Tasić, Ljiljana

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  • Tasić, Ljiljana (114)

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Health professions education in Serbia: Evaluation and measures for quality improvement through experiential education, interprofessional education and teaching competencies development

Kovačević, Milena; Odalović, Marina; Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela; Vasiljević, Dragana; Parojčić, Jelena; Tasić, Ljiljana

(Belgrade : Military Medical Academy, 2022)

AU  - Kovačević, Milena
AU  - Odalović, Marina
AU  - Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela
AU  - Vasiljević, Dragana
AU  - Parojčić, Jelena
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4377
AB  - Background/Aim. Health professions education is facing
emerging issues. A comprehensive situation analysis was
performed among academic staff, healthcare practitioners,
and healthcare science students to address and respond to
new trends. The aim of the study was to investigate the
attitude, perception, and the recognized needs towards
experiential education (EE), interprofessional education
(IPE), and teaching competencies development (TCD). The
critical evaluation of the existing quality standards for
further quality improvement in health professions education
in Serbia was provided. Methods. The survey on EE, IPE,
and TCD was conducted within the Reinforcement of the
Framework for Experiential Education in Serbia
(ReFEEHS) project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ program
of the European Comission at four Serbian universities (the
University of Belgrade, the University of Kragujevac, the
University of Niš, and the University of Novi Sad). Four
task groups were appointed to perform a desk review of the
existing curricula, recommendations, and practices within
each of the four health professions education (Medicine,
Pharmacy, Dentistry, and Nursing) in Serbia and assess the
level of compliance with relevant educational policies and
practices in the European Union . Results. A total of 1,507
respondents completed the survey. A highly expressed
positive attitude was found towards EE, IPE, and TCD
among all the respondents. The majority of the respondents 
(> 70%) shared that EE should be organized in real-life
practice and involve students’ work under the supervision
of a qualified supervisor, as well as interactions with patients
and healthcare professionals. About 90% of the
respondents supported the inclusion of IPE teaching
activities into EE, with 77% of students expressing high
motivation to attend those classes, whereas 93% of
academic staff was eager to deliver and teach joint IPE
subjects. Only 20% of academic staff has already attended
some TCD program, while 75% recognized the need for its
organization. Moreover, 90% of healthcare practitioners
have recognized that mentors/clinical supervisors also need
additional skills for effective mentoring work within health
science education. Based on the survey results,
recommendations for improvement were given within three
educational fields, healthcare science curricula, professional
practice (traineeship), teaching staff, and regulations.
Conclusion. The results derived from the survey served as
a starting but also a vital point for higher education
improvement in Serbia. All interested parties – academia,
students, healthcare professionals, and regulatory bodies
should collaborate on achieving improved, contemporary,
and transformative health professions education.
AB  - Uvod/Cilj. Obrazovanje u oblasti zdravstva suočava se sa novim pitanjima. Da bi se odgovorilo na savremene zahteve obrazovanja zdravstvenih radnika, sprovedena je sveobuhvatna situaciona analiza. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se istraže stavovi, percepcije i prepoznaju potrebe akademske zajednice, zdravstvenih radnika i studenata zdravstvenih profesija, u odnosu prema učenju u realnom radnom okruženju, tj. nastavi u praksi (experiential education - EE), interprofesionalnom obrazovanju (interprofessional education - IPE) i unapređenju nastavničkih kompetencija (teaching competencies development - TCD). Radi daljeg unapređenja u oblasti obrazovanja, za zdravstvene radnike u Srbiji obezbeđeno je kritičko vrednovanje postojećih standarda kvaliteta. Metode. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u okviru projekta Reinforcement of the Framework for Experiential Education in Serbia (ReFEEHS), ko-finansiranog od strane Erasmus+ programa Evropske komisije na četiri univerziteta u Republici Srbiji (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Univerzitet u Nišu i Univerzitet u Novom Sadu). Određene su četiri radne grupe, sa zadatkom razmatranja trenutnih kurikuluma, preporuka i prakse u okviru svake zdravstvene profesije (medicina, farmacija, stomatologija, sestrinstvo), kao i procene njihove usklađenosti sa relevantnim preporukama i praksom u obrazovanju u Evropskoj uniji. Rezultati. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 1 507 ispitanika. Pozitivan stav prema EE, IPE i TCD zabeležen je među svim ispitanicima. Više od 70% ispitanika iskazalo je stav o tome da je potrebno organizovati EE, tj. nastavu u praksi u realnom radnom okruženju, što bi podrazumevalo stručni rad studenata pod nadzorom kompetentnog mentora, ali i interakciju sa bolesnicima, kao i interakciju sa zdravstvenim radnicima. Oko 90% ispitanika podržalo je uključivanje IPE nastavnih aktivnosti u kurikulume; 77% studenata izrazilo je motivisanost da prisustvuju zajedničkim predmetima, dok je čak 93% nastavnika i saradnika iskazalo volju da učestvuju u kreiranju i podučavanju nastavnih jedinica u okviru IPE. Prethodno je samo 20% nastavnika/saradnika pohađalo neki TCD program, dok je čak 75% prepoznalo potrebu za organizacijom tih programa; 90% zdravstvenih radnika smatralo je da su za efikasan mentorski rad u obrazovanju u oblasti zdravstvene nauke potrebne dodatne veštine mentora/kliničkih supervizora. Na osnovu sagledanih rezultata upitnika, date su preporuke za unapređenje visokog obrazovanja u okviru tri obrazovne oblasti budućih zdravstvenih radnika, koje se odnose na kurikulum, studentsku stručnu praksu/klinički staž, nastavno osoblje i regulatorne aspekte. Zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati korišćeni su kao polazna, ali veoma značajna tačka za unapređenje visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji. Sve zainteresovane strane - akademska zajednica, studenti, zdravstveni radnici i regulatorna tela, treba da sarađuju u cilju postizanja unapređenog i savremenog obrazovanja zdravstvenih radnika.
PB  - Belgrade : Military Medical Academy
T2  - Vojnosanitetski pregled
T1  - Health professions education in Serbia: Evaluation and measures for quality improvement through experiential education, interprofessional education and teaching competencies development
T1  - Obrazovanje zdravstvenih radnika u Srbiji: procena i mere za unapređenje kvaliteta kroz praksu, interprofesionalno obrazovanje i razvoj nastavničkih kompetencija
VL  - 79
IS  - 11
SP  - 1119
EP  - 1129
DO  - 10.2298/VSP201005089K
ER  - 
author = "Kovačević, Milena and Odalović, Marina and Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela and Vasiljević, Dragana and Parojčić, Jelena and Tasić, Ljiljana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Background/Aim. Health professions education is facing
emerging issues. A comprehensive situation analysis was
performed among academic staff, healthcare practitioners,
and healthcare science students to address and respond to
new trends. The aim of the study was to investigate the
attitude, perception, and the recognized needs towards
experiential education (EE), interprofessional education
(IPE), and teaching competencies development (TCD). The
critical evaluation of the existing quality standards for
further quality improvement in health professions education
in Serbia was provided. Methods. The survey on EE, IPE,
and TCD was conducted within the Reinforcement of the
Framework for Experiential Education in Serbia
(ReFEEHS) project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ program
of the European Comission at four Serbian universities (the
University of Belgrade, the University of Kragujevac, the
University of Niš, and the University of Novi Sad). Four
task groups were appointed to perform a desk review of the
existing curricula, recommendations, and practices within
each of the four health professions education (Medicine,
Pharmacy, Dentistry, and Nursing) in Serbia and assess the
level of compliance with relevant educational policies and
practices in the European Union . Results. A total of 1,507
respondents completed the survey. A highly expressed
positive attitude was found towards EE, IPE, and TCD
among all the respondents. The majority of the respondents 
(> 70%) shared that EE should be organized in real-life
practice and involve students’ work under the supervision
of a qualified supervisor, as well as interactions with patients
and healthcare professionals. About 90% of the
respondents supported the inclusion of IPE teaching
activities into EE, with 77% of students expressing high
motivation to attend those classes, whereas 93% of
academic staff was eager to deliver and teach joint IPE
subjects. Only 20% of academic staff has already attended
some TCD program, while 75% recognized the need for its
organization. Moreover, 90% of healthcare practitioners
have recognized that mentors/clinical supervisors also need
additional skills for effective mentoring work within health
science education. Based on the survey results,
recommendations for improvement were given within three
educational fields, healthcare science curricula, professional
practice (traineeship), teaching staff, and regulations.
Conclusion. The results derived from the survey served as
a starting but also a vital point for higher education
improvement in Serbia. All interested parties – academia,
students, healthcare professionals, and regulatory bodies
should collaborate on achieving improved, contemporary,
and transformative health professions education., Uvod/Cilj. Obrazovanje u oblasti zdravstva suočava se sa novim pitanjima. Da bi se odgovorilo na savremene zahteve obrazovanja zdravstvenih radnika, sprovedena je sveobuhvatna situaciona analiza. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se istraže stavovi, percepcije i prepoznaju potrebe akademske zajednice, zdravstvenih radnika i studenata zdravstvenih profesija, u odnosu prema učenju u realnom radnom okruženju, tj. nastavi u praksi (experiential education - EE), interprofesionalnom obrazovanju (interprofessional education - IPE) i unapređenju nastavničkih kompetencija (teaching competencies development - TCD). Radi daljeg unapređenja u oblasti obrazovanja, za zdravstvene radnike u Srbiji obezbeđeno je kritičko vrednovanje postojećih standarda kvaliteta. Metode. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u okviru projekta Reinforcement of the Framework for Experiential Education in Serbia (ReFEEHS), ko-finansiranog od strane Erasmus+ programa Evropske komisije na četiri univerziteta u Republici Srbiji (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Univerzitet u Nišu i Univerzitet u Novom Sadu). Određene su četiri radne grupe, sa zadatkom razmatranja trenutnih kurikuluma, preporuka i prakse u okviru svake zdravstvene profesije (medicina, farmacija, stomatologija, sestrinstvo), kao i procene njihove usklađenosti sa relevantnim preporukama i praksom u obrazovanju u Evropskoj uniji. Rezultati. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 1 507 ispitanika. Pozitivan stav prema EE, IPE i TCD zabeležen je među svim ispitanicima. Više od 70% ispitanika iskazalo je stav o tome da je potrebno organizovati EE, tj. nastavu u praksi u realnom radnom okruženju, što bi podrazumevalo stručni rad studenata pod nadzorom kompetentnog mentora, ali i interakciju sa bolesnicima, kao i interakciju sa zdravstvenim radnicima. Oko 90% ispitanika podržalo je uključivanje IPE nastavnih aktivnosti u kurikulume; 77% studenata izrazilo je motivisanost da prisustvuju zajedničkim predmetima, dok je čak 93% nastavnika i saradnika iskazalo volju da učestvuju u kreiranju i podučavanju nastavnih jedinica u okviru IPE. Prethodno je samo 20% nastavnika/saradnika pohađalo neki TCD program, dok je čak 75% prepoznalo potrebu za organizacijom tih programa; 90% zdravstvenih radnika smatralo je da su za efikasan mentorski rad u obrazovanju u oblasti zdravstvene nauke potrebne dodatne veštine mentora/kliničkih supervizora. Na osnovu sagledanih rezultata upitnika, date su preporuke za unapređenje visokog obrazovanja u okviru tri obrazovne oblasti budućih zdravstvenih radnika, koje se odnose na kurikulum, studentsku stručnu praksu/klinički staž, nastavno osoblje i regulatorne aspekte. Zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati korišćeni su kao polazna, ali veoma značajna tačka za unapređenje visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji. Sve zainteresovane strane - akademska zajednica, studenti, zdravstveni radnici i regulatorna tela, treba da sarađuju u cilju postizanja unapređenog i savremenog obrazovanja zdravstvenih radnika.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Military Medical Academy",
journal = "Vojnosanitetski pregled",
title = "Health professions education in Serbia: Evaluation and measures for quality improvement through experiential education, interprofessional education and teaching competencies development, Obrazovanje zdravstvenih radnika u Srbiji: procena i mere za unapređenje kvaliteta kroz praksu, interprofesionalno obrazovanje i razvoj nastavničkih kompetencija",
volume = "79",
number = "11",
pages = "1119-1129",
doi = "10.2298/VSP201005089K"
Kovačević, M., Odalović, M., Đukić-Ćosić, D., Vasiljević, D., Parojčić, J.,& Tasić, L.. (2022). Health professions education in Serbia: Evaluation and measures for quality improvement through experiential education, interprofessional education and teaching competencies development. in Vojnosanitetski pregled
Belgrade : Military Medical Academy., 79(11), 1119-1129.
Kovačević M, Odalović M, Đukić-Ćosić D, Vasiljević D, Parojčić J, Tasić L. Health professions education in Serbia: Evaluation and measures for quality improvement through experiential education, interprofessional education and teaching competencies development. in Vojnosanitetski pregled. 2022;79(11):1119-1129.
doi:10.2298/VSP201005089K .
Kovačević, Milena, Odalović, Marina, Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela, Vasiljević, Dragana, Parojčić, Jelena, Tasić, Ljiljana, "Health professions education in Serbia: Evaluation and measures for quality improvement through experiential education, interprofessional education and teaching competencies development" in Vojnosanitetski pregled, 79, no. 11 (2022):1119-1129,
https://doi.org/10.2298/VSP201005089K . .

Patients' perception of the quality of community pharmacy services using the critical incident technique

Kummer, Ingrid; Mudrić, Jovana; Čikarić, Tamara; Tasić, Ljiljana; Milošević-Georgiev, Andrijana; Marinković, Valentina

(Belgrade : Military Medical Academy, INI, 2022)

AU  - Kummer, Ingrid
AU  - Mudrić, Jovana
AU  - Čikarić, Tamara
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Milošević-Georgiev, Andrijana
AU  - Marinković, Valentina
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4252
AB  - Background/Aim. The Critical Incident Technique
(CIT) is a qualitative research method for measuring con-
sumer satisfaction by collecting and analyzing information
on participants and their activities. This method allows
participants to present their detailed experiences related to
a particular service in the way they perceive them. The aim
of this study was to examine patients' perceptions of an
incident that occurred in community pharmacies using
CIT and determine recommendations for improving the
quality of pharmacy services. Methods. A qualitative
study using an interview based on the CIT was conducted
in three pharmacies in Serbia, on the territory of Kruševac
city. The entire course of the interviews was audio-
recorded, which provided detailed research. Results. A to-
tal of 68 critical incidents were collected and divided into
two groups: positive (37) and negative (31), depending on
the (dis)satisfaction of patients with the services of phar-
macists in community pharmacies. The following thematic
clusters of pharmacy services were covered: accessibility of
community-based pharmaceutical services, pharmacist be-
havior, patient counseling, dispensing drugs and/or medi-
cal devices, compounding, and pharmacy
sales/commercial practice. Conclusion. The results show
that the CIT is a useful tool for evaluating and improving
pharmaceutical services. Based on the data collected, vari-
ous aspects of community pharmacy services can be im-
proved, and further research should be carried out.
AB  - Uvod/Cilj. Tehnika kritičnih incidenata (TKI) je kvalita-
tivna metoda istraživanja z a merenje zadovoljstva klije-
nata putem prikupljanja i analiziranja podataka o
učesnicima i njihovim aktivnostima. Ta metoda
omogućava učesnicima u istraživanju da predstave detalje
o svojim iskustvima povezanim sa određenom uslugom,
na način na koji ih dož ivljavaju. Cilj studije bio je da se
ispita percepcija pacijenata o incidentu koji se desio u
javnim apotekama korišćenjem TKI i da se predlože pre-
poruke za poboljšanje kvaliteta farmaceutskih usluga.
Metode. Kvalitativna studija pomoću intervjua zasno-
vanog na TKI sprovedena je u tri apoteke u Srbiji, na ter-
itoriji grada Kruševca. Ceo tok intervjua sniman je
pomoću diktafona čime je obezbeđeno detaljno
istraživanje. Rezultati. Ukupno je prikupljeno 68
kritičnih incidenata i podeljeno u dve grupe: pozitivne
(37) i negativne (31), zavisno od (ne)zadovoljstva klije-
nata uslugama farmaceuta u apotekama. Obuhvaćeni su
sledeći aspekti usluga u apoteci: dostupnost farma-
ceutskih usluga u zajednici, ponašanje farmaceuta,
savetovanje pacijenata, izdavanje lekova i/ili medicinskih
sredstava, rastvaranje lekova i prodaja/komercijalna
praksa farmaceuta. Zaključak. Rezultati pokazuju da je
TKI korisno sredstvo za procenu i unapređenje farma-
ceutskih usluga. Različiti aspekti usluga u javnoj apoteci
se mogu poboljšati što zahteva dalja istraživanja zado-
voljstva pacijenata kvalitetom farmaceutske usluge.
PB  - Belgrade : Military Medical Academy, INI
T2  - Vojnosanitetski pregled
T1  - Patients' perception of the quality of community pharmacy services using the critical incident technique
T1  - Percepcija pacijenata o kvalitetu usluga u javnoj apoteci korišćenjem tehnike kritičnih incidenata
VL  - 79
IS  - 6
SP  - 605
EP  - 612
DO  - 10.2298/VSP200518123K
ER  - 
author = "Kummer, Ingrid and Mudrić, Jovana and Čikarić, Tamara and Tasić, Ljiljana and Milošević-Georgiev, Andrijana and Marinković, Valentina",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Background/Aim. The Critical Incident Technique
(CIT) is a qualitative research method for measuring con-
sumer satisfaction by collecting and analyzing information
on participants and their activities. This method allows
participants to present their detailed experiences related to
a particular service in the way they perceive them. The aim
of this study was to examine patients' perceptions of an
incident that occurred in community pharmacies using
CIT and determine recommendations for improving the
quality of pharmacy services. Methods. A qualitative
study using an interview based on the CIT was conducted
in three pharmacies in Serbia, on the territory of Kruševac
city. The entire course of the interviews was audio-
recorded, which provided detailed research. Results. A to-
tal of 68 critical incidents were collected and divided into
two groups: positive (37) and negative (31), depending on
the (dis)satisfaction of patients with the services of phar-
macists in community pharmacies. The following thematic
clusters of pharmacy services were covered: accessibility of
community-based pharmaceutical services, pharmacist be-
havior, patient counseling, dispensing drugs and/or medi-
cal devices, compounding, and pharmacy
sales/commercial practice. Conclusion. The results show
that the CIT is a useful tool for evaluating and improving
pharmaceutical services. Based on the data collected, vari-
ous aspects of community pharmacy services can be im-
proved, and further research should be carried out., Uvod/Cilj. Tehnika kritičnih incidenata (TKI) je kvalita-
tivna metoda istraživanja z a merenje zadovoljstva klije-
nata putem prikupljanja i analiziranja podataka o
učesnicima i njihovim aktivnostima. Ta metoda
omogućava učesnicima u istraživanju da predstave detalje
o svojim iskustvima povezanim sa određenom uslugom,
na način na koji ih dož ivljavaju. Cilj studije bio je da se
ispita percepcija pacijenata o incidentu koji se desio u
javnim apotekama korišćenjem TKI i da se predlože pre-
poruke za poboljšanje kvaliteta farmaceutskih usluga.
Metode. Kvalitativna studija pomoću intervjua zasno-
vanog na TKI sprovedena je u tri apoteke u Srbiji, na ter-
itoriji grada Kruševca. Ceo tok intervjua sniman je
pomoću diktafona čime je obezbeđeno detaljno
istraživanje. Rezultati. Ukupno je prikupljeno 68
kritičnih incidenata i podeljeno u dve grupe: pozitivne
(37) i negativne (31), zavisno od (ne)zadovoljstva klije-
nata uslugama farmaceuta u apotekama. Obuhvaćeni su
sledeći aspekti usluga u apoteci: dostupnost farma-
ceutskih usluga u zajednici, ponašanje farmaceuta,
savetovanje pacijenata, izdavanje lekova i/ili medicinskih
sredstava, rastvaranje lekova i prodaja/komercijalna
praksa farmaceuta. Zaključak. Rezultati pokazuju da je
TKI korisno sredstvo za procenu i unapređenje farma-
ceutskih usluga. Različiti aspekti usluga u javnoj apoteci
se mogu poboljšati što zahteva dalja istraživanja zado-
voljstva pacijenata kvalitetom farmaceutske usluge.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Military Medical Academy, INI",
journal = "Vojnosanitetski pregled",
title = "Patients' perception of the quality of community pharmacy services using the critical incident technique, Percepcija pacijenata o kvalitetu usluga u javnoj apoteci korišćenjem tehnike kritičnih incidenata",
volume = "79",
number = "6",
pages = "605-612",
doi = "10.2298/VSP200518123K"
Kummer, I., Mudrić, J., Čikarić, T., Tasić, L., Milošević-Georgiev, A.,& Marinković, V.. (2022). Patients' perception of the quality of community pharmacy services using the critical incident technique. in Vojnosanitetski pregled
Belgrade : Military Medical Academy, INI., 79(6), 605-612.
Kummer I, Mudrić J, Čikarić T, Tasić L, Milošević-Georgiev A, Marinković V. Patients' perception of the quality of community pharmacy services using the critical incident technique. in Vojnosanitetski pregled. 2022;79(6):605-612.
doi:10.2298/VSP200518123K .
Kummer, Ingrid, Mudrić, Jovana, Čikarić, Tamara, Tasić, Ljiljana, Milošević-Georgiev, Andrijana, Marinković, Valentina, "Patients' perception of the quality of community pharmacy services using the critical incident technique" in Vojnosanitetski pregled, 79, no. 6 (2022):605-612,
https://doi.org/10.2298/VSP200518123K . .

