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Drugi naučni simpozijum Saveza farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije: Farmacija i priroda - kompleksne relacije i međusobni uticaji

dc.creatorKovačević, Nada
dc.creatorMiljković, Branislava
dc.creatorParojčić, Jelena
dc.description.abstractFrom the idea of a pharmaceutical product, through the development of materials and technologies for their production, analysis, and control, application in different patient populations, to the proper disposal and destroying of pharmaceutical waste, everything is connected and has an impact on the soil, water, and air, as well as to all living beings on this planet. Intending to invite the colleagues to consider how their pharmacy practice, science, and education can impact nature and global environmental trends, Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia has organized the 2nd SFUS scientific symposium, entitled Pharmacy and the Nature - Complex Relations and Mutual Impacts on 28th October 2021, in the conference center of the Science and Technology Park Belgrade, with the presence of more than 60 participants. Within the Symposium, the introductory lecture was held by Prof. Dr. Nada Kovačević, along with eight invited lectures, three oral presentations, and thirty-two poster presentations.
dc.description.abstractOd ideje za farmaceutski proizvod, preko razvoja materijala i tehnologija za njihovu proizvodnju, analizu i kontrolu, primene kod različitih populacija pacijenata, do pravilnog odlaganja i uništavanja iskorišćenog i neiskorišćenog materijala i proizvoda, sve je povezano i ima uticaj na zemlju, vodu i vazduh, kao i na sva živa bića na ovoj planeti. Sa ciljem da se bolje razmotri na koji način aktivnosti u okviru farmaceutske struke, nauke i obrazovanja mogu da utiču na prirodu i glabalna ekološka kretanja, održan je 2. naučni simpozijum pod naslovom Farmacija i priroda – kompleksne relacije i međusobni uticaji. Simpozijum je organizovao Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije i održan je 28. oktobra 2021. godine u konferencijskom centru Naučno-tehnološkog parka Beograd, uz prisutvo više od 60 učesnika. U okviru Simpozijuma je održano jedno uvodno predavanje, osam predavanja po pozivu, tri usmena saopštenja i prikazane su trideset i dve poster prezentacije.
dc.publisherAssociation of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia
dc.sourceHemijska industrija
dc.subjectEnvironmental protection
dc.subjectGreen pharmacy
dc.subjectSustainable pharmacy practice and research
dc.subjectodrživa farmaceutska praksa i istraživanja
dc.subjectzelena farmacija
dc.subjectzaštita životne sredine
dc.title2nd SFUS scientific symposium Pharmacy and the Nature-Complex Relations and Mutual Impacts
dc.titleDrugi naučni simpozijum Saveza farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije: Farmacija i priroda - kompleksne relacije i međusobni uticaji
dc.description.otherThe second scientific symposium of the Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia was held on October 28, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia



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