-LOX Inhibitors" in Pharmaceuticals, 16, no. 4 (2023),
https://doi.org/10.3390/ph16040549 . .

HDL Subclasses and the Distribution of Paraoxonase-1 Activity in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction

Đekić, Saška; Vekić, Jelena; Zeljković, Aleksandra; Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena; Kafedžić, Srđan; Zdravković, Marija; Ilić, Ivan; Hinić, Saša; Cerović, Milivoje; Stefanović, Milica; Mihajlović, Marija; Nešković, Aleksandar; Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša

(MDPI, 2023)

AU  - Đekić, Saška
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
AU  - Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena
AU  - Kafedžić, Srđan
AU  - Zdravković, Marija
AU  - Ilić, Ivan
AU  - Hinić, Saša
AU  - Cerović, Milivoje
AU  - Stefanović, Milica
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Nešković, Aleksandar
AU  - Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4843
AB  - The aim of this multicentric study was to assess the impacts of oxidative stress, inflam-
mation, and the presence of small, dense, low-density lipoproteins (sdLDL) on the antioxidative
function of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) subclasses and the distribution of paraoxonase-1 (PON1)
activity within HDL in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI). In
69 STEMI patients and 67 healthy control subjects, the lipoproteins’ subclasses were separated using
polyacrylamide gradient (3–31%) gel electrophoresis. The relative proportion of sdLDL and each
HDL subclass was evaluated by measuring the areas under the peaks of densitometric scans. The
distribution of the relative proportion of PON1 activity within the HDL subclasses (pPON1 within
HDL) was estimated using the zymogram method. The STEMI patients had significantly lower
proportions of HDL2a and HDL3a subclasses (p = 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively) and lower pPON1
within HDL3b (p = 0.006), as well as higher proportions of HDL3b and HDL3c subclasses (p = 0.013
and p < 0.001, respectively) and higher pPON1 within HDL2 than the controls. Independent positive
associations between sdLDL and pPON1 within HDL3a and between malondialdehyde (MDA) and
pPON1 within HDL2b were shown in the STEMI group. The increased oxidative stress and increased
proportion of sdLDL in STEMI are closely related to the compromised antioxidative function of small
HDL3 particles and the altered pPON1 within HDL.
T2  - International Journal of Molecular Sciences
T1  - HDL Subclasses and the Distribution of Paraoxonase-1 Activity in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction
VL  - 24
IS  - 11
DO  - 10.3390/ijms24119384
ER  - 
author = "Đekić, Saška and Vekić, Jelena and Zeljković, Aleksandra and Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena and Kafedžić, Srđan and Zdravković, Marija and Ilić, Ivan and Hinić, Saša and Cerović, Milivoje and Stefanović, Milica and Mihajlović, Marija and Nešković, Aleksandar and Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The aim of this multicentric study was to assess the impacts of oxidative stress, inflam-
mation, and the presence of small, dense, low-density lipoproteins (sdLDL) on the antioxidative
function of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) subclasses and the distribution of paraoxonase-1 (PON1)
activity within HDL in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI). In
69 STEMI patients and 67 healthy control subjects, the lipoproteins’ subclasses were separated using
polyacrylamide gradient (3–31%) gel electrophoresis. The relative proportion of sdLDL and each
HDL subclass was evaluated by measuring the areas under the peaks of densitometric scans. The
distribution of the relative proportion of PON1 activity within the HDL subclasses (pPON1 within
HDL) was estimated using the zymogram method. The STEMI patients had significantly lower
proportions of HDL2a and HDL3a subclasses (p = 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively) and lower pPON1
within HDL3b (p = 0.006), as well as higher proportions of HDL3b and HDL3c subclasses (p = 0.013
and p < 0.001, respectively) and higher pPON1 within HDL2 than the controls. Independent positive
associations between sdLDL and pPON1 within HDL3a and between malondialdehyde (MDA) and
pPON1 within HDL2b were shown in the STEMI group. The increased oxidative stress and increased
proportion of sdLDL in STEMI are closely related to the compromised antioxidative function of small
HDL3 particles and the altered pPON1 within HDL.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "International Journal of Molecular Sciences",
title = "HDL Subclasses and the Distribution of Paraoxonase-1 Activity in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction",
volume = "24",
number = "11",
doi = "10.3390/ijms24119384"
Đekić, S., Vekić, J., Zeljković, A., Kotur-Stevuljević, J., Kafedžić, S., Zdravković, M., Ilić, I., Hinić, S., Cerović, M., Stefanović, M., Mihajlović, M., Nešković, A.,& Bogavac-Stanojević, N.. (2023). HDL Subclasses and the Distribution of Paraoxonase-1 Activity in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction. in International Journal of Molecular Sciences
MDPI., 24(11).
Đekić S, Vekić J, Zeljković A, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Kafedžić S, Zdravković M, Ilić I, Hinić S, Cerović M, Stefanović M, Mihajlović M, Nešković A, Bogavac-Stanojević N. HDL Subclasses and the Distribution of Paraoxonase-1 Activity in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction. in International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023;24(11).
doi:10.3390/ijms24119384 .
Đekić, Saška, Vekić, Jelena, Zeljković, Aleksandra, Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena, Kafedžić, Srđan, Zdravković, Marija, Ilić, Ivan, Hinić, Saša, Cerović, Milivoje, Stefanović, Milica, Mihajlović, Marija, Nešković, Aleksandar, Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša, "HDL Subclasses and the Distribution of Paraoxonase-1 Activity in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction" in International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24, no. 11 (2023),
https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24119384 . .

Upregulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells resistin gene expression in severe obstructive sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea with coexisting type 2 diabetes mellitus

Rajkov, Branislava; Zdravković, Marija; Ninić, Ana; Brajković, Milica; Klašnja, Slobodan; Gardijan, Vera; Memon, Lidija; Munjas, Jelena; Mihajlović, Marija; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna; Radosavljević, Vojislav; Sopić, Miron

(Springer Nature, 2023)

AU  - Rajkov, Branislava
AU  - Zdravković, Marija
AU  - Ninić, Ana
AU  - Brajković, Milica
AU  - Klašnja, Slobodan
AU  - Gardijan, Vera
AU  - Memon, Lidija
AU  - Munjas, Jelena
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
AU  - Radosavljević, Vojislav
AU  - Sopić, Miron
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4551
AB  - Purpose: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterised by increased systemic inflammation, and is often accompanied with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate gene expression of resistin, its receptor CAP1 and CD36 as the indicators of the inflammatory changes in PBMCs in relation to the severity of OSA, and the presence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in OSA. Methods: Severity of OSA was defined by the apnea/hypopnea index (AHI): AHI < 30: mild to moderate OSA (MM-OSA), AHI ≥ 30: severe OSA (S-OSA). Presence of T2DM was captured: OSA with T2DM (OSA + T2DM), OSA without T2DM (OSA-T2DM). PBMC resistin, CAP1, and CD36 mRNA were determined by real-time PCR. Results: Resistin mRNA was significantly upregulated in S-OSA (N = 54) compared to the MM-OSA (N = 52, P = 0.043); CAP1 and CD36 mRNA levels did not differ between the groups (P = 0.302; P = 0.166, respectively). Resistin mRNA was significantly upregulated in OSA + T2DM (N = 29) compared to the OSA-T2DM (N = 77, P = 0.029); CAP1 and CD36 mRNA levels did not differ between the groups (P = 0.662; P = 0.108, respectively). AHI and T2DM were independent predictors of resistin mRNA above the 75th percentile (OR = 3.717 [1.152–11.991]; OR = 3.261 [1.000–10.630], P = 0.042 respectively). Conclusion: Resistin gene upregulation in S-OSA indicates its possible contribution to increased inflammation in S-OSA and makes it a possible marker of the disease severity. Resistin gene upregulation in OSA + T2DM suggests that a joint effect of these two comorbidities may have a major contribution to increased inflammation and complications that arise from this state.
PB  - Springer Nature
T2  - Sleep and Breathing
T1  - Upregulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells resistin gene expression in severe obstructive sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea with coexisting type 2 diabetes mellitus
DO  - 10.1007/s11325-023-02809-0
ER  - 
author = "Rajkov, Branislava and Zdravković, Marija and Ninić, Ana and Brajković, Milica and Klašnja, Slobodan and Gardijan, Vera and Memon, Lidija and Munjas, Jelena and Mihajlović, Marija and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna and Radosavljević, Vojislav and Sopić, Miron",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Purpose: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterised by increased systemic inflammation, and is often accompanied with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate gene expression of resistin, its receptor CAP1 and CD36 as the indicators of the inflammatory changes in PBMCs in relation to the severity of OSA, and the presence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in OSA. Methods: Severity of OSA was defined by the apnea/hypopnea index (AHI): AHI < 30: mild to moderate OSA (MM-OSA), AHI ≥ 30: severe OSA (S-OSA). Presence of T2DM was captured: OSA with T2DM (OSA + T2DM), OSA without T2DM (OSA-T2DM). PBMC resistin, CAP1, and CD36 mRNA were determined by real-time PCR. Results: Resistin mRNA was significantly upregulated in S-OSA (N = 54) compared to the MM-OSA (N = 52, P = 0.043); CAP1 and CD36 mRNA levels did not differ between the groups (P = 0.302; P = 0.166, respectively). Resistin mRNA was significantly upregulated in OSA + T2DM (N = 29) compared to the OSA-T2DM (N = 77, P = 0.029); CAP1 and CD36 mRNA levels did not differ between the groups (P = 0.662; P = 0.108, respectively). AHI and T2DM were independent predictors of resistin mRNA above the 75th percentile (OR = 3.717 [1.152–11.991]; OR = 3.261 [1.000–10.630], P = 0.042 respectively). Conclusion: Resistin gene upregulation in S-OSA indicates its possible contribution to increased inflammation in S-OSA and makes it a possible marker of the disease severity. Resistin gene upregulation in OSA + T2DM suggests that a joint effect of these two comorbidities may have a major contribution to increased inflammation and complications that arise from this state.",
publisher = "Springer Nature",
journal = "Sleep and Breathing",
title = "Upregulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells resistin gene expression in severe obstructive sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea with coexisting type 2 diabetes mellitus",
doi = "10.1007/s11325-023-02809-0"
Rajkov, B., Zdravković, M., Ninić, A., Brajković, M., Klašnja, S., Gardijan, V., Memon, L., Munjas, J., Mihajlović, M., Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V., Radosavljević, V.,& Sopić, M.. (2023). Upregulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells resistin gene expression in severe obstructive sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea with coexisting type 2 diabetes mellitus. in Sleep and Breathing
Springer Nature..
Rajkov B, Zdravković M, Ninić A, Brajković M, Klašnja S, Gardijan V, Memon L, Munjas J, Mihajlović M, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V, Radosavljević V, Sopić M. Upregulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells resistin gene expression in severe obstructive sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea with coexisting type 2 diabetes mellitus. in Sleep and Breathing. 2023;.
doi:10.1007/s11325-023-02809-0 .
Rajkov, Branislava, Zdravković, Marija, Ninić, Ana, Brajković, Milica, Klašnja, Slobodan, Gardijan, Vera, Memon, Lidija, Munjas, Jelena, Mihajlović, Marija, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, Radosavljević, Vojislav, Sopić, Miron, "Upregulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells resistin gene expression in severe obstructive sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea with coexisting type 2 diabetes mellitus" in Sleep and Breathing (2023),
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11325-023-02809-0 . .

Metabolic and inflammatory homeostasis disorders in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer

Mihajlović, Marija; Ninić, Ana; Ostojić, Marija; Sopić, Miron; Stefanović, Aleksandra; Vekić, Jelena; Antonić, Tamara; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna; Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša; Zeljković, Aleksandra

(Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS), 2022)

AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Ninić, Ana
AU  - Ostojić, Marija
AU  - Sopić, Miron
AU  - Stefanović, Aleksandra
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Antonić, Tamara
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
AU  - Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša
AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4645
AB  - In order to understand the metabolic and immune potential of adiponectin in
colorectal cancer (CRC), attention is drawn to its receptors: adiponectin receptor 1
(ADIPOR1) and adiponectin receptor 2 (ADIPOR2). Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of
datasets based on malignant tissue samples and peripheral blood monocytes (PBMs) was
used to explore mRNA fingerprints of different signaling pathways best associated with
ADIPOR1/ADIPOR2 gene expression levels. Transcriptomic datasets GSE44076 (1) and
GSE47756 (2) were downloaded from the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus database. In the
GSE44076 dataset, three groups were formed: 98 colon tumor tissue and matched tumor-
adjacent mucosa samples and tissue samples from 50 healthy volunteers. The other set
(GSE47756) contained information on PBMs' gene signature in CRC, by forming two groups:
38 samples from healthy subjects and 55 CRC patients. GSEA analysis of the GSE44076
dataset implied that ADIPOR1 mRNA levels were in negative association with MTORC1 and
TNF-α NF-κB signaling pathways in tumor tissue. At the same time, ADIPOR2 was positively
associated with metabolic gene sets such as cholesterol homeostasis, glycolysis and PPAR
signaling. Quite opposite to the GSE44076 dataset, GSEA analysisis of GSE47756 revealed
that ADIPOR1 was a metabolically active receptor in PBMs of CRC patients. Surprisingly, the
TNF-α NF-κB signaling pathway gene sets were positively associated with ADIPOR1 mRNA
levels in monocytes of the cancer group. Different types of metabolic and immune regulation
achieved through ADIPOR1/ADIPOR2 in tumor and PBMs suggest possible novel therapeutic
targets in CRC.
AB  - Da bi se razumeo metabolički i imuni potencijal adiponektina u kolorektalnom
karcinomu (CRC), pažnja se mora obratiti i na njegove receptore: adiponektinski receptor 1
(ADIPOR1) i adiponektinski receptor 2 (ADIPOR2). Gene set enrichment analiza (GSEA) dva
skupa podataka, zasnovanih na uzorcima malignog tkiva i na monocitima periferne krvi
(PBM) je korišćena da bi se obezbedili genetski otisci različitih signalnih puteva koji su bili
najbolje povezani sa ekspresijom gena ADIPOR1/ADIPOR2. Skupovi transkriptomskih
podataka GSE44076 (1) i GSE47756 (2) su preuzeti iz NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus baze
podataka. U skupu podataka GSE44076 formirane su tri grupe: 98 uparenih uzoraka
tumorskog tkiva debelog creva i susedne mukoze i uzorci tkiva 50 zdravih dobrovoljaca.
Drugi set (GSE47756) je sadržao informacije o otisku gena PBM u CRC sa formiranim dvema
grupama: 38 uzoraka zdravih subjekata i 55 pacijenata sa CRC. GSEA analiza skupa podataka
GSE44076 je implicira da su nivoi iRNK ADIPOR1 negativno korelirali sa MTORC1 i TNF-α
NF-κB signalnim putevima u tumorskom tkivu. Istovremeno, ADIPOR2 je bio pozitivno
povezan sa skupovima gena metaboličkih puteva kao što su homeostaza holesterola,
glikoliza i PPAR signalizacija. Nasuprot GSE44076 skupu podataka, GSEA analiza GSE47756
transkriptomskog seta je otkrila da je ADIPOR1 zapravo metabolički aktivan receptor u PBM
pacijenata sa CRC. Iznenađujuć e, setovi gena koji su se odnosili na signalni put TNF-α NF-κB
su bili pozitivno povezani sa nivoima iRNK ADIPOR1 u monocitima grupe sa karcinomom.
Različite vrste metaboličke i imune regulacije koje se postižu preko ADIPOR1/ADIPOR2 u
tumoru i PBM sugerišu moguć e nove terapeutske ciljeve u CRC.
PB  - Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)
C3  - Arhiv za farmaciju
T1  - Metabolic and inflammatory homeostasis disorders in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer
T1  - Poremećaji metaboličke i inflamatorne homeostaze u patogenezi kolorektalnog karcinoma
VL  - 72
IS  - 4 suplement
SP  - S622
EP  - S623
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4645
ER  - 
author = "Mihajlović, Marija and Ninić, Ana and Ostojić, Marija and Sopić, Miron and Stefanović, Aleksandra and Vekić, Jelena and Antonić, Tamara and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna and Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša and Zeljković, Aleksandra",
year = "2022",
abstract = "In order to understand the metabolic and immune potential of adiponectin in
colorectal cancer (CRC), attention is drawn to its receptors: adiponectin receptor 1
(ADIPOR1) and adiponectin receptor 2 (ADIPOR2). Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of
datasets based on malignant tissue samples and peripheral blood monocytes (PBMs) was
used to explore mRNA fingerprints of different signaling pathways best associated with
ADIPOR1/ADIPOR2 gene expression levels. Transcriptomic datasets GSE44076 (1) and
GSE47756 (2) were downloaded from the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus database. In the
GSE44076 dataset, three groups were formed: 98 colon tumor tissue and matched tumor-
adjacent mucosa samples and tissue samples from 50 healthy volunteers. The other set
(GSE47756) contained information on PBMs' gene signature in CRC, by forming two groups:
38 samples from healthy subjects and 55 CRC patients. GSEA analysis of the GSE44076
dataset implied that ADIPOR1 mRNA levels were in negative association with MTORC1 and
TNF-α NF-κB signaling pathways in tumor tissue. At the same time, ADIPOR2 was positively
associated with metabolic gene sets such as cholesterol homeostasis, glycolysis and PPAR
signaling. Quite opposite to the GSE44076 dataset, GSEA analysisis of GSE47756 revealed
that ADIPOR1 was a metabolically active receptor in PBMs of CRC patients. Surprisingly, the
TNF-α NF-κB signaling pathway gene sets were positively associated with ADIPOR1 mRNA
levels in monocytes of the cancer group. Different types of metabolic and immune regulation
achieved through ADIPOR1/ADIPOR2 in tumor and PBMs suggest possible novel therapeutic
targets in CRC., Da bi se razumeo metabolički i imuni potencijal adiponektina u kolorektalnom
karcinomu (CRC), pažnja se mora obratiti i na njegove receptore: adiponektinski receptor 1
(ADIPOR1) i adiponektinski receptor 2 (ADIPOR2). Gene set enrichment analiza (GSEA) dva
skupa podataka, zasnovanih na uzorcima malignog tkiva i na monocitima periferne krvi
(PBM) je korišćena da bi se obezbedili genetski otisci različitih signalnih puteva koji su bili
najbolje povezani sa ekspresijom gena ADIPOR1/ADIPOR2. Skupovi transkriptomskih
podataka GSE44076 (1) i GSE47756 (2) su preuzeti iz NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus baze
podataka. U skupu podataka GSE44076 formirane su tri grupe: 98 uparenih uzoraka
tumorskog tkiva debelog creva i susedne mukoze i uzorci tkiva 50 zdravih dobrovoljaca.
Drugi set (GSE47756) je sadržao informacije o otisku gena PBM u CRC sa formiranim dvema
grupama: 38 uzoraka zdravih subjekata i 55 pacijenata sa CRC. GSEA analiza skupa podataka
GSE44076 je implicira da su nivoi iRNK ADIPOR1 negativno korelirali sa MTORC1 i TNF-α
NF-κB signalnim putevima u tumorskom tkivu. Istovremeno, ADIPOR2 je bio pozitivno
povezan sa skupovima gena metaboličkih puteva kao što su homeostaza holesterola,
glikoliza i PPAR signalizacija. Nasuprot GSE44076 skupu podataka, GSEA analiza GSE47756
transkriptomskog seta je otkrila da je ADIPOR1 zapravo metabolički aktivan receptor u PBM
pacijenata sa CRC. Iznenađujuć e, setovi gena koji su se odnosili na signalni put TNF-α NF-κB
su bili pozitivno povezani sa nivoima iRNK ADIPOR1 u monocitima grupe sa karcinomom.
Različite vrste metaboličke i imune regulacije koje se postižu preko ADIPOR1/ADIPOR2 u
tumoru i PBM sugerišu moguć e nove terapeutske ciljeve u CRC.",
publisher = "Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)",
journal = "Arhiv za farmaciju",
title = "Metabolic and inflammatory homeostasis disorders in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer, Poremećaji metaboličke i inflamatorne homeostaze u patogenezi kolorektalnog karcinoma",
volume = "72",
number = "4 suplement",
pages = "S622-S623",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4645"
Mihajlović, M., Ninić, A., Ostojić, M., Sopić, M., Stefanović, A., Vekić, J., Antonić, T., Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V., Bogavac-Stanojević, N.,& Zeljković, A.. (2022). Metabolic and inflammatory homeostasis disorders in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer. in Arhiv za farmaciju
Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)., 72(4 suplement), S622-S623.
Mihajlović M, Ninić A, Ostojić M, Sopić M, Stefanović A, Vekić J, Antonić T, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V, Bogavac-Stanojević N, Zeljković A. Metabolic and inflammatory homeostasis disorders in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer. in Arhiv za farmaciju. 2022;72(4 suplement):S622-S623.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4645 .
Mihajlović, Marija, Ninić, Ana, Ostojić, Marija, Sopić, Miron, Stefanović, Aleksandra, Vekić, Jelena, Antonić, Tamara, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša, Zeljković, Aleksandra, "Metabolic and inflammatory homeostasis disorders in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer" in Arhiv za farmaciju, 72, no. 4 suplement (2022):S622-S623,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4645 .