Systematic review and meta-synthesis - challenges and problems during professional development of pharmacy preceptors

Golić Jelić, Ana; Tasić, Ljiljana; Marinković, Valentina; Krajnović, Dušanka


AU  - Golić Jelić, Ana
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Marinković, Valentina
AU  - Krajnović, Dušanka
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4012
AB  - Introduction
The process of transformation of pharmacy is closely related to the professional development of pharmacists, with the aim of increasing their competencies and performance. The biggest changes in this process are related to the education of pharmacists, both through undergraduate teaching and through lifelong learning, which includes learning through practice and continuing education, which is especially important for young pharmacists. 
The aim of the research was to identify the most common challenges and problems faced by pharmacists and preceptors during professional practice through a systematic review and meta-synthesis. 
The research included a systematic review (PRISMA method) and meta-synthesis of selected publications (6 of the initial 133) for the period from 2006 to 2020. The included publications were considering the development and evaluation of professional development programs for pharmacists and preceptors; challenges and problems faced by pharmacists in these programs. The quality ranking of 6 selected publications was performed according to the GRADE methodology. Further systematic search of data from selected publications was performed by meta-synthesis, which included the extraction of important determinants, and afterwards the thematic analysis in identifying the characteristics of the study, descriptive and analytical topics, which provided the basis for meta-synthesis of de novo topics. 
Six publications were selected (by the PRISMA method) and analyzed. Assessed quality of three studies was high, two were assessed as moderate, and one study had low quality. The publications were studied through three phases as a part of meta-synthesis. Phase 1 showed the difference in the type and characteristics of the examined population. In Phase 2, two descriptive topics of importance were identified: (a) development and evaluation of preceptor development programs and (b) outcomes of preceptor development programs. The results of Phase 3 provided three major analytical topics for the preceptor development programs in the future that pharmacists and preceptors face: (a) challenges, (b) problems, and (c) critical thinking skills. 
Demands for increasing the performance of pharmacists are directly related to the role of pharmacists in the modern age, where they are expected to have a range of competencies, skills and abilities in a real work environment. Critical thinking skills are indispensable in the daily practice of pharmacists, and not enough attention has been paid to them as part of professional development programs for pharmacists and preceptors. This conclusion was revealed by a qualitative method, systematic review and meta-synthesis.
C3  - Konkurs za izbor najboljih naučno-istraživačkih radova studenata doktorskih akademskih studija
T1  - Systematic review and meta-synthesis - challenges and problems during professional development of pharmacy preceptors
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4012
ER  - 
author = "Golić Jelić, Ana and Tasić, Ljiljana and Marinković, Valentina and Krajnović, Dušanka",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Introduction
The process of transformation of pharmacy is closely related to the professional development of pharmacists, with the aim of increasing their competencies and performance. The biggest changes in this process are related to the education of pharmacists, both through undergraduate teaching and through lifelong learning, which includes learning through practice and continuing education, which is especially important for young pharmacists. 
The aim of the research was to identify the most common challenges and problems faced by pharmacists and preceptors during professional practice through a systematic review and meta-synthesis. 
The research included a systematic review (PRISMA method) and meta-synthesis of selected publications (6 of the initial 133) for the period from 2006 to 2020. The included publications were considering the development and evaluation of professional development programs for pharmacists and preceptors; challenges and problems faced by pharmacists in these programs. The quality ranking of 6 selected publications was performed according to the GRADE methodology. Further systematic search of data from selected publications was performed by meta-synthesis, which included the extraction of important determinants, and afterwards the thematic analysis in identifying the characteristics of the study, descriptive and analytical topics, which provided the basis for meta-synthesis of de novo topics. 
Six publications were selected (by the PRISMA method) and analyzed. Assessed quality of three studies was high, two were assessed as moderate, and one study had low quality. The publications were studied through three phases as a part of meta-synthesis. Phase 1 showed the difference in the type and characteristics of the examined population. In Phase 2, two descriptive topics of importance were identified: (a) development and evaluation of preceptor development programs and (b) outcomes of preceptor development programs. The results of Phase 3 provided three major analytical topics for the preceptor development programs in the future that pharmacists and preceptors face: (a) challenges, (b) problems, and (c) critical thinking skills. 
Demands for increasing the performance of pharmacists are directly related to the role of pharmacists in the modern age, where they are expected to have a range of competencies, skills and abilities in a real work environment. Critical thinking skills are indispensable in the daily practice of pharmacists, and not enough attention has been paid to them as part of professional development programs for pharmacists and preceptors. This conclusion was revealed by a qualitative method, systematic review and meta-synthesis.",
journal = "Konkurs za izbor najboljih naučno-istraživačkih radova studenata doktorskih akademskih studija",
title = "Systematic review and meta-synthesis - challenges and problems during professional development of pharmacy preceptors",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4012"
Golić Jelić, A., Tasić, L., Marinković, V.,& Krajnović, D.. (2021). Systematic review and meta-synthesis - challenges and problems during professional development of pharmacy preceptors. in Konkurs za izbor najboljih naučno-istraživačkih radova studenata doktorskih akademskih studija.
Golić Jelić A, Tasić L, Marinković V, Krajnović D. Systematic review and meta-synthesis - challenges and problems during professional development of pharmacy preceptors. in Konkurs za izbor najboljih naučno-istraživačkih radova studenata doktorskih akademskih studija. 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4012 .
Golić Jelić, Ana, Tasić, Ljiljana, Marinković, Valentina, Krajnović, Dušanka, "Systematic review and meta-synthesis - challenges and problems during professional development of pharmacy preceptors" in Konkurs za izbor najboljih naučno-istraživačkih radova studenata doktorskih akademskih studija (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4012 .

Pharmacists’ clinical knowledge and practice in the safe use of contraceptives: real knowledge vs. self-perception and the implications

Golić-Jelić, Ana; Tasić, Ljiljana; Škrbić, Ranko; Marinković, Valentina; Stoisavljević Šatara, Svjetlana; Stojaković, Nataša; Marković Peković, Vanda; Godman, Brian

(BioMed Central Ltd, 2021)

AU  - Golić-Jelić, Ana
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Škrbić, Ranko
AU  - Marinković, Valentina
AU  - Stoisavljević Šatara, Svjetlana
AU  - Stojaković, Nataša
AU  - Marković Peković, Vanda
AU  - Godman, Brian
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3937
AB  - Background: Pharmacists are often the first healthcare professionals that patients contact with their illnesses and requests for medical information, which is enhanced following the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Community pharmacists are expected and required to possess a broad spectrum of knowledge and skills. Self-assessment of these competencies is needed for their self-improvement. Purpose of the study: To assess pharmacists’ clinical knowledge and practice in the safe use of contraceptives, and to compare the scores obtained by external observation with pharmacists’ self-assessment of their knowledge as well as investigate the significance of preceptorship experiences. Contraceptives was chosen as the subject area in view of high rates of abortions as a means of contraception in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods: A questionnaire approach was used. The questionnaire included the following: the first domain contained two case scenarios (safe use of contraceptives), which evaluated clinical knowledge, a second domain in which pharmacists self-assessed their knowledge to resolve cases from the first domain and a third domain that measured the demographics of pharmacists (including experience in preceptorship). Dispensing practice was evaluated in the second domain. The questionnaires were distributed to a convenient sample of 100 pharmacists at the Annual Meeting of Bosnia and Herzegovina Pharmacists. The results were presented as counts (%). The groups (preceptors and non-preceptors) were compared using Mann-Whitney U test, paired assessments were analyzed by Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Spearman’s correlation was used to assess the correlation between variables. Results: Of the 100 pharmacists invited to participate, 84 completed the questionnaire (84 % response rate). There was no agreement between pharmacists’ real knowledge (average score - case 1: 2.71, case 2: 3.3) and their self-assessment (average score - case 1: 3.77, case 2: 3.91). There was no statistically significant difference in the actual knowledge of pharmacists (experienced/non-experienced in precepting), while the difference in the self-assessment was significant between these two groups. Conclusion: Pharmacists appear to overrate themselves, which leads to self-enhancement bias, in which the experience in precepting has some influence. Pharmacists’ capability in performing an objective self-assessment of their clinical knowledge needs to be carefully studied in the future to fully benefit patients.
PB  - BioMed Central Ltd
T2  - BMC Medical Education
T1  - Pharmacists’ clinical knowledge and practice in the safe use of contraceptives: real knowledge vs. self-perception and the implications
VL  - 21
IS  - 1
DO  - 10.1186/s12909-021-02864-9
ER  - 
author = "Golić-Jelić, Ana and Tasić, Ljiljana and Škrbić, Ranko and Marinković, Valentina and Stoisavljević Šatara, Svjetlana and Stojaković, Nataša and Marković Peković, Vanda and Godman, Brian",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Background: Pharmacists are often the first healthcare professionals that patients contact with their illnesses and requests for medical information, which is enhanced following the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Community pharmacists are expected and required to possess a broad spectrum of knowledge and skills. Self-assessment of these competencies is needed for their self-improvement. Purpose of the study: To assess pharmacists’ clinical knowledge and practice in the safe use of contraceptives, and to compare the scores obtained by external observation with pharmacists’ self-assessment of their knowledge as well as investigate the significance of preceptorship experiences. Contraceptives was chosen as the subject area in view of high rates of abortions as a means of contraception in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods: A questionnaire approach was used. The questionnaire included the following: the first domain contained two case scenarios (safe use of contraceptives), which evaluated clinical knowledge, a second domain in which pharmacists self-assessed their knowledge to resolve cases from the first domain and a third domain that measured the demographics of pharmacists (including experience in preceptorship). Dispensing practice was evaluated in the second domain. The questionnaires were distributed to a convenient sample of 100 pharmacists at the Annual Meeting of Bosnia and Herzegovina Pharmacists. The results were presented as counts (%). The groups (preceptors and non-preceptors) were compared using Mann-Whitney U test, paired assessments were analyzed by Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Spearman’s correlation was used to assess the correlation between variables. Results: Of the 100 pharmacists invited to participate, 84 completed the questionnaire (84 % response rate). There was no agreement between pharmacists’ real knowledge (average score - case 1: 2.71, case 2: 3.3) and their self-assessment (average score - case 1: 3.77, case 2: 3.91). There was no statistically significant difference in the actual knowledge of pharmacists (experienced/non-experienced in precepting), while the difference in the self-assessment was significant between these two groups. Conclusion: Pharmacists appear to overrate themselves, which leads to self-enhancement bias, in which the experience in precepting has some influence. Pharmacists’ capability in performing an objective self-assessment of their clinical knowledge needs to be carefully studied in the future to fully benefit patients.",
publisher = "BioMed Central Ltd",
journal = "BMC Medical Education",
title = "Pharmacists’ clinical knowledge and practice in the safe use of contraceptives: real knowledge vs. self-perception and the implications",
volume = "21",
number = "1",
doi = "10.1186/s12909-021-02864-9"
Golić-Jelić, A., Tasić, L., Škrbić, R., Marinković, V., Stoisavljević Šatara, S., Stojaković, N., Marković Peković, V.,& Godman, B.. (2021). Pharmacists’ clinical knowledge and practice in the safe use of contraceptives: real knowledge vs. self-perception and the implications. in BMC Medical Education
BioMed Central Ltd., 21(1).
Golić-Jelić A, Tasić L, Škrbić R, Marinković V, Stoisavljević Šatara S, Stojaković N, Marković Peković V, Godman B. Pharmacists’ clinical knowledge and practice in the safe use of contraceptives: real knowledge vs. self-perception and the implications. in BMC Medical Education. 2021;21(1).
doi:10.1186/s12909-021-02864-9 .
Golić-Jelić, Ana, Tasić, Ljiljana, Škrbić, Ranko, Marinković, Valentina, Stoisavljević Šatara, Svjetlana, Stojaković, Nataša, Marković Peković, Vanda, Godman, Brian, "Pharmacists’ clinical knowledge and practice in the safe use of contraceptives: real knowledge vs. self-perception and the implications" in BMC Medical Education, 21, no. 1 (2021),
https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-021-02864-9 . .

Research on the attitudes of the elderly towards interprofessional cooperation and collaborative pharmacy practices: Cross-sectional study in Serbia

Ilić, Velibor; Tasić, Ljiljana; Marinković, Valentina

(Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India, 2021)

AU  - Ilić, Velibor
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Marinković, Valentina
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3798
AB  - Background: Population aging is taking place at the highest historical rates, while growing needs for healthcare by the elderly put added and immense pressure predominantly on the primary care. Higher level of interprofessional collaboration is expected to improve healthcare system performance and to provide adequate delivery of healthcare for the elderly. This was the main driver for implementing the interprofessional collaborative models by many countries. However, these models need to be patient-centered and more focused on “what matters” to patient. This study aims to identify the attitudes of the elderly people (65+) towards interprofessional collaboration (IPC), namely collaborative pharmacy practice (CPP). Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in Serbia from May 2017 to July 2017, taking place in five Geriatric Centers. A total of 187 men and women (average age 76.2 years), were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Results: Respondents noted the insufficient visibility of the elderly and insufficient informing as the biggest problems faced by the elderly within the system of health and social care. The significant difference by gender and education was found in several questions. However, respondents believed that the efficiency of the healthcare system would significantly increase if there were closer cooperation and coordination between doctors, pharmacists and other healthcare workers. Conclusion: The lack of collaborative pharmacy practice represents a significant unused potential for improving healthcare for the elderly considerably, which under the conditions of limited resources may stipulate organizational changes or corrections. © 2021, Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India. All rights reserved.
PB  - Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India
T2  - Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
T1  - Research on the attitudes of the elderly towards interprofessional cooperation and collaborative pharmacy practices: Cross-sectional study in Serbia
VL  - 55
IS  - 1
SP  - 276
EP  - 287
DO  - 10.5530/ijper.55.1.31
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Velibor and Tasić, Ljiljana and Marinković, Valentina",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Background: Population aging is taking place at the highest historical rates, while growing needs for healthcare by the elderly put added and immense pressure predominantly on the primary care. Higher level of interprofessional collaboration is expected to improve healthcare system performance and to provide adequate delivery of healthcare for the elderly. This was the main driver for implementing the interprofessional collaborative models by many countries. However, these models need to be patient-centered and more focused on “what matters” to patient. This study aims to identify the attitudes of the elderly people (65+) towards interprofessional collaboration (IPC), namely collaborative pharmacy practice (CPP). Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in Serbia from May 2017 to July 2017, taking place in five Geriatric Centers. A total of 187 men and women (average age 76.2 years), were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Results: Respondents noted the insufficient visibility of the elderly and insufficient informing as the biggest problems faced by the elderly within the system of health and social care. The significant difference by gender and education was found in several questions. However, respondents believed that the efficiency of the healthcare system would significantly increase if there were closer cooperation and coordination between doctors, pharmacists and other healthcare workers. Conclusion: The lack of collaborative pharmacy practice represents a significant unused potential for improving healthcare for the elderly considerably, which under the conditions of limited resources may stipulate organizational changes or corrections. © 2021, Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India. All rights reserved.",
publisher = "Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India",
journal = "Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research",
title = "Research on the attitudes of the elderly towards interprofessional cooperation and collaborative pharmacy practices: Cross-sectional study in Serbia",
volume = "55",
number = "1",
pages = "276-287",
doi = "10.5530/ijper.55.1.31"
Ilić, V., Tasić, L.,& Marinković, V.. (2021). Research on the attitudes of the elderly towards interprofessional cooperation and collaborative pharmacy practices: Cross-sectional study in Serbia. in Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India., 55(1), 276-287.
Ilić V, Tasić L, Marinković V. Research on the attitudes of the elderly towards interprofessional cooperation and collaborative pharmacy practices: Cross-sectional study in Serbia. in Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. 2021;55(1):276-287.
doi:10.5530/ijper.55.1.31 .
Ilić, Velibor, Tasić, Ljiljana, Marinković, Valentina, "Research on the attitudes of the elderly towards interprofessional cooperation and collaborative pharmacy practices: Cross-sectional study in Serbia" in Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 55, no. 1 (2021):276-287,
https://doi.org/10.5530/ijper.55.1.31 . .

Community pharmacists’ attitudes and professional practice in relation to the patient safety incidents

Marinković, Valentina; Stojković, Tatjana; Zeković, Milica; Tasić, Ljiljana; Krajnović, Dušanka

(Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India, 2020)

AU  - Marinković, Valentina
AU  - Stojković, Tatjana
AU  - Zeković, Milica
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Krajnović, Dušanka
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3498
AB  - Background: Medicines dispensing is an error-prone activity, therefore potentially jeopardizing patient safety. This study aimed to assess the community pharmacists’ attitudes towards the causes of dispensing errors and preventive measures, as well as their practice in incidents reporting. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional survey was performed by distributing an adopted and validated questionnaire to a nationwide sample of community pharmacists in Serbia. The questionnaire included sections related to the participants’ socio-demographic characteristics, their attitudes towards factors causing dispensing errors and corrective actions, as well as their practice in reporting. Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS Statistics software ver. 21.0. The associations between categorical variables were analyzed using Chi-square test. Results: The study included 1,004 participants, mainly female (94.9%), with the mean age 40.9±9.9 years and mean work experience 14.3±10.0 years. More than a third of the participants (35.4%) indicated an increasing risk of dispensing errors. The main causes included illegible prescriber‘s handwriting (44.3%) and interruptions during dispensing (39.2%), while the major corrective actions were providing pharmacists with education in clinical pharmacy (71%) and reducing the interruptions during dispensing (63.9%). The majority of respondents (85.2%) stated that they routinely reported dispensing incidents. However, even 16.5% of them admitted to having fear sometimes or always. Additionally, only 58.1% of participants would use voluntary dispensing error reporting system. Conclusion: Serbian community pharmacists are aware of the existing risk in medicines dispensing and the corrective actions identified should be put into practice so as to manage them prospectively. Although the results indicate good practice in incidents reporting, conducting tailored educations and building of safety culture is necessary to improve patient safety.
PB  - Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India
T2  - Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
T1  - Community pharmacists’ attitudes and professional practice in relation to the patient safety incidents
VL  - 54
IS  - 1
SP  - 194
EP  - 205
DO  - 10.5530/ijper.54.1.23
ER  - 
author = "Marinković, Valentina and Stojković, Tatjana and Zeković, Milica and Tasić, Ljiljana and Krajnović, Dušanka",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Background: Medicines dispensing is an error-prone activity, therefore potentially jeopardizing patient safety. This study aimed to assess the community pharmacists’ attitudes towards the causes of dispensing errors and preventive measures, as well as their practice in incidents reporting. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional survey was performed by distributing an adopted and validated questionnaire to a nationwide sample of community pharmacists in Serbia. The questionnaire included sections related to the participants’ socio-demographic characteristics, their attitudes towards factors causing dispensing errors and corrective actions, as well as their practice in reporting. Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS Statistics software ver. 21.0. The associations between categorical variables were analyzed using Chi-square test. Results: The study included 1,004 participants, mainly female (94.9%), with the mean age 40.9±9.9 years and mean work experience 14.3±10.0 years. More than a third of the participants (35.4%) indicated an increasing risk of dispensing errors. The main causes included illegible prescriber‘s handwriting (44.3%) and interruptions during dispensing (39.2%), while the major corrective actions were providing pharmacists with education in clinical pharmacy (71%) and reducing the interruptions during dispensing (63.9%). The majority of respondents (85.2%) stated that they routinely reported dispensing incidents. However, even 16.5% of them admitted to having fear sometimes or always. Additionally, only 58.1% of participants would use voluntary dispensing error reporting system. Conclusion: Serbian community pharmacists are aware of the existing risk in medicines dispensing and the corrective actions identified should be put into practice so as to manage them prospectively. Although the results indicate good practice in incidents reporting, conducting tailored educations and building of safety culture is necessary to improve patient safety.",
publisher = "Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India",
journal = "Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research",
title = "Community pharmacists’ attitudes and professional practice in relation to the patient safety incidents",
volume = "54",
number = "1",
pages = "194-205",
doi = "10.5530/ijper.54.1.23"
Marinković, V., Stojković, T., Zeković, M., Tasić, L.,& Krajnović, D.. (2020). Community pharmacists’ attitudes and professional practice in relation to the patient safety incidents. in Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India., 54(1), 194-205.
Marinković V, Stojković T, Zeković M, Tasić L, Krajnović D. Community pharmacists’ attitudes and professional practice in relation to the patient safety incidents. in Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. 2020;54(1):194-205.
doi:10.5530/ijper.54.1.23 .
Marinković, Valentina, Stojković, Tatjana, Zeković, Milica, Tasić, Ljiljana, Krajnović, Dušanka, "Community pharmacists’ attitudes and professional practice in relation to the patient safety incidents" in Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 54, no. 1 (2020):194-205,
https://doi.org/10.5530/ijper.54.1.23 . .

