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Procena dnevnog unosa polifenola u ishrani odraslih u Srbiji

dc.creatorRajić, Jelena
dc.creatorŠobajić, Slađana
dc.creatorVidović, Bojana
dc.creatorBašić, Jasmina
dc.creatorŽivković, Vladimir
dc.description.abstractA considerable interest has been developed over the years for fruits and vegetables consumption due to their potential biological and health promoting effects. This effect is attributed to antioxidants. Among the most important natural antioxidants are secondary plants metabolites, polyphenols. Epidemiological studies indicate that an increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with a decrease in the incidence of various diseases. The aim of this work was to estimate the intake of polyphenols in the adult population of the Republic of Serbia based on literature data on polyphenol content in certain foods and intake data obtained from the Bulletin - Household Budget Survey, 2019 (Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia), as well as literature data on intake. Based on literature data on the content of polyphenols in different food groups, it was determined that the following food groups can be sources of polyphenols in the diet of the Serbian adult population: vegetables, fruits, coffee, tea, cacao, chocolate, wine, nuts, and fruit juices. Using the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia data, as well as the literature data on the content of polyphenols in foods that are the major sources of polyphenols in the diet of the adult Serbia population, the polyphenol intake was estimated. The daily intake of polyphenols in the adult population of Serbia is about 500 mg. It is necessary to increase the daily intake of polyphenols in the adult population in Serbia.sr
dc.description.abstractVeliko interesovanje poslednjih godina posvećeno je povećanom unosu voća, povrća i pozitivnom uticaju na zdravlje. Ovaj efekat pripisuje se i antioksidansima. U najznačajnije prirodne antioksidanse ubrajaju se sekundarni metaboliti biljaka, polifenoli. Epidemiološke studije ukazuju da je poveć an unos voća i povrća povezan sa smanjenjem incidence različitih vrsta bolesti. Cilj ovog rada je, da se na osnovu literaturnih podataka o sadržaju polifenola u pojedinim namirnicama, na osnovu podataka o unosu namirnica dobijenih iz Biltena – Anketa o potrošnji domaćinstva, 2019. (Republički zavod za statistiku, Republika Srbija), kao i literaturnih podataka o unosu, proceni unos polifenola kod odraslog stanovništva Republike Srbije. Na osnovu literaturnih podataka o sadržaju polifenola u različitim grupama namirnica utvrđeno je da sledeće grupe namirnica mogu biti izvori polifenola u ishrani odraslog stanovništva Republike Srbije: povrće, voće, kafa, čaj, kakao, čokolada, vino, jezgrasto voće i voćni sokovi. Koristeći podatke Republičkog zavoda za statistiku Republike Srbije, kao i literaturnih podataka za sadržaj polifenola u namirnicama koje su izvor polifenola u ishrani odraslog stanovništva Srbije izvršena je procena unosa polifenola. Dnevni unos polifenola kod odraslog stanovništva u Beogradu na osnovu dobijenih podataka iz Ankete o potrošnji domaćinstva za 2019. godinu i uzimajući u obzir namirnice koji su po literaturnim podacima izvor polifenola u ishrani odraslog stanovništva srbije iznosi oko 500 mg. Potrebno je povećati unos polifenola u ishrani stanovništva Republike Srbije.sr
dc.publisherSavez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije (SFUS)sr
dc.sourceArhiv za farmacijusr
dc.titleMajor food sources of polyphenols in Serbian adult populationsr
dc.titleProcena dnevnog unosa polifenola u ishrani odraslih u Srbijisr
dc.citation.issue4 suplement
dc.description.otherVIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogradsr



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