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Interakcije hrane i lekova za lečenje depresije i anksioznih poremećaja

dc.creatorStanković, Ivan
dc.description.abstractInteractions between food drugs for depression and anxiety are very complex and not yet completely investigated. Besides direct interactions that can enhance, decrease or modify the medication action, food can effect medication kinetics, as well as drugs can affect nutrient kinetics. There are four main levels where these interactions take place: 1. digestive tract (physical and chemical interactions); 2. liver (influence on metabolism in liver); 3. system circulation (competition for carriers); and 4. renal elimination (competition for tubular reapsorption). The way of preparation of food (smoked meet, p.e.), environmental influences (smoke, additives, pesticides) and the relation between macronutrients in diet can affect the drug metabolism. Alcohol has drastic influence on metabolism of some drugs, primarily neuropharmacologicaly active. Hypertensive crisis when MAO inhibitors and tyramine containing food (cheese, beer, vine, yeast) can be very dangerous. Some of these drugs have effect on food intake and nutritional status. It is very important for experts of bromatology, dietetics, pharmacology and pharmacokinetics to devote the part of theirs activities to the problem of food and medication interactions to determine correct drug dose and adequate diet for obtain the best therapeutic effect.en
dc.description.abstractOdnosi između hrane i lekova za lečenje depresije i anksioznih poremećaja su kompleksni i još uvek nisu dovoljno i sveobuhvatno ispitani. Njihove interakcije mogu da promene terapeutske efekte i toksičost lekova, ali i lekovi mogu da deluju na apsorpciju i metabolizam sastojaka hrane. I način pripreme hrane (npr. dimljeno meso) može da utiče na metabolizam leka, a takođe i supstance koje su u hranu došle iz spoljašnje sredine (dim, aditivi, pesticidi i sl.). Alkohol drastično utiče na metabolizam mnogih lekova, naročito neurofarmakoloki aktivnih, a veoma opasna je interakcija između inhibitora MAO i hrane koja sadrži tiramin (sir, pivo, vino, kvasac). Način ishrane tj. odnos makronutrijenata u dijeti takođe utiče na metabolizam nekih od ovih lekova. Potrebno je da bromatolozi, dijetetičari, famakolozi i farmakokinetičari deo svoje aktivnosti posvete i ovim problemima da bi se odredilo pravilno doziranje leka i odgovarajuća dijeta u cilju postizanja što boljeg terapeutskog
dc.publisherSavez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceArhiv za farmaciju
dc.subjectfood drug interactionen
dc.subjectnutrients medication interactionen
dc.titleInteraction between food and drugs for treatment of depress and anxiety disordersen
dc.titleInterakcije hrane i lekova za lečenje depresije i anksioznih poremećajasr
dcterms.abstractСтанковић, Иван; Интеракције хране и лекова за лечење депресије и анксиозних поремећаја; Интеракције хране и лекова за лечење депресије и анксиозних поремећаја;
dc.citation.other57(1-2): 83-93



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