Medication use in older patients and age-blind approach: narrative literature review (insufficient evidence on the efficacy and safety of drugs in older age, frequent use of PIMs and polypharmacy, and underuse of highly beneficial nonpharmacological strat

Fialová, Daniela; Laffon, Blanca; Marinković, Valentina; Tasić, Ljiljana; Doro, Peter; Soos, Gyongyver; Mota, Jorge; Dogan, Soner; Brkić, Jovana; Teixeira, Joao Paulo; Valdiglesias, Vanessa; Costa, Solange

(Springer Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 2019)

AU  - Fialová, Daniela
AU  - Laffon, Blanca
AU  - Marinković, Valentina
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Doro, Peter
AU  - Soos, Gyongyver
AU  - Mota, Jorge
AU  - Dogan, Soner
AU  - Brkić, Jovana
AU  - Teixeira, Joao Paulo
AU  - Valdiglesias, Vanessa
AU  - Costa, Solange
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3360
AB  - IntroductionThe importance of rational drug therapy is increasing with the aging of the population. Since one of the main reasons for inappropriate drug prescribing is also the age-blind approach, which results in ageist practices, this narrative literature review focuses on the description of the main barriers related to insufficient individualization of drug regimens associated with such age-blind approaches.MethodologyA narrative literature review using the PubMed, WoS, Embase, and Scopus databases was conducted by the EU COST Action IS1402. Experts in different scientific fields from six countries (the Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Serbia, and Turkey) worked in four specific areas: (1) underrepresentation of older adults in clinical trials and clinical and ethical consequences; (2) insufficient consideration of age-related changes and geriatric frailty in the evaluation of the therapeutic value of drugs; (3) frequent prescribing of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs); and (4) frequent underuse of highly beneficial nonpharmacological strategies (e.g., exercise).ResultsOlder patients are underrepresented in clinical trials. Therefore, rigorous observational geriatric research is needed in order to obtain evidence on the real efficacy and safety of frequently used drugs, and e.g. developed geriatric scales and frailty indexes for claims databases should help to stimulate such research. The use of PIMs, unfortunately, is still highly prevalent in Europe: 22.6% in community-dwelling older patients and 49.0% in institutionalized older adults. Specific tests to detect the majority of age-related pharmacological changes are usually not available in everyday clinical practice, which limits the estimation of drug risks and possibilities to individualize drug therapy in geriatric patients before drug prescription. Moreover, the role of somenonpharmacological strategies is highly underestimated in older adultsin contrast to frequent use of polypharmacy. Among nonpharmacological strategies, particularly physical exercise was highly effective in reducing functional decline, frailty, and the risk of falls in the majority of clinicalstudies.ConclusionSeveral regulatory and clinical barriers contribute to insufficient knowledge on the therapeutic value of drugs in older patients, age-blind approach, and inappropriate prescribing. New clinical and observational research is needed, including data on comprehensive geriatric assessment and frailty, to document the real efficacy and safety of frequently used medications.
PB  - Springer Heidelberg, Heidelberg
T2  - European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
T1  - Medication use in older patients and age-blind approach: narrative literature review (insufficient evidence on the efficacy and safety of drugs in older age, frequent use of PIMs and polypharmacy, and underuse of highly beneficial nonpharmacological strat
VL  - 75
IS  - 4
SP  - 451
EP  - 466
DO  - 10.1007/s00228-018-2603-5
ER  - 
author = "Fialová, Daniela and Laffon, Blanca and Marinković, Valentina and Tasić, Ljiljana and Doro, Peter and Soos, Gyongyver and Mota, Jorge and Dogan, Soner and Brkić, Jovana and Teixeira, Joao Paulo and Valdiglesias, Vanessa and Costa, Solange",
year = "2019",
abstract = "IntroductionThe importance of rational drug therapy is increasing with the aging of the population. Since one of the main reasons for inappropriate drug prescribing is also the age-blind approach, which results in ageist practices, this narrative literature review focuses on the description of the main barriers related to insufficient individualization of drug regimens associated with such age-blind approaches.MethodologyA narrative literature review using the PubMed, WoS, Embase, and Scopus databases was conducted by the EU COST Action IS1402. Experts in different scientific fields from six countries (the Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Serbia, and Turkey) worked in four specific areas: (1) underrepresentation of older adults in clinical trials and clinical and ethical consequences; (2) insufficient consideration of age-related changes and geriatric frailty in the evaluation of the therapeutic value of drugs; (3) frequent prescribing of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs); and (4) frequent underuse of highly beneficial nonpharmacological strategies (e.g., exercise).ResultsOlder patients are underrepresented in clinical trials. Therefore, rigorous observational geriatric research is needed in order to obtain evidence on the real efficacy and safety of frequently used drugs, and e.g. developed geriatric scales and frailty indexes for claims databases should help to stimulate such research. The use of PIMs, unfortunately, is still highly prevalent in Europe: 22.6% in community-dwelling older patients and 49.0% in institutionalized older adults. Specific tests to detect the majority of age-related pharmacological changes are usually not available in everyday clinical practice, which limits the estimation of drug risks and possibilities to individualize drug therapy in geriatric patients before drug prescription. Moreover, the role of somenonpharmacological strategies is highly underestimated in older adultsin contrast to frequent use of polypharmacy. Among nonpharmacological strategies, particularly physical exercise was highly effective in reducing functional decline, frailty, and the risk of falls in the majority of clinicalstudies.ConclusionSeveral regulatory and clinical barriers contribute to insufficient knowledge on the therapeutic value of drugs in older patients, age-blind approach, and inappropriate prescribing. New clinical and observational research is needed, including data on comprehensive geriatric assessment and frailty, to document the real efficacy and safety of frequently used medications.",
publisher = "Springer Heidelberg, Heidelberg",
journal = "European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology",
title = "Medication use in older patients and age-blind approach: narrative literature review (insufficient evidence on the efficacy and safety of drugs in older age, frequent use of PIMs and polypharmacy, and underuse of highly beneficial nonpharmacological strat",
volume = "75",
number = "4",
pages = "451-466",
doi = "10.1007/s00228-018-2603-5"
Fialová, D., Laffon, B., Marinković, V., Tasić, L., Doro, P., Soos, G., Mota, J., Dogan, S., Brkić, J., Teixeira, J. P., Valdiglesias, V.,& Costa, S.. (2019). Medication use in older patients and age-blind approach: narrative literature review (insufficient evidence on the efficacy and safety of drugs in older age, frequent use of PIMs and polypharmacy, and underuse of highly beneficial nonpharmacological strat. in European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Springer Heidelberg, Heidelberg., 75(4), 451-466.
Fialová D, Laffon B, Marinković V, Tasić L, Doro P, Soos G, Mota J, Dogan S, Brkić J, Teixeira JP, Valdiglesias V, Costa S. Medication use in older patients and age-blind approach: narrative literature review (insufficient evidence on the efficacy and safety of drugs in older age, frequent use of PIMs and polypharmacy, and underuse of highly beneficial nonpharmacological strat. in European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2019;75(4):451-466.
doi:10.1007/s00228-018-2603-5 .
Fialová, Daniela, Laffon, Blanca, Marinković, Valentina, Tasić, Ljiljana, Doro, Peter, Soos, Gyongyver, Mota, Jorge, Dogan, Soner, Brkić, Jovana, Teixeira, Joao Paulo, Valdiglesias, Vanessa, Costa, Solange, "Medication use in older patients and age-blind approach: narrative literature review (insufficient evidence on the efficacy and safety of drugs in older age, frequent use of PIMs and polypharmacy, and underuse of highly beneficial nonpharmacological strat" in European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 75, no. 4 (2019):451-466,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00228-018-2603-5 . .

Applicability of EU(7)-PIM criteria in cross-national studies in European countries

Fialová, Daniela; Brkić, Jovana; Laffon, Blanca; Reissigova, Jindra; Gresakova, Silvia; Dogan, Soner; Doro, Peter; Tasić, Ljiljana; Marinković, Valentina; Valdiglesias, Vanessa; Costa, Solange; Kostriba, Jan

(Sage Publications Ltd, London, 2019)

AU  - Fialová, Daniela
AU  - Brkić, Jovana
AU  - Laffon, Blanca
AU  - Reissigova, Jindra
AU  - Gresakova, Silvia
AU  - Dogan, Soner
AU  - Doro, Peter
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Marinković, Valentina
AU  - Valdiglesias, Vanessa
AU  - Costa, Solange
AU  - Kostriba, Jan
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3264
AB  - Background: The European Union (EU)(7)-PIM (potentially inappropriate medication) list presents the most comprehensive and up-to-date tool for evaluation of PIM prescribing in Europe; however, several country-specific studies have documented lower specificity of this list on pharmaceutical markets of some countries. The aim of our study was to describe approval rates and marketing of PIMs stated by EU(7)-PIM criteria in six EU countries [in comparison with the American Geriatric Society (AGS) Beers 2015 criteria]. Methods: Research teams of six EU countries (Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Hungary and Turkey) participated in this study conducted by WG1b EU COST Action IS1402 group in the period October 2015-November 2018. Data on approval rates of PIMs and their availability on pharmaceutical markets have been obtained from databases of national drug-regulatory institutes and up-to-date drug compendia. The EU(7)-PIM list and AGS Beers 2015 Criteria (Section 1) were applied. Results: PIMs from EU(7)-PIM list were approved for clinical use more often than those from the AGS Beers 2015 criteria (Section 1). Approval rates for EU(7)-PIMs ranged from 42.8% in Serbia to 71.4% in Spain (for AGS criteria only from 36.4% to 65.1%, respectively). Higher percentages of approved PIMs were documented in Spain (71.4%), Portugal (67.1%) and Turkey (67.5%), lower in Hungary (55.5%), Czech Republic (50.2%) and Serbia (42.8%). The majority of approved PIMs were also currently marketed in all countries except in Turkey (19.8-21.7% not marketed PIMs) and less than 20% of PIMs were available as over-the-counter medications (except in Turkey, 46.4-48.1%). Conclusions: The EU(7)-PIM list was created for utilization in European studies; however, applicability of this list is still limited in some countries, particularly in Eastern and Central Europe. The EU project EUROAGEISM H2020 (2017-2021) that focuses on PIM prescribing and regulatory measures in Central and Eastern European countries must consider these limits.
PB  - Sage Publications Ltd, London
T2  - Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safet
T1  - Applicability of EU(7)-PIM criteria in cross-national studies in European countries
VL  - 10
DO  - 10.1177/2042098619854014
ER  - 
author = "Fialová, Daniela and Brkić, Jovana and Laffon, Blanca and Reissigova, Jindra and Gresakova, Silvia and Dogan, Soner and Doro, Peter and Tasić, Ljiljana and Marinković, Valentina and Valdiglesias, Vanessa and Costa, Solange and Kostriba, Jan",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Background: The European Union (EU)(7)-PIM (potentially inappropriate medication) list presents the most comprehensive and up-to-date tool for evaluation of PIM prescribing in Europe; however, several country-specific studies have documented lower specificity of this list on pharmaceutical markets of some countries. The aim of our study was to describe approval rates and marketing of PIMs stated by EU(7)-PIM criteria in six EU countries [in comparison with the American Geriatric Society (AGS) Beers 2015 criteria]. Methods: Research teams of six EU countries (Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Hungary and Turkey) participated in this study conducted by WG1b EU COST Action IS1402 group in the period October 2015-November 2018. Data on approval rates of PIMs and their availability on pharmaceutical markets have been obtained from databases of national drug-regulatory institutes and up-to-date drug compendia. The EU(7)-PIM list and AGS Beers 2015 Criteria (Section 1) were applied. Results: PIMs from EU(7)-PIM list were approved for clinical use more often than those from the AGS Beers 2015 criteria (Section 1). Approval rates for EU(7)-PIMs ranged from 42.8% in Serbia to 71.4% in Spain (for AGS criteria only from 36.4% to 65.1%, respectively). Higher percentages of approved PIMs were documented in Spain (71.4%), Portugal (67.1%) and Turkey (67.5%), lower in Hungary (55.5%), Czech Republic (50.2%) and Serbia (42.8%). The majority of approved PIMs were also currently marketed in all countries except in Turkey (19.8-21.7% not marketed PIMs) and less than 20% of PIMs were available as over-the-counter medications (except in Turkey, 46.4-48.1%). Conclusions: The EU(7)-PIM list was created for utilization in European studies; however, applicability of this list is still limited in some countries, particularly in Eastern and Central Europe. The EU project EUROAGEISM H2020 (2017-2021) that focuses on PIM prescribing and regulatory measures in Central and Eastern European countries must consider these limits.",
publisher = "Sage Publications Ltd, London",
journal = "Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safet",
title = "Applicability of EU(7)-PIM criteria in cross-national studies in European countries",
volume = "10",
doi = "10.1177/2042098619854014"
Fialová, D., Brkić, J., Laffon, B., Reissigova, J., Gresakova, S., Dogan, S., Doro, P., Tasić, L., Marinković, V., Valdiglesias, V., Costa, S.,& Kostriba, J.. (2019). Applicability of EU(7)-PIM criteria in cross-national studies in European countries. in Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safet
Sage Publications Ltd, London., 10.
Fialová D, Brkić J, Laffon B, Reissigova J, Gresakova S, Dogan S, Doro P, Tasić L, Marinković V, Valdiglesias V, Costa S, Kostriba J. Applicability of EU(7)-PIM criteria in cross-national studies in European countries. in Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safet. 2019;10.
doi:10.1177/2042098619854014 .
Fialová, Daniela, Brkić, Jovana, Laffon, Blanca, Reissigova, Jindra, Gresakova, Silvia, Dogan, Soner, Doro, Peter, Tasić, Ljiljana, Marinković, Valentina, Valdiglesias, Vanessa, Costa, Solange, Kostriba, Jan, "Applicability of EU(7)-PIM criteria in cross-national studies in European countries" in Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safet, 10 (2019),
https://doi.org/10.1177/2042098619854014 . .

Analysis of pharmaceutical care services in Serbian community pharmacies: comparative study

Tadić, Ivana; Tasić, Ljiljana; Odalović, Marina; Lakić, Dragana

(Springer, 2019)

AU  - Tadić, Ivana
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Odalović, Marina
AU  - Lakić, Dragana
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3373
PB  - Springer
C3  - International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
T1  - Analysis of pharmaceutical care services in Serbian community pharmacies: comparative study
VL  - 41
IS  - 2
SP  - 609
EP  - 609
DO  - 10.1007/s11096-019-00805-7
ER  - 
author = "Tadić, Ivana and Tasić, Ljiljana and Odalović, Marina and Lakić, Dragana",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy",
title = "Analysis of pharmaceutical care services in Serbian community pharmacies: comparative study",
volume = "41",
number = "2",
pages = "609-609",
doi = "10.1007/s11096-019-00805-7"
Tadić, I., Tasić, L., Odalović, M.,& Lakić, D.. (2019). Analysis of pharmaceutical care services in Serbian community pharmacies: comparative study. in International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
Springer., 41(2), 609-609.
Tadić I, Tasić L, Odalović M, Lakić D. Analysis of pharmaceutical care services in Serbian community pharmacies: comparative study. in International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2019;41(2):609-609.
doi:10.1007/s11096-019-00805-7 .
Tadić, Ivana, Tasić, Ljiljana, Odalović, Marina, Lakić, Dragana, "Analysis of pharmaceutical care services in Serbian community pharmacies: comparative study" in International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 41, no. 2 (2019):609-609,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11096-019-00805-7 . .

Interprofesionalno obrazovanje studenata zdravstvenih nauka ‐ prva iskustva na Univerzitetu u Beogradu

Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela; Tadić, Ivana; Vezmar-Kovačević, Sandra; Radović, Katarina; Parojčić, Jelena; Tasić, Ljiljana

(Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije, 2018)

AU  - Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela
AU  - Tadić, Ivana
AU  - Vezmar-Kovačević, Sandra
AU  - Radović, Katarina
AU  - Parojčić, Jelena
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4221
AB  - Interprofesionalno obrazovanje (IPO) predstavlja jednu od ključnih reformi u obrazovanju zdravstvenih profesionalaca preporučenih u cilju jačanja zdravstvenog sistema. Ovaj važan pedagoški pristup razvija zdravstvene profesionalce za pružanje zdravstvene zaštite u zajedničkom okruženju, budući da interprofesionalni timovi poboljšavaju kvalitet pružene zdravstvene usluge, smanjuju finansijske troškove lečenja i umanjuju mogućnost medicinske greške. U ovom radu predstavljamo prvo iskustvo IPO na fakultetima zdravstvenih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu. Zajednički izborni predmet „Interprofesionalno obrazovanje” realizovan je na Medicinskom fakultetu, Farmaceutskom fakultetu i Stomatološkom fakultetu tokom školske 2017/2018 godine. Nastavu je pohađalo ukupno 69 studenata sa četiri studijska programa: Medicina (10), Farmacija (26), Dentalna Medicina (17) i Sestrinstvo (16). Interprofesionalne grupe studenata (n=6) sastojale su se od studenata završnih godina navedenih zdravstvenih profilakoji imaju specifična znanja, veštine i sposobnosti. Nastava je organizovana on‐line (e‐platforma) i on‐site u okviru radionica. Na tri radionice, interprofesionalni timovi studenata razmatrali su kliničke slučajeve pacijenta sa  akutnim koronarnim sindromom, pacijenta sa dijabetesom i slučaj gerijatrijskog pacijenta. Radionice su vodili moderatori ‐ nastavnici i saradnici sva tri fakulteta. Praćenjem procesa nastave i evaluacije studenata zapaženo je da su studenti bili veoma zainteresovani za ovakav vid učenja, ali bi trebalo da se bolje pripreme za radionice(deo nastave na e–platformi) jer IPO zahteva efikasnu komunikaciju, jasno razumevanje uloga i dinamike tima, kao i sposobnost za efikasno rešavanje konflikta. Inteprofesionalne grupe studenata su sumirale svoja zapažanja i ekspertizu
karakterističnu za svoju profesiju i komunicirale kao tim za pružanje optimalne nege pacijenta u svakom analiziranom kliničkom slučaju. Međutim, pojedini nastavnici u ulozi moderatora izveli su individualne procene pacijenta što ne predstavljaIPO. Ova iskustva ukazuju na buduće korake razvoja IPO na Univerzitetu u Beogradu u smislu edukacije moderatora radionica i boljeg razumevanjakoncepta i cilja IPO.
AB  - Interprofessional education (IPE) is one of the key health education reforms recommended to strengthen health systems. It is an important pedagogical approach to develop health sciences students to provide patient care in a collaborative team environment. Interprofessional teams enhance the quality of patient care, lower costs, and reduce medical errors. In this paper, we present the first experience ofIPE at the faculties of health sciences of University of Belgrade. The joint elective subject „Interprofessional education” was conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy and School of Dental Medicine during the school year 2017/2018. The subject was attended by a total of 69 students from the four study programs: Medicine (10), Pharmacy (26), Dental Medicine (17) and Nursing (16). Interprofessional student groups (n=6) were composed of students from the different study programs who have specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities. Teaching and learning was organized on‐line (e‐ platform) and on‐situ through joint workshops. In three workshops, students examined clinical cases of a patient with acute coronary syndrome, a patient with diabetes, and a geriatric patient case. The workshops were facilitated by academic staffs of all three faculties. Through monitoring of the process of teaching and evaluation of students, it was observed that students were very interested in this type of learning, but should be better prepared for the workshop because interprofessional practice requires effective communication, clear understanding of roles and team dynamics, as well as ability to effectively resolve conflict. Interporfessional student groups were synthesizing their observations and profession‐specific expertise to collaborate and communicate as a team for optimal patient carein each clinical case considered. However, some teachers in the role of facilitators carried out individual assessments of a patient that does not represent an interprofessional education. These experiences indicate future steps of development of IPE at the University of Belgrade in terms of educating facilitators and better understanding of concept and goal of IPE.
PB  - Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije
C3  - Arhiv za farmaciju
T1  - Interprofesionalno obrazovanje studenata zdravstvenih nauka ‐ prva iskustva na Univerzitetu u Beogradu
T1  - Interprofessional education of health sciences students ‐ the first experience at the University of Belgrade
VL  - 68
IS  - 3
SP  - 794
EP  - 795
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4221
ER  - 
author = "Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela and Tadić, Ivana and Vezmar-Kovačević, Sandra and Radović, Katarina and Parojčić, Jelena and Tasić, Ljiljana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Interprofesionalno obrazovanje (IPO) predstavlja jednu od ključnih reformi u obrazovanju zdravstvenih profesionalaca preporučenih u cilju jačanja zdravstvenog sistema. Ovaj važan pedagoški pristup razvija zdravstvene profesionalce za pružanje zdravstvene zaštite u zajedničkom okruženju, budući da interprofesionalni timovi poboljšavaju kvalitet pružene zdravstvene usluge, smanjuju finansijske troškove lečenja i umanjuju mogućnost medicinske greške. U ovom radu predstavljamo prvo iskustvo IPO na fakultetima zdravstvenih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu. Zajednički izborni predmet „Interprofesionalno obrazovanje” realizovan je na Medicinskom fakultetu, Farmaceutskom fakultetu i Stomatološkom fakultetu tokom školske 2017/2018 godine. Nastavu je pohađalo ukupno 69 studenata sa četiri studijska programa: Medicina (10), Farmacija (26), Dentalna Medicina (17) i Sestrinstvo (16). Interprofesionalne grupe studenata (n=6) sastojale su se od studenata završnih godina navedenih zdravstvenih profilakoji imaju specifična znanja, veštine i sposobnosti. Nastava je organizovana on‐line (e‐platforma) i on‐site u okviru radionica. Na tri radionice, interprofesionalni timovi studenata razmatrali su kliničke slučajeve pacijenta sa  akutnim koronarnim sindromom, pacijenta sa dijabetesom i slučaj gerijatrijskog pacijenta. Radionice su vodili moderatori ‐ nastavnici i saradnici sva tri fakulteta. Praćenjem procesa nastave i evaluacije studenata zapaženo je da su studenti bili veoma zainteresovani za ovakav vid učenja, ali bi trebalo da se bolje pripreme za radionice(deo nastave na e–platformi) jer IPO zahteva efikasnu komunikaciju, jasno razumevanje uloga i dinamike tima, kao i sposobnost za efikasno rešavanje konflikta. Inteprofesionalne grupe studenata su sumirale svoja zapažanja i ekspertizu
karakterističnu za svoju profesiju i komunicirale kao tim za pružanje optimalne nege pacijenta u svakom analiziranom kliničkom slučaju. Međutim, pojedini nastavnici u ulozi moderatora izveli su individualne procene pacijenta što ne predstavljaIPO. Ova iskustva ukazuju na buduće korake razvoja IPO na Univerzitetu u Beogradu u smislu edukacije moderatora radionica i boljeg razumevanjakoncepta i cilja IPO., Interprofessional education (IPE) is one of the key health education reforms recommended to strengthen health systems. It is an important pedagogical approach to develop health sciences students to provide patient care in a collaborative team environment. Interprofessional teams enhance the quality of patient care, lower costs, and reduce medical errors. In this paper, we present the first experience ofIPE at the faculties of health sciences of University of Belgrade. The joint elective subject „Interprofessional education” was conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy and School of Dental Medicine during the school year 2017/2018. The subject was attended by a total of 69 students from the four study programs: Medicine (10), Pharmacy (26), Dental Medicine (17) and Nursing (16). Interprofessional student groups (n=6) were composed of students from the different study programs who have specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities. Teaching and learning was organized on‐line (e‐ platform) and on‐situ through joint workshops. In three workshops, students examined clinical cases of a patient with acute coronary syndrome, a patient with diabetes, and a geriatric patient case. The workshops were facilitated by academic staffs of all three faculties. Through monitoring of the process of teaching and evaluation of students, it was observed that students were very interested in this type of learning, but should be better prepared for the workshop because interprofessional practice requires effective communication, clear understanding of roles and team dynamics, as well as ability to effectively resolve conflict. Interporfessional student groups were synthesizing their observations and profession‐specific expertise to collaborate and communicate as a team for optimal patient carein each clinical case considered. However, some teachers in the role of facilitators carried out individual assessments of a patient that does not represent an interprofessional education. These experiences indicate future steps of development of IPE at the University of Belgrade in terms of educating facilitators and better understanding of concept and goal of IPE.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije",
journal = "Arhiv za farmaciju",
title = "Interprofesionalno obrazovanje studenata zdravstvenih nauka ‐ prva iskustva na Univerzitetu u Beogradu, Interprofessional education of health sciences students ‐ the first experience at the University of Belgrade",
volume = "68",
number = "3",
pages = "794-795",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4221"
Đukić-Ćosić, D., Tadić, I., Vezmar-Kovačević, S., Radović, K., Parojčić, J.,& Tasić, L.. (2018). Interprofesionalno obrazovanje studenata zdravstvenih nauka ‐ prva iskustva na Univerzitetu u Beogradu. in Arhiv za farmaciju
Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije., 68(3), 794-795.
Đukić-Ćosić D, Tadić I, Vezmar-Kovačević S, Radović K, Parojčić J, Tasić L. Interprofesionalno obrazovanje studenata zdravstvenih nauka ‐ prva iskustva na Univerzitetu u Beogradu. in Arhiv za farmaciju. 2018;68(3):794-795.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4221 .
Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela, Tadić, Ivana, Vezmar-Kovačević, Sandra, Radović, Katarina, Parojčić, Jelena, Tasić, Ljiljana, "Interprofesionalno obrazovanje studenata zdravstvenih nauka ‐ prva iskustva na Univerzitetu u Beogradu" in Arhiv za farmaciju, 68, no. 3 (2018):794-795,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4221 .