Alteration in Redox Status and Lipoprotein Profile in COVID-19 Patients with Mild, Moderate, and Severe Pneumonia

Lalosević, Miodrag; Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena; Vekić, Jelena; Rizzo, Manfredi; Kosanović, Tijana; Blagojević-Perović, Ivana; Zeljković, Aleksandra; Jeremić, Danilo; Mihajlović, Marija; Petković, Aleksa; Hajdarpasić, Lejla; Đorđević, Marjana; Dobrilović, Violeta; Erceg, Sanja; Vujčić, Sanja; Marjanović, Jelena; Jovanović-Milijić, Jovana; Saponjski, Jovica; Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša

(Hindawi Limited, 2022)

AU  - Lalosević, Miodrag
AU  - Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Rizzo, Manfredi
AU  - Kosanović, Tijana
AU  - Blagojević-Perović, Ivana
AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
AU  - Jeremić, Danilo
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Petković, Aleksa
AU  - Hajdarpasić, Lejla
AU  - Đorđević, Marjana
AU  - Dobrilović, Violeta
AU  - Erceg, Sanja
AU  - Vujčić, Sanja
AU  - Marjanović, Jelena
AU  - Jovanović-Milijić, Jovana
AU  - Saponjski, Jovica
AU  - Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4335
AB  - Background. Metabolic alterations, particularly disorders of lipoprotein metabolism in COVID-19, may affect the course and outcome of the disease. This study aims at evaluating the lipoprotein profile and redox status in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients with different pneumonia severity and their association with lethal outcomes. Methods. The prospective cohort study was performed on 98 COVID-19 patients with mild, moderate, and severe pneumonia. Lipid and inflammatory parameters, lipoprotein subclasses, and redox status biomarkers were determined at the study entry and after one week. Results. Compared to patients with mild and moderate pneumonia, severely ill patients had higher oxidised low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) and malondialdehyde levels and lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) concentrations and paraoxonase 1 activity. Reduction in the proportion of large HDL 2a subclasses with a concomitant increase in the proportion of smallest HDL 3c and small dense LDL (sdLDL) particles was observed in patients with severe disease during the time. However, these changes were reversed in the mild and moderate groups. The results showed a positive association between changes in oxLDL and total antioxidative status. However, prooxidants and antioxidants in plasma were lower in patients with lethal outcomes. Conclusions. Increased levels of oxLDL and sdLDL particles may contribute to the severity of COVID-19. The role of oxidative stress should be clarified in further studies, mainly its association with lethal outcomes.
PB  - Hindawi Limited
T2  - Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
T1  - Alteration in Redox Status and Lipoprotein Profile in COVID-19 Patients with Mild, Moderate, and Severe Pneumonia
VL  - 2022
DO  - 10.1155/2022/8067857
ER  - 
author = "Lalosević, Miodrag and Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena and Vekić, Jelena and Rizzo, Manfredi and Kosanović, Tijana and Blagojević-Perović, Ivana and Zeljković, Aleksandra and Jeremić, Danilo and Mihajlović, Marija and Petković, Aleksa and Hajdarpasić, Lejla and Đorđević, Marjana and Dobrilović, Violeta and Erceg, Sanja and Vujčić, Sanja and Marjanović, Jelena and Jovanović-Milijić, Jovana and Saponjski, Jovica and Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Background. Metabolic alterations, particularly disorders of lipoprotein metabolism in COVID-19, may affect the course and outcome of the disease. This study aims at evaluating the lipoprotein profile and redox status in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients with different pneumonia severity and their association with lethal outcomes. Methods. The prospective cohort study was performed on 98 COVID-19 patients with mild, moderate, and severe pneumonia. Lipid and inflammatory parameters, lipoprotein subclasses, and redox status biomarkers were determined at the study entry and after one week. Results. Compared to patients with mild and moderate pneumonia, severely ill patients had higher oxidised low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) and malondialdehyde levels and lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) concentrations and paraoxonase 1 activity. Reduction in the proportion of large HDL 2a subclasses with a concomitant increase in the proportion of smallest HDL 3c and small dense LDL (sdLDL) particles was observed in patients with severe disease during the time. However, these changes were reversed in the mild and moderate groups. The results showed a positive association between changes in oxLDL and total antioxidative status. However, prooxidants and antioxidants in plasma were lower in patients with lethal outcomes. Conclusions. Increased levels of oxLDL and sdLDL particles may contribute to the severity of COVID-19. The role of oxidative stress should be clarified in further studies, mainly its association with lethal outcomes.",
publisher = "Hindawi Limited",
journal = "Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity",
title = "Alteration in Redox Status and Lipoprotein Profile in COVID-19 Patients with Mild, Moderate, and Severe Pneumonia",
volume = "2022",
doi = "10.1155/2022/8067857"
Lalosević, M., Kotur-Stevuljević, J., Vekić, J., Rizzo, M., Kosanović, T., Blagojević-Perović, I., Zeljković, A., Jeremić, D., Mihajlović, M., Petković, A., Hajdarpasić, L., Đorđević, M., Dobrilović, V., Erceg, S., Vujčić, S., Marjanović, J., Jovanović-Milijić, J., Saponjski, J.,& Bogavac-Stanojević, N.. (2022). Alteration in Redox Status and Lipoprotein Profile in COVID-19 Patients with Mild, Moderate, and Severe Pneumonia. in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
Hindawi Limited., 2022.
Lalosević M, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Vekić J, Rizzo M, Kosanović T, Blagojević-Perović I, Zeljković A, Jeremić D, Mihajlović M, Petković A, Hajdarpasić L, Đorđević M, Dobrilović V, Erceg S, Vujčić S, Marjanović J, Jovanović-Milijić J, Saponjski J, Bogavac-Stanojević N. Alteration in Redox Status and Lipoprotein Profile in COVID-19 Patients with Mild, Moderate, and Severe Pneumonia. in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2022;2022.
doi:10.1155/2022/8067857 .
Lalosević, Miodrag, Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena, Vekić, Jelena, Rizzo, Manfredi, Kosanović, Tijana, Blagojević-Perović, Ivana, Zeljković, Aleksandra, Jeremić, Danilo, Mihajlović, Marija, Petković, Aleksa, Hajdarpasić, Lejla, Đorđević, Marjana, Dobrilović, Violeta, Erceg, Sanja, Vujčić, Sanja, Marjanović, Jelena, Jovanović-Milijić, Jovana, Saponjski, Jovica, Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša, "Alteration in Redox Status and Lipoprotein Profile in COVID-19 Patients with Mild, Moderate, and Severe Pneumonia" in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2022 (2022),
https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/8067857 . .

Association of Adiponectin Receptors with Metabolic and Immune Homeostasis Parameters in Colorectal Cancer: In Silico Analysis and Observational Findings

Mihajlović, Marija; Ninić, Ana; Ostojić, Marija; Sopić, Miron; Stefanović, Aleksandra; Vekić, Jelena; Antonić, Tamara; Zeljković, Dejan; Trifunović, Branislav; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna; Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša; Jančić, Ivan; Zeljković, Aleksandra

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Ninić, Ana
AU  - Ostojić, Marija
AU  - Sopić, Miron
AU  - Stefanović, Aleksandra
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Antonić, Tamara
AU  - Zeljković, Dejan
AU  - Trifunović, Branislav
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
AU  - Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša
AU  - Jančić, Ivan
AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4327
AB  - Adiponectin (ADIPOQ) as both a regulator of metabolic homeostasis and a protein involved in immune response might be of particular interest to contemporary laboratory medicine, especially in terms of minimally invasive diagnostics. The diverse roles of ADIPOQ with regard to the immune and metabolic aspects of colorectal carcinogenesis have been proposed. However, the expression of its receptors ADIPOR1 and ADIPOR2 is scarcely explored in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Moreover, ADIPORs’ relationships with the immune response mediator TNF-α have not been previously investigated in the PBMCs of CRC patients. This study used both in silico and observational case–control analyses with the aim of exploring the association of ADIPOR gene expression and ADIPOQ single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the inflammatory marker TNF-α and lipid status parameters in patients with CRC. Publicly available transcriptomic datasets (GSE47756, GSE44076) obtained from analyses of monocytes and CRC tissue samples were employed for the in silico evaluation of ADIPORs’ specific genetic traits. GSE47756 and GSE44076 datasets were processed with GSEA software to provide a genetic fingertip of different signaling pathways associated with ADIPORs’ mRNA levels. The case–control aspect of the study included the PBMC samples of 73 patients diagnosed with CRC and 80 healthy volunteers. The PCR method was carried out for the PBMC gene expression analysis (ADIPOR1, ADIPOR2, TNF-α mRNA levels) and for the subjects’ genotyping (ADIPOQ rs266729, ADIPOR1 rs7539542). GSEA showed significant associations of ADIPOR mRNA expression with gene sets related to metabolic and immune homeostasis in both datasets. The case–control study revealed the association of ADIPOR1 rs7539542 with reduced lipid status parameters in CRC. In addition, PBMC ADIPOR1 mRNA levels decreased in CRC (p < 0.001), whereas ADIPOR2 mRNA did not differ between the groups (p = 0.442). A reduction in PBMC TNF-α mRNA levels was noted in CRC (p < 0.05). Our results indicate that ADIPOR1 and ADIPOR2 play a significant role in the alteration of both metabolic and immune homeostasis during the progression of CRC. For the first time, ADIPOR1 is shown to be a specific receptor for mediating ADIPOQ’s effects in the PBMCs of CRC patients.
T2  - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
T1  - Association of Adiponectin Receptors with Metabolic and Immune Homeostasis Parameters in Colorectal Cancer: In Silico Analysis and Observational Findings
VL  - 19
IS  - 22
DO  - 10.3390/ijerph192214995
ER  - 
author = "Mihajlović, Marija and Ninić, Ana and Ostojić, Marija and Sopić, Miron and Stefanović, Aleksandra and Vekić, Jelena and Antonić, Tamara and Zeljković, Dejan and Trifunović, Branislav and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna and Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša and Jančić, Ivan and Zeljković, Aleksandra",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Adiponectin (ADIPOQ) as both a regulator of metabolic homeostasis and a protein involved in immune response might be of particular interest to contemporary laboratory medicine, especially in terms of minimally invasive diagnostics. The diverse roles of ADIPOQ with regard to the immune and metabolic aspects of colorectal carcinogenesis have been proposed. However, the expression of its receptors ADIPOR1 and ADIPOR2 is scarcely explored in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Moreover, ADIPORs’ relationships with the immune response mediator TNF-α have not been previously investigated in the PBMCs of CRC patients. This study used both in silico and observational case–control analyses with the aim of exploring the association of ADIPOR gene expression and ADIPOQ single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the inflammatory marker TNF-α and lipid status parameters in patients with CRC. Publicly available transcriptomic datasets (GSE47756, GSE44076) obtained from analyses of monocytes and CRC tissue samples were employed for the in silico evaluation of ADIPORs’ specific genetic traits. GSE47756 and GSE44076 datasets were processed with GSEA software to provide a genetic fingertip of different signaling pathways associated with ADIPORs’ mRNA levels. The case–control aspect of the study included the PBMC samples of 73 patients diagnosed with CRC and 80 healthy volunteers. The PCR method was carried out for the PBMC gene expression analysis (ADIPOR1, ADIPOR2, TNF-α mRNA levels) and for the subjects’ genotyping (ADIPOQ rs266729, ADIPOR1 rs7539542). GSEA showed significant associations of ADIPOR mRNA expression with gene sets related to metabolic and immune homeostasis in both datasets. The case–control study revealed the association of ADIPOR1 rs7539542 with reduced lipid status parameters in CRC. In addition, PBMC ADIPOR1 mRNA levels decreased in CRC (p < 0.001), whereas ADIPOR2 mRNA did not differ between the groups (p = 0.442). A reduction in PBMC TNF-α mRNA levels was noted in CRC (p < 0.05). Our results indicate that ADIPOR1 and ADIPOR2 play a significant role in the alteration of both metabolic and immune homeostasis during the progression of CRC. For the first time, ADIPOR1 is shown to be a specific receptor for mediating ADIPOQ’s effects in the PBMCs of CRC patients.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health",
title = "Association of Adiponectin Receptors with Metabolic and Immune Homeostasis Parameters in Colorectal Cancer: In Silico Analysis and Observational Findings",
volume = "19",
number = "22",
doi = "10.3390/ijerph192214995"
Mihajlović, M., Ninić, A., Ostojić, M., Sopić, M., Stefanović, A., Vekić, J., Antonić, T., Zeljković, D., Trifunović, B., Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V., Bogavac-Stanojević, N., Jančić, I.,& Zeljković, A.. (2022). Association of Adiponectin Receptors with Metabolic and Immune Homeostasis Parameters in Colorectal Cancer: In Silico Analysis and Observational Findings. in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
MDPI., 19(22).
Mihajlović M, Ninić A, Ostojić M, Sopić M, Stefanović A, Vekić J, Antonić T, Zeljković D, Trifunović B, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V, Bogavac-Stanojević N, Jančić I, Zeljković A. Association of Adiponectin Receptors with Metabolic and Immune Homeostasis Parameters in Colorectal Cancer: In Silico Analysis and Observational Findings. in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022;19(22).
doi:10.3390/ijerph192214995 .
Mihajlović, Marija, Ninić, Ana, Ostojić, Marija, Sopić, Miron, Stefanović, Aleksandra, Vekić, Jelena, Antonić, Tamara, Zeljković, Dejan, Trifunović, Branislav, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša, Jančić, Ivan, Zeljković, Aleksandra, "Association of Adiponectin Receptors with Metabolic and Immune Homeostasis Parameters in Colorectal Cancer: In Silico Analysis and Observational Findings" in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, no. 22 (2022),
https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192214995 . .

Effects of Apnea, Obesity, and Statin Therapy on Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin 9 Levels in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Milojević, Ana; Zdravković, Marija; Brajković, Milica; Memon, Lidija; Gardijan, Vera; Vekić, Jelena; Zeljković, Aleksandra; Stefanović, Aleksandra; Mihajlović, Marija; Ivanišević, Jasmina; Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša; Radosavljević, Vojislav; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna; Ninić, Ana

(S. Karger AG Basel, 2022)

AU  - Milojević, Ana
AU  - Zdravković, Marija
AU  - Brajković, Milica
AU  - Memon, Lidija
AU  - Gardijan, Vera
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
AU  - Stefanović, Aleksandra
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Ivanišević, Jasmina
AU  - Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša
AU  - Radosavljević, Vojislav
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
AU  - Ninić, Ana
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4199
AB  - Objectives: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common condition closely related to obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to explore the possible relationship between OSA and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9). Methods: Full-night polysomnography was performed on 150 participants who were divided into three groups: controls, OSA patients on statin therapy, and OSA patients not on statin therapy. Biochemical markers, plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) subclasses, and PCSK9 were determined. Results: PCSK9 was highest in OSA patients on statins compared to the control group and to OSA patients not on statins (p = 0.036 and p = 0.039, respectively), after adjustment for body mass index (BMI). LDL diameter was greater in OSA patients not on statins compared to OSA patients on statins (p = 0.032). PCSK9 was highest in the group of patients with all three risk factors (diagnosed OSA, statins, BMI ≥25 kg/m2) compared to groups with no, one, and two risk factors (p = 0.031, p = 0.001, and p = 0.029, respectively). Presence of OSA, statin therapy, and BMI ≥25 kg/m2 when combined were independently associated with higher levels of PCSK9 when adjusted for antihypertensive therapy, small dense LDL, and HDL 3c subclass (odds ratio = 2.849; interquartile range [1.026–7.912], p = 0.044). Conclusion: Statin therapy was closely related to PCSK9. OSA along with obesity and statin use induces elevation of PCSK9.
PB  - S. Karger AG Basel
T2  - Medical Principles and Practice
T1  - Effects of Apnea, Obesity, and Statin Therapy on
Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin 9 Levels
in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
VL  - 31
IS  - 3
SP  - 293
EP  - 300
DO  - 10.1159/000524087
ER  - 
author = "Milojević, Ana and Zdravković, Marija and Brajković, Milica and Memon, Lidija and Gardijan, Vera and Vekić, Jelena and Zeljković, Aleksandra and Stefanović, Aleksandra and Mihajlović, Marija and Ivanišević, Jasmina and Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša and Radosavljević, Vojislav and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna and Ninić, Ana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Objectives: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common condition closely related to obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to explore the possible relationship between OSA and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9). Methods: Full-night polysomnography was performed on 150 participants who were divided into three groups: controls, OSA patients on statin therapy, and OSA patients not on statin therapy. Biochemical markers, plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) subclasses, and PCSK9 were determined. Results: PCSK9 was highest in OSA patients on statins compared to the control group and to OSA patients not on statins (p = 0.036 and p = 0.039, respectively), after adjustment for body mass index (BMI). LDL diameter was greater in OSA patients not on statins compared to OSA patients on statins (p = 0.032). PCSK9 was highest in the group of patients with all three risk factors (diagnosed OSA, statins, BMI ≥25 kg/m2) compared to groups with no, one, and two risk factors (p = 0.031, p = 0.001, and p = 0.029, respectively). Presence of OSA, statin therapy, and BMI ≥25 kg/m2 when combined were independently associated with higher levels of PCSK9 when adjusted for antihypertensive therapy, small dense LDL, and HDL 3c subclass (odds ratio = 2.849; interquartile range [1.026–7.912], p = 0.044). Conclusion: Statin therapy was closely related to PCSK9. OSA along with obesity and statin use induces elevation of PCSK9.",
publisher = "S. Karger AG Basel",
journal = "Medical Principles and Practice",
title = "Effects of Apnea, Obesity, and Statin Therapy on
Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin 9 Levels
in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea",
volume = "31",
number = "3",
pages = "293-300",
doi = "10.1159/000524087"
Milojević, A., Zdravković, M., Brajković, M., Memon, L., Gardijan, V., Vekić, J., Zeljković, A., Stefanović, A., Mihajlović, M., Ivanišević, J., Bogavac-Stanojević, N., Radosavljević, V., Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V.,& Ninić, A.. (2022). Effects of Apnea, Obesity, and Statin Therapy on
Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin 9 Levels
in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. in Medical Principles and Practice
S. Karger AG Basel., 31(3), 293-300.
Milojević A, Zdravković M, Brajković M, Memon L, Gardijan V, Vekić J, Zeljković A, Stefanović A, Mihajlović M, Ivanišević J, Bogavac-Stanojević N, Radosavljević V, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V, Ninić A. Effects of Apnea, Obesity, and Statin Therapy on
Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin 9 Levels
in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. in Medical Principles and Practice. 2022;31(3):293-300.
doi:10.1159/000524087 .
Milojević, Ana, Zdravković, Marija, Brajković, Milica, Memon, Lidija, Gardijan, Vera, Vekić, Jelena, Zeljković, Aleksandra, Stefanović, Aleksandra, Mihajlović, Marija, Ivanišević, Jasmina, Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša, Radosavljević, Vojislav, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, Ninić, Ana, "Effects of Apnea, Obesity, and Statin Therapy on
Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin 9 Levels
in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea" in Medical Principles and Practice, 31, no. 3 (2022):293-300,
https://doi.org/10.1159/000524087 . .

