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Toxic Elements in Soil of Children's Playgrounds in the Belgrade Urban Area

dc.creatorStanković, Milan
dc.creatorĐurđević, Mladen
dc.creatorRažić, Slavica
dc.creatorĐogo-Mračević, Svetlana
dc.description.abstractZa zemljišta urbanih gradskih područja se očekuje da budu zagađena potencijalno toksičnim elementima (PTE), zbog saobraćaja, urbanizacije i industralizacij. Budući da deca provode dosta vremena na igralištima, igrajući se zemljom, njihova izloženost ovim elementima i potencijalni štetni efekti na zdravlje su poslednjih godina postala vrlo značajna tema. [1-2] Cilj ovog rada je bio određivanje sadržaja arsena (As), kadmijuma (Cd), olova (Pb), nikla (Ni), hroma (Cr), bakra (Cu) i cinka (Zn) u 17 uzoraka zemljišta sa različitih dečjih igrališta u urbanoj zoni Beograda. Uzorci su pripremani kiselom mikrotalasnom digestijom, a sadržaj elemenata je određivan metodom induktivno spregnute plazme optičke emisione spektroskopije (ISP-OES). Tačnost metode je procenjena upotrebom sertifikovanog referentnog materijala NIST 2711a, i dobijene su vrednosti u opsegu 80-120%. Prosečna koncentracija ispitivanih PTE sledi navedeni niz: Zn (68,24 mg/kg) > Ni (60,99 mg/kg) > Cr (51,685 mg/kg) > Pb (21,615 mg/kg) > Cu (19,785 mg/kg) > As (8,1125 mg/kg) > Cd (0,1566 mg/kg). Koncentracije svih ispitivanih PTE su u saglasnosti sa legislativma Republike Srbije, Evropske unije (EU) i Svetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO). S obzirom na potencijal PTE za bioakumulaciju i uključivanje u lanac ishran, vrlo je važno njihovo konstantno praćenje, a u tom smislu ovaj rad može imati doprinos u očuvanju urbane sredine.sr
dc.description.abstractSoils in the urban area are suspected to be contaminated with potentially toxic elements (PTEs), due to traffic, urbanisation, and industrialization. The possibility of adverse health effects and the exposure of children who spend a lot of time in playgrounds and playing with soil, has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, especially with regard to the potential risk to children's health. [1-2] The aim of this study was to determine the levels of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) in 17 soil samples from different children's playgrounds in the city of Belgrade. The samples were prepared by acid assisted microwave digestion and the concentrations of elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Accuracy was assessed using the certified reference material NIST 2711a, and recoveries obtained were in the range of 80-120%. The average concentration of PTEs followed the following order: Zn (68.24 mg/kg) > Ni (60.99 mg/kg) > Cr (51.685 mg/kg) > Pb (21.615 mg/kg) > Cu (19.785 mg/kg) > As (8.1125 mg/kg) > Cd (0.1566 mg/kg). The average concentration of all metals in soil did not exceed the permissible limits according to the guidelines of Serbian legislation, the European Union (EU), and the World Health Organization (WHO). Since these PTEs can bioaccumulate and biomagnify in the food chain, their concentration in soil should be continuously monitored so this study should contribute to rising awareness for the protection of the urban environment. [1] M. Guney, G. J. Zagury, N. Dogan, T. T. Onay. Exposure assessment and risk characterization from trace elements following soil ingestion by children exposed to playgrounds, parks and picnic areas, J Hazard Mater 2010;182(1-3):656-64. [2] E. Schachter, A. Gailey, S. Perl Egendorf, H. W. Mielke, Mechanisms of children's soil exposure, Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care 2020, 50(1), 100742.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvosr
dc.source60. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva, Kratki izvodi radova, 8 i 9. jun 2024, Niš, Srbijasr
dc.titleSadržaj toksičnih elemenata u zemljištu dečjih igrališta urbanog područja Beogradasr
dc.titleToxic Elements in Soil of Children's Playgrounds in the Belgrade Urban Areasr



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