Pružanje usluge savetovanja starijih pacijenata o primeni Lekova – stavovi farmaceuta

Tadić, Ivana; Tasić, Ljiljana; Bošković, Isidora; Mijatović, Stefan; Jović, Sanja; Odalović, Marina; Lakić, Dragana

(Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije, 2018)

AU  - Tadić, Ivana
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Bošković, Isidora
AU  - Mijatović, Stefan
AU  - Jović, Sanja
AU  - Odalović, Marina
AU  - Lakić, Dragana
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4236
AB  - Pacijenti starije životne dobi primenjuju uglavnom veliki broj lekova. Tokom procesa izdavanja lekova i savetovanja pacijenata farmaceuti mogu značajno da doprinesu racionalnoj upotrebi lekova. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispitaju stavovi farmaceuta o uslugama savetovanja starijih pacijenata o primeni lekova. Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom 2018. godine u više lanaca apoteka u Srbiji uz pomoć namenski kreiranog on‐line upitnika. Upitnike su popunjavali samo farmaceuti. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 154 farmaceuta, pretežno ženskog pola (87,1%), prosečne starosti 38,3 godina i radnog staža 12,8 godina. Kada su u pitanju informacije o lekovima, pacijenti najviše veruju lekarima specijalistima (39,6%), farmaceutima (31,2%), lekarima opšte prakse (18,8%), i ljudima iz njihovog okruženja (10,4%). Farmaceuti najčešće pružaju informacije o upotrebi lekova (100,0%), indikacijama za upotrebu lekova (91,6%), dužini primene leka (77,9%), interakcijama sa hranom i lekovima (72,7%) i neželjenim reakcijama na lek (53,2%). Gužva u apoteci je najčešća (73,6%) barijera za adekvatno savetovanje pacijenata prepoznata od strane farmaceuta. Oko polovine farmaceuta (51,6%) smatra da usluga savetovanja starijih pacijenata treba da bude plaćena. Farmaceuti imaju jasan stav da je usluga savetovanja starijih pacijenata o primeni lekova od velikog značaja za kvalitet zdravstvene zaštite. Ovakva vrsta analize može pružiti smernice kako da se razviju farmaceutske usluge i kako da se implementiraju u svakodnevnoj praksi.
AB  - Elderly patients mostly use a large number of medicines. Pharmacists can contribute significantly to the rational use of medicines during the process of dispensing medicines and patient counseling. The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes of pharmacists about the services of counseling elderly patients on the safe use of medicines. The study was conducted in 2018 within several pharmacy chains in Serbia using on‐line questionnaire designed for this research. The questionnaires were filled out only by pharmacists. The study included 154 pharmacists, mostly female (87.1%), aged 38.3 years and 12.8 years of service in average. When it comes to information on medicines, patients mostly trust physicians (39.6%), pharmacists (31.2%), general practitioners (18.8%) and friends (10.4%). Pharmacists often provide information on medicines use
(100.0%), indications (91.6%), duration of administration (77.9%), medicines interactions with food and other medicines (72.7%) and adverse drug reactions (53.2%). The most common barrier for adequate counseling of patients recognized by pharmacist was crowded pharmacy (73.6%). About half of pharmacists (51.6%) think that elderly patient counseling services should be paid. Pharmacists think that the counseling service of elderly patients about safe use of medicines is of great importance for the quality of health care. This type of analysis can provide guidance on how to develop and implement pharmaceutical services.
PB  - Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije
C3  - Arhiv za farmaciju
T1  - Pružanje usluge savetovanja starijih pacijenata o primeni Lekova – stavovi farmaceuta
T1  - Provision of pharmaceutical service to elderly patients about safe use of medicines ‐ the attitudes of pharmacists
VL  - 68
IS  - 3
SP  - 749
EP  - 750
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4236
ER  - 
author = "Tadić, Ivana and Tasić, Ljiljana and Bošković, Isidora and Mijatović, Stefan and Jović, Sanja and Odalović, Marina and Lakić, Dragana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Pacijenti starije životne dobi primenjuju uglavnom veliki broj lekova. Tokom procesa izdavanja lekova i savetovanja pacijenata farmaceuti mogu značajno da doprinesu racionalnoj upotrebi lekova. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispitaju stavovi farmaceuta o uslugama savetovanja starijih pacijenata o primeni lekova. Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom 2018. godine u više lanaca apoteka u Srbiji uz pomoć namenski kreiranog on‐line upitnika. Upitnike su popunjavali samo farmaceuti. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 154 farmaceuta, pretežno ženskog pola (87,1%), prosečne starosti 38,3 godina i radnog staža 12,8 godina. Kada su u pitanju informacije o lekovima, pacijenti najviše veruju lekarima specijalistima (39,6%), farmaceutima (31,2%), lekarima opšte prakse (18,8%), i ljudima iz njihovog okruženja (10,4%). Farmaceuti najčešće pružaju informacije o upotrebi lekova (100,0%), indikacijama za upotrebu lekova (91,6%), dužini primene leka (77,9%), interakcijama sa hranom i lekovima (72,7%) i neželjenim reakcijama na lek (53,2%). Gužva u apoteci je najčešća (73,6%) barijera za adekvatno savetovanje pacijenata prepoznata od strane farmaceuta. Oko polovine farmaceuta (51,6%) smatra da usluga savetovanja starijih pacijenata treba da bude plaćena. Farmaceuti imaju jasan stav da je usluga savetovanja starijih pacijenata o primeni lekova od velikog značaja za kvalitet zdravstvene zaštite. Ovakva vrsta analize može pružiti smernice kako da se razviju farmaceutske usluge i kako da se implementiraju u svakodnevnoj praksi., Elderly patients mostly use a large number of medicines. Pharmacists can contribute significantly to the rational use of medicines during the process of dispensing medicines and patient counseling. The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes of pharmacists about the services of counseling elderly patients on the safe use of medicines. The study was conducted in 2018 within several pharmacy chains in Serbia using on‐line questionnaire designed for this research. The questionnaires were filled out only by pharmacists. The study included 154 pharmacists, mostly female (87.1%), aged 38.3 years and 12.8 years of service in average. When it comes to information on medicines, patients mostly trust physicians (39.6%), pharmacists (31.2%), general practitioners (18.8%) and friends (10.4%). Pharmacists often provide information on medicines use
(100.0%), indications (91.6%), duration of administration (77.9%), medicines interactions with food and other medicines (72.7%) and adverse drug reactions (53.2%). The most common barrier for adequate counseling of patients recognized by pharmacist was crowded pharmacy (73.6%). About half of pharmacists (51.6%) think that elderly patient counseling services should be paid. Pharmacists think that the counseling service of elderly patients about safe use of medicines is of great importance for the quality of health care. This type of analysis can provide guidance on how to develop and implement pharmaceutical services.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije",
journal = "Arhiv za farmaciju",
title = "Pružanje usluge savetovanja starijih pacijenata o primeni Lekova – stavovi farmaceuta, Provision of pharmaceutical service to elderly patients about safe use of medicines ‐ the attitudes of pharmacists",
volume = "68",
number = "3",
pages = "749-750",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4236"
Tadić, I., Tasić, L., Bošković, I., Mijatović, S., Jović, S., Odalović, M.,& Lakić, D.. (2018). Pružanje usluge savetovanja starijih pacijenata o primeni Lekova – stavovi farmaceuta. in Arhiv za farmaciju
Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije., 68(3), 749-750.
Tadić I, Tasić L, Bošković I, Mijatović S, Jović S, Odalović M, Lakić D. Pružanje usluge savetovanja starijih pacijenata o primeni Lekova – stavovi farmaceuta. in Arhiv za farmaciju. 2018;68(3):749-750.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4236 .
Tadić, Ivana, Tasić, Ljiljana, Bošković, Isidora, Mijatović, Stefan, Jović, Sanja, Odalović, Marina, Lakić, Dragana, "Pružanje usluge savetovanja starijih pacijenata o primeni Lekova – stavovi farmaceuta" in Arhiv za farmaciju, 68, no. 3 (2018):749-750,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4236 .

Stavovi pacijenata i upotreba lekova bez lekarskog recepta na teritoriji grada beograda –analiza promena i trendova

Plazinić, Tatjana; Tadić, Ivana; Odalović, Marina; Tasić, Ljiljana; Lakić, Dragana

(Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije, 2018)

AU  - Plazinić, Tatjana
AU  - Tadić, Ivana
AU  - Odalović, Marina
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Lakić, Dragana
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4218
AB  - Preporuka za lečenje blažih zdravstvenih tegoba i savetovanje za upotrebu lekova koji se izdaju bez lekarskog recepta je obaveza farmaceuta. Ovo istraživanje urađeno je sa ciljem da se uporede stavovi pacijenata i upotreba BR lekova u 2014. i 2018. godini. Istraživanje sa pacijentima Apoteke Beograd sprovedeno 2014. godine ponovljeno je u maju 2018. godine prateći istu metodologiju. U istraživanju je korišćen isti upitnik kreiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Pacijenti su samostalno i dobrovoljno popunjavali upitnik. U ponovljenom istraživanju učestvovao je veći broj pacijenata (90 vs. 57) starije životne dobi ( x =65,716,5 vs. x =47,617,2 godina). Veći broj pacijenata bio je ženskog pola (57,8% vs. 38,6%) sa manjom zastupljenošću hroničnih bolesti (30,0% vs. 42,1%). I dalje najveći procenat pacijenata kupuje BR lekove jednom mesečno ili češće (46,7% vs. 50,9%). Uticaj farmaceuta na izbor leka opao je tokom ovog perioda (36,7% vs. 57,1%), dok je uticaj lekara povećan (38,9% vs. 32,1%). Kao i u prethodnom istraživanju pacijenti su najčešće koristili BR lekove za bolove i probleme digestivnog trakta. Takođe, BR lekove se najčešće koriste na prvi znak bolesti, a najređe ako je bolest veoma ozbiljna. U oba istraživanja najveći broj pacijenata smatrao je da BR lekovi ne dovode do ozbiljnih neželjenih reakcija (57,8% vs. 42,1%) i da su potpuno bezbedni za upotrebu (56,7% vs. 43,9%). Ponovljeno istraživanje pokazalo je da pacijenti manje koriste BR lekove u odnosu na prethodni period. Uticaj farmaceuta na izbor leka je smanjen za razliku od uticaja lekara. Dalja istraživanja bi trebalo da se baziraju na detaljnije ispitivanje da li pacijenti imaju bolju zdravstvenu pismenost ili se poverenje u farmaceute smanjuje kada je u pitanju izbor BR leka.
AB  - Recommending effective minor ailment treatments and using non‐prescription medicines (NPM) is a pharmacist's duty. The aim of this study was to compare results of the studies about patients’ attitudes and NPM use conducted in 2014 and 2018 year. The research conducted in 2014 year was repeated in 2018 year using the same self‐administered questionnaire and methodology. More patients participated in the repeated research (90 vs. 57). They were older ( x =65.716.5 vs. x =47.617.2 year), mostly female gender (57.8% vs. 38.6%) and with less chronically diseases (30.0% vs. 42.1%) compared to the results of the previous research. Still, the most patients buy the NPM once a month or more often (46.7% vs. 50.9%). The influence of the pharmacists in the NPM selection was lesser (36.7% vs. 57.1%)while the influence of the doctors was bigger (38.9% vs. 32.1%). As in the previous research, patients mostly use NPM for pain and gastro‐intestinal problems. Also, the most of the patients use the NPM at the first sign of illness and the least if the disease is very serious. In both researches the most patients think that NPM can not cause serious adverse drug reactions (57.8% vs. 42.1%) and that NPM are safe medicines (56.7% vs. 43.9%).
The repeated research indicated that patients use less NPM medicines. The influence of the pharmacists in NPM choice was reduced unlike the influence of the doctors. Further research should examine the NPM use with the aspects of heath literacy of the patients and patients' confidence in their pharmacists.
PB  - Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije
C3  - Arhiv za farmaciju
T1  - Stavovi pacijenata i upotreba lekova bez lekarskog recepta na teritoriji grada beograda –analiza promena i trendova
T1  - Attitudes of patients and usage of non‐prescription medicines in Belgrade – changes over the last four years
VL  - 68
IS  - 3
SP  - 751
EP  - 752
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4218
ER  - 
author = "Plazinić, Tatjana and Tadić, Ivana and Odalović, Marina and Tasić, Ljiljana and Lakić, Dragana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Preporuka za lečenje blažih zdravstvenih tegoba i savetovanje za upotrebu lekova koji se izdaju bez lekarskog recepta je obaveza farmaceuta. Ovo istraživanje urađeno je sa ciljem da se uporede stavovi pacijenata i upotreba BR lekova u 2014. i 2018. godini. Istraživanje sa pacijentima Apoteke Beograd sprovedeno 2014. godine ponovljeno je u maju 2018. godine prateći istu metodologiju. U istraživanju je korišćen isti upitnik kreiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Pacijenti su samostalno i dobrovoljno popunjavali upitnik. U ponovljenom istraživanju učestvovao je veći broj pacijenata (90 vs. 57) starije životne dobi ( x =65,716,5 vs. x =47,617,2 godina). Veći broj pacijenata bio je ženskog pola (57,8% vs. 38,6%) sa manjom zastupljenošću hroničnih bolesti (30,0% vs. 42,1%). I dalje najveći procenat pacijenata kupuje BR lekove jednom mesečno ili češće (46,7% vs. 50,9%). Uticaj farmaceuta na izbor leka opao je tokom ovog perioda (36,7% vs. 57,1%), dok je uticaj lekara povećan (38,9% vs. 32,1%). Kao i u prethodnom istraživanju pacijenti su najčešće koristili BR lekove za bolove i probleme digestivnog trakta. Takođe, BR lekove se najčešće koriste na prvi znak bolesti, a najređe ako je bolest veoma ozbiljna. U oba istraživanja najveći broj pacijenata smatrao je da BR lekovi ne dovode do ozbiljnih neželjenih reakcija (57,8% vs. 42,1%) i da su potpuno bezbedni za upotrebu (56,7% vs. 43,9%). Ponovljeno istraživanje pokazalo je da pacijenti manje koriste BR lekove u odnosu na prethodni period. Uticaj farmaceuta na izbor leka je smanjen za razliku od uticaja lekara. Dalja istraživanja bi trebalo da se baziraju na detaljnije ispitivanje da li pacijenti imaju bolju zdravstvenu pismenost ili se poverenje u farmaceute smanjuje kada je u pitanju izbor BR leka., Recommending effective minor ailment treatments and using non‐prescription medicines (NPM) is a pharmacist's duty. The aim of this study was to compare results of the studies about patients’ attitudes and NPM use conducted in 2014 and 2018 year. The research conducted in 2014 year was repeated in 2018 year using the same self‐administered questionnaire and methodology. More patients participated in the repeated research (90 vs. 57). They were older ( x =65.716.5 vs. x =47.617.2 year), mostly female gender (57.8% vs. 38.6%) and with less chronically diseases (30.0% vs. 42.1%) compared to the results of the previous research. Still, the most patients buy the NPM once a month or more often (46.7% vs. 50.9%). The influence of the pharmacists in the NPM selection was lesser (36.7% vs. 57.1%)while the influence of the doctors was bigger (38.9% vs. 32.1%). As in the previous research, patients mostly use NPM for pain and gastro‐intestinal problems. Also, the most of the patients use the NPM at the first sign of illness and the least if the disease is very serious. In both researches the most patients think that NPM can not cause serious adverse drug reactions (57.8% vs. 42.1%) and that NPM are safe medicines (56.7% vs. 43.9%).
The repeated research indicated that patients use less NPM medicines. The influence of the pharmacists in NPM choice was reduced unlike the influence of the doctors. Further research should examine the NPM use with the aspects of heath literacy of the patients and patients' confidence in their pharmacists.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije",
journal = "Arhiv za farmaciju",
title = "Stavovi pacijenata i upotreba lekova bez lekarskog recepta na teritoriji grada beograda –analiza promena i trendova, Attitudes of patients and usage of non‐prescription medicines in Belgrade – changes over the last four years",
volume = "68",
number = "3",
pages = "751-752",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4218"
Plazinić, T., Tadić, I., Odalović, M., Tasić, L.,& Lakić, D.. (2018). Stavovi pacijenata i upotreba lekova bez lekarskog recepta na teritoriji grada beograda –analiza promena i trendova. in Arhiv za farmaciju
Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije., 68(3), 751-752.
Plazinić T, Tadić I, Odalović M, Tasić L, Lakić D. Stavovi pacijenata i upotreba lekova bez lekarskog recepta na teritoriji grada beograda –analiza promena i trendova. in Arhiv za farmaciju. 2018;68(3):751-752.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4218 .
Plazinić, Tatjana, Tadić, Ivana, Odalović, Marina, Tasić, Ljiljana, Lakić, Dragana, "Stavovi pacijenata i upotreba lekova bez lekarskog recepta na teritoriji grada beograda –analiza promena i trendova" in Arhiv za farmaciju, 68, no. 3 (2018):751-752,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4218 .