Novel biomarkers in preeclampsia risk assessment

Antonić, Tamara; Ardalić, Daniela; Vladimirov, Sandra; Marković, Gorica; Cabunac, Petar; Mihajlović, Marija; Miković, Željko; Stefanović, Aleksandra

(Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS), 2022)

AU  - Antonić, Tamara
AU  - Ardalić, Daniela
AU  - Vladimirov, Sandra
AU  - Marković, Gorica
AU  - Cabunac, Petar
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Miković, Željko
AU  - Stefanović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4644
AB  - Despite significant progress in improving pregnancy outcomes in recent decades,
predicting the risk and treatment of preeclampsia are still major challenges in clinical
practice (1). The aim of this study was to examine non-routine biomarkers in preeclampsia
risk assessment. The study involved 90 women with high-risk pregnancies, 20 of whom
developed preeclampsia by the end of pregnancy. Biochemical parameters were determined
between the 12th and 13 th weeks of gestation. The results of the study showed that women
who later developed preeclampsia had higher concentrations of lathosterol, cholesterol
synthesis marker (p <0.05), inflammatory proteins - monocyte chemoattractant protein-1
(MCP-1), and resistin (p <0.01, both), as well as paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity (p <0.05).
Binary logistic regression analysis showed that higher concentrations of lathosterol, MCP-1,
resistin, and PON-1 were associated with preeclampsia development. To determine whether
the parameters significant in univariate analysis, are independent predictors of
preeclampsia, we applied multivariate regression analysis. Clinical markers commonly used
in risk assessment (maternal age and body mass index, mean arterial pressure, and uterine
blood flow), lathosterol, MCP-1, resistin, and PON-1 were included in the model. MCP-1 and
resistin stood out as significant independent predictors of preeclampsia. The diagnostic
accuracy of the investigated model was excellent (AUC=0.859). The study results indicated
the importance of a multi-marker approach in risk assessment for preeclampsia
AB  - Uprkos značajnom napretku u poboljšanju ishoda trudnoće poslednjih decenija,
predviđanje rizika i terapija preeklampsije su još uvijek veliki izazovi u kliničkoj praksi (1).
Cilj ove studije je bio ispitivanje biomarkera koji se ne koriste u rutinskoj praksi u proceni
rizika za razvoj preeklampsije. U studiji je učestvovalo 90 žena sa visokorizičnim
trudnoćama, od kojih je 20 razvilo preeklampsiju do kraja trudnoće. Biohemijski parametri
su određivani između 12. i 13. nedelje gestacije. Rezultati studije su pokazali da su žene koje
su razvile preeklampsiju imale više koncentracije latosterola, markera sinteze holesterola (p
<0,05), inflamatornih proteina - monocitnog hemoatraktantnog proteina-1 (MCP-1) i
rezistina (p < 0,01, oba), kao i aktivnost enzima paraoksonaze-1 (PON1) (p <0,05). Binarna
logistička regresiona analiza je pokazala da su više koncentracije latosterola, MCP-1,
rezistina i PON-1 povezane sa razvojem preeklampsije. Da bi se utvrdilo da su parametri koji
su se u univarijantnoj analizi pokazali značajnim, nezavisni prediktori preeklampsije,
primjenili smo multivarijantnu regresionu analizu. U model su ušli klinički parametri koji se
uobičajeno koriste u procjeni rizika (starost i indeks tjelesne mase majke, srednji arterijski
pritisak i protok krvi kroz matericu), latosterol, MCP-1, rezistin i PON-1. MCP-1 i rezistin su
se istakli kao značajni nezavisni prediktori preeklampsije. Pokazana je odlična dijagnostička
tačnost ispitivanog modela (AUC=0,859). Rezultati ove studije su ukazali na značaj
multimarkerskog pristupa u procjeni rizika za razvoj preeklampsije.
PB  - Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)
C3  - Arhiv za farmaciju
T1  - Novel biomarkers in preeclampsia risk assessment
T1  - Novi biomarkeri u procjeni rizika za razvoj preeklampsije
VL  - 72
IS  - 4 suplement
SP  - S620
EP  - S621
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4644
ER  - 
author = "Antonić, Tamara and Ardalić, Daniela and Vladimirov, Sandra and Marković, Gorica and Cabunac, Petar and Mihajlović, Marija and Miković, Željko and Stefanović, Aleksandra",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Despite significant progress in improving pregnancy outcomes in recent decades,
predicting the risk and treatment of preeclampsia are still major challenges in clinical
practice (1). The aim of this study was to examine non-routine biomarkers in preeclampsia
risk assessment. The study involved 90 women with high-risk pregnancies, 20 of whom
developed preeclampsia by the end of pregnancy. Biochemical parameters were determined
between the 12th and 13 th weeks of gestation. The results of the study showed that women
who later developed preeclampsia had higher concentrations of lathosterol, cholesterol
synthesis marker (p <0.05), inflammatory proteins - monocyte chemoattractant protein-1
(MCP-1), and resistin (p <0.01, both), as well as paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity (p <0.05).
Binary logistic regression analysis showed that higher concentrations of lathosterol, MCP-1,
resistin, and PON-1 were associated with preeclampsia development. To determine whether
the parameters significant in univariate analysis, are independent predictors of
preeclampsia, we applied multivariate regression analysis. Clinical markers commonly used
in risk assessment (maternal age and body mass index, mean arterial pressure, and uterine
blood flow), lathosterol, MCP-1, resistin, and PON-1 were included in the model. MCP-1 and
resistin stood out as significant independent predictors of preeclampsia. The diagnostic
accuracy of the investigated model was excellent (AUC=0.859). The study results indicated
the importance of a multi-marker approach in risk assessment for preeclampsia
development., Uprkos značajnom napretku u poboljšanju ishoda trudnoće poslednjih decenija,
predviđanje rizika i terapija preeklampsije su još uvijek veliki izazovi u kliničkoj praksi (1).
Cilj ove studije je bio ispitivanje biomarkera koji se ne koriste u rutinskoj praksi u proceni
rizika za razvoj preeklampsije. U studiji je učestvovalo 90 žena sa visokorizičnim
trudnoćama, od kojih je 20 razvilo preeklampsiju do kraja trudnoće. Biohemijski parametri
su određivani između 12. i 13. nedelje gestacije. Rezultati studije su pokazali da su žene koje
su razvile preeklampsiju imale više koncentracije latosterola, markera sinteze holesterola (p
<0,05), inflamatornih proteina - monocitnog hemoatraktantnog proteina-1 (MCP-1) i
rezistina (p < 0,01, oba), kao i aktivnost enzima paraoksonaze-1 (PON1) (p <0,05). Binarna
logistička regresiona analiza je pokazala da su više koncentracije latosterola, MCP-1,
rezistina i PON-1 povezane sa razvojem preeklampsije. Da bi se utvrdilo da su parametri koji
su se u univarijantnoj analizi pokazali značajnim, nezavisni prediktori preeklampsije,
primjenili smo multivarijantnu regresionu analizu. U model su ušli klinički parametri koji se
uobičajeno koriste u procjeni rizika (starost i indeks tjelesne mase majke, srednji arterijski
pritisak i protok krvi kroz matericu), latosterol, MCP-1, rezistin i PON-1. MCP-1 i rezistin su
se istakli kao značajni nezavisni prediktori preeklampsije. Pokazana je odlična dijagnostička
tačnost ispitivanog modela (AUC=0,859). Rezultati ove studije su ukazali na značaj
multimarkerskog pristupa u procjeni rizika za razvoj preeklampsije.",
publisher = "Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)",
journal = "Arhiv za farmaciju",
title = "Novel biomarkers in preeclampsia risk assessment, Novi biomarkeri u procjeni rizika za razvoj preeklampsije",
volume = "72",
number = "4 suplement",
pages = "S620-S621",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4644"
Antonić, T., Ardalić, D., Vladimirov, S., Marković, G., Cabunac, P., Mihajlović, M., Miković, Ž.,& Stefanović, A.. (2022). Novel biomarkers in preeclampsia risk assessment. in Arhiv za farmaciju
Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)., 72(4 suplement), S620-S621.
Antonić T, Ardalić D, Vladimirov S, Marković G, Cabunac P, Mihajlović M, Miković Ž, Stefanović A. Novel biomarkers in preeclampsia risk assessment. in Arhiv za farmaciju. 2022;72(4 suplement):S620-S621.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4644 .
Antonić, Tamara, Ardalić, Daniela, Vladimirov, Sandra, Marković, Gorica, Cabunac, Petar, Mihajlović, Marija, Miković, Željko, Stefanović, Aleksandra, "Novel biomarkers in preeclampsia risk assessment" in Arhiv za farmaciju, 72, no. 4 suplement (2022):S620-S621,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4644 .

The importance of metabolic health improvement in pregnancy: Project "HDL structure and function research in pregnancy"

Zeljković, Aleksandra; Vekić, Jelena; Ardalić, Daniela; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna; Ivanišević, Jasmina; Gojković, Tamara; Vladimirov, Sandra; Mihajlović, Marija; Antonić, Tamara; Vujčić, Sanja; Miković, Željko; Stefanović, Aleksandra

(Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS), 2022)

AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Ardalić, Daniela
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
AU  - Ivanišević, Jasmina
AU  - Gojković, Tamara
AU  - Vladimirov, Sandra
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Antonić, Tamara
AU  - Vujčić, Sanja
AU  - Miković, Željko
AU  - Stefanović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4487
AB  - Insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation are
mechanisms underlying endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis development in non-
pregnant state, but in pregnancy they are adaptive mechanisms responsible for fetal
development without health risks for mothers. A special feature of lipids profile in pregnancy
is increase in high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentration. Protective role of
HDL particles resides on its complex composition that goes beyond its cholesterol
concentration and exhibits vasodilatory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and
antithrombogenic effects. Even the importance of HDL functionality in pathogenesis of
cardiovascular disease has been investigated and confirmed its role in persevering metabolic
health in pregnancy are almost unexplored. Project "HDL research to improve pregnancy
outcome" investigate the pattern of HDL particle distribution and functionality (HDL-ome)
with different pregnancy outcomes. With the sophisticated analytical methods we determine
HDL-ome in uncomplicated and high-risk pregnancies. We mark the HDL-ome component
with a different pattern of change during high-risk pregnancies and test their potential for
pregnancy complications risk assessment. In this this research we investigate molecular
mechanisms crucial for HDL remodelling during pregnancy and possible associations
between maternal metabolic health during pregnancy and maternal and child health in the
future. Such comprehensive approach will provide a better insight into HDL role in maternal
metabolic health during pregnancy and will open a door for further research in this area.
AB  - Insulinska rezistencija, hiperlipidemija, oksidativni stress i stanje inflamacije niskog
stepena, koji se u negravidnom stanju povezuju sa razvojem endotelne disfunkcije i
aterosklerozom, u trudnoći predstavljaju adaptivne mehanizme koji omogućavaju pravilan
rast i razvoj fetusa, a ne ugrožavaju zdravlje trudnice. Specifičnost dislipidemije koja se
razvija u trudnoći, a koja nije karakteristična za dislipidemiju u negravidnim stanjima, jeste
porast koncentracije holesterola u lipoproteinskim česticama visoke gustine (high density
lipoprotein, HDL). Međutim, HDL je mnogo više od sadržaja holesterola u njemu. Ovaj
lipoprotein ima izuzetno kompleksnu i heterogenu strukturu i ispoljava vazodilatatorne,
antioksidativne, antiinflamatorne i antitrombogene efekte. Iako je gubitak funkcionalnosti
ovog lipoproteina u patogenezi kardiovaskularnih bolesti detaljno ispitan i potvrđen,
njegova uloga u očuvanju metaboličkog zdravlja u trudnoći još uvek nije rasvetljena. Projekat
"Ispitivanje HDL-metaboloma u cilju unapređenja ishoda trudnoće" bavi se istraživanjem
povezanosti obrazaca promena strukture i funkcionalnosti HDL (HDL-om) sa različitim
ishodima trudnoće. Sofisticiranim analitičkim metodama, određuje se HDL-om u
visokorizičnim trudnoćama, kao i trudnoćama bez komplikacija. Izdvajaju se komponente
HDL-oma koje imaju drugačiji obrazac promene tokom visoko rizičnih trudnoća i ispituje se
njihov značaj u proceni rizika za razvoj komplikacija u trudnoći. Poseban aspekt ovog
istraživanja odnosi se na ispitivanje molekularnih mehanizama ključnih za remodelovanje
HDL tokom trudnoće, kao i potencijalne povezanosti metaboličkog statusa majke tokom
trudnoće sa budućim kardiometaboličkim zdravljem majke i deteta. Ovako opsežno
ispitivanje trebalo bi da pruži jasniji prikaz uloge HDL u očuvanju metaboličkog zdravlja
tokom trudnoće i, kao takvo, predstavljaće polaznu tačku za dalja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti.
PB  - Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)
C3  - Arhiv za farmaciju
T1  - The importance of metabolic health improvement in pregnancy: Project "HDL structure and function research in pregnancy"
T1  - Značaj očuvanja metaboličkog zdravlja u trudnoći: projekat "ispitivanje strukture i funkcije hdl‐a u trudnoći"
VL  - 72
IS  - 4 suplement
SP  - S174
EP  - S175
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4487
ER  - 
author = "Zeljković, Aleksandra and Vekić, Jelena and Ardalić, Daniela and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna and Ivanišević, Jasmina and Gojković, Tamara and Vladimirov, Sandra and Mihajlović, Marija and Antonić, Tamara and Vujčić, Sanja and Miković, Željko and Stefanović, Aleksandra",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation are
mechanisms underlying endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis development in non-
pregnant state, but in pregnancy they are adaptive mechanisms responsible for fetal
development without health risks for mothers. A special feature of lipids profile in pregnancy
is increase in high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentration. Protective role of
HDL particles resides on its complex composition that goes beyond its cholesterol
concentration and exhibits vasodilatory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and
antithrombogenic effects. Even the importance of HDL functionality in pathogenesis of
cardiovascular disease has been investigated and confirmed its role in persevering metabolic
health in pregnancy are almost unexplored. Project "HDL research to improve pregnancy
outcome" investigate the pattern of HDL particle distribution and functionality (HDL-ome)
with different pregnancy outcomes. With the sophisticated analytical methods we determine
HDL-ome in uncomplicated and high-risk pregnancies. We mark the HDL-ome component
with a different pattern of change during high-risk pregnancies and test their potential for
pregnancy complications risk assessment. In this this research we investigate molecular
mechanisms crucial for HDL remodelling during pregnancy and possible associations
between maternal metabolic health during pregnancy and maternal and child health in the
future. Such comprehensive approach will provide a better insight into HDL role in maternal
metabolic health during pregnancy and will open a door for further research in this area., Insulinska rezistencija, hiperlipidemija, oksidativni stress i stanje inflamacije niskog
stepena, koji se u negravidnom stanju povezuju sa razvojem endotelne disfunkcije i
aterosklerozom, u trudnoći predstavljaju adaptivne mehanizme koji omogućavaju pravilan
rast i razvoj fetusa, a ne ugrožavaju zdravlje trudnice. Specifičnost dislipidemije koja se
razvija u trudnoći, a koja nije karakteristična za dislipidemiju u negravidnim stanjima, jeste
porast koncentracije holesterola u lipoproteinskim česticama visoke gustine (high density
lipoprotein, HDL). Međutim, HDL je mnogo više od sadržaja holesterola u njemu. Ovaj
lipoprotein ima izuzetno kompleksnu i heterogenu strukturu i ispoljava vazodilatatorne,
antioksidativne, antiinflamatorne i antitrombogene efekte. Iako je gubitak funkcionalnosti
ovog lipoproteina u patogenezi kardiovaskularnih bolesti detaljno ispitan i potvrđen,
njegova uloga u očuvanju metaboličkog zdravlja u trudnoći još uvek nije rasvetljena. Projekat
"Ispitivanje HDL-metaboloma u cilju unapređenja ishoda trudnoće" bavi se istraživanjem
povezanosti obrazaca promena strukture i funkcionalnosti HDL (HDL-om) sa različitim
ishodima trudnoće. Sofisticiranim analitičkim metodama, određuje se HDL-om u
visokorizičnim trudnoćama, kao i trudnoćama bez komplikacija. Izdvajaju se komponente
HDL-oma koje imaju drugačiji obrazac promene tokom visoko rizičnih trudnoća i ispituje se
njihov značaj u proceni rizika za razvoj komplikacija u trudnoći. Poseban aspekt ovog
istraživanja odnosi se na ispitivanje molekularnih mehanizama ključnih za remodelovanje
HDL tokom trudnoće, kao i potencijalne povezanosti metaboličkog statusa majke tokom
trudnoće sa budućim kardiometaboličkim zdravljem majke i deteta. Ovako opsežno
ispitivanje trebalo bi da pruži jasniji prikaz uloge HDL u očuvanju metaboličkog zdravlja
tokom trudnoće i, kao takvo, predstavljaće polaznu tačku za dalja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti.",
publisher = "Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)",
journal = "Arhiv za farmaciju",
title = "The importance of metabolic health improvement in pregnancy: Project "HDL structure and function research in pregnancy", Značaj očuvanja metaboličkog zdravlja u trudnoći: projekat "ispitivanje strukture i funkcije hdl‐a u trudnoći"",
volume = "72",
number = "4 suplement",
pages = "S174-S175",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4487"
Zeljković, A., Vekić, J., Ardalić, D., Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V., Ivanišević, J., Gojković, T., Vladimirov, S., Mihajlović, M., Antonić, T., Vujčić, S., Miković, Ž.,& Stefanović, A.. (2022). The importance of metabolic health improvement in pregnancy: Project "HDL structure and function research in pregnancy". in Arhiv za farmaciju
Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)., 72(4 suplement), S174-S175.
Zeljković A, Vekić J, Ardalić D, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V, Ivanišević J, Gojković T, Vladimirov S, Mihajlović M, Antonić T, Vujčić S, Miković Ž, Stefanović A. The importance of metabolic health improvement in pregnancy: Project "HDL structure and function research in pregnancy". in Arhiv za farmaciju. 2022;72(4 suplement):S174-S175.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4487 .
Zeljković, Aleksandra, Vekić, Jelena, Ardalić, Daniela, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, Ivanišević, Jasmina, Gojković, Tamara, Vladimirov, Sandra, Mihajlović, Marija, Antonić, Tamara, Vujčić, Sanja, Miković, Željko, Stefanović, Aleksandra, "The importance of metabolic health improvement in pregnancy: Project "HDL structure and function research in pregnancy"" in Arhiv za farmaciju, 72, no. 4 suplement (2022):S174-S175,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4487 .

Effects of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Cholesterol Metabolism in Women with High-Risk Pregnancies: Possible Implications for Neonatal Outcome

Zeljković, Aleksandra; Ardalić, Daniela; Vekić, Jelena; Antonić, Tamara; Vladimirov, Sandra; Rizzo, Manfredi; Gojković, Tamara; Ivanišević, Jasmina; Mihajlović, Marija; Vujčić, Sanja; Cabunac, Petar; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna; Miković, Željko; Stefanović, Aleksandra

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
AU  - Ardalić, Daniela
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Antonić, Tamara
AU  - Vladimirov, Sandra
AU  - Rizzo, Manfredi
AU  - Gojković, Tamara
AU  - Ivanišević, Jasmina
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Vujčić, Sanja
AU  - Cabunac, Petar
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
AU  - Miković, Željko
AU  - Stefanović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4314
AB  - Metabolic disorders in pregnancy, particularly gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), are associated with an increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcome and long-term cardiometabolic health of mother and child. This study analyzed changes of serum cholesterol synthesis and absorption markers during the course of high-risk pregnancies, with respect to the development of GDM. Possible associations of maternal lipid biomarkers with neonatal characteristics were also investigated. The study included 63 women with high risk for development of pregnancy complications. Size and proportions of small low-density (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles were assessed across trimesters (T1–T3), as well as concentrations of cholesterol synthesis (lathosterol, desmosterol) and absorption markers (campesterol, β-sitosterol). During the study, 15 women developed GDM, while 48 had no complications (non-GDM). As compared to the non-GDM group, women with GDM had significantly higher triglycerides in each trimester, while having a lower HDL-C level in T3. In addition, they had significantly lower levels of β-sitosterol in T3 (p < 0.05). Cholesterol synthesis markers increased across trimesters in both groups. A decrease in serum β-sitosterol levels during the course of pregnancies affected by GDM was observed. The prevalence of small-sized HDL decreased in non-GDM, while in the GDM group remained unchanged across trimesters. Newborn’s size in the non-GDM group was significantly higher (p < 0.01) and inversely associated with proportions of both small, dense LDL and HDL particles (p < 0.05) in maternal plasma in T1. In conclusion, high-risk pregnancies affected by GDM are characterized by altered cholesterol absorption and HDL maturation. Advanced lipid testing may indicate disturbed lipid homeostasis in GDM.
T2  - Metabolites
T1  - Effects of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Cholesterol Metabolism in Women with High-Risk Pregnancies: Possible Implications for Neonatal Outcome
VL  - 12
IS  - 10
DO  - 10.3390/metabo12100959
ER  - 
author = "Zeljković, Aleksandra and Ardalić, Daniela and Vekić, Jelena and Antonić, Tamara and Vladimirov, Sandra and Rizzo, Manfredi and Gojković, Tamara and Ivanišević, Jasmina and Mihajlović, Marija and Vujčić, Sanja and Cabunac, Petar and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna and Miković, Željko and Stefanović, Aleksandra",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Metabolic disorders in pregnancy, particularly gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), are associated with an increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcome and long-term cardiometabolic health of mother and child. This study analyzed changes of serum cholesterol synthesis and absorption markers during the course of high-risk pregnancies, with respect to the development of GDM. Possible associations of maternal lipid biomarkers with neonatal characteristics were also investigated. The study included 63 women with high risk for development of pregnancy complications. Size and proportions of small low-density (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles were assessed across trimesters (T1–T3), as well as concentrations of cholesterol synthesis (lathosterol, desmosterol) and absorption markers (campesterol, β-sitosterol). During the study, 15 women developed GDM, while 48 had no complications (non-GDM). As compared to the non-GDM group, women with GDM had significantly higher triglycerides in each trimester, while having a lower HDL-C level in T3. In addition, they had significantly lower levels of β-sitosterol in T3 (p < 0.05). Cholesterol synthesis markers increased across trimesters in both groups. A decrease in serum β-sitosterol levels during the course of pregnancies affected by GDM was observed. The prevalence of small-sized HDL decreased in non-GDM, while in the GDM group remained unchanged across trimesters. Newborn’s size in the non-GDM group was significantly higher (p < 0.01) and inversely associated with proportions of both small, dense LDL and HDL particles (p < 0.05) in maternal plasma in T1. In conclusion, high-risk pregnancies affected by GDM are characterized by altered cholesterol absorption and HDL maturation. Advanced lipid testing may indicate disturbed lipid homeostasis in GDM.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Metabolites",
title = "Effects of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Cholesterol Metabolism in Women with High-Risk Pregnancies: Possible Implications for Neonatal Outcome",
volume = "12",
number = "10",
doi = "10.3390/metabo12100959"
Zeljković, A., Ardalić, D., Vekić, J., Antonić, T., Vladimirov, S., Rizzo, M., Gojković, T., Ivanišević, J., Mihajlović, M., Vujčić, S., Cabunac, P., Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V., Miković, Ž.,& Stefanović, A.. (2022). Effects of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Cholesterol Metabolism in Women with High-Risk Pregnancies: Possible Implications for Neonatal Outcome. in Metabolites
MDPI., 12(10).
Zeljković A, Ardalić D, Vekić J, Antonić T, Vladimirov S, Rizzo M, Gojković T, Ivanišević J, Mihajlović M, Vujčić S, Cabunac P, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V, Miković Ž, Stefanović A. Effects of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Cholesterol Metabolism in Women with High-Risk Pregnancies: Possible Implications for Neonatal Outcome. in Metabolites. 2022;12(10).
doi:10.3390/metabo12100959 .
Zeljković, Aleksandra, Ardalić, Daniela, Vekić, Jelena, Antonić, Tamara, Vladimirov, Sandra, Rizzo, Manfredi, Gojković, Tamara, Ivanišević, Jasmina, Mihajlović, Marija, Vujčić, Sanja, Cabunac, Petar, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, Miković, Željko, Stefanović, Aleksandra, "Effects of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Cholesterol Metabolism in Women with High-Risk Pregnancies: Possible Implications for Neonatal Outcome" in Metabolites, 12, no. 10 (2022),
https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo12100959 . .

