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Uloga farmaceuta u lečenju nekih od najčešćih akutnih bolnih stanja

dc.creatorMicov, Ana
dc.creatorTomić, Maja
dc.description.abstractPain management is a challenge and imperative for all health professionals, including pharmacists. The most of visits to community pharmacies involve acute pain issues, such as tension-type headache (TTH) and dysmenorrhea. Pharmacists are the first-line health care providers faced by those pain sufferers therefore they are in a unique position to recognize pain as a symptom of possibly life threatening underlying health condition, when the patient should be referred to a physician. Based on the probable diagnosis, the pharmacist is able to select the appropriate OTC analgesic, its dosage/pharmaceutical form/route of administration, recommend non-pharmacological measures, advise and educate the patient regarding its pain condition, evaluate treatment efficacy/tolerability and prevent the adverse treatment outcomes (e.g. medication overuse headache development). Pharmacist should recommend OTC nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or paracetamol as drugs of first choice for the treatment of TTH, and NSAIDs, preferably ibuprofen, for the management of dysmenorrhea. To select the appropriate analgesic, the pharmacist should consider the prior patient experience with analgesics. To prevent medication overuse headache development, simple analgesics should not be used more than 14 days/month and combination analgesics with caffeine/codeine no more than 9 days/month, in patients suffering from TTH. Patient-pharmacist-physician partnership is necessary for effective and safe acute pain treatment.en
dc.description.abstractTerapija bola izazov je i imperativ za sve zdravstvene stručnjake, uključujući i farmaceute. Najčešći razlog zbog čega se pacijenti obraćaju farmaceutu u javnoj apoteci je neko akutno bolno stanje, poput glavobolje tenzionog tipa (GTT) i dismenoreje. Kako su farmaceuti prva linija zdravstvenih radnika sa kojima se ovi pacijenti susreću, oni imaju važnu ulogu u prepoznavanju bola koji može biti simptom nekog životno ugrožavajućeg zdravstvenog problema kada pacijenta treba uputiti lekaru. Dalje, farmaceut može na osnovu verovatne dijagnoze da izvrši izbor odgovarajućeg OTC analgetika, njegove doze/farmaceutskog oblika/puta primene, preporuči nefarmakološke mere, izvrši savetovanje i edukaciju pacijenta o bolnom stanju, isprati efikasnost/podnošljivost terapije i spreči nastanak nepovoljnih ishoda terapije (npr. razvoj glavobolje usled prekomerne upotrebe analgetika). Kao lekove prvog izbora u lečenju GTT farmaceut treba da preporuči OTC nesteroidne antiinflamatorne lekove (NSAIL) ili paracetamol, dok se za lečenje dismenoreje prednost daje NSAIL-ima (ibuprofenu). Izbor leka prevashodno zavisi od prethodnog iskustva pacijenta sa lekom.U pacijenata sa GTT treba ograničiti upotrebu monokomponentnih preparata NSAIL/paracetamola na najviše 14, a kombinovanih preparata sa kofeinom/kodeinom na najviše 9 dana u mesecu, da bi se sprečio razvoj glavobolje usled prekomerne upotrebe analgetika. Samo partnerskim odnosom na relaciji pacijent-farmaceut-lekar može da se ostvari efikasna i bezbedna terapija akutnih bolnih
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije
dc.sourceArhiv za farmaciju
dc.subjectNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
dc.subjectOTC analgesics
dc.subjectPharmacist's role
dc.subjectTension-type headache (TTH)
dc.subjectuloga farmaceuta
dc.subjectOTC analgetici
dc.subjectglavobolja tenzionog tipa (GTT)
dc.subjectnesteroidni antiinflamatorni lekovi (NSAIL)
dc.titleThe role of pharmacists in the management of certain common acute pain statesen
dc.titleUloga farmaceuta u lečenju nekih od najčešćih akutnih bolnih stanjasr
dcterms.abstractМицов, Aна; Томић, Маја; Улога фармацеута у лечењу неких од најчешћих акутних болних стања;

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