Ispitivanje faktora rizika za razvoj osteoporoze u Populaciji žena

Majkić, Zorana; Tadić, Ivana; Tasić, Ljiljana

(Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije, 2018)

AU  - Majkić, Zorana
AU  - Tadić, Ivana
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4235
AB  - Osteoporoza je najzastupljenije sistemsko metaboličko oboljenje koštanog sistema. Faktori rizika za razvoj osteoporoze se mogu podeliti na promenljive i nepromenljive. Farmaceuti u javnim apotekama su u prilici da sakupe podatke od pacijenata i utvrde prisustvo faktora rizika za razvoj osteoporoze. Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje prisustva faktora rizika i procena znanja mladih žena o osteoporozi. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u Apoteci Beograd tokom maja 2018. godine. U apotekama su anketirane ženestarosti od 18 do 45 godina. Ispitanice su zamoljene da popune upitnik koji se sastoji iz dva dela: deo koji ispituje prisustvo faktora rizika i deo koji procenjuje nivo znanja o osteoporozi. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 73 žena prosečne starosti 35,6 godina i prosečne vrednosti indeksa telesne mase ITM=22,4 kg/m 2 (16,2% žena je imalo ITM<18,5 kg/m 2 ). Samo je jedna žena bila u menopauzi. Kod nekih žena su bili prisutni nasledni faktori (fraktura kuka kod majke/bake (17,8%); prisutna pogrbljenost kod roditelja (19,2%); osteoporoza kod roditelja (15,1%)). Kod više žena utvrđeno je prisustvo faktora povezanih sa životnim navikama (35,6% ne praktikuje fizičku aktivnost; 49,3% vodi sedentarni način života; 19,2% su pušači; 24,7% ne konzumira mlečne proizvode). Od bolesti udruženih sa osteoporozom zabeležene su: problemi sa vidom (35,6%), hipertireoidizam (11,0%), terapija kortikosteroidima (5,5%) i reumatoidni artritis (4,1%). Prosečna ocena na testu koji ispituje znanje o osteoporozi bila je 4,1 (na skali od 1 do 8). Samo je jedna žena odgovorila tačno na sva pitanja. Faktori rizika povezani sa životnim stilom su najzastupljeniji u odabranoj populaciji žena. Sa druge strane jedino na ove faktore se i može uticati. Znanje žena o osteoporozi je takođe veoma skromno. Na osnovu toga, farmaceuti u apotekama savetovanjem žena mogu imati važnu ulogu u prevenciji promenljivih faktora rizika za
razvoj osteoporoze.
AB  - Osteoporosis is the most prevalent metabolic bone disease. Osteoporosis risk factors can be divided inmodifiable and non‐modifiable. Pharmacists in community pharmacies are able to collect data from women and to identify osteoporosis risk factors. The aim of this study was to analyze osteoporosis risk factors present in young female population. The research was conducted during May 2018 year in Community Pharmacy Belgrade. Risk factors and osteoporosis knowledge were examined using the questionnaire. The questionnaire was consisted of two parts: for the  osteoporosis risk factor detection and osteoporosis knowledge assessment. The questionnaires were disseminated in pharmacies to women 18‐45 years of age. The study included 73 female participants. The women were old 35.6 years and with BMI=22.4 kg/m 2 in average (16.2% women had BMI<18.5kg/m 2 ). Only one woman was in menopause. Hereditary factors were present in some woman (hip fracture of mother/grandmother (17.8%); parents with hunchback (19.2%); parents with osteoporosis (15.1%)). Factors associated with lifestyle were present in more women (35.6% no physical activity, 49.3% sedentary lifestyle, 19.2% smokers; 24.7% didn’t take dairy products). Illnesses associated with osteoporosis were present in women with: visual problems (35.6%), hyperthyroidism (11.0%), who takes corticosteroids (5.5%) and rheumatoid diseases (4.1%). The average score on the osteoporosis knowledge test was 4.10 on a scale from 1 to 8. Only one woman correctly answered on all questions. The lifestyle risk factors were the most common in the selected female population. On the other side, these are the only factors that can be edited. Knowledge of women about osteoporosis was also modest. The pharmacists can play important role in prevention of modifiable risk factors in female population.
PB  - Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije
C3  - Arhiv za farmaciju
T1  - Ispitivanje faktora rizika za razvoj osteoporoze u Populaciji žena
T1  - The analysis of Osteoporosis Risk Factors in Female Population
VL  - 68
IS  - 3
SP  - 741
EP  - 742
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4235
ER  - 
author = "Majkić, Zorana and Tadić, Ivana and Tasić, Ljiljana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Osteoporoza je najzastupljenije sistemsko metaboličko oboljenje koštanog sistema. Faktori rizika za razvoj osteoporoze se mogu podeliti na promenljive i nepromenljive. Farmaceuti u javnim apotekama su u prilici da sakupe podatke od pacijenata i utvrde prisustvo faktora rizika za razvoj osteoporoze. Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje prisustva faktora rizika i procena znanja mladih žena o osteoporozi. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u Apoteci Beograd tokom maja 2018. godine. U apotekama su anketirane ženestarosti od 18 do 45 godina. Ispitanice su zamoljene da popune upitnik koji se sastoji iz dva dela: deo koji ispituje prisustvo faktora rizika i deo koji procenjuje nivo znanja o osteoporozi. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 73 žena prosečne starosti 35,6 godina i prosečne vrednosti indeksa telesne mase ITM=22,4 kg/m 2 (16,2% žena je imalo ITM<18,5 kg/m 2 ). Samo je jedna žena bila u menopauzi. Kod nekih žena su bili prisutni nasledni faktori (fraktura kuka kod majke/bake (17,8%); prisutna pogrbljenost kod roditelja (19,2%); osteoporoza kod roditelja (15,1%)). Kod više žena utvrđeno je prisustvo faktora povezanih sa životnim navikama (35,6% ne praktikuje fizičku aktivnost; 49,3% vodi sedentarni način života; 19,2% su pušači; 24,7% ne konzumira mlečne proizvode). Od bolesti udruženih sa osteoporozom zabeležene su: problemi sa vidom (35,6%), hipertireoidizam (11,0%), terapija kortikosteroidima (5,5%) i reumatoidni artritis (4,1%). Prosečna ocena na testu koji ispituje znanje o osteoporozi bila je 4,1 (na skali od 1 do 8). Samo je jedna žena odgovorila tačno na sva pitanja. Faktori rizika povezani sa životnim stilom su najzastupljeniji u odabranoj populaciji žena. Sa druge strane jedino na ove faktore se i može uticati. Znanje žena o osteoporozi je takođe veoma skromno. Na osnovu toga, farmaceuti u apotekama savetovanjem žena mogu imati važnu ulogu u prevenciji promenljivih faktora rizika za
razvoj osteoporoze., Osteoporosis is the most prevalent metabolic bone disease. Osteoporosis risk factors can be divided inmodifiable and non‐modifiable. Pharmacists in community pharmacies are able to collect data from women and to identify osteoporosis risk factors. The aim of this study was to analyze osteoporosis risk factors present in young female population. The research was conducted during May 2018 year in Community Pharmacy Belgrade. Risk factors and osteoporosis knowledge were examined using the questionnaire. The questionnaire was consisted of two parts: for the  osteoporosis risk factor detection and osteoporosis knowledge assessment. The questionnaires were disseminated in pharmacies to women 18‐45 years of age. The study included 73 female participants. The women were old 35.6 years and with BMI=22.4 kg/m 2 in average (16.2% women had BMI<18.5kg/m 2 ). Only one woman was in menopause. Hereditary factors were present in some woman (hip fracture of mother/grandmother (17.8%); parents with hunchback (19.2%); parents with osteoporosis (15.1%)). Factors associated with lifestyle were present in more women (35.6% no physical activity, 49.3% sedentary lifestyle, 19.2% smokers; 24.7% didn’t take dairy products). Illnesses associated with osteoporosis were present in women with: visual problems (35.6%), hyperthyroidism (11.0%), who takes corticosteroids (5.5%) and rheumatoid diseases (4.1%). The average score on the osteoporosis knowledge test was 4.10 on a scale from 1 to 8. Only one woman correctly answered on all questions. The lifestyle risk factors were the most common in the selected female population. On the other side, these are the only factors that can be edited. Knowledge of women about osteoporosis was also modest. The pharmacists can play important role in prevention of modifiable risk factors in female population.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije",
journal = "Arhiv za farmaciju",
title = "Ispitivanje faktora rizika za razvoj osteoporoze u Populaciji žena, The analysis of Osteoporosis Risk Factors in Female Population",
volume = "68",
number = "3",
pages = "741-742",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4235"
Majkić, Z., Tadić, I.,& Tasić, L.. (2018). Ispitivanje faktora rizika za razvoj osteoporoze u Populaciji žena. in Arhiv za farmaciju
Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije., 68(3), 741-742.
Majkić Z, Tadić I, Tasić L. Ispitivanje faktora rizika za razvoj osteoporoze u Populaciji žena. in Arhiv za farmaciju. 2018;68(3):741-742.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4235 .
Majkić, Zorana, Tadić, Ivana, Tasić, Ljiljana, "Ispitivanje faktora rizika za razvoj osteoporoze u Populaciji žena" in Arhiv za farmaciju, 68, no. 3 (2018):741-742,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4235 .

Evaluacija pružanja farmaceutskih usluga u apoteci Beograd

Bjeletić, Jasminka; Tadić, Ivana; Tasić, Ljiljana; Jović, Sanja; Odalović, Marina; Lakić, Dragana

(Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije, 2018)

AU  - Bjeletić, Jasminka
AU  - Tadić, Ivana
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Jović, Sanja
AU  - Odalović, Marina
AU  - Lakić, Dragana
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4237
AB  - U dinamičnom okruženju apotekarske prakse poznata je činjenica da se uloge i aktivnosti farmaceuta menjaju. Samim tim drugačije su odgovornosti i zaduženja farmaceuta i uočava se potreba za analizom zdravstvenih usluga koje pružaju farmaceuti u javnim apotekama. Cilj istraživanja je struktuirana evaluacija pružanja farmaceutskih usluga u apotekama primarne zdravstvene zaštite. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u periodu maj‐jun 2018. godine u Apoteci „Beograd” (AB). Kao alat za prikupljanje podataka korišćen je upitnik za ispitivanje načina pružanja farmaceutskih usluga (Behavioral Pharmaceutical Care Scale, BPCS) koji se sastoji iz dva dela. Deo A ispituje demografske podatke i usluge koje pružaju farmaceuti. Deo B sadrži pitanja grupisana u 3 dimenzije: „aktivnosti koje su direktno u vezi sa pacijentima”, „aktivnosti konsultovanja i upućivanja pacijenata” i „instrumentalne aktivnosti”. On line upitnik je prosleđen svim apotekama AB. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 59 farmaceuta, pretežno ženskog pola (91,5%) i
prosečnog radnog staža 19,6 godina. Akademske specijalističke studije je završilo oko četvrtina ispitanika. Prosečan broj farmaceuta i farmaceutskih tehničara po apoteci iznosio je 4,4 odnosno 2,6. Prostor za konsultacije posedovalo je 45,7% apoteka. Prosečan rezultat i procenat od maksimalnog rezultata za svaku od tri dimenzije B dela upitnika iznosili su: za aktivnosti koje su direktno u vezi sa pacijentima 30,8 (36,2%), za aktivnosti konsultovanja i upućivanja pacijenata 28,1 (62,5%) i za instrumentalne aktivnosti 25,8 (64,7%). Ukupan prosečan BPCS rezultat iznosio je 84,3 (51,1%). Detaljnija analiza pojedinačnih usluga (ili domena) može da ukaže na usluge koje treba da se unaprede i da pruži smernice za dalji razvoj farmaceutskih usluga u cilju unapređenja rada sa pacijentima. Ispitivani farmaceuti pružaju većinu farmaceutskih usluga definisanih u BPCS‐
upitniku. Daljim analizama koje će obuhvatiti poređenje rezultata iz ostalih javnih apoteka, biće omogućeno stvaranje još bolje osnove za unapređenje rada farmaceuta u svakodnevnim aktivnostima u apoteci.
AB  - In the dynamic environment of pharmacy practice, the responsibilities and duties of pharmacists are changing, and the analysis of pharmaceutical services is needed. The aim of the research is a structured evaluation of the provision of pharmaceutical services in community pharmacies. The research was conducted in the period May‐June 2018 in community pharmacy chain ‐ Pharmacy Belgrade (PB). As data collection tool the Behavioral Pharmaceutical Care Scale (BPCS) was used. The questionnaire consists of two parts. Part A examines demographic data and services provided by pharmacists. Part B contains questions grouped in 3 dimensions: „direct patient care activities”, „referral and consultation activities” and „instrumental activities”. The online BPCS
questionnaire was forwarded to all pharmacies within PB. The research included 59 pharmacists, mostly female (91.5%) with average work experience of 19.6 years. Academic specialist studies completed about a quarter of respondents. The average number of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians per pharmacy was 4.4 and 2.6 respectively. Private patient consultation areas were present in 45.7% pharmacies. The average score and percentage of the maximum achievable
score for each of the three dimensions of the questionnaire’s B part were: for the direct patientcare activities 30.8 (36.2%), for the referral and consultation activities 28.1 (62.5 %) and for the instrumental activities 25.8 (64.7%). The overall average BPCS score was 84.3 (51.1%). A more detailed analysis of particular services (or domains) can point to services that need to be improved and provide guidelines for the further development of pharmaceutical services in order to improve work with patients. Pharmacists provide most of the pharmaceutical services defined in the BPCS
questionnaire. Comparison of these results with results of other community pharmacies could enable further improvement of pharmaceutical care services.
PB  - Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije
C3  - Arhiv za farmaciju
T1  - Evaluacija pružanja farmaceutskih usluga u apoteci Beograd
T1  - Analyses of the pharmaceutical care services provided by community pharmacists within the pharmacy Belgrade
VL  - 68
IS  - 3
SP  - 753
EP  - 754
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4237
ER  - 
author = "Bjeletić, Jasminka and Tadić, Ivana and Tasić, Ljiljana and Jović, Sanja and Odalović, Marina and Lakić, Dragana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "U dinamičnom okruženju apotekarske prakse poznata je činjenica da se uloge i aktivnosti farmaceuta menjaju. Samim tim drugačije su odgovornosti i zaduženja farmaceuta i uočava se potreba za analizom zdravstvenih usluga koje pružaju farmaceuti u javnim apotekama. Cilj istraživanja je struktuirana evaluacija pružanja farmaceutskih usluga u apotekama primarne zdravstvene zaštite. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u periodu maj‐jun 2018. godine u Apoteci „Beograd” (AB). Kao alat za prikupljanje podataka korišćen je upitnik za ispitivanje načina pružanja farmaceutskih usluga (Behavioral Pharmaceutical Care Scale, BPCS) koji se sastoji iz dva dela. Deo A ispituje demografske podatke i usluge koje pružaju farmaceuti. Deo B sadrži pitanja grupisana u 3 dimenzije: „aktivnosti koje su direktno u vezi sa pacijentima”, „aktivnosti konsultovanja i upućivanja pacijenata” i „instrumentalne aktivnosti”. On line upitnik je prosleđen svim apotekama AB. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 59 farmaceuta, pretežno ženskog pola (91,5%) i
prosečnog radnog staža 19,6 godina. Akademske specijalističke studije je završilo oko četvrtina ispitanika. Prosečan broj farmaceuta i farmaceutskih tehničara po apoteci iznosio je 4,4 odnosno 2,6. Prostor za konsultacije posedovalo je 45,7% apoteka. Prosečan rezultat i procenat od maksimalnog rezultata za svaku od tri dimenzije B dela upitnika iznosili su: za aktivnosti koje su direktno u vezi sa pacijentima 30,8 (36,2%), za aktivnosti konsultovanja i upućivanja pacijenata 28,1 (62,5%) i za instrumentalne aktivnosti 25,8 (64,7%). Ukupan prosečan BPCS rezultat iznosio je 84,3 (51,1%). Detaljnija analiza pojedinačnih usluga (ili domena) može da ukaže na usluge koje treba da se unaprede i da pruži smernice za dalji razvoj farmaceutskih usluga u cilju unapređenja rada sa pacijentima. Ispitivani farmaceuti pružaju većinu farmaceutskih usluga definisanih u BPCS‐
upitniku. Daljim analizama koje će obuhvatiti poređenje rezultata iz ostalih javnih apoteka, biće omogućeno stvaranje još bolje osnove za unapređenje rada farmaceuta u svakodnevnim aktivnostima u apoteci., In the dynamic environment of pharmacy practice, the responsibilities and duties of pharmacists are changing, and the analysis of pharmaceutical services is needed. The aim of the research is a structured evaluation of the provision of pharmaceutical services in community pharmacies. The research was conducted in the period May‐June 2018 in community pharmacy chain ‐ Pharmacy Belgrade (PB). As data collection tool the Behavioral Pharmaceutical Care Scale (BPCS) was used. The questionnaire consists of two parts. Part A examines demographic data and services provided by pharmacists. Part B contains questions grouped in 3 dimensions: „direct patient care activities”, „referral and consultation activities” and „instrumental activities”. The online BPCS
questionnaire was forwarded to all pharmacies within PB. The research included 59 pharmacists, mostly female (91.5%) with average work experience of 19.6 years. Academic specialist studies completed about a quarter of respondents. The average number of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians per pharmacy was 4.4 and 2.6 respectively. Private patient consultation areas were present in 45.7% pharmacies. The average score and percentage of the maximum achievable
score for each of the three dimensions of the questionnaire’s B part were: for the direct patientcare activities 30.8 (36.2%), for the referral and consultation activities 28.1 (62.5 %) and for the instrumental activities 25.8 (64.7%). The overall average BPCS score was 84.3 (51.1%). A more detailed analysis of particular services (or domains) can point to services that need to be improved and provide guidelines for the further development of pharmaceutical services in order to improve work with patients. Pharmacists provide most of the pharmaceutical services defined in the BPCS
questionnaire. Comparison of these results with results of other community pharmacies could enable further improvement of pharmaceutical care services.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije",
journal = "Arhiv za farmaciju",
title = "Evaluacija pružanja farmaceutskih usluga u apoteci Beograd, Analyses of the pharmaceutical care services provided by community pharmacists within the pharmacy Belgrade",
volume = "68",
number = "3",
pages = "753-754",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4237"
Bjeletić, J., Tadić, I., Tasić, L., Jović, S., Odalović, M.,& Lakić, D.. (2018). Evaluacija pružanja farmaceutskih usluga u apoteci Beograd. in Arhiv za farmaciju
Beograd : Savez fakmaceutskih udruženja Srbije., 68(3), 753-754.
Bjeletić J, Tadić I, Tasić L, Jović S, Odalović M, Lakić D. Evaluacija pružanja farmaceutskih usluga u apoteci Beograd. in Arhiv za farmaciju. 2018;68(3):753-754.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4237 .
Bjeletić, Jasminka, Tadić, Ivana, Tasić, Ljiljana, Jović, Sanja, Odalović, Marina, Lakić, Dragana, "Evaluacija pružanja farmaceutskih usluga u apoteci Beograd" in Arhiv za farmaciju, 68, no. 3 (2018):753-754,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4237 .

Advancement in pharmacy education-professional practice in university curricula in Serbia

Lakić, Dragana; Odalović, Marina; Jakovljević, Vladimir; Arsić, Ivana A.; Komazec, Zoran; Tasić, Ljiljana; Parojčić, Jelena; Cavaco, Afonso; Henman, Martin

(Springer, 2018)

AU  - Lakić, Dragana
AU  - Odalović, Marina
AU  - Jakovljević, Vladimir
AU  - Arsić, Ivana A.
AU  - Komazec, Zoran
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Parojčić, Jelena
AU  - Cavaco, Afonso
AU  - Henman, Martin
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3179
PB  - Springer
C3  - International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
T1  - Advancement in pharmacy education-professional practice in university curricula in Serbia
VL  - 40
IS  - 1
SP  - 242
EP  - 243
DO  - 10.1007/s11096-017-0565-9
ER  - 
author = "Lakić, Dragana and Odalović, Marina and Jakovljević, Vladimir and Arsić, Ivana A. and Komazec, Zoran and Tasić, Ljiljana and Parojčić, Jelena and Cavaco, Afonso and Henman, Martin",
year = "2018",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy",
title = "Advancement in pharmacy education-professional practice in university curricula in Serbia",
volume = "40",
number = "1",
pages = "242-243",
doi = "10.1007/s11096-017-0565-9"
Lakić, D., Odalović, M., Jakovljević, V., Arsić, I. A., Komazec, Z., Tasić, L., Parojčić, J., Cavaco, A.,& Henman, M.. (2018). Advancement in pharmacy education-professional practice in university curricula in Serbia. in International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
Springer., 40(1), 242-243.
Lakić D, Odalović M, Jakovljević V, Arsić IA, Komazec Z, Tasić L, Parojčić J, Cavaco A, Henman M. Advancement in pharmacy education-professional practice in university curricula in Serbia. in International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2018;40(1):242-243.
doi:10.1007/s11096-017-0565-9 .
Lakić, Dragana, Odalović, Marina, Jakovljević, Vladimir, Arsić, Ivana A., Komazec, Zoran, Tasić, Ljiljana, Parojčić, Jelena, Cavaco, Afonso, Henman, Martin, "Advancement in pharmacy education-professional practice in university curricula in Serbia" in International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 40, no. 1 (2018):242-243,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11096-017-0565-9 . .