Lipoproteins and cholesterol homeostasis in paediatric nephrotic syndrome patients

Mulat Simachew, Yonas; Antonić, Tamara; Gojković, Tamara; Vladimirov, Sandra; Mihajlović, Marija; Vujčić, Sanja; Miloševski-Lomić, Gordana; Vekić, Jelena; Zeljković, Aleksandra; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna; Peco-Antić, Amira; Paripović, Dušan; Stefanović, Aleksandra

(Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 2022)

AU  - Mulat Simachew, Yonas
AU  - Antonić, Tamara
AU  - Gojković, Tamara
AU  - Vladimirov, Sandra
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Vujčić, Sanja
AU  - Miloševski-Lomić, Gordana
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
AU  - Peco-Antić, Amira
AU  - Paripović, Dušan
AU  - Stefanović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4195
AB  - Introduction  The aim of this study was to investigate lipoprotein particle distributions and the likelihood of achieving cholesterol homeostasis in the remission phase of nephrotic syndrome (NS) in paediatric patients. We hypothesized that lipoprotein particle distributions moved toward less atherogenic profile and that cholesterol homeostasis was achieved. Materials and methods  Thirty-three children, 2 to 9 years old with NS were recruited. Blood sampling took place both in the acute phase and during remission. Serum low-density lipoprotein particles (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein particles (HDL) were separated using non-denaturing polyacrylamide gradient gel (3-31%) electrophoresis. Serum non-cholesterols sterols (NCSs), desmosterol, lathosterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC), campesterol and β-sitosterol were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). Results  All patients had desirable serum HDL cholesterol concentrations during remission. The dominant lipoprotein diameters and LDL subclass distribution did not change significantly during follow-up. In contrast, HDL lipoprotein particle distribution shifted towards larger particles. The absolute concentration of desmosterol was significantly lower during remission (P = 0.023). β-sitosterol concentration markedly increased during remission (P = 0.005). Desmosterol/β-sitosterol (P < 0.001) and 7-DHC/β-sitosterol (P = 0.005) ratios significantly declined during disease remission. Conclusions  Favourable changes in the serum lipid profiles, HDL particle subclass distribution and cholesterol metabolism in paediatric patients with NS during remission took place. For the first time, we found that cholesterol homeostasis changed in favour of increased cholesterol absorption during disease remission. Nevertheless, complete cholesterol homeostasis was not achieved during disease remission.
PB  - Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
T2  - Biochemia Medica
T1  - Lipoproteins and cholesterol homeostasis in paediatric nephrotic syndrome patients
VL  - 32
IS  - 2
DO  - 10.11613/BM.2022.020706
ER  - 
author = "Mulat Simachew, Yonas and Antonić, Tamara and Gojković, Tamara and Vladimirov, Sandra and Mihajlović, Marija and Vujčić, Sanja and Miloševski-Lomić, Gordana and Vekić, Jelena and Zeljković, Aleksandra and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna and Peco-Antić, Amira and Paripović, Dušan and Stefanović, Aleksandra",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Introduction  The aim of this study was to investigate lipoprotein particle distributions and the likelihood of achieving cholesterol homeostasis in the remission phase of nephrotic syndrome (NS) in paediatric patients. We hypothesized that lipoprotein particle distributions moved toward less atherogenic profile and that cholesterol homeostasis was achieved. Materials and methods  Thirty-three children, 2 to 9 years old with NS were recruited. Blood sampling took place both in the acute phase and during remission. Serum low-density lipoprotein particles (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein particles (HDL) were separated using non-denaturing polyacrylamide gradient gel (3-31%) electrophoresis. Serum non-cholesterols sterols (NCSs), desmosterol, lathosterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC), campesterol and β-sitosterol were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). Results  All patients had desirable serum HDL cholesterol concentrations during remission. The dominant lipoprotein diameters and LDL subclass distribution did not change significantly during follow-up. In contrast, HDL lipoprotein particle distribution shifted towards larger particles. The absolute concentration of desmosterol was significantly lower during remission (P = 0.023). β-sitosterol concentration markedly increased during remission (P = 0.005). Desmosterol/β-sitosterol (P < 0.001) and 7-DHC/β-sitosterol (P = 0.005) ratios significantly declined during disease remission. Conclusions  Favourable changes in the serum lipid profiles, HDL particle subclass distribution and cholesterol metabolism in paediatric patients with NS during remission took place. For the first time, we found that cholesterol homeostasis changed in favour of increased cholesterol absorption during disease remission. Nevertheless, complete cholesterol homeostasis was not achieved during disease remission.",
publisher = "Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine",
journal = "Biochemia Medica",
title = "Lipoproteins and cholesterol homeostasis in paediatric nephrotic syndrome patients",
volume = "32",
number = "2",
doi = "10.11613/BM.2022.020706"
Mulat Simachew, Y., Antonić, T., Gojković, T., Vladimirov, S., Mihajlović, M., Vujčić, S., Miloševski-Lomić, G., Vekić, J., Zeljković, A., Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V., Peco-Antić, A., Paripović, D.,& Stefanović, A.. (2022). Lipoproteins and cholesterol homeostasis in paediatric nephrotic syndrome patients. in Biochemia Medica
Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine., 32(2).
Mulat Simachew Y, Antonić T, Gojković T, Vladimirov S, Mihajlović M, Vujčić S, Miloševski-Lomić G, Vekić J, Zeljković A, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V, Peco-Antić A, Paripović D, Stefanović A. Lipoproteins and cholesterol homeostasis in paediatric nephrotic syndrome patients. in Biochemia Medica. 2022;32(2).
doi:10.11613/BM.2022.020706 .
Mulat Simachew, Yonas, Antonić, Tamara, Gojković, Tamara, Vladimirov, Sandra, Mihajlović, Marija, Vujčić, Sanja, Miloševski-Lomić, Gordana, Vekić, Jelena, Zeljković, Aleksandra, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, Peco-Antić, Amira, Paripović, Dušan, Stefanović, Aleksandra, "Lipoproteins and cholesterol homeostasis in paediatric nephrotic syndrome patients" in Biochemia Medica, 32, no. 2 (2022),
https://doi.org/10.11613/BM.2022.020706 . .

Low-lead doses induce oxidative damage in cardiac tissue: Subacute toxicity study in Wistar rats and Benchmark dose modelling

Javorac, Dragana; Tatović, Simona; Anđelković, Milena; Repić, Aleksandra; Baralić, Katarina; Buha-Đorđević, Aleksandra; Mihajlović, Marija; Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena; Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela; Ćurčić, Marijana; Antonijević, Biljana; Bulat, Zorica

(Elsevier Ltd, 2022)

AU  - Javorac, Dragana
AU  - Tatović, Simona
AU  - Anđelković, Milena
AU  - Repić, Aleksandra
AU  - Baralić, Katarina
AU  - Buha-Đorđević, Aleksandra
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena
AU  - Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela
AU  - Ćurčić, Marijana
AU  - Antonijević, Biljana
AU  - Bulat, Zorica
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4046
AB  - Exposure to toxic metals, including lead (Pb), were found as important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the study was to simulate low-level subacute Pb exposure scenario and to determine redox status, redox scores (OXY-score, damage score and protective score) and copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) levels in cardiac tissue of Wistar rats. Based on the obtained results we have established dose-toxic response relationship and derived Benchmark dose. The male Wistar rats were divided in seven groups (n = 6), six threated groups that received 0.1; 0.5; 1; 3; 7; 15 mg Pb/kg body weight/day for 28 days, by oral gavage and control group. The results of the presented study demonstrated that Pb affect cardiac tissue by inducing production of superoxide anion radical (O2.-) and consequently raising malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. The positive trend in OXY-score and damage score were determined. Effect size analysis showed that the main toxic effects were oxidative damage and elevation of MDA. The lowest BMD was calculated for MDA (2.2e-0.6 mg Pb/kg b.w./day). Obtained BMD may be useful in further assessing point of departure in the human health risks assessment of low-level Pb exposure scenario.
PB  - Elsevier Ltd
T2  - Food and Chemical Toxicology
T1  - Low-lead doses induce oxidative damage in cardiac tissue: Subacute toxicity study in Wistar rats and Benchmark dose modelling
VL  - 161
DO  - 10.1016/j.fct.2022.112825
ER  - 
author = "Javorac, Dragana and Tatović, Simona and Anđelković, Milena and Repić, Aleksandra and Baralić, Katarina and Buha-Đorđević, Aleksandra and Mihajlović, Marija and Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena and Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela and Ćurčić, Marijana and Antonijević, Biljana and Bulat, Zorica",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Exposure to toxic metals, including lead (Pb), were found as important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the study was to simulate low-level subacute Pb exposure scenario and to determine redox status, redox scores (OXY-score, damage score and protective score) and copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) levels in cardiac tissue of Wistar rats. Based on the obtained results we have established dose-toxic response relationship and derived Benchmark dose. The male Wistar rats were divided in seven groups (n = 6), six threated groups that received 0.1; 0.5; 1; 3; 7; 15 mg Pb/kg body weight/day for 28 days, by oral gavage and control group. The results of the presented study demonstrated that Pb affect cardiac tissue by inducing production of superoxide anion radical (O2.-) and consequently raising malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. The positive trend in OXY-score and damage score were determined. Effect size analysis showed that the main toxic effects were oxidative damage and elevation of MDA. The lowest BMD was calculated for MDA (2.2e-0.6 mg Pb/kg b.w./day). Obtained BMD may be useful in further assessing point of departure in the human health risks assessment of low-level Pb exposure scenario.",
publisher = "Elsevier Ltd",
journal = "Food and Chemical Toxicology",
title = "Low-lead doses induce oxidative damage in cardiac tissue: Subacute toxicity study in Wistar rats and Benchmark dose modelling",
volume = "161",
doi = "10.1016/j.fct.2022.112825"
Javorac, D., Tatović, S., Anđelković, M., Repić, A., Baralić, K., Buha-Đorđević, A., Mihajlović, M., Kotur-Stevuljević, J., Đukić-Ćosić, D., Ćurčić, M., Antonijević, B.,& Bulat, Z.. (2022). Low-lead doses induce oxidative damage in cardiac tissue: Subacute toxicity study in Wistar rats and Benchmark dose modelling. in Food and Chemical Toxicology
Elsevier Ltd., 161.
Javorac D, Tatović S, Anđelković M, Repić A, Baralić K, Buha-Đorđević A, Mihajlović M, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Đukić-Ćosić D, Ćurčić M, Antonijević B, Bulat Z. Low-lead doses induce oxidative damage in cardiac tissue: Subacute toxicity study in Wistar rats and Benchmark dose modelling. in Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2022;161.
doi:10.1016/j.fct.2022.112825 .
Javorac, Dragana, Tatović, Simona, Anđelković, Milena, Repić, Aleksandra, Baralić, Katarina, Buha-Đorđević, Aleksandra, Mihajlović, Marija, Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena, Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela, Ćurčić, Marijana, Antonijević, Biljana, Bulat, Zorica, "Low-lead doses induce oxidative damage in cardiac tissue: Subacute toxicity study in Wistar rats and Benchmark dose modelling" in Food and Chemical Toxicology, 161 (2022),
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2022.112825 . .

Експресија α2 адренергичких рецептора у мозгу пацова у моделу депресивног понашања резистентног на примену трицикличних антидепресива

Petronijević, Filip; Kočić, Teodora; Mihajlović, Marija


AU  - Petronijević, Filip
AU  - Kočić, Teodora
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4140
AB  - Једно од најважнијих открића у неуробиологији депресије везује се за поремећај серотонергичке, норадренергичке и допаминергичке трансмисије. Депресивни фенотип одликују промене у експресији и активности α2 адренергичких рецептора, међутим, њихова улога у етиопатогенези није расветљена. Познато је да магнезијум (Mg) модулише активност осовине хипоталамус-хипофиза-надбубрежне жлезде и његов дефицит индукује промене у понашању експерименталних животиња.
AB  - One of the most important discoveries in the neurobiology of depression is linked to dysregulation of serotonergic, noradrenergic and dopaminergic transmission. Changes in the expression and activity of α2 adrenergic receptors were described in depressive disorder, yet their role in the pathogenesis remainc ambigous. Magnesium modulates the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, whilst Mg depletion provokes behavioral changes in animals.
T1  - Експресија α2 адренергичких рецептора у мозгу пацова у моделу депресивног понашања резистентног на примену трицикличних антидепресива
T1  - The expression of α2-adrenergic receptor in rats' brain in a model of depressive-like behavior resistant to tricyclic antidepressants
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4140
ER  - 
author = "Petronijević, Filip and Kočić, Teodora and Mihajlović, Marija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Једно од најважнијих открића у неуробиологији депресије везује се за поремећај серотонергичке, норадренергичке и допаминергичке трансмисије. Депресивни фенотип одликују промене у експресији и активности α2 адренергичких рецептора, међутим, њихова улога у етиопатогенези није расветљена. Познато је да магнезијум (Mg) модулише активност осовине хипоталамус-хипофиза-надбубрежне жлезде и његов дефицит индукује промене у понашању експерименталних животиња., One of the most important discoveries in the neurobiology of depression is linked to dysregulation of serotonergic, noradrenergic and dopaminergic transmission. Changes in the expression and activity of α2 adrenergic receptors were described in depressive disorder, yet their role in the pathogenesis remainc ambigous. Magnesium modulates the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, whilst Mg depletion provokes behavioral changes in animals.",
title = "Експресија α2 адренергичких рецептора у мозгу пацова у моделу депресивног понашања резистентног на примену трицикличних антидепресива, The expression of α2-adrenergic receptor in rats' brain in a model of depressive-like behavior resistant to tricyclic antidepressants",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4140"
Petronijević, F., Kočić, T.,& Mihajlović, M.. (2022). Експресија α2 адренергичких рецептора у мозгу пацова у моделу депресивног понашања резистентног на примену трицикличних антидепресива. .
Petronijević F, Kočić T, Mihajlović M. Експресија α2 адренергичких рецептора у мозгу пацова у моделу депресивног понашања резистентног на примену трицикличних антидепресива. 2022;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4140 .
Petronijević, Filip, Kočić, Teodora, Mihajlović, Marija, "Експресија α2 адренергичких рецептора у мозгу пацова у моделу депресивног понашања резистентног на примену трицикличних антидепресива" (2022),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4140 .

Ispitivanje prediktivnog i dijagnostičkog značaja pojedinačnih i kombinovanih biomarkera lipidnog statusa i inflamacije kod pacijenata sa kolorektalnim karcinomom

Mihajlović, Marija

(Универзитет у Београду, Фармацеутски факултет, 2022)

AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://eteze.bg.ac.rs/application/showtheses?thesesId=9061
UR  - https://fedorabg.bg.ac.rs/fedora/get/o:29141/bdef:Content/download
UR  - https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/sr/sr/bib/61206537
UR  - https://nardus.mpn.gov.rs/handle/123456789/21386
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4837
AB  - Nedostatak pouzdanih serumskih biomarkera je jedan od osnovnih problema u dijagnostici iproceni rizika za razvoj kolorektalnog karcinoma (colorectal cancer, CRC). Imajući u vidu da se razvojmalignih bolesti odlikuje kako promenama ćelijskog metabolizma, tako i izmenama imunog,oksidativnog i inflamatornog okruženja malignih ćelija, integrativni pristup, koji bi obuhvatioistovremeno određivanje više biomarkera tipičnih za navedena stanja, predstavlja obećavajuću strategijuu proceni rizika, skriningu i ranoj dijagnostici CRC.U ovoj studiji je ispitivan potencijal pojedinačnih i kombinovanih biomarkera za dijagnostiku ipredviđanje rizika za nastanak CRC. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo četiri aspekta preko kojih se stekao uvidu promene inflamatornog statusa, energetskog metabolizma i imune homeostaze pacijenata sa CRC. Ute svrhe smo određivali plazmatske koncentracije insulinu sličnog faktora rasta 1 (IGF1) i holesterolasadržanog u lipoproteinima visoke gustine (HDL-h) kao indikatora metaboličkih promena, te rezistina iE-kadherina kao parametara inflamacije. Drugi aspekt je obuhvatio ispitivanje funkcionalnosti enzimauključenih u remodelovanje (lecitin-holesterol aciltransferaze, LCAT, holesterol-estar transfernogproteina, CETP) i antioksidativnu funkciju (paraoksonaze 1, PON-1) HDL čestica kao zajedničkogimenitelja energetskog metabolizma, redoks, imune i inflamatorne ravnoteže. Treći aspekt je činiloodređivanje nivoa ekspresije gena uključenih u kontrolu inflamatornog procesa (gena rezistina i njegovogreceptora, proteina udruženog sa adenilat ciklazom 1, CAP-1), imunog odgovora (gena faktora nekrozetumora α, TNF-α) i metaboličke homeostaze (gena adiponektinskih receptora, Adipor1 i Adipor2) umononuklearnim ćelijama periferne krvi (PBMC). Konačno, četvrti aspekt predstavljala je procenagenetske predispozicije pojedinca za razvoj karcinoma bazirana na ispitivanju prisustva polimorfizamapojedinačnih nukleotida gena od interesa (IG1 rs2946834, ADIPOQ rs266729, ADIPOR1 rs7539542,ADIPOR1 rs1342387, TNF-α rs1800629, RETN rs1862513). Istraživanje je dopunjeno bioinformatičkomanalizom online dostupnih transkriptomskih baza podataka.U istraživanje je uključeno 126 pacijenata sa CRC sa Klinike za opštu hirurgiju Vojnomedicinskeakademije u Beogradu, kao i 101 zdrava osoba koja je pristupila redovnom godišnjem lekarskompregledu u Opštoj bolnici Medigroup u Beogradu. Ispitanici su anketirani, te su na taj način prikupljenipodaci o uzrastu, osnovnim antropometrijskim merama i životnim navikama. Rutinski biohemijskiparametri su određeni na analizatoru ILAB 300+, korišćenjem standardnih enzimskih i kolorimetrijskihprocedura. Aktivnosti LCAT i CETP su procenjene merenjem brzine stvaranja i prenosa holesterol estara.Paraoksonazna aktivnost PON-1 je određena spektrofotometrijski uz paraokson kao supstrat, dok jearilesterazna aktivnost određena metodom sa fenilacetatom. Lančana reakcija polimerizacije(polymerase chain reaction, PCR) je korišćena u svrhe genotipizacije ispitanika i procene nivoaekspresije gena. Komercijalni ELISA testovi su korišćeni za određivanje plazmatskih koncentracijaIGF1, E-kadherina, rezistina, kao i CETP. ..
AB  - The lack of reliable serum biomarkers is among major problems linked to the diagnosis ofcolorectal cancer (CRC) and the risk assessment for the disease development. Given that the developmentof malignant diseases is characterized by changes in cellular metabolism and immune, oxidative andinflammatory environment of malignant cells, an integrative approach, which includes simultaneousdetermination of multiple biomarkers, represents a promising strategy for the risk evaluation, screeningand early diagnosis of CRC.In this study, capacities of single and combined biomarkers for diagnosing and predicting the riskof developing CRC were examined. The research included four approaches for the assesment ofalterations of inflammatory status, energy metabolism and immune homeostasis in CRC patients. Forthese purposes, plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) and high-density lipoproteincholesterol (HDL-c) as indicators of metabolic changes were determined, while resistin and E-cadherinconcentrations were used as indicators of inflammatory status. The second approach included testing thefunctionality of enzymes involved in remodeling (lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase, LCAT, cholesterolester transfer protein, CETP) and antioxidative function (paraoxonase 1, PON-1) of HDL particle, whichwas appreciated as a common denominator of energy metabolism, redox, immune and inflammatoryhomeostasis. The third approach was to determine the levels of gene expressions involved in the controlof the inflammatory processes (resistin and its receptor, adenylate cyclase-associated protein 1, CAP-1),immune response (tumor necrosis factor α, TNF-α) and metabolic homeostasis (adiponectin receptors,Adipor1 and Adipor2) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Finally, the fourth approach wasthe assessment of an individual's genetic predisposition to develop CRC, which was based on theexploration of specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): IGF1 rs2946834, ADIPOQ rs266729,ADIPOR1 rs7539542, ADIPOR1 rs1342387, TNF-α rs1800629, RETN rs1862513. The research wasfurther supplemented by a bioinformatics analysis of online available transcriptome databases.The study included 126 patients with CRC from the Clinic for General Surgery of the MilitaryMedical Academy in Belgrade, as well as 101 healthy individuals who attended the regular annualmedical examination at the General Hospital Medigroup in Belgrade. The participants were interviewed,and data on age, basic anthropometric measurments and life habits were collected. Routine biochemicalparameters were determined on ILAB 300+ analyzer, using standard enzymatic and colorimetricprocedures. LCAT and CETP activities were assessed by measuring the rate of formation and transfer ofcholesteryl esters. Paraoxonase activity of PON-1 was determined spectrophotometrically withparaoxone as a substrate, while arylesterase activity was determined by the phenylacetate method.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for genotyping and the assessment of gene expression levels.Commercial ELISA assays were used to determine plasma concentrations of IGF1, E-cadherin, resistin,and CETP. ..
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Фармацеутски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Ispitivanje prediktivnog i dijagnostičkog značaja pojedinačnih i kombinovanih biomarkera lipidnog statusa i inflamacije kod pacijenata sa kolorektalnim karcinomom
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_21386
ER  - 
author = "Mihajlović, Marija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Nedostatak pouzdanih serumskih biomarkera je jedan od osnovnih problema u dijagnostici iproceni rizika za razvoj kolorektalnog karcinoma (colorectal cancer, CRC). Imajući u vidu da se razvojmalignih bolesti odlikuje kako promenama ćelijskog metabolizma, tako i izmenama imunog,oksidativnog i inflamatornog okruženja malignih ćelija, integrativni pristup, koji bi obuhvatioistovremeno određivanje više biomarkera tipičnih za navedena stanja, predstavlja obećavajuću strategijuu proceni rizika, skriningu i ranoj dijagnostici CRC.U ovoj studiji je ispitivan potencijal pojedinačnih i kombinovanih biomarkera za dijagnostiku ipredviđanje rizika za nastanak CRC. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo četiri aspekta preko kojih se stekao uvidu promene inflamatornog statusa, energetskog metabolizma i imune homeostaze pacijenata sa CRC. Ute svrhe smo određivali plazmatske koncentracije insulinu sličnog faktora rasta 1 (IGF1) i holesterolasadržanog u lipoproteinima visoke gustine (HDL-h) kao indikatora metaboličkih promena, te rezistina iE-kadherina kao parametara inflamacije. Drugi aspekt je obuhvatio ispitivanje funkcionalnosti enzimauključenih u remodelovanje (lecitin-holesterol aciltransferaze, LCAT, holesterol-estar transfernogproteina, CETP) i antioksidativnu funkciju (paraoksonaze 1, PON-1) HDL čestica kao zajedničkogimenitelja energetskog metabolizma, redoks, imune i inflamatorne ravnoteže. Treći aspekt je činiloodređivanje nivoa ekspresije gena uključenih u kontrolu inflamatornog procesa (gena rezistina i njegovogreceptora, proteina udruženog sa adenilat ciklazom 1, CAP-1), imunog odgovora (gena faktora nekrozetumora α, TNF-α) i metaboličke homeostaze (gena adiponektinskih receptora, Adipor1 i Adipor2) umononuklearnim ćelijama periferne krvi (PBMC). Konačno, četvrti aspekt predstavljala je procenagenetske predispozicije pojedinca za razvoj karcinoma bazirana na ispitivanju prisustva polimorfizamapojedinačnih nukleotida gena od interesa (IG1 rs2946834, ADIPOQ rs266729, ADIPOR1 rs7539542,ADIPOR1 rs1342387, TNF-α rs1800629, RETN rs1862513). Istraživanje je dopunjeno bioinformatičkomanalizom online dostupnih transkriptomskih baza podataka.U istraživanje je uključeno 126 pacijenata sa CRC sa Klinike za opštu hirurgiju Vojnomedicinskeakademije u Beogradu, kao i 101 zdrava osoba koja je pristupila redovnom godišnjem lekarskompregledu u Opštoj bolnici Medigroup u Beogradu. Ispitanici su anketirani, te su na taj način prikupljenipodaci o uzrastu, osnovnim antropometrijskim merama i životnim navikama. Rutinski biohemijskiparametri su određeni na analizatoru ILAB 300+, korišćenjem standardnih enzimskih i kolorimetrijskihprocedura. Aktivnosti LCAT i CETP su procenjene merenjem brzine stvaranja i prenosa holesterol estara.Paraoksonazna aktivnost PON-1 je određena spektrofotometrijski uz paraokson kao supstrat, dok jearilesterazna aktivnost određena metodom sa fenilacetatom. Lančana reakcija polimerizacije(polymerase chain reaction, PCR) je korišćena u svrhe genotipizacije ispitanika i procene nivoaekspresije gena. Komercijalni ELISA testovi su korišćeni za određivanje plazmatskih koncentracijaIGF1, E-kadherina, rezistina, kao i CETP. .., The lack of reliable serum biomarkers is among major problems linked to the diagnosis ofcolorectal cancer (CRC) and the risk assessment for the disease development. Given that the developmentof malignant diseases is characterized by changes in cellular metabolism and immune, oxidative andinflammatory environment of malignant cells, an integrative approach, which includes simultaneousdetermination of multiple biomarkers, represents a promising strategy for the risk evaluation, screeningand early diagnosis of CRC.In this study, capacities of single and combined biomarkers for diagnosing and predicting the riskof developing CRC were examined. The research included four approaches for the assesment ofalterations of inflammatory status, energy metabolism and immune homeostasis in CRC patients. Forthese purposes, plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) and high-density lipoproteincholesterol (HDL-c) as indicators of metabolic changes were determined, while resistin and E-cadherinconcentrations were used as indicators of inflammatory status. The second approach included testing thefunctionality of enzymes involved in remodeling (lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase, LCAT, cholesterolester transfer protein, CETP) and antioxidative function (paraoxonase 1, PON-1) of HDL particle, whichwas appreciated as a common denominator of energy metabolism, redox, immune and inflammatoryhomeostasis. The third approach was to determine the levels of gene expressions involved in the controlof the inflammatory processes (resistin and its receptor, adenylate cyclase-associated protein 1, CAP-1),immune response (tumor necrosis factor α, TNF-α) and metabolic homeostasis (adiponectin receptors,Adipor1 and Adipor2) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Finally, the fourth approach wasthe assessment of an individual's genetic predisposition to develop CRC, which was based on theexploration of specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): IGF1 rs2946834, ADIPOQ rs266729,ADIPOR1 rs7539542, ADIPOR1 rs1342387, TNF-α rs1800629, RETN rs1862513. The research wasfurther supplemented by a bioinformatics analysis of online available transcriptome databases.The study included 126 patients with CRC from the Clinic for General Surgery of the MilitaryMedical Academy in Belgrade, as well as 101 healthy individuals who attended the regular annualmedical examination at the General Hospital Medigroup in Belgrade. The participants were interviewed,and data on age, basic anthropometric measurments and life habits were collected. Routine biochemicalparameters were determined on ILAB 300+ analyzer, using standard enzymatic and colorimetricprocedures. LCAT and CETP activities were assessed by measuring the rate of formation and transfer ofcholesteryl esters. Paraoxonase activity of PON-1 was determined spectrophotometrically withparaoxone as a substrate, while arylesterase activity was determined by the phenylacetate method.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for genotyping and the assessment of gene expression levels.Commercial ELISA assays were used to determine plasma concentrations of IGF1, E-cadherin, resistin,and CETP. ..",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Фармацеутски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Ispitivanje prediktivnog i dijagnostičkog značaja pojedinačnih i kombinovanih biomarkera lipidnog statusa i inflamacije kod pacijenata sa kolorektalnim karcinomom",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_21386"
Mihajlović, M.. (2022). Ispitivanje prediktivnog i dijagnostičkog značaja pojedinačnih i kombinovanih biomarkera lipidnog statusa i inflamacije kod pacijenata sa kolorektalnim karcinomom. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Фармацеутски факултет..
Mihajlović M. Ispitivanje prediktivnog i dijagnostičkog značaja pojedinačnih i kombinovanih biomarkera lipidnog statusa i inflamacije kod pacijenata sa kolorektalnim karcinomom. in Универзитет у Београду. 2022;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_21386 .
Mihajlović, Marija, "Ispitivanje prediktivnog i dijagnostičkog značaja pojedinačnih i kombinovanih biomarkera lipidnog statusa i inflamacije kod pacijenata sa kolorektalnim karcinomom" in Универзитет у Београду (2022),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_21386 .

The importance of advanced glycation end products, lipid and redox biomarkers determination in patients with diabetes mellitus

Vujčić, Sanja; Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena; Beljić Živković, Teodora; Mišić, Milan; Mihajlović, Marija; Erceg, Sanja; Zeljković, Aleksandra; Koprivica‐Uzelac, Branka; Perović‐Blagojević, Iva; Vekić, Jelena

(Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS), 2022)

AU  - Vujčić, Sanja
AU  - Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena
AU  - Beljić Živković, Teodora
AU  - Mišić, Milan
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Erceg, Sanja
AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
AU  - Koprivica‐Uzelac, Branka
AU  - Perović‐Blagojević, Iva
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4509
AB  - Non-enzymatic glycation, oxidative stress (OS) and dyslipidemia are the main
metabolic alterations behind the development of macrovascular
complications (cardiovascular diseases) of diabetes mellitus (DM).
However, clinical relevance of biomarkers of these processes in patients with microvascular
complications (nephropathy, neuropathy, retinopathy) is less understood. Therefore, the aim
of this study was to examine advanced glycation products (AGEs), biomarkers of OS, and
dyslipidemia in 100 DM patients (33 without microvascular complications and 77 with
complications) and 30 subjects without DM. AGEs levels were higher in patients with
complications than in those without complications (median: 5.72; interquartile range: 4.60-
6.54 U/mL vs. median: 4.84; interquartile range: 4.10-5.40 U/L; P<0.05). In addition to
AGEs, the group with diabetic retinopathy had higher plasma total antioxidant capacity
(P<0.05), while the group with diabetic nephropathy had smaller LDL size than the patients
without these complications (25.48±1.26 nm vs. 26.21±1.19 nm; P<0.05). The patients
with co-existing cardiovascular disease were further characterized by dysfunctional HDL
particles, as evidenced by increased small HDL particles (P<0.05) and reduced paraoxonase-
1 activities. Significant increase in both pro-oxidant-antioxidant balance and ischemia-
modified albumin (P<0.05), with simultaneously decreased activity of superoxide-dismutase
(P<0.05) was found in patients with progressive diabetic neuropathy, indicating the highest
degree of oxidative damage. It can be concluded that patients with microvascular
complications of DM have aggravated redox imbalance and lipid profile alterations. In
addition to metabolic control, strategies aimed at lowering OS and correcting dyslipidemia
can contribute to the prevention of microvascular complications of diabetes.
AB  - Neenzimska glikacija, oksidativni stres (OS) i dislipidemija su glavni metabolički
procesi koji dovode do razvoja makrovaskularnih komplikacija (kardiovaskularnih bolesti)
dijabetesa melitusa (DM). Međutim, klinički značaj određivanja biomarkera ovih procesa
kod pacijenata sa mikrovaskularnim komplikacijama (retinopatija, nefropatija, neuropatija)
nije dovoljno razjašnjen. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitivanje produkata uznapredovale
glikacije (AGE), biomarkera OS i dislipidemije kod 100 pacijenata sa DM (33 bez
mikrovaskularnih komplikacija i 77 sa komplikacijama) i 30 ispitanika bez DM. Nivo
cirkulišućih AGE je bio značajno viši u grupi pacijenata sa komplikacijama (medijana: 5,72;
interkvartilni raspon: 4,60-6,54 U/mL) u odnosu na pacijente bez komplikacija (medijana:
4,84; interkvartilni raspon 4,10-5,40 U/L; P<0,05). Pored povišenih koncentracija AGE,
pacijenti sa dijabetesnom retinopatijom su imali i povišene vrednosti totalnog oksidativnog
statusa (P<0,05), a pacijenti sa dijabetesnom nefropatijom manje dijametre LDL čestica
(25,48±1,26 nm) u poređenju sa sa pacijentima bez komplikacija (26,21±1,19 nm;
P<0,05). Nadalje, kod pacijenata sa pridruženim makrovaskularnim komplikacijama
(kardiovaskularnim bolestima) utvrđeno je prisustvo disfunkcionalnih HDL čestica, na
osnovu povećanog udela malih HDL čestica (P<0.05) i smanjene aktivnosti paroksonaze-
1. Pacijenti sa progresivnom dijabetesnom neuropatijom su imali značajno povišene
vrednosti prooksidativno-antioksidativnog balansa i ishemijom modifikovanog albumina
(P<0,05), uz istovremeno sniženje aktivnosti superoksid-dismutaze (P<0,05), što ukazuje da
je stepen oksidativnog oštećenja u ovoj grupi bio najveći. Može se zaključiti da, pored
adekvatne metaboliče kontrole, strategije usmerene ka sniženju OS i korekciji dislipidemije,
mogu doprineti prevenciji razvoja mikrovaskularnih komplikacija dijabetesa.
PB  - Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)
C3  - Arhiv za farmaciju
T1  - The importance of advanced glycation end products, lipid and redox biomarkers determination in patients with diabetes mellitus
T1  - Značaj određivanja produkata uznapredovale glikacije i biomarkera lipidnog i redoks statusa kod pacijenata sa dijabetes melitusom
VL  - 72
IS  - 4 suplement
SP  - S229
EP  - S230
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4509
ER  - 
author = "Vujčić, Sanja and Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena and Beljić Živković, Teodora and Mišić, Milan and Mihajlović, Marija and Erceg, Sanja and Zeljković, Aleksandra and Koprivica‐Uzelac, Branka and Perović‐Blagojević, Iva and Vekić, Jelena",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Non-enzymatic glycation, oxidative stress (OS) and dyslipidemia are the main
metabolic alterations behind the development of macrovascular
complications (cardiovascular diseases) of diabetes mellitus (DM).
However, clinical relevance of biomarkers of these processes in patients with microvascular
complications (nephropathy, neuropathy, retinopathy) is less understood. Therefore, the aim
of this study was to examine advanced glycation products (AGEs), biomarkers of OS, and
dyslipidemia in 100 DM patients (33 without microvascular complications and 77 with
complications) and 30 subjects without DM. AGEs levels were higher in patients with
complications than in those without complications (median: 5.72; interquartile range: 4.60-
6.54 U/mL vs. median: 4.84; interquartile range: 4.10-5.40 U/L; P<0.05). In addition to
AGEs, the group with diabetic retinopathy had higher plasma total antioxidant capacity
(P<0.05), while the group with diabetic nephropathy had smaller LDL size than the patients
without these complications (25.48±1.26 nm vs. 26.21±1.19 nm; P<0.05). The patients
with co-existing cardiovascular disease were further characterized by dysfunctional HDL
particles, as evidenced by increased small HDL particles (P<0.05) and reduced paraoxonase-
1 activities. Significant increase in both pro-oxidant-antioxidant balance and ischemia-
modified albumin (P<0.05), with simultaneously decreased activity of superoxide-dismutase
(P<0.05) was found in patients with progressive diabetic neuropathy, indicating the highest
degree of oxidative damage. It can be concluded that patients with microvascular
complications of DM have aggravated redox imbalance and lipid profile alterations. In
addition to metabolic control, strategies aimed at lowering OS and correcting dyslipidemia
can contribute to the prevention of microvascular complications of diabetes., Neenzimska glikacija, oksidativni stres (OS) i dislipidemija su glavni metabolički
procesi koji dovode do razvoja makrovaskularnih komplikacija (kardiovaskularnih bolesti)
dijabetesa melitusa (DM). Međutim, klinički značaj određivanja biomarkera ovih procesa
kod pacijenata sa mikrovaskularnim komplikacijama (retinopatija, nefropatija, neuropatija)
nije dovoljno razjašnjen. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitivanje produkata uznapredovale
glikacije (AGE), biomarkera OS i dislipidemije kod 100 pacijenata sa DM (33 bez
mikrovaskularnih komplikacija i 77 sa komplikacijama) i 30 ispitanika bez DM. Nivo
cirkulišućih AGE je bio značajno viši u grupi pacijenata sa komplikacijama (medijana: 5,72;
interkvartilni raspon: 4,60-6,54 U/mL) u odnosu na pacijente bez komplikacija (medijana:
4,84; interkvartilni raspon 4,10-5,40 U/L; P<0,05). Pored povišenih koncentracija AGE,
pacijenti sa dijabetesnom retinopatijom su imali i povišene vrednosti totalnog oksidativnog
statusa (P<0,05), a pacijenti sa dijabetesnom nefropatijom manje dijametre LDL čestica
(25,48±1,26 nm) u poređenju sa sa pacijentima bez komplikacija (26,21±1,19 nm;
P<0,05). Nadalje, kod pacijenata sa pridruženim makrovaskularnim komplikacijama
(kardiovaskularnim bolestima) utvrđeno je prisustvo disfunkcionalnih HDL čestica, na
osnovu povećanog udela malih HDL čestica (P<0.05) i smanjene aktivnosti paroksonaze-
1. Pacijenti sa progresivnom dijabetesnom neuropatijom su imali značajno povišene
vrednosti prooksidativno-antioksidativnog balansa i ishemijom modifikovanog albumina
(P<0,05), uz istovremeno sniženje aktivnosti superoksid-dismutaze (P<0,05), što ukazuje da
je stepen oksidativnog oštećenja u ovoj grupi bio najveći. Može se zaključiti da, pored
adekvatne metaboliče kontrole, strategije usmerene ka sniženju OS i korekciji dislipidemije,
mogu doprineti prevenciji razvoja mikrovaskularnih komplikacija dijabetesa.",
publisher = "Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)",
journal = "Arhiv za farmaciju",
title = "The importance of advanced glycation end products, lipid and redox biomarkers determination in patients with diabetes mellitus, Značaj određivanja produkata uznapredovale glikacije i biomarkera lipidnog i redoks statusa kod pacijenata sa dijabetes melitusom",
volume = "72",
number = "4 suplement",
pages = "S229-S230",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4509"
Vujčić, S., Kotur-Stevuljević, J., Beljić Živković, T., Mišić, M., Mihajlović, M., Erceg, S., Zeljković, A., Koprivica‐Uzelac, B., Perović‐Blagojević, I.,& Vekić, J.. (2022). The importance of advanced glycation end products, lipid and redox biomarkers determination in patients with diabetes mellitus. in Arhiv za farmaciju
Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)., 72(4 suplement), S229-S230.
Vujčić S, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Beljić Živković T, Mišić M, Mihajlović M, Erceg S, Zeljković A, Koprivica‐Uzelac B, Perović‐Blagojević I, Vekić J. The importance of advanced glycation end products, lipid and redox biomarkers determination in patients with diabetes mellitus. in Arhiv za farmaciju. 2022;72(4 suplement):S229-S230.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4509 .
Vujčić, Sanja, Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena, Beljić Živković, Teodora, Mišić, Milan, Mihajlović, Marija, Erceg, Sanja, Zeljković, Aleksandra, Koprivica‐Uzelac, Branka, Perović‐Blagojević, Iva, Vekić, Jelena, "The importance of advanced glycation end products, lipid and redox biomarkers determination in patients with diabetes mellitus" in Arhiv za farmaciju, 72, no. 4 suplement (2022):S229-S230,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4509 .

