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Promenljivost osobina etarskog ulja vrste Clinopodium pulegium (Lamiaceae) u zavisnosti od fenološke faze

dc.creatorSlavkovska, Violeta
dc.creatorZlatković, Bojan
dc.creatorBräuchler, Christian
dc.creatorStojanović, Danilo
dc.creatorTzakou, Olga
dc.creatorCouladis, Maria
dc.description.abstractThe variability of essential oil characteristics in different phenological stages of Clinopodium pulegium from its natural habitat (Svrljiški Timok gorge, Serbia) and from cultivated plants (Niš, Serbia) was determined. The essential oils were obtained from aerial parts of the plants by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-MS. These are the first data on the essential oil characteristics of plants of the population from the Svrljiški Timok gorge. Samples originating from both natural and cultivated populations were characterized by high amounts of essential oils in all stages of development (0.8% - 1.4%). Twenty-one compounds were identified, representing 95.3-99.6% of the total oils. Differences in the essential oil composition were more quantitative than qualitative. The quality of the essential oil was stable and did not vary with differences in environmental conditions. Dominance of the main components was modified by phenological stage. Pulegone was dominant in the vegetative (76.1% wild population, 62.7% cultivated population) and the flowering (49.5%, 64.6%) stages, while menthone (48.5%, 65.3%) displaced pulegone (34.7%, 18.4%) at the fruiting stage. Cultivated plants in the vegetative and flowering stages can be considered a significant source of pulegone, and in the fruiting stage a significant source of menthone. Careful selection of the developmental stage of the plant is a potential tool which could be employed to obtain the preferred chemical composition of C. pulegium for commercial use.en
dc.description.abstractU radu je praćena promenljivost količine i sastava etarkog ulja Clinopodium pulegium kroz različite stadijume razvoja biljke (vegetativni, stadijum cvetanja i plodonošenja). Materijal je sakupljan iz samonikle (klisura Svrljiškog Timoka) i gajene (Niš) populacije. Etarsko ulje je izolovano iz nadzemnih delova biljaka destilacijom vodenom parom i analizirano GC-MS metodom. Ovo su prvi podaci o osobinama etarskog ulja biljaka populacije iz klisure Svrljiškog Timoka. Svi uzorci kako iz samonikle tako i iz gajene populacije su se odlikovali velikim sadržajem ulja (0.8% - 1.4%) u svim stadijumima razvoja. Dvadeset jedna komponenta je identifikovana što predstavlja 95.3-99.6% ukupnog etarskog ulja. Razlike u sastavu ulja su bile više kvantitativne nego kvalitativne. Kvalitet etarskog ulja je bio stabilan a variranja uslovljena promenom sredine relativno mala. Dominacija glavnih komponenata je bila uslovljena promenama fenoloških faza. Pulegon je bio dominantan u vegetativnoj (76.1% u ulju biljaka samonikle populacije, 62.7% u ulju biljaka gajene populacije) i fazi cvetanja (49.5%, 64.6%), dok je menton bio dominantan (48.5%, 65.3%) u fazi plodonošenja. Rezultati su pokazali da se biljke u vegetativnoj i fazi cvetanja mogu smatrati značajnim izvorom pulegona, a u fazi plodonošenja značajnim izvorom mentona. Pažljivim odabirom razvojnog stadijuma biljke moguće je dobiti etarsko ulje željenog sastava koje bi se moglo upotrebiti u komercijalne
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Biološki fakultet - Institut za botaniku i botaničku baštu "Jevremovac", Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/173021/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/173030/RS//
dc.sourceBotanica Serbica
dc.subjectClinopodium pulegiumen
dc.subjectessential oilen
dc.subjectphenological stageen
dc.subjectClinopodium pulegiumsr
dc.subjectetarsko uljesr
dc.subjectfenološke fazesr
dc.titleVariations of essential oil characteristics of Clinopodium pulegium (Lamiaceae) depending on phenological stageen
dc.titlePromenljivost osobina etarskog ulja vrste Clinopodium pulegium (Lamiaceae) u zavisnosti od fenološke fazesr
dcterms.abstractТзакоу, Олга; Стојановић, Данило; Цоуладис, Мариа; Славковска, Виолета; Златковић, Бојан; Брäуцхлер, Цхристиан; Променљивост особина етарског уља врсте Цлиноподиум пулегиум (Ламиацеае) у зависности од фенолошке фазе; Променљивост особина етарског уља врсте Цлиноподиум пулегиум (Ламиацеае) у зависности од фенолошке фазе;
dc.citation.other37(2): 97-104

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