Zbornik, III naučni simpozijum“ Zdravstveni ishodi i socijalna farmacija“

Vujić, Zorica; Tasić, Ljiljana; Lakić, Dragana; Tadić, Ivana

(Beograd: Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2018)

AU  - Vujić, Zorica
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Lakić, Dragana
AU  - Tadić, Ivana
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4238
PB  - Beograd: Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
T2  - III naučni simpozijum“ Zdravstveni ishodi i socijalna farmacija“ [III Scientific Symposium “Health Outcomes & Social Pharmacy”], Central & Eastern European Symposium, Beograd 23-24. mart. 2018
T1  - Zbornik, III naučni simpozijum“ Zdravstveni ishodi i socijalna farmacija“
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4238
ER  - 
author = "Vujić, Zorica and Tasić, Ljiljana and Lakić, Dragana and Tadić, Ivana",
year = "2018",
publisher = "Beograd: Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu",
journal = "III naučni simpozijum“ Zdravstveni ishodi i socijalna farmacija“ [III Scientific Symposium “Health Outcomes & Social Pharmacy”], Central & Eastern European Symposium, Beograd 23-24. mart. 2018",
title = "Zbornik, III naučni simpozijum“ Zdravstveni ishodi i socijalna farmacija“",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4238"
Vujić, Z., Tasić, L., Lakić, D.,& Tadić, I.. (2018). Zbornik, III naučni simpozijum“ Zdravstveni ishodi i socijalna farmacija“. in III naučni simpozijum“ Zdravstveni ishodi i socijalna farmacija“ [III Scientific Symposium “Health Outcomes & Social Pharmacy”], Central & Eastern European Symposium, Beograd 23-24. mart. 2018
Beograd: Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu..
Vujić Z, Tasić L, Lakić D, Tadić I. Zbornik, III naučni simpozijum“ Zdravstveni ishodi i socijalna farmacija“. in III naučni simpozijum“ Zdravstveni ishodi i socijalna farmacija“ [III Scientific Symposium “Health Outcomes & Social Pharmacy”], Central & Eastern European Symposium, Beograd 23-24. mart. 2018. 2018;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4238 .
Vujić, Zorica, Tasić, Ljiljana, Lakić, Dragana, Tadić, Ivana, "Zbornik, III naučni simpozijum“ Zdravstveni ishodi i socijalna farmacija“" in III naučni simpozijum“ Zdravstveni ishodi i socijalna farmacija“ [III Scientific Symposium “Health Outcomes & Social Pharmacy”], Central & Eastern European Symposium, Beograd 23-24. mart. 2018 (2018),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_farfar_4238 .

Access to orphan drugs: A cross country comparison of legislative approach among Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia

Krajnović, Dušanka; Arsić, Jasmina; Tasić, Ljiljana; Petrova, Guenka; Milijić, Svetlana

(Univerzitet u Nišu - Medicinski fakultet, Niš, 2018)

AU  - Krajnović, Dušanka
AU  - Arsić, Jasmina
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Petrova, Guenka
AU  - Milijić, Svetlana
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3115
AB  - Access to orphan drugs (In EU regulation Orphan Drugs are referred as Orphan Medicinal Products (OMP)) is a key role in determining whether patients with rare diseases (RDs) will receive adequate and efficient treatment. The objective of this article is to identify differences in patient access to orphan drugs in 3 pharmaceutical markets: Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia. Patient access was defined: as the market access (availability) and affordability (financial accessibility). We analysed the legislative requirements for the authorisation process and made a cross country comparison. Retrospective cross-sectional analysis was done on drug lists in selected countries and a cross-comparison between the List of Orphan Drugs in Europe (LODE) for a six-month period (May 2014-October 2014). We included all 179 OMPs marketed in EU in our analysis, which had received market authorization in Croatia upon its membership in the EU. Total number of marketed drugs in Serbia was 59 (32.96%) drugs and in Macedonia 52 (29.05%) drugs. However, market authorization does not guarantee patient access to any given drug, so only 39.11% of OMPs could be accessed by Croatian patients (70 drugs).The number of refunded drugs in Serbia and Macedonia was smaller (32 and 20, respectively) which makes respectively, 17.88% and 11.17% of drugs on the LODE. The present study showed some variations between countries in selected indicators of availability and access to orphan drugs. Patients in Croatia had greater number of registered and refunded drugs, but in Serbia more than a half of registered OMPs could be refunded from National Health Insurance Fund. Macedonia had smaller number of inhabitants and also had the smaller number of patients from certain RDs which results in lower total number of OMPs.
AB  - Dostupnost lekova za retke bolesti (orfan lekovi, u EU regulativi koristi se izraz na engleskom Orphan medicinal products, OMP) igra važnu ulogu u tome da li će bolesnici sa retkim bolestima imati pristup efikasnoj i adekvatnoj terapiji. Ciljevi ovog rada su da se identifikuju razlike u pristupu bolesnika orfan lekovima u tri odabrane zemlje: Srbiji, Hrvatskoj i Makedoniji. Pristup orfan lekovima definisana je kao: tržišna pristupačnost (dostupnost) i priuštivost (finansijska pristupačnost). Analizirali smo legislativne zahteve u procesu stavljanja leka u promet i uradili komparaciju među posmatranim zemljama. Retrospektivnom studijom preseka poredili smo nacionalne liste lekova posmatranih zemalja i Listu orfan lekova u EU, za period od šest meseci (maj-oktobar 2014.). Od ukupno 179 OMP, koliko ih je u tom periodu bilo sa dozvolom za stavljanje u promet u EU, u Srbiji je bilo registrovano 59 (32,96%), u Makedoniji 52 (29,05%), dok su u Hrvatskoj učlanjenjem u EU svi registrovani lekovi postali tržišno dostupni. Međutim, dozvola za stavljanje u promet nije i garancija da bolesnik ima pristup datom leku, pa je samo 39,11% lekova sa dozvolom za stavljanje u promet bilo na listi lekova koje se refundiraju u Hrvatskoj (70 OMP). Broj lekova kojima bolesnici imaju pristup preko nacionalnih fondova zdravstvenog osiguranja u Srbiji i Makedoniji su manji (32 OMP i 20OMP, respektivno), što čini da je priuštivost lekova u Srbiji tek 17,88% , a u Makedoniji 11,17% od liste orfan lekova u EU. Broj lekova, fizička i finansijska pristupačnost u analiziranim zemljama nije ista, dok je u Hrvatskoj bolesnicima dostupan najveći broj registrovanih lekova, u Srbiji se više od polovine registrovanih OMP može refundirati o trošku RFZO. Makedonija zbog manjeg broja stanovnika ima manji broj obolelih od RB, što rezultira manjim brojem OMP.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu - Medicinski fakultet, Niš
T2  - Acta medica Medianae
T1  - Access to orphan drugs: A cross country comparison of legislative approach among Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia
T1  - Dostupnost lekova za retke bolesti - komparativna analiza legislativnih zahteva između Srbije, Hrvatske i Makedonije
VL  - 57
IS  - 4
SP  - 43
EP  - 51
DO  - 10.5633/amm.2018.0406
ER  - 
author = "Krajnović, Dušanka and Arsić, Jasmina and Tasić, Ljiljana and Petrova, Guenka and Milijić, Svetlana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Access to orphan drugs (In EU regulation Orphan Drugs are referred as Orphan Medicinal Products (OMP)) is a key role in determining whether patients with rare diseases (RDs) will receive adequate and efficient treatment. The objective of this article is to identify differences in patient access to orphan drugs in 3 pharmaceutical markets: Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia. Patient access was defined: as the market access (availability) and affordability (financial accessibility). We analysed the legislative requirements for the authorisation process and made a cross country comparison. Retrospective cross-sectional analysis was done on drug lists in selected countries and a cross-comparison between the List of Orphan Drugs in Europe (LODE) for a six-month period (May 2014-October 2014). We included all 179 OMPs marketed in EU in our analysis, which had received market authorization in Croatia upon its membership in the EU. Total number of marketed drugs in Serbia was 59 (32.96%) drugs and in Macedonia 52 (29.05%) drugs. However, market authorization does not guarantee patient access to any given drug, so only 39.11% of OMPs could be accessed by Croatian patients (70 drugs).The number of refunded drugs in Serbia and Macedonia was smaller (32 and 20, respectively) which makes respectively, 17.88% and 11.17% of drugs on the LODE. The present study showed some variations between countries in selected indicators of availability and access to orphan drugs. Patients in Croatia had greater number of registered and refunded drugs, but in Serbia more than a half of registered OMPs could be refunded from National Health Insurance Fund. Macedonia had smaller number of inhabitants and also had the smaller number of patients from certain RDs which results in lower total number of OMPs., Dostupnost lekova za retke bolesti (orfan lekovi, u EU regulativi koristi se izraz na engleskom Orphan medicinal products, OMP) igra važnu ulogu u tome da li će bolesnici sa retkim bolestima imati pristup efikasnoj i adekvatnoj terapiji. Ciljevi ovog rada su da se identifikuju razlike u pristupu bolesnika orfan lekovima u tri odabrane zemlje: Srbiji, Hrvatskoj i Makedoniji. Pristup orfan lekovima definisana je kao: tržišna pristupačnost (dostupnost) i priuštivost (finansijska pristupačnost). Analizirali smo legislativne zahteve u procesu stavljanja leka u promet i uradili komparaciju među posmatranim zemljama. Retrospektivnom studijom preseka poredili smo nacionalne liste lekova posmatranih zemalja i Listu orfan lekova u EU, za period od šest meseci (maj-oktobar 2014.). Od ukupno 179 OMP, koliko ih je u tom periodu bilo sa dozvolom za stavljanje u promet u EU, u Srbiji je bilo registrovano 59 (32,96%), u Makedoniji 52 (29,05%), dok su u Hrvatskoj učlanjenjem u EU svi registrovani lekovi postali tržišno dostupni. Međutim, dozvola za stavljanje u promet nije i garancija da bolesnik ima pristup datom leku, pa je samo 39,11% lekova sa dozvolom za stavljanje u promet bilo na listi lekova koje se refundiraju u Hrvatskoj (70 OMP). Broj lekova kojima bolesnici imaju pristup preko nacionalnih fondova zdravstvenog osiguranja u Srbiji i Makedoniji su manji (32 OMP i 20OMP, respektivno), što čini da je priuštivost lekova u Srbiji tek 17,88% , a u Makedoniji 11,17% od liste orfan lekova u EU. Broj lekova, fizička i finansijska pristupačnost u analiziranim zemljama nije ista, dok je u Hrvatskoj bolesnicima dostupan najveći broj registrovanih lekova, u Srbiji se više od polovine registrovanih OMP može refundirati o trošku RFZO. Makedonija zbog manjeg broja stanovnika ima manji broj obolelih od RB, što rezultira manjim brojem OMP.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu - Medicinski fakultet, Niš",
journal = "Acta medica Medianae",
title = "Access to orphan drugs: A cross country comparison of legislative approach among Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia, Dostupnost lekova za retke bolesti - komparativna analiza legislativnih zahteva između Srbije, Hrvatske i Makedonije",
volume = "57",
number = "4",
pages = "43-51",
doi = "10.5633/amm.2018.0406"
Krajnović, D., Arsić, J., Tasić, L., Petrova, G.,& Milijić, S.. (2018). Access to orphan drugs: A cross country comparison of legislative approach among Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia. in Acta medica Medianae
Univerzitet u Nišu - Medicinski fakultet, Niš., 57(4), 43-51.
Krajnović D, Arsić J, Tasić L, Petrova G, Milijić S. Access to orphan drugs: A cross country comparison of legislative approach among Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia. in Acta medica Medianae. 2018;57(4):43-51.
doi:10.5633/amm.2018.0406 .
Krajnović, Dušanka, Arsić, Jasmina, Tasić, Ljiljana, Petrova, Guenka, Milijić, Svetlana, "Access to orphan drugs: A cross country comparison of legislative approach among Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia" in Acta medica Medianae, 57, no. 4 (2018):43-51,
https://doi.org/10.5633/amm.2018.0406 . .

Conceptual model of collaborative pharmaceutical practice in healthcare and social care for the elderly

Ilić, Velibor O.; Marinković, Valentina; Tasić, Ljiljana

(Vojnomedicinska akademija - Institut za naučne informacije, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Ilić, Velibor O.
AU  - Marinković, Valentina
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3110
AB  - Background/Aim. In the new millennium, the focus has been increasingly shifting to optimisation by enhancing the collaborative (common, joint) practice of healthcare professionals, for the purpose of achieving effectiveness and efficiency. Pharmacists are the last link in the healthcare services providing chain. The aim of this study was to present a critical analysis of the published models of the collaborative pharmacy practice along with development of a conceptual model of collaborative pharmacy practice in the healthcare and social care for the elderly population. Methods. Using two search algorithms that were created to search articles published in English, a comprehensive search of the bibliographic databases Web of Science and PubMed was undertaken (up to June 2015). Afterwards, articles were independently assessed by two authors, against predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results. Regulations on pharmacy collaboration are present in many developed countries. However, the implementation of the collaborative practice is still not widespread. Therefore, a conceptual model of the collaborative healthcare and social care of the elderly provides an insight into a multi-layer structure that has to be established in order to achieve a functioning system of the collaborative healthcare practice. The model concluded that aspirations towards teamwork, communication and above all - the system of regulators and payers, who acknowledge a healthcare collaboration, are crucial for establishment of a collaborative healthcare practice. Conclusion. This research provides a tool in the form of a guide and check-list for decision-makers and policy-makers in order to achieve the preferred effects generated from the collaborative practice by selecting the models and activities that need to be undertaken for implementation of the collaborative healthcare and social care of the elderly that is best suited for their country.
AB  - Uvod/Cilj. U cilju postizanja efektivnosti i efikasnosti, u novom milenijumu se sve više govori o optimizaciji zdravstvene zaštite, kroz jačanje udružene prakse zdravstvenih profesionalaca. Farmaceuti predstavljaju poslednju kariku u lancu pružanja zdravstvene zaštite. Cilj ove studije bio je da prikaže kritičku analizu publikovanih modela kolaborativne farmaceutske prakse, kao i razvoj konceptualnog modela farmaceutske kolaborativne prakse u zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj zaštiti starije populacije. Metode. Koristeći dva algoritma koja su kreirana za pretragu, pretraženi su radovi (do juna 2015. godine) iz bibliografija elektronskih baza podataka Web of Science i PubMed. Nakon pretrage, radovi su nezavisno procenjeni u odnosu na predefinisane kriterijume za uključenje i isključenje, od strane dva autora. Rezultati. Regulativa o farmaceutskoj kolaboraciji je zastupljena u mnogim razvijenim zemljama. Međutim, implementacija kolaborativne prakse još uvek nije široko rasprostranjena. Stoga, konceptualni model kolaborativne farmaceutske prakse u zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj zaštiti starijih osoba obezbeđuje uvid u višeslojnu strukturu koja treba biti uspostavljena kako bi se osigurao funkcionalni sistem kolaborativne zdravstvene prakse. Model zaključuje da su aspiracije prema timskom radu, komunikacija i nadasve sistem regulatora i platioca koji prepoznaju zdravstvenu kolaboraciju, ključni za uspostavljanje kolaborativne zdravstvene prakse. Zaključak. Ovo istraživanje donosi alat u obliku vodiča i čekliste za donosioce odluka i regulativa, kako bi se istim omogućilo da postignu preferirane efekte prikupljenih kolaborativnih praksi, kroz označavanje modela i aktivnosti koje treba preduzeti za implementaciju one kolaborativne zdravstvene i socijalne zaštite starijih osoba koji su najprimenjiviji u njihovoj zemlji.
PB  - Vojnomedicinska akademija - Institut za naučne informacije, Beograd
T2  - Vojnosanitetski pregled
T1  - Conceptual model of collaborative pharmaceutical practice in healthcare and social care for the elderly
T1  - Konceptualni model kolaborativne farmaceutske prakse u zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj zaštiti starijih osoba
VL  - 75
IS  - 10
SP  - 1020
EP  - 1029
DO  - 10.2298/VSP161209024I
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Velibor O. and Marinković, Valentina and Tasić, Ljiljana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Background/Aim. In the new millennium, the focus has been increasingly shifting to optimisation by enhancing the collaborative (common, joint) practice of healthcare professionals, for the purpose of achieving effectiveness and efficiency. Pharmacists are the last link in the healthcare services providing chain. The aim of this study was to present a critical analysis of the published models of the collaborative pharmacy practice along with development of a conceptual model of collaborative pharmacy practice in the healthcare and social care for the elderly population. Methods. Using two search algorithms that were created to search articles published in English, a comprehensive search of the bibliographic databases Web of Science and PubMed was undertaken (up to June 2015). Afterwards, articles were independently assessed by two authors, against predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results. Regulations on pharmacy collaboration are present in many developed countries. However, the implementation of the collaborative practice is still not widespread. Therefore, a conceptual model of the collaborative healthcare and social care of the elderly provides an insight into a multi-layer structure that has to be established in order to achieve a functioning system of the collaborative healthcare practice. The model concluded that aspirations towards teamwork, communication and above all - the system of regulators and payers, who acknowledge a healthcare collaboration, are crucial for establishment of a collaborative healthcare practice. Conclusion. This research provides a tool in the form of a guide and check-list for decision-makers and policy-makers in order to achieve the preferred effects generated from the collaborative practice by selecting the models and activities that need to be undertaken for implementation of the collaborative healthcare and social care of the elderly that is best suited for their country., Uvod/Cilj. U cilju postizanja efektivnosti i efikasnosti, u novom milenijumu se sve više govori o optimizaciji zdravstvene zaštite, kroz jačanje udružene prakse zdravstvenih profesionalaca. Farmaceuti predstavljaju poslednju kariku u lancu pružanja zdravstvene zaštite. Cilj ove studije bio je da prikaže kritičku analizu publikovanih modela kolaborativne farmaceutske prakse, kao i razvoj konceptualnog modela farmaceutske kolaborativne prakse u zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj zaštiti starije populacije. Metode. Koristeći dva algoritma koja su kreirana za pretragu, pretraženi su radovi (do juna 2015. godine) iz bibliografija elektronskih baza podataka Web of Science i PubMed. Nakon pretrage, radovi su nezavisno procenjeni u odnosu na predefinisane kriterijume za uključenje i isključenje, od strane dva autora. Rezultati. Regulativa o farmaceutskoj kolaboraciji je zastupljena u mnogim razvijenim zemljama. Međutim, implementacija kolaborativne prakse još uvek nije široko rasprostranjena. Stoga, konceptualni model kolaborativne farmaceutske prakse u zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj zaštiti starijih osoba obezbeđuje uvid u višeslojnu strukturu koja treba biti uspostavljena kako bi se osigurao funkcionalni sistem kolaborativne zdravstvene prakse. Model zaključuje da su aspiracije prema timskom radu, komunikacija i nadasve sistem regulatora i platioca koji prepoznaju zdravstvenu kolaboraciju, ključni za uspostavljanje kolaborativne zdravstvene prakse. Zaključak. Ovo istraživanje donosi alat u obliku vodiča i čekliste za donosioce odluka i regulativa, kako bi se istim omogućilo da postignu preferirane efekte prikupljenih kolaborativnih praksi, kroz označavanje modela i aktivnosti koje treba preduzeti za implementaciju one kolaborativne zdravstvene i socijalne zaštite starijih osoba koji su najprimenjiviji u njihovoj zemlji.",
publisher = "Vojnomedicinska akademija - Institut za naučne informacije, Beograd",
journal = "Vojnosanitetski pregled",
title = "Conceptual model of collaborative pharmaceutical practice in healthcare and social care for the elderly, Konceptualni model kolaborativne farmaceutske prakse u zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj zaštiti starijih osoba",
volume = "75",
number = "10",
pages = "1020-1029",
doi = "10.2298/VSP161209024I"
Ilić, V. O., Marinković, V.,& Tasić, L.. (2018). Conceptual model of collaborative pharmaceutical practice in healthcare and social care for the elderly. in Vojnosanitetski pregled
Vojnomedicinska akademija - Institut za naučne informacije, Beograd., 75(10), 1020-1029.
Ilić VO, Marinković V, Tasić L. Conceptual model of collaborative pharmaceutical practice in healthcare and social care for the elderly. in Vojnosanitetski pregled. 2018;75(10):1020-1029.
doi:10.2298/VSP161209024I .
Ilić, Velibor O., Marinković, Valentina, Tasić, Ljiljana, "Conceptual model of collaborative pharmaceutical practice in healthcare and social care for the elderly" in Vojnosanitetski pregled, 75, no. 10 (2018):1020-1029,
https://doi.org/10.2298/VSP161209024I . .

Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading?