Antioxidant properties of HDL: beyond cardiovascular protection

Zeljković, Aleksandra; Vekić, Jelena; Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena; Stefanović, Aleksandra; Mihajlović, Marija

(Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS), 2022)

AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena
AU  - Stefanović, Aleksandra
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4481
AB  - High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the most complex lipoprotein particle, containing
lipids and dozens of various functional proteins. Such sophisticated composition enables
numerous activities of HDL; from the reverse cholesterol transport, to antioxidative, anti-
inflammatory, anti-aggregation, antiadhesive, and vasodilatory effects. Accordingly, the
significance of HDL goes far beyond its cardioprotective properties and novel research
points towards its role in etiopathogenesis of various other diseases. Antioxidative
properties of HDL are primarily attributed to the enzyme paraoxonase 1 (PON1), whose
principal role is to protect low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and cell membranes against
harmful effects of reactive oxygen species (1). PON1 is located on HDL particles and its
activity largely depends on HDL structure. Our investigations have shown that PON1 is not
equally distributed across the entire population of serum HDL subfractions. Namely, our
results suggest that the allocation of PON1 on specific HDL subclasses changes in
pathophysiological conditions, such as chronic kidney disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, or
hypertension in pregnancy. Similarly, a shift in HDL subclasses distribution toward smaller,
dysfunctional particles is reported in diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea,
sarcoidosis, but also in malignant diseases, such as colorectal cancer. In parallel,
antioxidative defense mechanisms were diminished in all these categories of patients, which
was evident as decreased PON1 activity and rise of oxidative stress. Structural modifications
of HDL particles affect their functions, thus antioxidative capability of PON1 depends on
qualitative properties of its lipoprotein carrier. Such complex interaction is highly significant
for the initiation and progression of numerous diseases.
AB  - Lipoprotein visoke gustine (high‐density lipoprotein, HDL) je najkompleksnija
lipoproteinska čestica koja, pored lipidnih komponenti, sadrži i desetine različitih
funkcionalnih proteina. Ovakav složen sastav omogućava brojne funkcije HDL; od reverznog
transporta holesterola, do antioksidativnih, antiinflamatornih, antiagregacijskih,
antiadhezivnih i vazodilatatornih svojstava. U skladu s tim, značaj HDL u mnogome
prevazilazi kardioprotektivne efekte, a savremena otkrića ukazuju na ulogu ovih čestica u
etiopatogenezi različitih oboljenja. Antioksidativna svojstva HDL prevashodno su vezana za
enzim paraoksonazu 1 (PON1), čija je osnovna funkcija zaštita lipoproteina niske gustine
(low‐density lipoprotein, LDL) i ćelijskih membrana od oksidativnih oštećenja (1). PON1 je
locirana na HDL česticama i uočeno je da aktivnost ovog enzima u velikoj meri zavisi od
strukture samog HDL. U našim istraživanjima pokazali smo da PON1 nije ravnomerno
zastupljena na svim subfrakcijama HDL, te da se ova zastupljenost menja u različitim
patofiziološkim stanjima, kao što su hronične bubrežne bolesti, sindrom policističnih jajnika,
ili hipertenzija u trudnoći. Slično tome, pomeranje raspodele HDL subfrakcija ka manjim,
disfunkcionalnim česticama uočeno je kod pedijatrijskih i odraslih pacijenata sa dijabetesom,
metaboličkim sindromom, opstruktivnom apnejom u toku spavanja, sarkoidozom, ali i sa
malignim bolestima, kao što je kolorektalni karcinom. Istovremeno, nivo antioksidativne
zaštite kod ovih pacijenata je bio snižen, što je bilo vidljivo i kao smanjenje aktivnosti PON1,
te sledstveno povećanje nivoa oksidativnog stresa. Strukturne modifikacije HDL čestica utiču
na njihovu funkciju, pa tako i antioksidativni kapacitet enzima PON1 zavisi od kvalitativnih
svojstava njegovog lipoproteinskog nosača. Ovakva složena interakcija između HDL i
pridruženih funkcionalnih proteina značajna je za nastanak i progresiju brojnih oboljenja.
PB  - Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)
C3  - Arhiv za farmaciju
T1  - Antioxidant properties of HDL: beyond cardiovascular protection
T1  - Antioksidativna svojstva lipoproteina visoke gustine: više od kardiovaskularne zaštite
VL  - 72
IS  - 4 suplement
SP  - S150
EP  - S151
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4481
ER  - 
author = "Zeljković, Aleksandra and Vekić, Jelena and Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena and Stefanović, Aleksandra and Mihajlović, Marija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the most complex lipoprotein particle, containing
lipids and dozens of various functional proteins. Such sophisticated composition enables
numerous activities of HDL; from the reverse cholesterol transport, to antioxidative, anti-
inflammatory, anti-aggregation, antiadhesive, and vasodilatory effects. Accordingly, the
significance of HDL goes far beyond its cardioprotective properties and novel research
points towards its role in etiopathogenesis of various other diseases. Antioxidative
properties of HDL are primarily attributed to the enzyme paraoxonase 1 (PON1), whose
principal role is to protect low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and cell membranes against
harmful effects of reactive oxygen species (1). PON1 is located on HDL particles and its
activity largely depends on HDL structure. Our investigations have shown that PON1 is not
equally distributed across the entire population of serum HDL subfractions. Namely, our
results suggest that the allocation of PON1 on specific HDL subclasses changes in
pathophysiological conditions, such as chronic kidney disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, or
hypertension in pregnancy. Similarly, a shift in HDL subclasses distribution toward smaller,
dysfunctional particles is reported in diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea,
sarcoidosis, but also in malignant diseases, such as colorectal cancer. In parallel,
antioxidative defense mechanisms were diminished in all these categories of patients, which
was evident as decreased PON1 activity and rise of oxidative stress. Structural modifications
of HDL particles affect their functions, thus antioxidative capability of PON1 depends on
qualitative properties of its lipoprotein carrier. Such complex interaction is highly significant
for the initiation and progression of numerous diseases., Lipoprotein visoke gustine (high‐density lipoprotein, HDL) je najkompleksnija
lipoproteinska čestica koja, pored lipidnih komponenti, sadrži i desetine različitih
funkcionalnih proteina. Ovakav složen sastav omogućava brojne funkcije HDL; od reverznog
transporta holesterola, do antioksidativnih, antiinflamatornih, antiagregacijskih,
antiadhezivnih i vazodilatatornih svojstava. U skladu s tim, značaj HDL u mnogome
prevazilazi kardioprotektivne efekte, a savremena otkrića ukazuju na ulogu ovih čestica u
etiopatogenezi različitih oboljenja. Antioksidativna svojstva HDL prevashodno su vezana za
enzim paraoksonazu 1 (PON1), čija je osnovna funkcija zaštita lipoproteina niske gustine
(low‐density lipoprotein, LDL) i ćelijskih membrana od oksidativnih oštećenja (1). PON1 je
locirana na HDL česticama i uočeno je da aktivnost ovog enzima u velikoj meri zavisi od
strukture samog HDL. U našim istraživanjima pokazali smo da PON1 nije ravnomerno
zastupljena na svim subfrakcijama HDL, te da se ova zastupljenost menja u različitim
patofiziološkim stanjima, kao što su hronične bubrežne bolesti, sindrom policističnih jajnika,
ili hipertenzija u trudnoći. Slično tome, pomeranje raspodele HDL subfrakcija ka manjim,
disfunkcionalnim česticama uočeno je kod pedijatrijskih i odraslih pacijenata sa dijabetesom,
metaboličkim sindromom, opstruktivnom apnejom u toku spavanja, sarkoidozom, ali i sa
malignim bolestima, kao što je kolorektalni karcinom. Istovremeno, nivo antioksidativne
zaštite kod ovih pacijenata je bio snižen, što je bilo vidljivo i kao smanjenje aktivnosti PON1,
te sledstveno povećanje nivoa oksidativnog stresa. Strukturne modifikacije HDL čestica utiču
na njihovu funkciju, pa tako i antioksidativni kapacitet enzima PON1 zavisi od kvalitativnih
svojstava njegovog lipoproteinskog nosača. Ovakva složena interakcija između HDL i
pridruženih funkcionalnih proteina značajna je za nastanak i progresiju brojnih oboljenja.",
publisher = "Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)",
journal = "Arhiv za farmaciju",
title = "Antioxidant properties of HDL: beyond cardiovascular protection, Antioksidativna svojstva lipoproteina visoke gustine: više od kardiovaskularne zaštite",
volume = "72",
number = "4 suplement",
pages = "S150-S151",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4481"
Zeljković, A., Vekić, J., Kotur-Stevuljević, J., Stefanović, A.,& Mihajlović, M.. (2022). Antioxidant properties of HDL: beyond cardiovascular protection. in Arhiv za farmaciju
Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)., 72(4 suplement), S150-S151.
Zeljković A, Vekić J, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Stefanović A, Mihajlović M. Antioxidant properties of HDL: beyond cardiovascular protection. in Arhiv za farmaciju. 2022;72(4 suplement):S150-S151.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4481 .
Zeljković, Aleksandra, Vekić, Jelena, Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena, Stefanović, Aleksandra, Mihajlović, Marija, "Antioxidant properties of HDL: beyond cardiovascular protection" in Arhiv za farmaciju, 72, no. 4 suplement (2022):S150-S151,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4481 .

Downregulation of MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase 1 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus

Sopić, Miron; Ninić, Ana; Ostanek, Barbara; Bojanin, Dragana; Milenković, Tatjana; Munjas, Jelena; Mihajlović, Marija; Vekić, Jelena; Marc, Janja; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna

(Beograd : Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije, 2022)

AU  - Sopić, Miron
AU  - Ninić, Ana
AU  - Ostanek, Barbara
AU  - Bojanin, Dragana
AU  - Milenković, Tatjana
AU  - Munjas, Jelena
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Marc, Janja
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4255
AB  - Background: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is one of the
most common endocrine diseases in children. T-cell autore-
activity toward b-cells is controlled by significant changes in
metabolism of T cells. Mammalian target of rapamycin
(mTOR) is an important intracellular regulator of metabolism
and cell growth. MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase 1
(MOK1) is one of the less known regulators of mTOR. We
sought to investigate if MOK1 and mTOR mRNA levels in
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of T1DM pedi-
atric patients are different compared to healthy subjects.
Methods: This study included 172 adolescents with T1DM
and 36 healthy adolescent volunteers designated for control
group (CG). MOK1 and mTOR mRNA levels were deter-
mined in PBMCs by qPCR.
Results: T1DM patients have significant downregulation of
MOK1 mRNA levels in PBMCs compared CG (P=0.018),
while there was no significant difference in mTOR mRNA
levels (P=0.891). Furthermore, in T1DM patients, MOK1
significantly correlated with age, triglycerides and mTOR,
while mTOR correlated significantly with BMI and systolic
blood pressure. Overweight T1DM subjects had significantly
lower MOK1 (P=0.034) and mTOR (P=0.017) mRNA
levels, together with significantly higher levels of systolic
blood pressure (P<0.001), total cholesterol (P=0.001),
LDL-cholesterol (P=0.001) and CRP (P<0.001). Multi-
variate analysis showed that MOK1 was independently
negatively associated with T1DM when adjusted for sex, age, HDL-C and CRP (OR=0.417 (95%CI: 0.175–0.997),
Conclusions: Our study demonstrated for the first time that
T1DM is associated with MOK1 downregulation. In addition,
downregulation of both mTOR and MOK1 gene expressions
was associated with cardiovascular risk factors in overweight
T1DM patients.
AB  - Uvod: Dijabetes melitus tip 1 (T1DM) jedno je od najčešćih endokrinih oboljenja kod dece. Autoreaktivnost T-ćelija prema b-ćelijama kontroliše se značajnim promenama u metabolizmu T ćelija. Cilj delovanja rapamicina kod sisara je važan unutarćelijski regulator metabolizma i rasta ćelija. MAPK/MAK/MRK preklapajuće kinaze koja se preklapa (MOK1) jedan je od manje poznatih regulatora mTOR-a. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita da li su nivoi iRNK MOK1 i mTOR u mononuklearnim ćelijama periferne krvi različiti kod pedijatrijskih pacijenata sa T1DM u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike. Metode: Ovo istraživanje je obuhvatilo 172 adolescenta sa T1DM i 36 zdravih adolescenata dobrovoljaca koji su činili kontrolnu grupu (CG). Nivoi MOK1 i mTOR mRNA određeni su u PBMC-ima pomoću qPCR-a. Rezultati: Pacijenti sa T1DM imali su značajno niže nivoe iRNK MOK1 u PBMC u odnosu na CG, dok razlike u nivoima iRNK mTOR nisu bile značajne (P = 0,891). Štaviše, kod pacijenata sa T1DM, MOK1 je značajno korelirao sa godinama, trigliceri dima i mTOR, dok je mTOR značajno korelirao sa BMI i sistolnim krvnim pritiskom. Ispitanici sa prekomernom težinom T1DM imali su značajno niže nivoe iRNK MOK1 (P = 0,034) i mTOR (P = 0,017), zajedno sa značajno većim nivoima sistolnog krvnog pritiska (P <0,001), ukupnog holesterola (P = 0,001), LDL-holesterola (P = 0,001) i CRP (P <0,001). Multivarijantna analiza je pokazala da je MOK1 nezavisno negativno povezan sa T1DM kada je prilagođen polu, starosti, HDL-C i CRP (OR = 0,417 (95%CI: 0,175-0,997), p = 0,049). Zaključak: Naša studija je prva koja je pokazala da je T1DM udružen sa nishodnom regulacijom MOK1. Pored toga, snižena regulacija ekspresije gena mTOR i MOK1 bila je povezana sa kardiovaskularnim faktorima rizika kod pacije nata sa T1DM sa prekomernom težinom.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije
T2  - Journal of Medical Biochemistry
T1  - Downregulation of MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase 1 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
T1  - Nishodna regulacija MAPK/MAK/MRK preklapajuće kinaze u mononuklearnim ćelijama periferne krvi pedijatrijskih pacijenata sa tip1 diiabetes mellitus-om
VL  - 41
IS  - 3
SP  - 282
EP  - 289
DO  - 10.5937/jomb0-33220
ER  - 
author = "Sopić, Miron and Ninić, Ana and Ostanek, Barbara and Bojanin, Dragana and Milenković, Tatjana and Munjas, Jelena and Mihajlović, Marija and Vekić, Jelena and Marc, Janja and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Background: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is one of the
most common endocrine diseases in children. T-cell autore-
activity toward b-cells is controlled by significant changes in
metabolism of T cells. Mammalian target of rapamycin
(mTOR) is an important intracellular regulator of metabolism
and cell growth. MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase 1
(MOK1) is one of the less known regulators of mTOR. We
sought to investigate if MOK1 and mTOR mRNA levels in
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of T1DM pedi-
atric patients are different compared to healthy subjects.
Methods: This study included 172 adolescents with T1DM
and 36 healthy adolescent volunteers designated for control
group (CG). MOK1 and mTOR mRNA levels were deter-
mined in PBMCs by qPCR.
Results: T1DM patients have significant downregulation of
MOK1 mRNA levels in PBMCs compared CG (P=0.018),
while there was no significant difference in mTOR mRNA
levels (P=0.891). Furthermore, in T1DM patients, MOK1
significantly correlated with age, triglycerides and mTOR,
while mTOR correlated significantly with BMI and systolic
blood pressure. Overweight T1DM subjects had significantly
lower MOK1 (P=0.034) and mTOR (P=0.017) mRNA
levels, together with significantly higher levels of systolic
blood pressure (P<0.001), total cholesterol (P=0.001),
LDL-cholesterol (P=0.001) and CRP (P<0.001). Multi-
variate analysis showed that MOK1 was independently
negatively associated with T1DM when adjusted for sex, age, HDL-C and CRP (OR=0.417 (95%CI: 0.175–0.997),
Conclusions: Our study demonstrated for the first time that
T1DM is associated with MOK1 downregulation. In addition,
downregulation of both mTOR and MOK1 gene expressions
was associated with cardiovascular risk factors in overweight
T1DM patients., Uvod: Dijabetes melitus tip 1 (T1DM) jedno je od najčešćih endokrinih oboljenja kod dece. Autoreaktivnost T-ćelija prema b-ćelijama kontroliše se značajnim promenama u metabolizmu T ćelija. Cilj delovanja rapamicina kod sisara je važan unutarćelijski regulator metabolizma i rasta ćelija. MAPK/MAK/MRK preklapajuće kinaze koja se preklapa (MOK1) jedan je od manje poznatih regulatora mTOR-a. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita da li su nivoi iRNK MOK1 i mTOR u mononuklearnim ćelijama periferne krvi različiti kod pedijatrijskih pacijenata sa T1DM u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike. Metode: Ovo istraživanje je obuhvatilo 172 adolescenta sa T1DM i 36 zdravih adolescenata dobrovoljaca koji su činili kontrolnu grupu (CG). Nivoi MOK1 i mTOR mRNA određeni su u PBMC-ima pomoću qPCR-a. Rezultati: Pacijenti sa T1DM imali su značajno niže nivoe iRNK MOK1 u PBMC u odnosu na CG, dok razlike u nivoima iRNK mTOR nisu bile značajne (P = 0,891). Štaviše, kod pacijenata sa T1DM, MOK1 je značajno korelirao sa godinama, trigliceri dima i mTOR, dok je mTOR značajno korelirao sa BMI i sistolnim krvnim pritiskom. Ispitanici sa prekomernom težinom T1DM imali su značajno niže nivoe iRNK MOK1 (P = 0,034) i mTOR (P = 0,017), zajedno sa značajno većim nivoima sistolnog krvnog pritiska (P <0,001), ukupnog holesterola (P = 0,001), LDL-holesterola (P = 0,001) i CRP (P <0,001). Multivarijantna analiza je pokazala da je MOK1 nezavisno negativno povezan sa T1DM kada je prilagođen polu, starosti, HDL-C i CRP (OR = 0,417 (95%CI: 0,175-0,997), p = 0,049). Zaključak: Naša studija je prva koja je pokazala da je T1DM udružen sa nishodnom regulacijom MOK1. Pored toga, snižena regulacija ekspresije gena mTOR i MOK1 bila je povezana sa kardiovaskularnim faktorima rizika kod pacije nata sa T1DM sa prekomernom težinom.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije",
journal = "Journal of Medical Biochemistry",
title = "Downregulation of MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase 1 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, Nishodna regulacija MAPK/MAK/MRK preklapajuće kinaze u mononuklearnim ćelijama periferne krvi pedijatrijskih pacijenata sa tip1 diiabetes mellitus-om",
volume = "41",
number = "3",
pages = "282-289",
doi = "10.5937/jomb0-33220"
Sopić, M., Ninić, A., Ostanek, B., Bojanin, D., Milenković, T., Munjas, J., Mihajlović, M., Vekić, J., Marc, J.,& Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V.. (2022). Downregulation of MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase 1 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. in Journal of Medical Biochemistry
Beograd : Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije., 41(3), 282-289.
Sopić M, Ninić A, Ostanek B, Bojanin D, Milenković T, Munjas J, Mihajlović M, Vekić J, Marc J, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V. Downregulation of MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase 1 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. in Journal of Medical Biochemistry. 2022;41(3):282-289.
doi:10.5937/jomb0-33220 .
Sopić, Miron, Ninić, Ana, Ostanek, Barbara, Bojanin, Dragana, Milenković, Tatjana, Munjas, Jelena, Mihajlović, Marija, Vekić, Jelena, Marc, Janja, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, "Downregulation of MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase 1 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus" in Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 41, no. 3 (2022):282-289,
https://doi.org/10.5937/jomb0-33220 . .

