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Žetveni ostaci kukuruza, pšenice i suncokreta ‐ otpad ili izvor vrednih sirovina? ‐ projekat PhAgroWaste

dc.creatorMaksimović, Zoran
dc.description.abstractIn Serbia, agricultural waste is still an underutilized resource. Recently, a trend of harvest residues open burning in the fields has been observed, resulting in heavy air pollution and posing risk to human and ecological health. Therefore, a consistent set of interdisciplinary investigations under the title “Value-Added Products from Maize, Wheat and Sunflower Waste as Raw Materials for Pharmaceutical and Food Industry” (PhAgroWaste) has been designed, with the aim to investigate and propose a cost-effective and sustainable agricultural waste management practice, where micro- and nanocrystalline cellulose (MCC/NCC) and the other products of high commercial value and biological activity (waxes, polyphenol-containing extracts and/or isolated chemical compounds) will be produced from harvest residues of corn, wheat and sunflower. MCC is one of the most frequently used excipients in formulations of different pharmaceutical products. On the other hand, NCC finds applications in tissue engineering, 3D-bioprinting, waste water treatment, development of composite materials, drug delivery, etc. MCC and polyphenol-rich extracts produced from agricultural waste will be added to innovative formulations of meat products to gain higher oxidative stability, extend shelf life, improve fatty acid composition and increase fibres content. Waxes and polyphenol-rich extracts will be tested in new formulations of nature-inspired cosmetics. This way, high value-added products can be created, with intention to improve the quality of life of their consumers, to reduce waste in the production chain, to limit environmental impacts of intensive agriculture and to improve competitiveness and economic growth in Serbian food and pharmaceutical industry.sr
dc.description.abstractPoljoprivredni otpad je, u Srbiji, još uvek nedovoljno iskorišćen resurs, koji se uglavnom spaljuje na poljima ili baca - doprinoseći velikom zagađenju vazduha, ugrožavajući zdravlje stanovništva i narušavajući uslove životne sredine. Zbog toga je osmišljen konzistentan set interdisciplinarnih istraživanja pod nazivom „Value-Added Products from Maize, Wheat and Sunflower Waste as Raw Materials for Pharmaceutical and Food Industry“ (PhAgroWaste), sa ciljem da ispita i predloži održivu praksu upravljanja poljoprivrednim otpadom u kojoj bi žetveni ostaci pšenice, kukuruza i suncokreta bili sirovina za proizvodnju različitih materijala za primenu u farmaceutskoj industriji, sa visokom komercijalnom vrednošću i važnim biološkim aktivnostima (mikro- i nanokristalna celuloza - MCC/NCC, voskovi, ekstrakti bogati polifenolima, izolovana hemijska jedinjenja itd.). MCC je jedan od najčešće korišćenih ekscipijenasa u formulacijama različitih farmaceutskih proizvoda. S druge strane, NCC nalazi primenu u inženjeringu tkiva, 3D-bioprintingu, tretmanu otpadnih voda, razvoju kompozitnih materijala, isporuci lekova, itd. MCC i ekstrakti bogati polifenolima proizvedeni iz poljoprivrednog otpada ć e biti inkorporirani u inovativne formulacije mesnih proizvoda sa povećanom oksidativnom stabilnošć u, dužim rokom trajanja, poboljšanim sastavom masnih kiselina i poveć anim sadržajem vlakana. Voskovi i polifenolima bogati ekstrakti će biti testirani u formulaciji novih kozmetičkih proizvoda inspirisanih prirodom. Na ovaj način, mogu se proizvesti materijali sa visokom dodatnom vrednošć u, u cilju poboljšanja kvaliteta života njihovih korisnika, smanjenja generisanja otpada u proizvodnom lancu, ograničenja uticaja intenzivne poljoprivrede na životnu sredinu i unapređenja konkurentnosti i privrednog rasta srpske prehrambene i farmaceutske industrije.sr
dc.publisherSavez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)sr
dc.sourceArhiv za farmacijusr
dc.titleHarvest residues of maize, wheat and sunflower - waste, or the source of valuable raw materials? - Project PhAgroWastesr
dc.titleŽetveni ostaci kukuruza, pšenice i suncokreta ‐ otpad ili izvor vrednih sirovina? ‐ projekat PhAgroWastesr
dc.citation.issue4 suplement
dc.description.otherVIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogradsr



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