Costa, Filipa Alves; Scullin, Claire; Al-Taani, Ghaith; Hawwa, Ahmed F; Anderson, Claire; Bezverhni, Zinaida; Binakaj, Zahida; Cordina, Maria; Foulon, Veerle; Garcia de Bikuña, Borja; de Gier, Han; Gerd Granås, Anne; Grinstova, Olga; Griese-Mammen, Nina; Grincevicius, Jonas; Grinceviciene, Svitrigaile; Kaae, Susanne; Kubiliene, Loreta; Mariño, Eduardo L; Martins, Silvia; Modamio, Pilar; Nadin, Giancarlo; Stig Nørgaard, Lotte; Obarcanin, Emina; Tadić, Ivana; Tasić, Ljiljana; McElnay, James C; Hersberger, Kurt E; Westerlund, Tommy

(Wiley, 2017)

AU  - Costa, Filipa Alves
AU  - Scullin, Claire
AU  - Al-Taani, Ghaith
AU  - Hawwa, Ahmed F
AU  - Anderson, Claire
AU  - Bezverhni, Zinaida
AU  - Binakaj, Zahida
AU  - Cordina, Maria
AU  - Foulon, Veerle
AU  - Garcia de Bikuña, Borja
AU  - de Gier, Han
AU  - Gerd Granås, Anne
AU  - Grinstova, Olga
AU  - Griese-Mammen, Nina
AU  - Grincevicius, Jonas
AU  - Grinceviciene, Svitrigaile
AU  - Kaae, Susanne
AU  - Kubiliene, Loreta
AU  - Mariño, Eduardo L
AU  - Martins, Silvia
AU  - Modamio, Pilar
AU  - Nadin, Giancarlo
AU  - Stig Nørgaard, Lotte
AU  - Obarcanin, Emina
AU  - Tadić, Ivana
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - McElnay, James C
AU  - Hersberger, Kurt E
AU  - Westerlund, Tommy
PY  - 2017
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4211
AB  - Rationale, aims, and objectives: Pharmaceutical care involves patient-centred pharmacist activity to improve medicines management by patients. The implementation of this service in a comprehensive manner, however, requires considerable organisation and effort, and indeed, it is often not fully implemented in care settings. The main objective was to assess how pharmaceutical care provision within community pharmacy has evolved over time in Europe.

Method: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey of community pharmacies, using a modified version of the Behavioural Pharmaceutical Care Scale (BPCS) was conducted in late 2012/early 2013 within 16 European countries and compared with an earlier assessment conducted in 2006.

Results: The provision of comprehensive pharmaceutical care has slightly improved in all European countries that participated in both editions of this survey (n = 8) with progress being made particularly in Denmark and Switzerland. Moreover, there was a wider country uptake, indicating spread of the concept. However, due to a number of limitations, the results should be interpreted with caution. Using combined data from participating countries, the provision of pharmaceutical care was positively correlated with the participation of the community pharmacists in patient-centred activities, routine use of pharmacy software with access to clinical data, participation in multidisciplinary team meetings, and having specialized education.

Conclusions: The present study demonstrated a slight evolution in self-reported provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe, as measured by the BPCS. The slow progress suggests a range of barriers, which are preventing pharmacists moving beyond traditional roles. Support from professional bodies and more patient-centred community pharmacy contracts, including remuneration for pharmaceutical care services, are likely to be required if quicker progress is to be made in the future.
PB  - Wiley
T2  - Journal of evaluation in clinical practice
T1  - Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading?
VL  - 23
IS  - 6
SP  - 1336
EP  - 1347
DO  - 10.1111/jep.12783
ER  - 
author = "Costa, Filipa Alves and Scullin, Claire and Al-Taani, Ghaith and Hawwa, Ahmed F and Anderson, Claire and Bezverhni, Zinaida and Binakaj, Zahida and Cordina, Maria and Foulon, Veerle and Garcia de Bikuña, Borja and de Gier, Han and Gerd Granås, Anne and Grinstova, Olga and Griese-Mammen, Nina and Grincevicius, Jonas and Grinceviciene, Svitrigaile and Kaae, Susanne and Kubiliene, Loreta and Mariño, Eduardo L and Martins, Silvia and Modamio, Pilar and Nadin, Giancarlo and Stig Nørgaard, Lotte and Obarcanin, Emina and Tadić, Ivana and Tasić, Ljiljana and McElnay, James C and Hersberger, Kurt E and Westerlund, Tommy",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Rationale, aims, and objectives: Pharmaceutical care involves patient-centred pharmacist activity to improve medicines management by patients. The implementation of this service in a comprehensive manner, however, requires considerable organisation and effort, and indeed, it is often not fully implemented in care settings. The main objective was to assess how pharmaceutical care provision within community pharmacy has evolved over time in Europe.

Method: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey of community pharmacies, using a modified version of the Behavioural Pharmaceutical Care Scale (BPCS) was conducted in late 2012/early 2013 within 16 European countries and compared with an earlier assessment conducted in 2006.

Results: The provision of comprehensive pharmaceutical care has slightly improved in all European countries that participated in both editions of this survey (n = 8) with progress being made particularly in Denmark and Switzerland. Moreover, there was a wider country uptake, indicating spread of the concept. However, due to a number of limitations, the results should be interpreted with caution. Using combined data from participating countries, the provision of pharmaceutical care was positively correlated with the participation of the community pharmacists in patient-centred activities, routine use of pharmacy software with access to clinical data, participation in multidisciplinary team meetings, and having specialized education.

Conclusions: The present study demonstrated a slight evolution in self-reported provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe, as measured by the BPCS. The slow progress suggests a range of barriers, which are preventing pharmacists moving beyond traditional roles. Support from professional bodies and more patient-centred community pharmacy contracts, including remuneration for pharmaceutical care services, are likely to be required if quicker progress is to be made in the future.",
publisher = "Wiley",
journal = "Journal of evaluation in clinical practice",
title = "Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading?",
volume = "23",
number = "6",
pages = "1336-1347",
doi = "10.1111/jep.12783"
Costa, F. A., Scullin, C., Al-Taani, G., Hawwa, A. F., Anderson, C., Bezverhni, Z., Binakaj, Z., Cordina, M., Foulon, V., Garcia de Bikuña, B., de Gier, H., Gerd Granås, A., Grinstova, O., Griese-Mammen, N., Grincevicius, J., Grinceviciene, S., Kaae, S., Kubiliene, L., Mariño, E. L., Martins, S., Modamio, P., Nadin, G., Stig Nørgaard, L., Obarcanin, E., Tadić, I., Tasić, L., McElnay, J. C., Hersberger, K. E.,& Westerlund, T.. (2017). Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading?. in Journal of evaluation in clinical practice
Wiley., 23(6), 1336-1347.
Costa FA, Scullin C, Al-Taani G, Hawwa AF, Anderson C, Bezverhni Z, Binakaj Z, Cordina M, Foulon V, Garcia de Bikuña B, de Gier H, Gerd Granås A, Grinstova O, Griese-Mammen N, Grincevicius J, Grinceviciene S, Kaae S, Kubiliene L, Mariño EL, Martins S, Modamio P, Nadin G, Stig Nørgaard L, Obarcanin E, Tadić I, Tasić L, McElnay JC, Hersberger KE, Westerlund T. Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading?. in Journal of evaluation in clinical practice. 2017;23(6):1336-1347.
doi:10.1111/jep.12783 .
Costa, Filipa Alves, Scullin, Claire, Al-Taani, Ghaith, Hawwa, Ahmed F, Anderson, Claire, Bezverhni, Zinaida, Binakaj, Zahida, Cordina, Maria, Foulon, Veerle, Garcia de Bikuña, Borja, de Gier, Han, Gerd Granås, Anne, Grinstova, Olga, Griese-Mammen, Nina, Grincevicius, Jonas, Grinceviciene, Svitrigaile, Kaae, Susanne, Kubiliene, Loreta, Mariño, Eduardo L, Martins, Silvia, Modamio, Pilar, Nadin, Giancarlo, Stig Nørgaard, Lotte, Obarcanin, Emina, Tadić, Ivana, Tasić, Ljiljana, McElnay, James C, Hersberger, Kurt E, Westerlund, Tommy, "Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading?" in Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 23, no. 6 (2017):1336-1347,
https://doi.org/10.1111/jep.12783 . .

Professional development for pharmacy preceptors: Challenges and problems

Golić-Jelić, Ana; Tasić, Ljiljana; Krajnović, Dušanka; Odalović, Marina

(Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Golić-Jelić, Ana
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Krajnović, Dušanka
AU  - Odalović, Marina
PY  - 2017
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2897
AB  - The importance of preceptorship programs, for pharmacists and other health professionals, in order to develop careers and increase satisfaction at the work was recognized more than 30 years ago, while percepting is associated with positive personal and professional outcomes. The aim of this review was systematic review of the development and evaluation of preceptorship programs for pharmacist and identifying challenges and problems for preceptors. An electronic database PubMed was searched (last searched December 11, 2016). A total of 124 reports were found, and only 5 of them met our inclusion criteria. All of them assessed the development and evaluation of preceptorship programs, and also, helped us to identify challenges and problems. Assessed quality of two studies was high, two were assessed as moderate, and one study had low quality. Most studies showed an increase in mentors and interns confidence and job satisfaction and improved skills in critical thinking and problem solving after completing a preceptorship program. More original research is needed, and a small number of publication in this field is a confirmation by itself.
AB  - Značaj mentorskih programa u cilju razvoja karijere i povećanja zadovoljstva na poslu farmaceuta i drugih zdravstvenih radnika je prepoznat prije više od 30 godina, dok je mentorstvo povezano sa nizom pozitivnih ličnih i profesionalnih ishoda. Cilj ovog rada je bio sistematski pregled literature koji se odnosi na razvoj i evaluaciju programa profesionalnog usavršavanja mentora stručne prakse farmaceuta, kao i identifikacija najčešćih izazova i problema. Pretražena je elektronska baza naučnih radova PubMed (posljednji put 11. decembra 2016. godine). Od početno pronađena 124 rada samo je 5 zadovoljilo kriterijume za uključivanje u pregled. Studije koje su uključene treba da daju odgovore na ciljeve našeg sistematskog pregleda, da sagledaju razvoj i evaluaciju programa profesionalnog usavršavanja mentora stručne prakse farmaceuta, a ujedno i identifikuju izazove i probleme. Dvije studije su procjenjene kao visoko kvalitetne, dvije kao umjereno i jedna kao studija slabog kvaliteta. U većini studija rezultati pokazuju povećanje samopouzdanja i mentora i stažista nakon završenog programa za mentore, zatim povećanje zadovoljstva na poslu, te poboljšanje vještina u kritičkom razmišljanju i rješavanju problema. Mali broj radova koji se bave ovom temom upravo potvrđuje da su potrebna dodatna originalna istraživanja iz ove oblasti.
PB  - Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Arhiv za farmaciju
T1  - Professional development for pharmacy preceptors: Challenges and problems
T1  - Profesionalni razvoj mentora stručne prakse farmaceuta - izazovi i problem
VL  - 67
IS  - 3
SP  - 180
EP  - 195
DO  - 10.5937/arhfarm1703180G
ER  - 
author = "Golić-Jelić, Ana and Tasić, Ljiljana and Krajnović, Dušanka and Odalović, Marina",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The importance of preceptorship programs, for pharmacists and other health professionals, in order to develop careers and increase satisfaction at the work was recognized more than 30 years ago, while percepting is associated with positive personal and professional outcomes. The aim of this review was systematic review of the development and evaluation of preceptorship programs for pharmacist and identifying challenges and problems for preceptors. An electronic database PubMed was searched (last searched December 11, 2016). A total of 124 reports were found, and only 5 of them met our inclusion criteria. All of them assessed the development and evaluation of preceptorship programs, and also, helped us to identify challenges and problems. Assessed quality of two studies was high, two were assessed as moderate, and one study had low quality. Most studies showed an increase in mentors and interns confidence and job satisfaction and improved skills in critical thinking and problem solving after completing a preceptorship program. More original research is needed, and a small number of publication in this field is a confirmation by itself., Značaj mentorskih programa u cilju razvoja karijere i povećanja zadovoljstva na poslu farmaceuta i drugih zdravstvenih radnika je prepoznat prije više od 30 godina, dok je mentorstvo povezano sa nizom pozitivnih ličnih i profesionalnih ishoda. Cilj ovog rada je bio sistematski pregled literature koji se odnosi na razvoj i evaluaciju programa profesionalnog usavršavanja mentora stručne prakse farmaceuta, kao i identifikacija najčešćih izazova i problema. Pretražena je elektronska baza naučnih radova PubMed (posljednji put 11. decembra 2016. godine). Od početno pronađena 124 rada samo je 5 zadovoljilo kriterijume za uključivanje u pregled. Studije koje su uključene treba da daju odgovore na ciljeve našeg sistematskog pregleda, da sagledaju razvoj i evaluaciju programa profesionalnog usavršavanja mentora stručne prakse farmaceuta, a ujedno i identifikuju izazove i probleme. Dvije studije su procjenjene kao visoko kvalitetne, dvije kao umjereno i jedna kao studija slabog kvaliteta. U većini studija rezultati pokazuju povećanje samopouzdanja i mentora i stažista nakon završenog programa za mentore, zatim povećanje zadovoljstva na poslu, te poboljšanje vještina u kritičkom razmišljanju i rješavanju problema. Mali broj radova koji se bave ovom temom upravo potvrđuje da su potrebna dodatna originalna istraživanja iz ove oblasti.",
publisher = "Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Arhiv za farmaciju",
title = "Professional development for pharmacy preceptors: Challenges and problems, Profesionalni razvoj mentora stručne prakse farmaceuta - izazovi i problem",
volume = "67",
number = "3",
pages = "180-195",
doi = "10.5937/arhfarm1703180G"
Golić-Jelić, A., Tasić, L., Krajnović, D.,& Odalović, M.. (2017). Professional development for pharmacy preceptors: Challenges and problems. in Arhiv za farmaciju
Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije, Beograd., 67(3), 180-195.
Golić-Jelić A, Tasić L, Krajnović D, Odalović M. Professional development for pharmacy preceptors: Challenges and problems. in Arhiv za farmaciju. 2017;67(3):180-195.
doi:10.5937/arhfarm1703180G .
Golić-Jelić, Ana, Tasić, Ljiljana, Krajnović, Dušanka, Odalović, Marina, "Professional development for pharmacy preceptors: Challenges and problems" in Arhiv za farmaciju, 67, no. 3 (2017):180-195,
https://doi.org/10.5937/arhfarm1703180G . .

Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading?

Costa, Filipa A.; Scullin, Claire; Al-Taani, Ghaith; Hawwa, Ahmed F.; Anderson, Claire; Bezverhni, Zinaida; Binakaj, Zahida; Cordina, Maria; Foulon, Veerle; Garcia de Bikuna, Borja; de Gier, Han; Granas, Anne Gerd; Grinstova, Olga; Griese-Mammen, Nina; Grincevicius, Jonas; Grinceviciene, Svitrigaile; Kaae, Susanne; Kubiliene, Loreta; Marino, Eduardo L.; Martins, Silvia; Modamio, Pilar; Nadin, Giancarlo; Norgaard, Lotte Stig; Obarcanin, Emina; Tadić, Ivana; Tasić, Ljiljana; McElnay, James C.; Hersberger, Kurt E.; Westerlund, Tommy

(Wiley, Hoboken, 2017)

AU  - Costa, Filipa A.
AU  - Scullin, Claire
AU  - Al-Taani, Ghaith
AU  - Hawwa, Ahmed F.
AU  - Anderson, Claire
AU  - Bezverhni, Zinaida
AU  - Binakaj, Zahida
AU  - Cordina, Maria
AU  - Foulon, Veerle
AU  - Garcia de Bikuna, Borja
AU  - de Gier, Han
AU  - Granas, Anne Gerd
AU  - Grinstova, Olga
AU  - Griese-Mammen, Nina
AU  - Grincevicius, Jonas
AU  - Grinceviciene, Svitrigaile
AU  - Kaae, Susanne
AU  - Kubiliene, Loreta
AU  - Marino, Eduardo L.
AU  - Martins, Silvia
AU  - Modamio, Pilar
AU  - Nadin, Giancarlo
AU  - Norgaard, Lotte Stig
AU  - Obarcanin, Emina
AU  - Tadić, Ivana
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - McElnay, James C.
AU  - Hersberger, Kurt E.
AU  - Westerlund, Tommy
PY  - 2017
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2846
AB  - Rationale, Aims, and ObjectivesPharmaceutical care involves patient-centred pharmacist activity to improve medicines management by patients. The implementation of this service in a comprehensive manner, however, requires considerable organisation and effort, and indeed, it is often not fully implemented in care settings. The main objective was to assess how pharmaceutical care provision within community pharmacy has evolved over time in Europe. MethodA cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey of community pharmacies, using a modified version of the Behavioural Pharmaceutical Care Scale (BPCS) was conducted in late 2012/early 2013 within 16 European countries and compared with an earlier assessment conducted in 2006. ResultsThe provision of comprehensive pharmaceutical care has slightly improved in all European countries that participated in both editions of this survey (n=8) with progress being made particularly in Denmark and Switzerland. Moreover, there was a wider country uptake, indicating spread of the concept. However, due to a number of limitations, the results should be interpreted with caution. Using combined data from participating countries, the provision of pharmaceutical care was positively correlated with the participation of the community pharmacists in patient-centred activities, routine use of pharmacy software with access to clinical data, participation in multidisciplinary team meetings, and having specialized education. ConclusionsThe present study demonstrated a slight evolution in self-reported provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe, as measured by the BPCS. The slow progress suggests a range of barriers, which are preventing pharmacists moving beyond traditional roles. Support from professional bodies and more patient-centred community pharmacy contracts, including remuneration for pharmaceutical care services, are likely to be required if quicker progress is to be made in the future.
PB  - Wiley, Hoboken
T2  - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice
T1  - Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading?
VL  - 23
IS  - 6
SP  - 1336
EP  - 1347
DO  - 10.1111/jep.12783
ER  - 
author = "Costa, Filipa A. and Scullin, Claire and Al-Taani, Ghaith and Hawwa, Ahmed F. and Anderson, Claire and Bezverhni, Zinaida and Binakaj, Zahida and Cordina, Maria and Foulon, Veerle and Garcia de Bikuna, Borja and de Gier, Han and Granas, Anne Gerd and Grinstova, Olga and Griese-Mammen, Nina and Grincevicius, Jonas and Grinceviciene, Svitrigaile and Kaae, Susanne and Kubiliene, Loreta and Marino, Eduardo L. and Martins, Silvia and Modamio, Pilar and Nadin, Giancarlo and Norgaard, Lotte Stig and Obarcanin, Emina and Tadić, Ivana and Tasić, Ljiljana and McElnay, James C. and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Westerlund, Tommy",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Rationale, Aims, and ObjectivesPharmaceutical care involves patient-centred pharmacist activity to improve medicines management by patients. The implementation of this service in a comprehensive manner, however, requires considerable organisation and effort, and indeed, it is often not fully implemented in care settings. The main objective was to assess how pharmaceutical care provision within community pharmacy has evolved over time in Europe. MethodA cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey of community pharmacies, using a modified version of the Behavioural Pharmaceutical Care Scale (BPCS) was conducted in late 2012/early 2013 within 16 European countries and compared with an earlier assessment conducted in 2006. ResultsThe provision of comprehensive pharmaceutical care has slightly improved in all European countries that participated in both editions of this survey (n=8) with progress being made particularly in Denmark and Switzerland. Moreover, there was a wider country uptake, indicating spread of the concept. However, due to a number of limitations, the results should be interpreted with caution. Using combined data from participating countries, the provision of pharmaceutical care was positively correlated with the participation of the community pharmacists in patient-centred activities, routine use of pharmacy software with access to clinical data, participation in multidisciplinary team meetings, and having specialized education. ConclusionsThe present study demonstrated a slight evolution in self-reported provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe, as measured by the BPCS. The slow progress suggests a range of barriers, which are preventing pharmacists moving beyond traditional roles. Support from professional bodies and more patient-centred community pharmacy contracts, including remuneration for pharmaceutical care services, are likely to be required if quicker progress is to be made in the future.",
publisher = "Wiley, Hoboken",
journal = "Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice",
title = "Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading?",
volume = "23",
number = "6",
pages = "1336-1347",
doi = "10.1111/jep.12783"
Costa, F. A., Scullin, C., Al-Taani, G., Hawwa, A. F., Anderson, C., Bezverhni, Z., Binakaj, Z., Cordina, M., Foulon, V., Garcia de Bikuna, B., de Gier, H., Granas, A. G., Grinstova, O., Griese-Mammen, N., Grincevicius, J., Grinceviciene, S., Kaae, S., Kubiliene, L., Marino, E. L., Martins, S., Modamio, P., Nadin, G., Norgaard, L. S., Obarcanin, E., Tadić, I., Tasić, L., McElnay, J. C., Hersberger, K. E.,& Westerlund, T.. (2017). Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading?. in Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice
Wiley, Hoboken., 23(6), 1336-1347.
Costa FA, Scullin C, Al-Taani G, Hawwa AF, Anderson C, Bezverhni Z, Binakaj Z, Cordina M, Foulon V, Garcia de Bikuna B, de Gier H, Granas AG, Grinstova O, Griese-Mammen N, Grincevicius J, Grinceviciene S, Kaae S, Kubiliene L, Marino EL, Martins S, Modamio P, Nadin G, Norgaard LS, Obarcanin E, Tadić I, Tasić L, McElnay JC, Hersberger KE, Westerlund T. Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading?. in Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2017;23(6):1336-1347.
doi:10.1111/jep.12783 .
Costa, Filipa A., Scullin, Claire, Al-Taani, Ghaith, Hawwa, Ahmed F., Anderson, Claire, Bezverhni, Zinaida, Binakaj, Zahida, Cordina, Maria, Foulon, Veerle, Garcia de Bikuna, Borja, de Gier, Han, Granas, Anne Gerd, Grinstova, Olga, Griese-Mammen, Nina, Grincevicius, Jonas, Grinceviciene, Svitrigaile, Kaae, Susanne, Kubiliene, Loreta, Marino, Eduardo L., Martins, Silvia, Modamio, Pilar, Nadin, Giancarlo, Norgaard, Lotte Stig, Obarcanin, Emina, Tadić, Ivana, Tasić, Ljiljana, McElnay, James C., Hersberger, Kurt E., Westerlund, Tommy, "Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading?" in Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 23, no. 6 (2017):1336-1347,
https://doi.org/10.1111/jep.12783 . .