Biomarkers of vitamin D status in healthy adults: associations with serum lipid parameters – a pilot study

Zeljković, Aleksandra; Vladimirov, Sandra; Gojković, Tamara; Vekić, Jelena; Mihajlović, Marija; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna

(Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia, 2022)

AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
AU  - Vladimirov, Sandra
AU  - Gojković, Tamara
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4243
AB  - Vitamin D deficiency is among important healthcare challenges today. Traditionally, vitamin D status is assessed through determination of 25-hydroxy metabolite (25(OH)D), but novel data point to 24,25(OH) 2 D and 25(OH)D/24,25(OH) 2 D ratio (VDMR) as promising biomarkers. It is widely accepted that the biological role of vitamin D exceeds its well-known contribution to bone turnover. However, its effects on overall energy metabolism and lipid status alterations are not completely understood. In this study, we analyzed the relationship of vitamin D status assessed as concentrations of 25(OH)D3 and 24,25(OH) 2 D3 determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, as well as VDMR with advanced lipid status parameters. Vitamin D status biomarkers, routine parameters of lipid status and size and distribution of lipoprotein subclasses were determined in 89 healthy adults (35 with adequate vitamin D status and 54 with vitamin D deficiency). Our results indicated a preponderance of pro- atherogenic small, dense LDL particles (sdLDL) in vitamin D deficient subjects. Both 25(OH)D and 24,25(OH) 2 D were associated with a relative proportion of sdLDL (B: -0.410; SE: 0.154; P=0.010; and B: -2.041; SE: 0.969; P=0.039, respectively). Positive correlation was found for VDMR and relative proportion of HDL 3a particles (ρ=0.251; P=0.024). VDMR value was decreased in subjects with vitamin D deficiency (P=0.001), thus implying its usefulness as a biomarker. A thorough investigation of novel vitamin D biomarkers and advanced lipid status parameters can be useful in the estimation of individual risk for the development of cardiometabolic alterations.
AB  - Deficijencija vitamina D je jedan od značajnih izazova za zdravstvene sisteme današnjice. Tradicionalno, status vitamina D se procenjuje na osnovu određivanja koncentracije njegovog 25- hidroksi metabolita (25(OH)D), ali novi podaci ukazuju na potencijalni značaj 24,25(OH) 2D i odnosa 25(OH)D/24,25(OH) 2 D (VDMR). Danas je široko prihvaćeno da biološka uloga vitamina D uveliko prevazilazi njegove efekte na koštani promet. Međutim, još uvek nije u potpunosti jasan uticaj vitamina D na energetski metabolizam i izmene lipidnog statusa. U ovom istraživanju ispitivali smo povezanost između statusa vitamina D, procenjenog na osnovu nivoa 25(OH)D3 i 24,25(OH) 2 D3 koji su određeni metodom tečne hromatografije – tandem masene spektrometrije, te VDMR sa standardnim i novim parametrima lipidnog statusa. Ispitivani analiti određeni su kod 89 zdravih odraslih osoba. Naši rezultati ukazuju na povećan udeo malih gustih LDL čestica (sdLDL) kod osoba sa deficijencijom vitamina D. Koncentracije 25(OH)D i 24,25(OH) 2 D su bile nezavisno povezane sa relativnim udelom sdLDL (B: -0,410; SE: 0,154; P=0,010; i B: -2,041; SE: 0,969; P=0,039, redom). Uočena je pozitivna korelacija između VDMR i relativnog udela HDL 3a (ρ=0,251; P=0,024). VDMR je snižen kod osoba sa deficijencijom vitamina D (P=0,001), što implicira njegov značaj kao potencijalnog biomarkera. Detaljno ispitivanje novih biomarkera statusa vitamina D i parametara lipidnog profila može biti korisno u proceni individualnog rizika za razvoj kardiometaboličkih poremećaja.
PB  - Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia
T2  - Arhiv za farmaciju
T1  - Biomarkers of vitamin D status in healthy adults: associations with serum lipid parameters – a pilot study
T1  - 273 Biomarkeri statusa vitamina D kod zdravih odraslih osoba: povezanost sa serumskim lipidnim parametrima – pilot studija
VL  - 72
IS  - 2
SP  - 260
EP  - 273
DO  - 10.5937/arhfarm72-36020
ER  - 
author = "Zeljković, Aleksandra and Vladimirov, Sandra and Gojković, Tamara and Vekić, Jelena and Mihajlović, Marija and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Vitamin D deficiency is among important healthcare challenges today. Traditionally, vitamin D status is assessed through determination of 25-hydroxy metabolite (25(OH)D), but novel data point to 24,25(OH) 2 D and 25(OH)D/24,25(OH) 2 D ratio (VDMR) as promising biomarkers. It is widely accepted that the biological role of vitamin D exceeds its well-known contribution to bone turnover. However, its effects on overall energy metabolism and lipid status alterations are not completely understood. In this study, we analyzed the relationship of vitamin D status assessed as concentrations of 25(OH)D3 and 24,25(OH) 2 D3 determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, as well as VDMR with advanced lipid status parameters. Vitamin D status biomarkers, routine parameters of lipid status and size and distribution of lipoprotein subclasses were determined in 89 healthy adults (35 with adequate vitamin D status and 54 with vitamin D deficiency). Our results indicated a preponderance of pro- atherogenic small, dense LDL particles (sdLDL) in vitamin D deficient subjects. Both 25(OH)D and 24,25(OH) 2 D were associated with a relative proportion of sdLDL (B: -0.410; SE: 0.154; P=0.010; and B: -2.041; SE: 0.969; P=0.039, respectively). Positive correlation was found for VDMR and relative proportion of HDL 3a particles (ρ=0.251; P=0.024). VDMR value was decreased in subjects with vitamin D deficiency (P=0.001), thus implying its usefulness as a biomarker. A thorough investigation of novel vitamin D biomarkers and advanced lipid status parameters can be useful in the estimation of individual risk for the development of cardiometabolic alterations., Deficijencija vitamina D je jedan od značajnih izazova za zdravstvene sisteme današnjice. Tradicionalno, status vitamina D se procenjuje na osnovu određivanja koncentracije njegovog 25- hidroksi metabolita (25(OH)D), ali novi podaci ukazuju na potencijalni značaj 24,25(OH) 2D i odnosa 25(OH)D/24,25(OH) 2 D (VDMR). Danas je široko prihvaćeno da biološka uloga vitamina D uveliko prevazilazi njegove efekte na koštani promet. Međutim, još uvek nije u potpunosti jasan uticaj vitamina D na energetski metabolizam i izmene lipidnog statusa. U ovom istraživanju ispitivali smo povezanost između statusa vitamina D, procenjenog na osnovu nivoa 25(OH)D3 i 24,25(OH) 2 D3 koji su određeni metodom tečne hromatografije – tandem masene spektrometrije, te VDMR sa standardnim i novim parametrima lipidnog statusa. Ispitivani analiti određeni su kod 89 zdravih odraslih osoba. Naši rezultati ukazuju na povećan udeo malih gustih LDL čestica (sdLDL) kod osoba sa deficijencijom vitamina D. Koncentracije 25(OH)D i 24,25(OH) 2 D su bile nezavisno povezane sa relativnim udelom sdLDL (B: -0,410; SE: 0,154; P=0,010; i B: -2,041; SE: 0,969; P=0,039, redom). Uočena je pozitivna korelacija između VDMR i relativnog udela HDL 3a (ρ=0,251; P=0,024). VDMR je snižen kod osoba sa deficijencijom vitamina D (P=0,001), što implicira njegov značaj kao potencijalnog biomarkera. Detaljno ispitivanje novih biomarkera statusa vitamina D i parametara lipidnog profila može biti korisno u proceni individualnog rizika za razvoj kardiometaboličkih poremećaja.",
publisher = "Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia",
journal = "Arhiv za farmaciju",
title = "Biomarkers of vitamin D status in healthy adults: associations with serum lipid parameters – a pilot study, 273 Biomarkeri statusa vitamina D kod zdravih odraslih osoba: povezanost sa serumskim lipidnim parametrima – pilot studija",
volume = "72",
number = "2",
pages = "260-273",
doi = "10.5937/arhfarm72-36020"
Zeljković, A., Vladimirov, S., Gojković, T., Vekić, J., Mihajlović, M.,& Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V.. (2022). Biomarkers of vitamin D status in healthy adults: associations with serum lipid parameters – a pilot study. in Arhiv za farmaciju
Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia., 72(2), 260-273.
Zeljković A, Vladimirov S, Gojković T, Vekić J, Mihajlović M, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V. Biomarkers of vitamin D status in healthy adults: associations with serum lipid parameters – a pilot study. in Arhiv za farmaciju. 2022;72(2):260-273.
doi:10.5937/arhfarm72-36020 .
Zeljković, Aleksandra, Vladimirov, Sandra, Gojković, Tamara, Vekić, Jelena, Mihajlović, Marija, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, "Biomarkers of vitamin D status in healthy adults: associations with serum lipid parameters – a pilot study" in Arhiv za farmaciju, 72, no. 2 (2022):260-273,
https://doi.org/10.5937/arhfarm72-36020 . .

Biomarkers of dyslipidemia in patients with diabetic foot

Vujčić, Sanja; Stefanović, Tatjana; Zeljković, Aleksandra; Mihajlović, Marija; Vekić, Jelena

(Beograd : Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije, 2022)

AU  - Vujčić, Sanja
AU  - Stefanović, Tatjana
AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4187
AB  - Diabetic foot (DF) is one of the most severe complications of diabetes that significantly
reduces the quality of life and survival of patients. Besides firmly established risk factors, novel
data indicate that alterations in lipid metabolism might also be implicated in the development and
progression of DF. Diabetic dyslipidemia is characterized by the atherogenic triad, consisting of
increased triglycerides (TG), decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels and
the presence of small, dense low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles. Accumulating evidence
suggests that profound hypertriglyceridemia and HDL-C reduction are common findings in
patients with diabetic neuropathy and significantly contribute to an increased risk for DF,
amputation and mortality. Small, dense LDL particles play an important role in the development
of cardiovascular complications of diabetes, but their clinical importance in patients with DF
remains to be established. In this paper, we will discuss the significance of standard and novel
lipid biomarker determination in the assessment of the risk for the development and progression
of DF.
AB  - Dijabetesno stopalo (DS) je hronična komplikacija dijabetesa koja značajno pogoršava kvalitet života pacijenata i doprinosi visokoj stopi smrtnosti. Noviji podaci ukazuju da i poremećaj metabolizma lipida može biti uključen u razvoj i progresiju DS. Dislipidemija u dijabetesu se odlikuje postojanjem tzv. aterogene trijade, koju čine povišena koncentracija triglicerida (TG), snižena koncentracija HDL-holesterola (HDL-h) i prisustvo malih, gustih LDL čestica. U nedavno sprovedenim studijama utvrđeno je da izražena hipertrigliceridemija i snižena koncentracija HDL-h, koje su najčešće prisutne kod pacijenata sa dijabetesnom neuropatijom, dodatno doprinose razvoju DS, amputaciji i mortalitetu. Poznato je da male, guste LDL čestice imaju važnu ulogu u razvoju kardiovaskularnih komplikacija u dijabetesu, ali je značaj ovih čestica kod pacijenata sa DS još uvek nedovoljno ispitan. U ovom radu ćemo razmotriti značaj određivanja standardnih i novih lipidnih biomarkera u cilju procene rizika za razvoj i progresiju DS.
PB  - Beograd : Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije
T2  - Arhiv za farmaciju
T1  - Biomarkers of dyslipidemia in patients with diabetic foot
T1  - Biomarkeri dislipidemije kod pacijenata sa dijabetesnim stopalom
VL  - 72
IS  - 2
SP  - 184
EP  - 192
DO  - 10.5937/arhfarm72-36296
ER  - 
author = "Vujčić, Sanja and Stefanović, Tatjana and Zeljković, Aleksandra and Mihajlović, Marija and Vekić, Jelena",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Diabetic foot (DF) is one of the most severe complications of diabetes that significantly
reduces the quality of life and survival of patients. Besides firmly established risk factors, novel
data indicate that alterations in lipid metabolism might also be implicated in the development and
progression of DF. Diabetic dyslipidemia is characterized by the atherogenic triad, consisting of
increased triglycerides (TG), decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels and
the presence of small, dense low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles. Accumulating evidence
suggests that profound hypertriglyceridemia and HDL-C reduction are common findings in
patients with diabetic neuropathy and significantly contribute to an increased risk for DF,
amputation and mortality. Small, dense LDL particles play an important role in the development
of cardiovascular complications of diabetes, but their clinical importance in patients with DF
remains to be established. In this paper, we will discuss the significance of standard and novel
lipid biomarker determination in the assessment of the risk for the development and progression
of DF., Dijabetesno stopalo (DS) je hronična komplikacija dijabetesa koja značajno pogoršava kvalitet života pacijenata i doprinosi visokoj stopi smrtnosti. Noviji podaci ukazuju da i poremećaj metabolizma lipida može biti uključen u razvoj i progresiju DS. Dislipidemija u dijabetesu se odlikuje postojanjem tzv. aterogene trijade, koju čine povišena koncentracija triglicerida (TG), snižena koncentracija HDL-holesterola (HDL-h) i prisustvo malih, gustih LDL čestica. U nedavno sprovedenim studijama utvrđeno je da izražena hipertrigliceridemija i snižena koncentracija HDL-h, koje su najčešće prisutne kod pacijenata sa dijabetesnom neuropatijom, dodatno doprinose razvoju DS, amputaciji i mortalitetu. Poznato je da male, guste LDL čestice imaju važnu ulogu u razvoju kardiovaskularnih komplikacija u dijabetesu, ali je značaj ovih čestica kod pacijenata sa DS još uvek nedovoljno ispitan. U ovom radu ćemo razmotriti značaj određivanja standardnih i novih lipidnih biomarkera u cilju procene rizika za razvoj i progresiju DS.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije",
journal = "Arhiv za farmaciju",
title = "Biomarkers of dyslipidemia in patients with diabetic foot, Biomarkeri dislipidemije kod pacijenata sa dijabetesnim stopalom",
volume = "72",
number = "2",
pages = "184-192",
doi = "10.5937/arhfarm72-36296"
Vujčić, S., Stefanović, T., Zeljković, A., Mihajlović, M.,& Vekić, J.. (2022). Biomarkers of dyslipidemia in patients with diabetic foot. in Arhiv za farmaciju
Beograd : Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije., 72(2), 184-192.
Vujčić S, Stefanović T, Zeljković A, Mihajlović M, Vekić J. Biomarkers of dyslipidemia in patients with diabetic foot. in Arhiv za farmaciju. 2022;72(2):184-192.
doi:10.5937/arhfarm72-36296 .
Vujčić, Sanja, Stefanović, Tatjana, Zeljković, Aleksandra, Mihajlović, Marija, Vekić, Jelena, "Biomarkers of dyslipidemia in patients with diabetic foot" in Arhiv za farmaciju, 72, no. 2 (2022):184-192,
https://doi.org/10.5937/arhfarm72-36296 . .

Mechanisms of alachlor and pentachlorobenzene adsorption on biochar and hydrochar originating from Miscanthus giganteus and sugar beet shreds

Jevrosimov, Irina; Kragulj-Isakovski, Marijana; Apostolović, Tamara; Maletić, Snežana; Ražić, Slavica; Mihajlović, Marija; Tričković, Jelena

(Springer, 2021)

AU  - Jevrosimov, Irina
AU  - Kragulj-Isakovski, Marijana
AU  - Apostolović, Tamara
AU  - Maletić, Snežana
AU  - Ražić, Slavica
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Tričković, Jelena
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3765
AB  - This work investigates the adsorption mechanism of alachlor and pentachlorobenzene on chars (hydrochars and biochars) originated from Miscanthus giganteus and sugar beet shreds. Two different processes were used: hydrothermal conversion at three temperatures (180, 200, and 220 °C) and slow pyrolysis at 400 °C. Specific surface area (SSA) for all investigated chars ranged 3.87–260 m2/g, whereby biochars had a higher SSA. For hydrochars from sugar beet shreds, both the SSA (3.87–5.53 m2/g) and pore volume (0.023–0.0277 cm3/g) increased with increasing temperature, while the opposite trend was observed for hydrochars from miscanthus. The opposite trend could be a consequence of the different chemical composition of the used feedstock such as hemicelluloses and cellulose which can produce volatile organic products at higher temperatures and may cause the reduction of SSA. All adsorption isotherms were well described by the Freundlich model. The nonlinearity of the isotherms ranged from 0.450 to 0.986. Kd values for both investigated compounds followed the order: hydrochars from sugar beet shred < hydrochars from miscanthus < biochars, implying that the SSA of the chars affects the adsorption mechanism. In general, all the investigated adsorbents demonstrated higher adsorption affinity for pentachlorobenzene in comparison with alachlor, implying that hydrophobic interactions enhanced the adsorption of the more hydrophobic organic compound. In addition, for all hydrochars, adsorption affinities for the smaller pentachlorobenzene are significantly greater than for the larger alachlor, probably due to its ability to better penetrate into the pores of the adsorbents. This type of research is necessary to obtain safe adsorbents for water remediation.
PB  - Springer
T2  - Chemical Papers
T1  - Mechanisms of alachlor and pentachlorobenzene adsorption on biochar and hydrochar originating from Miscanthus giganteus and sugar beet shreds
VL  - 75
SP  - 2105
EP  - 2120
DO  - 10.1007/s11696-020-01439-0
ER  - 
author = "Jevrosimov, Irina and Kragulj-Isakovski, Marijana and Apostolović, Tamara and Maletić, Snežana and Ražić, Slavica and Mihajlović, Marija and Tričković, Jelena",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This work investigates the adsorption mechanism of alachlor and pentachlorobenzene on chars (hydrochars and biochars) originated from Miscanthus giganteus and sugar beet shreds. Two different processes were used: hydrothermal conversion at three temperatures (180, 200, and 220 °C) and slow pyrolysis at 400 °C. Specific surface area (SSA) for all investigated chars ranged 3.87–260 m2/g, whereby biochars had a higher SSA. For hydrochars from sugar beet shreds, both the SSA (3.87–5.53 m2/g) and pore volume (0.023–0.0277 cm3/g) increased with increasing temperature, while the opposite trend was observed for hydrochars from miscanthus. The opposite trend could be a consequence of the different chemical composition of the used feedstock such as hemicelluloses and cellulose which can produce volatile organic products at higher temperatures and may cause the reduction of SSA. All adsorption isotherms were well described by the Freundlich model. The nonlinearity of the isotherms ranged from 0.450 to 0.986. Kd values for both investigated compounds followed the order: hydrochars from sugar beet shred < hydrochars from miscanthus < biochars, implying that the SSA of the chars affects the adsorption mechanism. In general, all the investigated adsorbents demonstrated higher adsorption affinity for pentachlorobenzene in comparison with alachlor, implying that hydrophobic interactions enhanced the adsorption of the more hydrophobic organic compound. In addition, for all hydrochars, adsorption affinities for the smaller pentachlorobenzene are significantly greater than for the larger alachlor, probably due to its ability to better penetrate into the pores of the adsorbents. This type of research is necessary to obtain safe adsorbents for water remediation.",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "Chemical Papers",
title = "Mechanisms of alachlor and pentachlorobenzene adsorption on biochar and hydrochar originating from Miscanthus giganteus and sugar beet shreds",
volume = "75",
pages = "2105-2120",
doi = "10.1007/s11696-020-01439-0"
Jevrosimov, I., Kragulj-Isakovski, M., Apostolović, T., Maletić, S., Ražić, S., Mihajlović, M.,& Tričković, J.. (2021). Mechanisms of alachlor and pentachlorobenzene adsorption on biochar and hydrochar originating from Miscanthus giganteus and sugar beet shreds. in Chemical Papers
Springer., 75, 2105-2120.
Jevrosimov I, Kragulj-Isakovski M, Apostolović T, Maletić S, Ražić S, Mihajlović M, Tričković J. Mechanisms of alachlor and pentachlorobenzene adsorption on biochar and hydrochar originating from Miscanthus giganteus and sugar beet shreds. in Chemical Papers. 2021;75:2105-2120.
doi:10.1007/s11696-020-01439-0 .
Jevrosimov, Irina, Kragulj-Isakovski, Marijana, Apostolović, Tamara, Maletić, Snežana, Ražić, Slavica, Mihajlović, Marija, Tričković, Jelena, "Mechanisms of alachlor and pentachlorobenzene adsorption on biochar and hydrochar originating from Miscanthus giganteus and sugar beet shreds" in Chemical Papers, 75 (2021):2105-2120,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-020-01439-0 . .

