Now showing items 1-20 of 261

      3D printing of tablets by photopolymerization and selective laser sintering: development and process optimisation [1]
      3D štampanje tableta postupcima fotopolimerizacije i selektivnog laserskog sinterovanja: razvoj i optimizacija procesa [1]
      Analiza uticaja životnog stila, socio-ekonomskih faktora i zdravstvenog stanja ispitanica na upotrebu lekova u trudnoći [1]
      Analysis of impact of life style, socio-economic factorsand health status on the use of medicines in pregnancy [1]
      Analysis of plasma lipid composition and lipid peroxidation parameters according to stage and duration of Parkinsonʼs disease and applied therapy disease and applied therapy [1]
      Anelacije heterocikličnih jedinjenja i njihova primena u sintezi prirodnih proizvoda [1]
      Annulations of heterocyclic compounds and their application in synthesis of natural compounds [1]
      Antidotal efficacy of newly synthesized oximes K203 and K027 in rats acutely exposed to dichlorvos [1]
      Antidotska efikasnost novosintetisanih oksima K203 i K027 kod pacova akutno trovanih dihlorvosom [1]
      Antimicrobial activity of chalcones and in vitro effect on physiological and biochemical characteristics and expression of virulence factors of methicillin - resistant Staphylococcus aureus [1]
      Antimikrobna aktivnost halkona i in vitro uticaj na fiziološko-biohemijske karakteristike i ekspresiju faktora virulencije meticilin-rezistentnih sojeva Staphylococcus aureus [1]
      Antinociceptive effect, mechanism of action and interactions of levetiracetam in somatic, visceral and neuropathic pain models [1]
      Antinociceptivni efekat, mehanizam dejstva i interakcije levetiracetama u modelima somatskog, visceralnog i neuropatskog bola [1]
      Application of advanced data analysis techniques in biopharmaceutical characterization: identification, classification and prediction of factors affecting intestinal drug absorption [1]
      Application of moving average procedures as an additional tool for continuous quality control of analytical work in the medical laboratory [1]
      Assessment of biomarkers of cholesterol homeostasis and vitamin D metabolism in patients with colorectal cancer [1]
      Assessment of prevalence and predictors of clinically significant drug-drug interactions and their impact on clinical outcomes in cardiovascular disease patients [1]
      Bimodal modulation of alpha5 GABAA receptors in an experimental model of Alzheimer’s disease [1]
      Bimodalna modulacija alfa5 GABAA receptora u eksperimentalnom modelu Alchajmerove bolesti [1]
      Biohemijski parametri oksidativnog, nutritivnog i inflamatornog statusa u predikciji mortaliteta kod pacijenata na hemodijalizi [1]