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Stav pacijenata i psihijatara o trenutnom stanju farmakoterapije depresije u Srbiji i mogućnosti uvođenja personalizovane farmakoterapije i njenim potencijalnim efektima

dc.creatorJeremić, Aleksandra
dc.creatorMilosavljević, Filip
dc.creatorOpanković, Ana
dc.creatorJukić, Marin
dc.description.abstractThe use of antidepressants has been steadily increasing. Even though the amount of evidence on the usefulness of personalized drug dosing in depression treatment is growing, there is still resistance and skepticism among physicians and regulators regarding the implementation of CYP450 genotyping and therapeutic drug monitoring in psychiatric clinical practice. The aim of this study was to quantify the opinions of psychiatrists and patients from three large psychiatric clinics in Belgrade, Serbia, and to examine what requirements need to be met to make changes in clinical guidelines or recommendations. All participants completed an anonymous questionnaire that was developed at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade. Fourteen practicing psychiatrists and 30 patients currently treated for depression completed the questionnaire. Distributions of opinion scores were compared between the psychiatrists and patients upon the visual inspection of the violin plots. Our results show that psychiatrists predominantly have a positive opinion on personalized dosing in psychiatry and that patients are most likely to comply with new approaches in depression pharmacotherapy. However, due to the long time needed for regulatory change, it is very unlikely that personalized dosing would be rapidly implemented in clinical practice, even if adequate evidence was to emerge.
dc.description.abstractUpotreba antidepresiva je u stalnom porastu. Iako raste količina dokaza o korisnosti personalizovanog doziranja lekova u lečenju depresije, još uvek postoji veliki otpor i skepticizam među lekarima i regulatorima u pogledu primene CYP450 genotipizacije i terapijskog praćenja lekova u psihijatrijskoj kliničkoj praksi. Cilj ove studije je bio da se kvantifikuju mišljenja psihijatara i pacijenata sa tri velike psihijatrijske klinike u Beogradu, u Srbiji, i da se ispita koji zahtevi treba da budu ispunjeni da bi se izvršile promene u kliničkim smernicama ili preporukama za doziranje antidepresiva. Svi učesnici su popunili anonimni upitnik koji je izrađen na Farmaceutskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. Upitnik je popunilo 44 učesnika, od kojih 14 psihijatara i 30 pacijenata koji se trenutno leče od depresije. Dodatno je kontaktiran i jedan stručnjak za farmakologiju. Distribucija ocena mišljenja je poređena između psihijatara i pacijenata nakon vizuelnog pregleda violina dijagrama. Naši rezultati pokazuju da psihijatri uglavnom imaju pozitivno mišljenje o personalizovanom doziranju u psihijatriji i da bi se pacijenti većinski pridržavali novih pristupa u farmakoterapiji depresije. Međutim, malo je verovatno da bi regulatorna tela u Srbiji brzo ažurirala svoje smernice, čak i ako bi se pojavili adekvatni dokazi.
dc.publisherPharmaceutical Association of Serbia
dc.sourceArhiv za farmaciju
dc.subjectmajor depressive disorder
dc.subjectprecise medicine
dc.subjecttherapeutic drug monitoring
dc.subjectveliki depresivni poremećaj
dc.subjectveliki depreprecizna medicina
dc.subjectterapijsko praćenje lekova
dc.titlePatients’ and psychiatrists’ stance on the current state of pharmacological depression treatment in Serbia and prospects of introduction of personalized pharmacotherapy and its potential effects
dc.titleStav pacijenata i psihijatara o trenutnom stanju farmakoterapije depresije u Srbiji i mogućnosti uvođenja personalizovane farmakoterapije i njenim potencijalnim efektima



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