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Uticaj ekstrakta rizoma i korena kukureka (Helleborus odorus W. et K.) na parametre bele krvne slike i stepen fagocitoze kod wistar pacova

dc.creatorDavidović, Vesna
dc.creatorLazarević, M.
dc.creatorJoksimović-Todorović, Mirjana
dc.creatorMaksimović, Zoran
dc.creatorJovanović, M.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research was to study the effects that the extract of rhizome and root of Helleborus odorus W. et K. (Ranunculaceae) can have on modifications in the parameter values of white blood cells count and degree of phagocytosis by peritoneal macrophages and neutrophil granulocytes in Wistar rats. The trial was conducted on 28 rats divided into 4 groups with 7 animals in each group. To the control group of rats sterile physiological solution in the quantity of 0.25 mL/100 g BW was applied intramuscularly. For the purpose of monitoring the effect of the extract of rhizome and root of hellebore (HE) during a time period, the HE was applied intramuscularly to rats in a dose of 10 mg/100 g BW, while the blood samples for analysis were taken after 24h, 48h and 72h. The consequence of intramuscular application of HE was an increased count of total leukocytes in all trial groups, the most expressed leukocytosis being registered 24h after application of HE. Statistically significant higher value in the count and percent of neutrophil granulocytes in the blood was recorded 24h after treatment in relation to the control and two other trial groups (p lt 0.001), among which a statistical significance was not established. The extract of hellebore rhizome and root has led to lymphopenia, resulting in the increase of the neutrophil/limphocyte index in the trial groups 24h and 48h after treatment. The application of HE had no significant effect on the count of monocytes in treated animals. The applied extract has caused a significant increase in the degree of phagocytosis by residing peritoneal macrophages and neutrophil granulocytes in blood.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj ekstrakta rizoma i korena H. odorus W. et K. na promenu vrednosti parametara bele krvne slike i stepen fagocitoze od strane peritonealnih makrofaga i neutrofilnih granulocita kod pacova soja Wistar. Ogled je izveden na 28 pacova podeljenih u 4 grupe po 7 jedinki. Kontrolnoj grupi pacova je intramuskularno aplikovan sterilan fiziološki rastvor u količini od 0,25 ml/100 g TM. U cilju praćenja efekta ekstrakta rizoma i korena kukureka (EK) u toku vremena, pacovima je intramuskularno aplikovan EK u dozi od 10mg/100g TM, a krv za analizu je uzimana posle 24h, 48h i 72h. Intramuskularna aplikacija EK imala je za posledicu povećanje broja ukupnih leukocita u svim oglednim grupama, pri čemu je najizraženija leukocitoza registrovana 24h nakon aplikovanja EK. Statistički značajno veća vrednost broja i procenta neutrofilnih granulocita u krvi zabeležena je 24h posle tretmana u odnosu na kontrolnu i ostale dve ogledne grupe (p lt 0,001), između kojih nije utvrđena statistička značajnost. Ekstrakt rizoma i korena kukureka doveo je do nastanka limfopenije, što je imalo za posledicu povećanje neutrofilno/limfocitnog indeksa u oglednim grupama 24h i 48h nakon tretmana. Aplikacija EK nije značajno uticala na broj monocita kod tretiranih životinja. Upotrebljeni ekstrakt doveo je do značajnog povećanja stepena fagocitoze od strane rezidentnih peritonealnih makrofaga i neutrofilnih granulocita krvi.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceActa veterinaria
dc.subjectdegree of phagocytosisen
dc.subjecthematological parametresen
dc.titleThe effect of the extract of rhizome and root of hellebore (Helleborus odorus W. et K.) on parameters of white blood count and degree of phagocytosis in wistar ratsen
dc.titleUticaj ekstrakta rizoma i korena kukureka (Helleborus odorus W. et K.) na parametre bele krvne slike i stepen fagocitoze kod wistar pacovasr
dcterms.abstractЛазаревић, М.; Јоксимовић-Тодоровић, Мирјана; Давидовић, Весна; Максимовић, Зоран; Јовановић, М.;
dc.citation.other60(5-6): 605-618



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