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Uticaj suplementacije stočne hrane selenom na humani status selena

dc.creatorPavlović, Zoran
dc.creatorMiletić, Ivanka
dc.creatorJokić, Živan
dc.creatorStevanović, J.
dc.creatorŠobajić, Slađana
dc.creatorBulat, Zorica
dc.description.abstractThe use of selenium as animal feed supplement in Serbia was approved in 1989 for some categories of pigs, sheep and poultry. From 2000 selenium in animal feed became a requirement for all categories of farm animals. The aim of this study was to determine the consumption of selenium by Serbian livestock and in poultry production between 1990-1991 and 2000-2008 and to analyze the selenium content of meat, milk and eggs sold on Serbian markets to gain insight into human selenium intake. Data indicate a low level of selenium inclusion in animal feed during 1990-1991 compared to during 2000-2008. These results coincide with Serbian regulations. From 2001 an organic form of selenium (selenized yeast) was introduced in small quantities (less than 8% of the total consumed selenium). Analysis of meat, milk and eggs from Serbian markets shows increased selenium levels compared to 1991. However, the estimated total human daily intake in Serbia is 40.9 μg, which is under the recommended quantity. Increasing the quantity of selenium included in animal feed and the substitution of inorganic selenium with selenized yeast could be beneficial for animal health and farm productivity. As a consequence a further improvement in the human selenium status in Serbia should be possible.en
dc.description.abstractUpotreba selena kao suplementa za stočnu hranu odobrena je u Srbiji 1989. godine za neke kategorija svinja, ovaca i živine. Od 2000. propisan je obavezan sadržaj selena u hrani za sve domaće životinje. Cilj rada bio je istraživanje upotrebe selena za suplementaciju stočne hrane selenom u periodima 1990-1991 i 2000-2008 i analiza sadržaja selena u namirnicama životinjskog porekla. Rezultati ukazuju na povećanu upotrebu selena kao aditiva za stočnu hranu od 2000. i povećan sadržaj selena u svinjskom mesu i jajima u poređenju sa podacima iz 1991. Procenjeni dnevni unos selena stanovnika Srbije je 40.9 μg što je značajno manje od preporučenog dnevnog unosa selena. Povećana upotreba selena u ishrani domaćih životinja, i zamena neorganskih jedinjenja selena seleniziranim kvascem, pored povoljnih efekata na zdravlje i produktivnost životinja, dovela bi do daljeg poboljšanja statusa selena stanovnika Srbije.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectmineral-vitamin premixesen
dc.subjectfoods animal originen
dc.titleThe influence of selenium supplementation of animal feed on human selenium intake in Serbiaen
dc.titleUticaj suplementacije stočne hrane selenom na humani status selenasr
dcterms.abstractПавловић, Зоран; Шобајић, Слађана; Булат, Зорица; Јокић, Живан; Милетић, Иванка; Стевановић, Ј.; Утицај суплементације сточне хране селеном на хумани статус селена; Утицај суплементације сточне хране селеном на хумани статус селена;
dc.citation.other29(2): 345-352



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