An approach to TQM evaluation in pharma business

Marinković, Valentina; Bekcić, Stana; Pejović, Gordana B.; Šibalija, Tatjana V.; Majstorović, Vidosav D.; Tasić, Ljiljana

(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2016)

AU  - Marinković, Valentina
AU  - Bekcić, Stana
AU  - Pejović, Gordana B.
AU  - Šibalija, Tatjana V.
AU  - Majstorović, Vidosav D.
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2736
AB  - Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to explore the good practice (GxP) and standardised management system integration within total quality management (TQM) paradigm in pharmaceutical sector in Serbia. Also, the impact of all interested parties on quality management has been assessed. Design/methodology/approach-The cross-sectional study was performed, including different stakeholders within the pharmaceutical sector in Serbia: manufacturers, distributors, big pharma representative offices, as well as national regulatory authority. A survey instrument was developed, consisted of 16 questions, which were organised into four groups: questions in relation to implementation of ISO 9001, implementation of good distribution practice/good manufacturing practice, integration of management systems, and impact on TQM and business excellence. Total number of participants was 121. Findings-Standardised management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001) support companies to improve business environment and management sustainability, but this survey indicated that it was ranked at the lower level then GxP, for pharmaceutical sector in Serbia. Although pharmaceutical companies has faced many challenges in recent years, the survey revealed high level of confidence in quality management systems, as well as the necessity of various management systems integration. Originality/value-The perception of TQM by the experts in pharmaceutical companies and regulatory authority is wider than the common TQM definition. From pharmaceutical point of view, TQM is a holistic approach to long-term success of organisation, oriented to all interested parties, with focus on a public health. Risk-based approach in new revision of both ISO and GxP will facilitate integration process towards TQM and business excellence.
PB  - Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
T2  - TQM Journal
T1  - An approach to TQM evaluation in pharma business
VL  - 28
IS  - 5
SP  - 745
EP  - 759
DO  - 10.1108/TQM-10-2015-0134
ER  - 
author = "Marinković, Valentina and Bekcić, Stana and Pejović, Gordana B. and Šibalija, Tatjana V. and Majstorović, Vidosav D. and Tasić, Ljiljana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to explore the good practice (GxP) and standardised management system integration within total quality management (TQM) paradigm in pharmaceutical sector in Serbia. Also, the impact of all interested parties on quality management has been assessed. Design/methodology/approach-The cross-sectional study was performed, including different stakeholders within the pharmaceutical sector in Serbia: manufacturers, distributors, big pharma representative offices, as well as national regulatory authority. A survey instrument was developed, consisted of 16 questions, which were organised into four groups: questions in relation to implementation of ISO 9001, implementation of good distribution practice/good manufacturing practice, integration of management systems, and impact on TQM and business excellence. Total number of participants was 121. Findings-Standardised management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001) support companies to improve business environment and management sustainability, but this survey indicated that it was ranked at the lower level then GxP, for pharmaceutical sector in Serbia. Although pharmaceutical companies has faced many challenges in recent years, the survey revealed high level of confidence in quality management systems, as well as the necessity of various management systems integration. Originality/value-The perception of TQM by the experts in pharmaceutical companies and regulatory authority is wider than the common TQM definition. From pharmaceutical point of view, TQM is a holistic approach to long-term success of organisation, oriented to all interested parties, with focus on a public health. Risk-based approach in new revision of both ISO and GxP will facilitate integration process towards TQM and business excellence.",
publisher = "Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.",
journal = "TQM Journal",
title = "An approach to TQM evaluation in pharma business",
volume = "28",
number = "5",
pages = "745-759",
doi = "10.1108/TQM-10-2015-0134"
Marinković, V., Bekcić, S., Pejović, G. B., Šibalija, T. V., Majstorović, V. D.,& Tasić, L.. (2016). An approach to TQM evaluation in pharma business. in TQM Journal
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.., 28(5), 745-759.
Marinković V, Bekcić S, Pejović GB, Šibalija TV, Majstorović VD, Tasić L. An approach to TQM evaluation in pharma business. in TQM Journal. 2016;28(5):745-759.
doi:10.1108/TQM-10-2015-0134 .
Marinković, Valentina, Bekcić, Stana, Pejović, Gordana B., Šibalija, Tatjana V., Majstorović, Vidosav D., Tasić, Ljiljana, "An approach to TQM evaluation in pharma business" in TQM Journal, 28, no. 5 (2016):745-759,
https://doi.org/10.1108/TQM-10-2015-0134 . .

Patient safety and medication errors in the provision of health care services-challenges for contemporary practice

Stojković, Tatjana; Marinković, Valentina; Krajnović, Dušanka; Tasić, Ljiljana; Milošević-Georgiev, Andrijana

(Univerzitet u Nišu - Medicinski fakultet, Niš, 2016)

AU  - Stojković, Tatjana
AU  - Marinković, Valentina
AU  - Krajnović, Dušanka
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Milošević-Georgiev, Andrijana
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2764
AB  - Non-maleficence represents one of the basic ethical principles that health care providers should be guided by during service delivery. Establishment of patient safety is nowadays recognized as an issue of global concern in health care and a critical component of quality management. The aim of this paper is to provide a literature review of the patient safety and medication errors concept, with special attention given to defining the most significant terms, analyzing the causal factors and reviewing their classification. Raising awareness about the importance of patient safety has resulted in an increase in the number of medication error studies over the last decade. The traditional approach which makes health workers responsible for reduction of incidents is replaced by the modern concept which implies the involvement of all stakeholders at all levels of the system. In developed countries, the application of prospective risk management models for specific health care processes has already started. However, all these studies are mainly carried out at the secondary and tertiary levels of health care, while they are almost non-existent at the primary level. In the Republic of Serbia, a Rulebook on indicators of the quality of health care has been recently adopted, but a trend of significant lack of data regarding patient safety can be noticed due to inadequate reporting. It is necessary to continue with the homogenization of terminology and to increase the number of analyses of causal factors with the aim of prospective risk identification, particularly in developing countries such as the Republic of Serbia.
AB  - Neškodljivost predstavlja jedan od osnovnih etičkih principa kojim bi trebalo da se rukovode zdravstveni radnici prilikom pružanja usluga zdravstvene zaštite. Uspostavljanje i unapređenje bezbednosti bolesnika danas je prepoznato kao problem od globalnog značaja u zdravstvu i kritična komponenta upravljanja kvalitetom. Cilj ovog rada bio je literaturni prikaz koncepta bezbednosti bolesnika i medicinskih grešaka, sa posebnim osvrtom na pregled definicija najznačajnijih termina u ovoj oblasti, analizu faktora koji determinišu nastanak medicinskih grešaka i razmatranje njihove klasifikacije. Tokom poslednje decenije je sa povećanjem svesti o problemu bezbednosti bolesnika povećan i broj istraživanja medicinskih grešaka. Tradicionalni pristup po kome su za redukciju incidenata i poboljšanje bezbednosti odgovorni zdravstveni radnici zamenjuje se savremenim konceptom, koji podrazumeva uključivanje svih aktera na svim sistemskim nivoima radi upravljanja rizicima prilikom pružanja zdravstvenih usluga. U razvijenim zemljama je započeta i primena prospektivnih modela upravljanja rizicima za određene procese u zdravstvenoj zaštiti. Međutim, sve ove studije se uglavnom sprovode na sekundarnom i tercijarnom nivou zdravstvene zaštite, dok ih na primarnom nivou gotovo uopšte nema. U Republici Srbiji je nedavno usvojen Pravilnik o pokazateljima kvaliteta zdravstvene zaštite, ali se uprkos implementaciji regulative, može uočiti trend značajnog nedostatka podataka u vezi sa bezbednošću bolesnika zbog neadekvatnog prijavljivanja od strane zdravstvenih ustanova. U budućnosti je neophodno nastaviti sa homogenizacijom terminologije, kao i povećati broj ispitivanja faktora koji doprinose nastanku medicinskih grešaka, a sa ciljem prospektivnog identifikovanja i prevencije rizika u sistemu zdravstvene zaštite, a posebno u zemljama u razvoju kao što je Republika Srbija.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu - Medicinski fakultet, Niš
T2  - Acta medica Medianae
T1  - Patient safety and medication errors in the provision of health care services-challenges for contemporary practice
T1  - Bezbednost bolesnika i medicinske greške u procesu pružanja zdravstvene zaštite - izazovi za savremenu praksu
VL  - 55
IS  - 2
SP  - 57
EP  - 64
DO  - 10.5633/amm.2016.0210
ER  - 
author = "Stojković, Tatjana and Marinković, Valentina and Krajnović, Dušanka and Tasić, Ljiljana and Milošević-Georgiev, Andrijana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Non-maleficence represents one of the basic ethical principles that health care providers should be guided by during service delivery. Establishment of patient safety is nowadays recognized as an issue of global concern in health care and a critical component of quality management. The aim of this paper is to provide a literature review of the patient safety and medication errors concept, with special attention given to defining the most significant terms, analyzing the causal factors and reviewing their classification. Raising awareness about the importance of patient safety has resulted in an increase in the number of medication error studies over the last decade. The traditional approach which makes health workers responsible for reduction of incidents is replaced by the modern concept which implies the involvement of all stakeholders at all levels of the system. In developed countries, the application of prospective risk management models for specific health care processes has already started. However, all these studies are mainly carried out at the secondary and tertiary levels of health care, while they are almost non-existent at the primary level. In the Republic of Serbia, a Rulebook on indicators of the quality of health care has been recently adopted, but a trend of significant lack of data regarding patient safety can be noticed due to inadequate reporting. It is necessary to continue with the homogenization of terminology and to increase the number of analyses of causal factors with the aim of prospective risk identification, particularly in developing countries such as the Republic of Serbia., Neškodljivost predstavlja jedan od osnovnih etičkih principa kojim bi trebalo da se rukovode zdravstveni radnici prilikom pružanja usluga zdravstvene zaštite. Uspostavljanje i unapređenje bezbednosti bolesnika danas je prepoznato kao problem od globalnog značaja u zdravstvu i kritična komponenta upravljanja kvalitetom. Cilj ovog rada bio je literaturni prikaz koncepta bezbednosti bolesnika i medicinskih grešaka, sa posebnim osvrtom na pregled definicija najznačajnijih termina u ovoj oblasti, analizu faktora koji determinišu nastanak medicinskih grešaka i razmatranje njihove klasifikacije. Tokom poslednje decenije je sa povećanjem svesti o problemu bezbednosti bolesnika povećan i broj istraživanja medicinskih grešaka. Tradicionalni pristup po kome su za redukciju incidenata i poboljšanje bezbednosti odgovorni zdravstveni radnici zamenjuje se savremenim konceptom, koji podrazumeva uključivanje svih aktera na svim sistemskim nivoima radi upravljanja rizicima prilikom pružanja zdravstvenih usluga. U razvijenim zemljama je započeta i primena prospektivnih modela upravljanja rizicima za određene procese u zdravstvenoj zaštiti. Međutim, sve ove studije se uglavnom sprovode na sekundarnom i tercijarnom nivou zdravstvene zaštite, dok ih na primarnom nivou gotovo uopšte nema. U Republici Srbiji je nedavno usvojen Pravilnik o pokazateljima kvaliteta zdravstvene zaštite, ali se uprkos implementaciji regulative, može uočiti trend značajnog nedostatka podataka u vezi sa bezbednošću bolesnika zbog neadekvatnog prijavljivanja od strane zdravstvenih ustanova. U budućnosti je neophodno nastaviti sa homogenizacijom terminologije, kao i povećati broj ispitivanja faktora koji doprinose nastanku medicinskih grešaka, a sa ciljem prospektivnog identifikovanja i prevencije rizika u sistemu zdravstvene zaštite, a posebno u zemljama u razvoju kao što je Republika Srbija.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu - Medicinski fakultet, Niš",
journal = "Acta medica Medianae",
title = "Patient safety and medication errors in the provision of health care services-challenges for contemporary practice, Bezbednost bolesnika i medicinske greške u procesu pružanja zdravstvene zaštite - izazovi za savremenu praksu",
volume = "55",
number = "2",
pages = "57-64",
doi = "10.5633/amm.2016.0210"
Stojković, T., Marinković, V., Krajnović, D., Tasić, L.,& Milošević-Georgiev, A.. (2016). Patient safety and medication errors in the provision of health care services-challenges for contemporary practice. in Acta medica Medianae
Univerzitet u Nišu - Medicinski fakultet, Niš., 55(2), 57-64.
Stojković T, Marinković V, Krajnović D, Tasić L, Milošević-Georgiev A. Patient safety and medication errors in the provision of health care services-challenges for contemporary practice. in Acta medica Medianae. 2016;55(2):57-64.
doi:10.5633/amm.2016.0210 .
Stojković, Tatjana, Marinković, Valentina, Krajnović, Dušanka, Tasić, Ljiljana, Milošević-Georgiev, Andrijana, "Patient safety and medication errors in the provision of health care services-challenges for contemporary practice" in Acta medica Medianae, 55, no. 2 (2016):57-64,
https://doi.org/10.5633/amm.2016.0210 . .

A prospective assesment of attitudes and experiences among urologists regarding off label use of bcg vaccine in Serbia

Marinković, Valentina; Bekcić, Stana; Đorđević, J.; Tasić, Ljiljana; Stojković, Tatjana

(Elsevier Science Inc, 2016)

AU  - Marinković, Valentina
AU  - Bekcić, Stana
AU  - Đorđević, J.
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
AU  - Stojković, Tatjana
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2682
AB  - Objectives: To assess current attitudes of urologists to „off-label“ prescribing
of BCG vaccine for high grade non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) and
carcinoma-in-situ (CIS), as well as to perform a pharmacoeconomic evaluation
of BCG vaccine manufactured by local pharmaceutical company. Methods: The
attitudes and experiences of urologists regarding „off-label“ use of BCG vaccine
for intravesical immunotherapy of bladder cancer, have been evaluated by using
non-probability snowball sampling technique and specifically designed question-
naire. Clinical, social, economic, ethical and regulatory factors have been included.
Snowball sampling has involved urologists from ten different hospitals in the
Northern, Central and Southern Serbia, greatly experienced in intravesical BCG
immunotherapy. Results: BCG is used for intravesical immunotherapy, and has
become the standard care for NMIBC and CIS. BCG therapy may reduce the risk of
tumour progression, appearing to be better in preventing recurrences compared to
chemotherapy, but with significantly more side effects. „Off-label“ use is the use
of a medicinal product for another indication, another patient group, another dose
or by another route of administration as indicated in the package insert. It was
noted that BCG was in the „off-label” use in a 50,0% hospitals which had a problem
with purchase of BCG for immunotherapy (regarding worldwide shortages). It was
estimated that there were 1095 patients with bladder cancer in Serbia per year. The
model according to which 18 vials of domestic BCG vaccine are used for immu-
notherapy per patient per year, projected the net budget savings of 593 862.30 € per year. Conclusions: This research could support the further clinical studies
of BCG vaccine of local manufacturer, for new indications (NMIBC and CIS). That
would enable lower costs per patient, higher quality, availability and the continuous
supply of immunotherapy.
PB  - Elsevier Science Inc
C3  - Value in Health
T1  - A prospective assesment of attitudes and experiences among urologists regarding off label use of bcg vaccine in Serbia
VL  - 19
IS  - 7
SP  - A497
EP  - A498
DO  - 10.1016/j.jval.2016.09.875
ER  - 
author = "Marinković, Valentina and Bekcić, Stana and Đorđević, J. and Tasić, Ljiljana and Stojković, Tatjana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Objectives: To assess current attitudes of urologists to „off-label“ prescribing
of BCG vaccine for high grade non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) and
carcinoma-in-situ (CIS), as well as to perform a pharmacoeconomic evaluation
of BCG vaccine manufactured by local pharmaceutical company. Methods: The
attitudes and experiences of urologists regarding „off-label“ use of BCG vaccine
for intravesical immunotherapy of bladder cancer, have been evaluated by using
non-probability snowball sampling technique and specifically designed question-
naire. Clinical, social, economic, ethical and regulatory factors have been included.
Snowball sampling has involved urologists from ten different hospitals in the
Northern, Central and Southern Serbia, greatly experienced in intravesical BCG
immunotherapy. Results: BCG is used for intravesical immunotherapy, and has
become the standard care for NMIBC and CIS. BCG therapy may reduce the risk of
tumour progression, appearing to be better in preventing recurrences compared to
chemotherapy, but with significantly more side effects. „Off-label“ use is the use
of a medicinal product for another indication, another patient group, another dose
or by another route of administration as indicated in the package insert. It was
noted that BCG was in the „off-label” use in a 50,0% hospitals which had a problem
with purchase of BCG for immunotherapy (regarding worldwide shortages). It was
estimated that there were 1095 patients with bladder cancer in Serbia per year. The
model according to which 18 vials of domestic BCG vaccine are used for immu-
notherapy per patient per year, projected the net budget savings of 593 862.30 € per year. Conclusions: This research could support the further clinical studies
of BCG vaccine of local manufacturer, for new indications (NMIBC and CIS). That
would enable lower costs per patient, higher quality, availability and the continuous
supply of immunotherapy.",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Inc",
journal = "Value in Health",
title = "A prospective assesment of attitudes and experiences among urologists regarding off label use of bcg vaccine in Serbia",
volume = "19",
number = "7",
pages = "A497-A498",
doi = "10.1016/j.jval.2016.09.875"
Marinković, V., Bekcić, S., Đorđević, J., Tasić, L.,& Stojković, T.. (2016). A prospective assesment of attitudes and experiences among urologists regarding off label use of bcg vaccine in Serbia. in Value in Health
Elsevier Science Inc., 19(7), A497-A498.
Marinković V, Bekcić S, Đorđević J, Tasić L, Stojković T. A prospective assesment of attitudes and experiences among urologists regarding off label use of bcg vaccine in Serbia. in Value in Health. 2016;19(7):A497-A498.
doi:10.1016/j.jval.2016.09.875 .
Marinković, Valentina, Bekcić, Stana, Đorđević, J., Tasić, Ljiljana, Stojković, Tatjana, "A prospective assesment of attitudes and experiences among urologists regarding off label use of bcg vaccine in Serbia" in Value in Health, 19, no. 7 (2016):A497-A498,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jval.2016.09.875 . .

Pharmacist interventions in pregnant women: comparative study between Serbia and Norway

Odalović, Marina; Milanković, Silje; Host, Lone; Nordeng, Hedvig; Heitmann, Kristine; Tasić, Ljiljana

(Springer, 2016)

AU  - Odalović, Marina
AU  - Milanković, Silje
AU  - Host, Lone
AU  - Nordeng, Hedvig
AU  - Heitmann, Kristine
AU  - Tasić, Ljiljana
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2705
PB  - Springer
C3  - International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
T1  - Pharmacist interventions in pregnant women: comparative study between Serbia and Norway
VL  - 38
IS  - 4
SP  - 1018
EP  - 1018
DO  - 10.1007/s11096-016-0283-8
ER  - 
author = "Odalović, Marina and Milanković, Silje and Host, Lone and Nordeng, Hedvig and Heitmann, Kristine and Tasić, Ljiljana",
year = "2016",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy",
title = "Pharmacist interventions in pregnant women: comparative study between Serbia and Norway",
volume = "38",
number = "4",
pages = "1018-1018",
doi = "10.1007/s11096-016-0283-8"
Odalović, M., Milanković, S., Host, L., Nordeng, H., Heitmann, K.,& Tasić, L.. (2016). Pharmacist interventions in pregnant women: comparative study between Serbia and Norway. in International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
Springer., 38(4), 1018-1018.
Odalović M, Milanković S, Host L, Nordeng H, Heitmann K, Tasić L. Pharmacist interventions in pregnant women: comparative study between Serbia and Norway. in International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2016;38(4):1018-1018.
doi:10.1007/s11096-016-0283-8 .
Odalović, Marina, Milanković, Silje, Host, Lone, Nordeng, Hedvig, Heitmann, Kristine, Tasić, Ljiljana, "Pharmacist interventions in pregnant women: comparative study between Serbia and Norway" in International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 38, no. 4 (2016):1018-1018,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11096-016-0283-8 . .