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Uticaj multiplih alela na oksidacionu stabilnost i klijavost semena soje nakon ubrzanog starenja

dc.creatorŽilić, Slađana
dc.creatorMilivojević, Marija
dc.creatorŠobajić, Slađana
dc.creatorMaksimović, Milan
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to determine changes of lipoxygenase activities, contents of antioxidants (tocopherol α, β-carotene and chlorophyll) fatty acids and soluble proteins, as well as, vigor in accelerated aged soybean seeds. The following soybean cultivars were used in the study: Williams 82, Goyou Kurakake and L93-7290. Subsequent to the accelerated ageing test (AAT), 23% of seeds of the cultivar Goyou Kurakake retained normal germination, while grain of the two remaining cultivars L93-7290 and Williams 82, completely lost germination ability. According to our results, the seeds of the cultivar Goyou Kurakake (the absence of lipoxygenases 2) is characterized by a significantly higher content of all observed antioxidants (tocopherol α 2.7 mg 100g-1, β-carotene 6.1 µg g-1 chlorophyll 4.9 µg g-1). The contents of (β-carotene and chlorophyll decreased after AAT in the seed of the cultivar Goyou Kurakake by 42.8% and 60.5%, respectively, while the content of tocopherol a remained the same. Furthermore, the tocopherol a content was not changed after AAT neither in the cultivar L93-7290 nor in the cultivar Williams 82. The content of β-carotene after AAT remained the same in seeds of the cultivar Williams 82 while it decreased by 7.7% in the cultivar L93-7290. Since changes of the fatty acids content were not pronounced in the cultivar Goyou Kurakake after AAT it can be concluded that the antioxidative system had a crucial role in seeds protection against lipid peroxidation.en
dc.description.abstractSvrha ovih istraživanja bila je da se odrede promene aktivnosti izoenzima lipoksigenaze, sadržaja antioksidanasa (tokoferola α, ß-karotina i hlorofila), masnih kiselina i rastvorljivih proteina, kao i životne sposobnosti semena soje nakon ubrzanog starenja. Za istraživanja su korišćene sledeće sorte soje: Williams 82, Goyou Kurakake and L93-7290. Nakon testa ubrzanog starenja 23% semena sorte Goyou Kurakake zadržalo je normalnu klijavost, dok je seme sorti Williams 82 i L93-7290 potpuno izgubilo klijavost. Na osnovu naših rezultata sorta Goyou Kurakake, koja se odlikuje odsustvom lipoksigenaze 2, imala je značajno viši sadržaj ispitivanih antioksidanasa (tokofherol α 2,7 mg 100g-1, ß-karotina 6,1 µg g-1, hlorofila 4,9 µg g-1). Sadržaj ß-karotina i hlorofila, nakon testa ubrzanog starenja smanjio se za 42,8% odnosno 60,5%, dok je sadržaj tokoferol α ostao nepromenjen. Sadržaj tokoferol α ostao je nepromenjen i u semenu sorti Williams 82 i L93-7290 nakon ubrzanog starenja. Nakon testa ubrzanog starenja u semenu sorte Williams 82 sadržaj ß-karotina je ostao isti, dok je u semenu sorte L93-7290 smanjen za 7,7%. S obzirom da nakon testa ubrzanog starenja nije došlo do promene sadržaja masnih kiselina kod sorte Goyou Kurakake, može se zaključiti da antioksidacioni sistem ima značajnu ulogu u zaštiti od lipidne peroksidacije.sr
dc.publisherDruštvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceGenetika, Belgrade
dc.subjectaccelerated ageingen
dc.titleEffect of multiple alleles on oxidative stability and germination of soybean seeds subsequent to the accelerated ageing testen
dc.titleUticaj multiplih alela na oksidacionu stabilnost i klijavost semena soje nakon ubrzanog starenjasr
dcterms.abstractМаксимовић, Милан; Шобајић, Слађана; Жилић, Слађана; Миливојевић, Марија; Утицај мултиплих алела на оксидациону стабилност и клијавост семена соје након убрзаног старења; Утицај мултиплих алела на оксидациону стабилност и клијавост семена соје након убрзаног старења;
dc.citation.other38(1): 37-48



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