Revealing the role of high-density lipoprotein in colorectal cancer

Zeljković, Aleksandra; Vekić, Jelena; Mihajlović, Marija; Gojković, Tamara; Vladimirov, Sandra; Zeljković, Dejan; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna; Trifunović, Bratislav

(MDPI AG, 2021)

AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Gojković, Tamara
AU  - Vladimirov, Sandra
AU  - Zeljković, Dejan
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
AU  - Trifunović, Bratislav
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3813
AB  - Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a highly prevalent malignancy with multifactorial etiology,which includes metabolic alterations as contributors to disease development. Studies have shownthat lipid status disorders are involved in colorectal carcinogenesis. In line with this, previous studieshave also suggested that the serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) level decreases inpatients with CRC, but more recently, the focus of investigations has shifted toward the explorationof qualitative properties of HDL in this malignancy. Herein, a comprehensive overview of availableevidences regarding the putative role of HDL in CRC will be presented. We will analyze existingfindings regarding alterations of HDL-C levels but also HDL particle structure and distribution inCRC. In addition, changes in HDL functionality in this malignancy will be discussed.  Moreover,we will focus on the genetic regulation of HDL metabolism, as well as the involvement of HDL indisturbances of cholesterol trafficking in CRC. Finally, possible therapeutic implications related toHDL will be presented. Given the available evidence, future studies are needed to resolve all raisedissues concerning the suggested protective role of HDL in CRC, its presumed function as a biomarker,and eventual therapeutic approaches based on HDL.
T2  - International Journal of Molecular Sciences
T1  - Revealing the role of high-density lipoprotein in colorectal cancer
VL  - 22
IS  - 7
DO  - 10.3390/ijms22073352
ER  - 
author = "Zeljković, Aleksandra and Vekić, Jelena and Mihajlović, Marija and Gojković, Tamara and Vladimirov, Sandra and Zeljković, Dejan and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna and Trifunović, Bratislav",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a highly prevalent malignancy with multifactorial etiology,which includes metabolic alterations as contributors to disease development. Studies have shownthat lipid status disorders are involved in colorectal carcinogenesis. In line with this, previous studieshave also suggested that the serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) level decreases inpatients with CRC, but more recently, the focus of investigations has shifted toward the explorationof qualitative properties of HDL in this malignancy. Herein, a comprehensive overview of availableevidences regarding the putative role of HDL in CRC will be presented. We will analyze existingfindings regarding alterations of HDL-C levels but also HDL particle structure and distribution inCRC. In addition, changes in HDL functionality in this malignancy will be discussed.  Moreover,we will focus on the genetic regulation of HDL metabolism, as well as the involvement of HDL indisturbances of cholesterol trafficking in CRC. Finally, possible therapeutic implications related toHDL will be presented. Given the available evidence, future studies are needed to resolve all raisedissues concerning the suggested protective role of HDL in CRC, its presumed function as a biomarker,and eventual therapeutic approaches based on HDL.",
publisher = "MDPI AG",
journal = "International Journal of Molecular Sciences",
title = "Revealing the role of high-density lipoprotein in colorectal cancer",
volume = "22",
number = "7",
doi = "10.3390/ijms22073352"
Zeljković, A., Vekić, J., Mihajlović, M., Gojković, T., Vladimirov, S., Zeljković, D., Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V.,& Trifunović, B.. (2021). Revealing the role of high-density lipoprotein in colorectal cancer. in International Journal of Molecular Sciences
MDPI AG., 22(7).
Zeljković A, Vekić J, Mihajlović M, Gojković T, Vladimirov S, Zeljković D, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V, Trifunović B. Revealing the role of high-density lipoprotein in colorectal cancer. in International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021;22(7).
doi:10.3390/ijms22073352 .
Zeljković, Aleksandra, Vekić, Jelena, Mihajlović, Marija, Gojković, Tamara, Vladimirov, Sandra, Zeljković, Dejan, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, Trifunović, Bratislav, "Revealing the role of high-density lipoprotein in colorectal cancer" in International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, no. 7 (2021),
https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22073352 . .

Transforming growth factor-β1 and receptor for advanced glycation end products gene expression and protein levels in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus

Ninić, Ana; Bojanin, Dragana; Sopić, Miron; Mihajlović, Marija; Munjas, Jelena; Milenković, Tatjana; Stefanović, Aleksandra; Vekić, Jelena; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna

(Galenos, 2021)

AU  - Ninić, Ana
AU  - Bojanin, Dragana
AU  - Sopić, Miron
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Munjas, Jelena
AU  - Milenković, Tatjana
AU  - Stefanović, Aleksandra
AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3799
AB  - Objective: Type 1 diabetes (T1D) mellitus is one of the most frequent autoimmune diseases in childhood. Chronic complications are the main causes of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in T1D. Although interactions between advanced glycation end products (AGE) and their receptors (RAGE) and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) are implicated in development and progression of diabetic micro-and macro-vascular complications, they also have important roles in immune system regulation. Methods: Blood samples were obtained from 156 adolescents with T1D and 80 apparently healthy controls. T1D patients diagnosed with any other autoimmune disease and receiving any kind of drugs except insulin therapy were excluded from this study. Exclusion criteria for controls were positive family history of T1D and drugs/supplements application. TGF-β1 and transmembrane full-length RAGE (flRAGE) messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were obtained by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method. Circulating levels of biochemical markers, TGF-β1 and soluble RAGE (sRAGE) levels were also determined. Results: TGF-β1 and flRAGE mRNA levels were significantly higher in controls compared to patients (p<0.001, for both). However, TGF-β1 and sRAGE levels were higher in patients than controls (p<0.001, for both). There were significant independent associations of all mRNA and protein levels with T1D. TGF-β1 mRNA was the only marker independently negatively associated with urinary albumin excretion rate in T1D adolescents (p=0.005). Conclusion: Our results indicated gene expression downregulation of TGF-β1 and flRAGE in PBMC of T1D adolescents. TGF-β1 mRNA downregulation may be useful for predicting early elevation of urinary albumin excretion rate.
PB  - Galenos
T2  - JCRPE Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology
T1  - Transforming growth factor-β1 and receptor for advanced glycation end products gene expression and protein levels in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus
VL  - 13
IS  - 1
SP  - 61
EP  - 71
DO  - 10.4274/jcrpe.galenos.2020.2020.0155
ER  - 
author = "Ninić, Ana and Bojanin, Dragana and Sopić, Miron and Mihajlović, Marija and Munjas, Jelena and Milenković, Tatjana and Stefanović, Aleksandra and Vekić, Jelena and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Objective: Type 1 diabetes (T1D) mellitus is one of the most frequent autoimmune diseases in childhood. Chronic complications are the main causes of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in T1D. Although interactions between advanced glycation end products (AGE) and their receptors (RAGE) and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) are implicated in development and progression of diabetic micro-and macro-vascular complications, they also have important roles in immune system regulation. Methods: Blood samples were obtained from 156 adolescents with T1D and 80 apparently healthy controls. T1D patients diagnosed with any other autoimmune disease and receiving any kind of drugs except insulin therapy were excluded from this study. Exclusion criteria for controls were positive family history of T1D and drugs/supplements application. TGF-β1 and transmembrane full-length RAGE (flRAGE) messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were obtained by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method. Circulating levels of biochemical markers, TGF-β1 and soluble RAGE (sRAGE) levels were also determined. Results: TGF-β1 and flRAGE mRNA levels were significantly higher in controls compared to patients (p<0.001, for both). However, TGF-β1 and sRAGE levels were higher in patients than controls (p<0.001, for both). There were significant independent associations of all mRNA and protein levels with T1D. TGF-β1 mRNA was the only marker independently negatively associated with urinary albumin excretion rate in T1D adolescents (p=0.005). Conclusion: Our results indicated gene expression downregulation of TGF-β1 and flRAGE in PBMC of T1D adolescents. TGF-β1 mRNA downregulation may be useful for predicting early elevation of urinary albumin excretion rate.",
publisher = "Galenos",
journal = "JCRPE Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology",
title = "Transforming growth factor-β1 and receptor for advanced glycation end products gene expression and protein levels in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus",
volume = "13",
number = "1",
pages = "61-71",
doi = "10.4274/jcrpe.galenos.2020.2020.0155"
Ninić, A., Bojanin, D., Sopić, M., Mihajlović, M., Munjas, J., Milenković, T., Stefanović, A., Vekić, J.,& Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V.. (2021). Transforming growth factor-β1 and receptor for advanced glycation end products gene expression and protein levels in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. in JCRPE Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology
Galenos., 13(1), 61-71.
Ninić A, Bojanin D, Sopić M, Mihajlović M, Munjas J, Milenković T, Stefanović A, Vekić J, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V. Transforming growth factor-β1 and receptor for advanced glycation end products gene expression and protein levels in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. in JCRPE Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology. 2021;13(1):61-71.
doi:10.4274/jcrpe.galenos.2020.2020.0155 .
Ninić, Ana, Bojanin, Dragana, Sopić, Miron, Mihajlović, Marija, Munjas, Jelena, Milenković, Tatjana, Stefanović, Aleksandra, Vekić, Jelena, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, "Transforming growth factor-β1 and receptor for advanced glycation end products gene expression and protein levels in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus" in JCRPE Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology, 13, no. 1 (2021):61-71,
https://doi.org/10.4274/jcrpe.galenos.2020.2020.0155 . .

Increased gene expression of resistin and CD36 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is associated with hypercholesterolemia in patients with obstructive sleep apnea

Sopić, Miron; Šupljeglav, Branislava; Milojević, Ana; Mihajlović, Marija; Ninić, Ana; Munjas, Jelena; Gardijan, Vera; Radosavljević, Vojislav; Memon, Lidija; Zdravković, Marija; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna

(Elsevier, 2020)

AU  - Sopić, Miron
AU  - Šupljeglav, Branislava
AU  - Milojević, Ana
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Ninić, Ana
AU  - Munjas, Jelena
AU  - Gardijan, Vera
AU  - Radosavljević, Vojislav
AU  - Memon, Lidija
AU  - Zdravković, Marija
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5586
AB  - Background and Aims: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Resistin is recognized as a potent proinflammatory cytokine that is able to influence atherosclerotic plaque progression through several mechanisms. ...
PB  - Elsevier
C3  - Atherosclerosis
T1  - Increased gene expression of resistin and CD36 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is associated with hypercholesterolemia in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
VL  - 315
SP  - e48
EP  - e49
DO  - 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2020.10.150
ER  - 
author = "Sopić, Miron and Šupljeglav, Branislava and Milojević, Ana and Mihajlović, Marija and Ninić, Ana and Munjas, Jelena and Gardijan, Vera and Radosavljević, Vojislav and Memon, Lidija and Zdravković, Marija and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Background and Aims: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Resistin is recognized as a potent proinflammatory cytokine that is able to influence atherosclerotic plaque progression through several mechanisms. ...",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Atherosclerosis",
title = "Increased gene expression of resistin and CD36 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is associated with hypercholesterolemia in patients with obstructive sleep apnea",
volume = "315",
pages = "e48-e49",
doi = "10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2020.10.150"
Sopić, M., Šupljeglav, B., Milojević, A., Mihajlović, M., Ninić, A., Munjas, J., Gardijan, V., Radosavljević, V., Memon, L., Zdravković, M.,& Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V.. (2020). Increased gene expression of resistin and CD36 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is associated with hypercholesterolemia in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. in Atherosclerosis
Elsevier., 315, e48-e49.
Sopić M, Šupljeglav B, Milojević A, Mihajlović M, Ninić A, Munjas J, Gardijan V, Radosavljević V, Memon L, Zdravković M, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V. Increased gene expression of resistin and CD36 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is associated with hypercholesterolemia in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. in Atherosclerosis. 2020;315:e48-e49.
doi:10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2020.10.150 .
Sopić, Miron, Šupljeglav, Branislava, Milojević, Ana, Mihajlović, Marija, Ninić, Ana, Munjas, Jelena, Gardijan, Vera, Radosavljević, Vojislav, Memon, Lidija, Zdravković, Marija, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, "Increased gene expression of resistin and CD36 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is associated with hypercholesterolemia in patients with obstructive sleep apnea" in Atherosclerosis, 315 (2020):e48-e49,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2020.10.150 . .

Effect of propolis and N-acetylcysteine supplementation on lipoprotein subclasses distribution and paraoxonase 1 activity in subjects with acute respiratory infection

Vekić, Jelena; Ivanišević, Jasmina; Zeljković, Aleksandra; Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna; Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša; Mihajlović, Marija; Janać, Jelena; Vujčić, Sanja; Miljković, Milica; Zujović, Dejan; Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena

(Beograd : Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije, 2020)

AU  - Vekić, Jelena
AU  - Ivanišević, Jasmina
AU  - Zeljković, Aleksandra
AU  - Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna
AU  - Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša
AU  - Mihajlović, Marija
AU  - Janać, Jelena
AU  - Vujčić, Sanja
AU  - Miljković, Milica
AU  - Zujović, Dejan
AU  - Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3746
AB  - Background:Propolis  and  N-acetylcysteine  have  positiveimpact  on  respiratory  tract  health.  Also,  it  has  been  sug-gested that they have beneficial effects on serum lipid andoxidative  stress  status,  but  the  available  data  are  limitedand  mostly  gained  from  animal  models.  In  this  study  weevaluated the effects of propolis and N-acetylcysteine sup-plementation  (PropoMucil®)  on  lipid  status,  lipoproteinsubclasses  distribution  and  paraoxonase  1  activity  in  sub-jects with acute respiratory infection.Methods:Twenty  subjects  with  acute  respiratory  infectionwere included. PropoMucil®granules for oral solution (80mg of dry propolis extract and 200 mg of N-acetylcysteine)were administered tree times per day for ten days. Serumlipid  profile,  paraoxonase  1  activity  and  low-density  andhigh-density  lipoprotein  size  and  subclasses  distributionwere assessed at baseline and after supplementation.Results:Following ten days of supplementation lipid statusremained  unchanged,  but  a  significant  increase  of  low-density lipoprotein particle size and proportion of high-den-sity   lipoprotein   3a   particles   were   found   (P<0.05).Moreover, supplementation with PropoMucil®significantlyimproved  high-density  lipoprotein  particles  distribution, particularly  in  those  who  smoke.  There  was  a  moderateincrease  of  paraoxonase  1  activity,  but  without  statisticalsignificance.Conclusions:The presented study demonstrated that short-term  supplementation  with  PropoMucil®has  beneficialeffects  on  low-density  and  high-density  lipoprotein  sub-classes  distribution  and  paraoxonase  1  activity  in  subjectswith  acute  respiratory  infection  particularly  in  those  whosmoke.
AB  - Uvod: Propolis i N-acetilcistein pozitivno utiču na zdravlje disajnih puteva. Takođe, sugeriše se da oni imaju blagotvorno dejstvo na lipidni i oksidativno-stresni status, ali podaci su ograničeni i dobijeni uglavnom na životinjskim modelima. U ovom istraživanju, procenili smo kombinovani efekat propolisa i N-acetilcisteina (PropoMucil®) na status lipida, raspodelu supklasa lipoproteina i aktivnost paraoksonaze 1 kod pacijenata sa akutnom respiratornom infekcijom (ARI). Metode: Uključeno je 20 ispitanika sa akutnom respiratornom infekcijom. Oralni rastvor praška PropoMucil® (80 mg suvog ekstrakta propolisa i 200 mg N-acetilcisteina) je aplikovan 3 puta dnevno tokom 10 dana. Serumski lipidni profil, aktivnost praoksonaze 1 i veličina i raspodela supfrakcija lipoproteina niske gustine i lipoproteina visoke gustine su određeni pre i nakon suplementacije. Rezultati: Nakon deset dana suplementacije, lipidni status je ostao nepromenjen, ali je utvrđeno značajno povećanje veličine lipoproteina niske gustine i relativnog udela lipoproteina visoke gustine 3a (P <0,05). Pored toga, suplementacija PropoMucil®-om značajno je poboljšala distribuciju lipoproteinskih čestica visoke gustine, posebno kod pacijenata koji puše. Došlo je do umerenog porasta aktivnosti paraoksonaze 1, ali bez statističke značajnosti. Zaključak: Studija je pokazala da kratkotrajna suplementacija PropoMucil®-om ima korisne efekte na distribuciju supklasa lipoproteina niske i visoke gustine i aktivnost paraoksonaze 1 kod ispitanika sa akutnom respiratornom infekcijom, posebno kod onih koji puše.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije
T2  - Journal of Medical Biochemistry
T1  - Effect of propolis and N-acetylcysteine supplementation on lipoprotein subclasses distribution and paraoxonase 1 activity in subjects with acute respiratory infection
T1  - Efekat suplementacije propolisom i N-acetilcisteinom na raspodelu lipoproteinskih supklasa i aktivnosti paraoksonaze 1 u osoba sa akutnom respiratornom infekcijom
VL  - 39
IS  - 4
SP  - 467
EP  - 473
DO  - 10.5937/jomb0-24695
ER  - 
author = "Vekić, Jelena and Ivanišević, Jasmina and Zeljković, Aleksandra and Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna and Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša and Mihajlović, Marija and Janać, Jelena and Vujčić, Sanja and Miljković, Milica and Zujović, Dejan and Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Background:Propolis  and  N-acetylcysteine  have  positiveimpact  on  respiratory  tract  health.  Also,  it  has  been  sug-gested that they have beneficial effects on serum lipid andoxidative  stress  status,  but  the  available  data  are  limitedand  mostly  gained  from  animal  models.  In  this  study  weevaluated the effects of propolis and N-acetylcysteine sup-plementation  (PropoMucil®)  on  lipid  status,  lipoproteinsubclasses  distribution  and  paraoxonase  1  activity  in  sub-jects with acute respiratory infection.Methods:Twenty  subjects  with  acute  respiratory  infectionwere included. PropoMucil®granules for oral solution (80mg of dry propolis extract and 200 mg of N-acetylcysteine)were administered tree times per day for ten days. Serumlipid  profile,  paraoxonase  1  activity  and  low-density  andhigh-density  lipoprotein  size  and  subclasses  distributionwere assessed at baseline and after supplementation.Results:Following ten days of supplementation lipid statusremained  unchanged,  but  a  significant  increase  of  low-density lipoprotein particle size and proportion of high-den-sity   lipoprotein   3a   particles   were   found   (P<0.05).Moreover, supplementation with PropoMucil®significantlyimproved  high-density  lipoprotein  particles  distribution, particularly  in  those  who  smoke.  There  was  a  moderateincrease  of  paraoxonase  1  activity,  but  without  statisticalsignificance.Conclusions:The presented study demonstrated that short-term  supplementation  with  PropoMucil®has  beneficialeffects  on  low-density  and  high-density  lipoprotein  sub-classes  distribution  and  paraoxonase  1  activity  in  subjectswith  acute  respiratory  infection  particularly  in  those  whosmoke., Uvod: Propolis i N-acetilcistein pozitivno utiču na zdravlje disajnih puteva. Takođe, sugeriše se da oni imaju blagotvorno dejstvo na lipidni i oksidativno-stresni status, ali podaci su ograničeni i dobijeni uglavnom na životinjskim modelima. U ovom istraživanju, procenili smo kombinovani efekat propolisa i N-acetilcisteina (PropoMucil®) na status lipida, raspodelu supklasa lipoproteina i aktivnost paraoksonaze 1 kod pacijenata sa akutnom respiratornom infekcijom (ARI). Metode: Uključeno je 20 ispitanika sa akutnom respiratornom infekcijom. Oralni rastvor praška PropoMucil® (80 mg suvog ekstrakta propolisa i 200 mg N-acetilcisteina) je aplikovan 3 puta dnevno tokom 10 dana. Serumski lipidni profil, aktivnost praoksonaze 1 i veličina i raspodela supfrakcija lipoproteina niske gustine i lipoproteina visoke gustine su određeni pre i nakon suplementacije. Rezultati: Nakon deset dana suplementacije, lipidni status je ostao nepromenjen, ali je utvrđeno značajno povećanje veličine lipoproteina niske gustine i relativnog udela lipoproteina visoke gustine 3a (P <0,05). Pored toga, suplementacija PropoMucil®-om značajno je poboljšala distribuciju lipoproteinskih čestica visoke gustine, posebno kod pacijenata koji puše. Došlo je do umerenog porasta aktivnosti paraoksonaze 1, ali bez statističke značajnosti. Zaključak: Studija je pokazala da kratkotrajna suplementacija PropoMucil®-om ima korisne efekte na distribuciju supklasa lipoproteina niske i visoke gustine i aktivnost paraoksonaze 1 kod ispitanika sa akutnom respiratornom infekcijom, posebno kod onih koji puše.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije",
journal = "Journal of Medical Biochemistry",
title = "Effect of propolis and N-acetylcysteine supplementation on lipoprotein subclasses distribution and paraoxonase 1 activity in subjects with acute respiratory infection, Efekat suplementacije propolisom i N-acetilcisteinom na raspodelu lipoproteinskih supklasa i aktivnosti paraoksonaze 1 u osoba sa akutnom respiratornom infekcijom",
volume = "39",
number = "4",
pages = "467-473",
doi = "10.5937/jomb0-24695"
Vekić, J., Ivanišević, J., Zeljković, A., Spasojević-Kalimanovska, V., Bogavac-Stanojević, N., Mihajlović, M., Janać, J., Vujčić, S., Miljković, M., Zujović, D.,& Kotur-Stevuljević, J.. (2020). Effect of propolis and N-acetylcysteine supplementation on lipoprotein subclasses distribution and paraoxonase 1 activity in subjects with acute respiratory infection. in Journal of Medical Biochemistry
Beograd : Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije., 39(4), 467-473.
Vekić J, Ivanišević J, Zeljković A, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V, Bogavac-Stanojević N, Mihajlović M, Janać J, Vujčić S, Miljković M, Zujović D, Kotur-Stevuljević J. Effect of propolis and N-acetylcysteine supplementation on lipoprotein subclasses distribution and paraoxonase 1 activity in subjects with acute respiratory infection. in Journal of Medical Biochemistry. 2020;39(4):467-473.
doi:10.5937/jomb0-24695 .
Vekić, Jelena, Ivanišević, Jasmina, Zeljković, Aleksandra, Spasojević-Kalimanovska, Vesna, Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša, Mihajlović, Marija, Janać, Jelena, Vujčić, Sanja, Miljković, Milica, Zujović, Dejan, Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena, "Effect of propolis and N-acetylcysteine supplementation on lipoprotein subclasses distribution and paraoxonase 1 activity in subjects with acute respiratory infection" in Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 39, no. 4 (2020):467-473,
https://doi.org/10.5937/jomb0-24695 . .