Приказ резултата 2642-2661 од 7085

      Fitohemijska i anatomska analiza vrste Iris reichenbachii Heuff. [1]
      Fitoterapija akutnih infekcija gornjih respiratornih puteva kod dece [1]
      Five different columns in the analysis of basic drugs in hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography [1]
      Fizičkohemijska karakterizacija i procena bezbednosti model podloga sa alkil poliglukozidnim emulgatorom za NSAIL [1]
      Fizičko‐hemijska karakterizacija formiranja polielektrolitnih kompleksa hitozan/ksantan guma kao nosača ibuprofena [1]
      Flavonoid and phenolic acid patterns in seven Hieracium species [1]
      Flavonoids from the herb resin of Achillea atrata L. Subspec, multifida (DC.) HEIM [1]
      Flavors and essences from Joanović pharmacy [1]
      Flow and tableting behaviors of some egyptian kaolin powders as potential pharmaceutical excipients [1]
      Flow-cytometric analysis of the cell cycle in peripheral blood lymphocytes exposed to antitumor agents 8-Cl-cAMP, Taxol and Mitomycin C with and without the induction of PCS [1]
      Fludized hot melt granulation: in situ vs. Spray-on procedure [1]
      Flunaza assay by RP-HPLC method [1]
      Fluocinolone acetonide nanosuspensions for skin delivery: influence of formulation and process parameters on physicochemical characteristics and in vitro performance [1]
      Fluoksetin ne remeti motornu funkciju kod bolesnika sa Parkinsonovom bolešću - korelacija raspoloženja i motorne funkcije sa koncentracijom fluoksetina/norfluoksetina u plazmi [1]
      Fluoride content in bottled mineral waters of Serbia [1]
      Fluoride content in potable water on territory of Vranje [1]
      Fluoride in drinking water and dental fluorosis [1]
      Fluoride intake assessment from drinking water and toothpaste by preschool children [1]
      Fluoride levels in hair samples - Biomarker of exposure [1]
      Fluoride subacute testicular toxicity in Wistar rats: Benchmark dose analysis for the redox parameters, essential elements and DNA damage [1]